Climbing out of Rock Bottom

Have you ever hit rock bottom? You know – when it feels like everything you’ve ever known, ever believed, ever done crumbles and you fall like Alice in Wonderland to an unfamiliar and frightening place. When Bruce had a heart attack over a year ago, this is exactly what happened to us … we tumbled into a space of fear and uncertainty and as the days, weeks and months passed, we were held there – feeling confused, disillusioned and seriously discussing giving up our road trip lifestyle. It seemed this was how it was going to be for the years ahead and we couldn’t fathom being able to do anything other than find somewhere safe to spend our remaining days. It was that bleak.

pharmaceuticals overload
Imagine being introduced to a regimen of pharmaceuticals after standing on beliefs about your own ability to create a healthy life without such drugs. Drugs that have so many side effects, you wonder if it’s really worth it?

Imagine that each day after the heart attack, instead of gaining that spark of renewal, you could barely manage to greet each day. Despair filled Bruce’s mind. He withdrew from life … distraught, fearful … becoming weaker and suffering symptoms that created an unspoken word between us – cancer. Depression and anxiety reigned. Another drug added to his regimen, then another and another. But, nothing changed … the struggle and suffering continued.

Finally, after 13 months of this struggle, he was scheduled for an upper and lower GI at the VA. Again, the silent *C* word hung over both of us like a heavy cloud. Our thoughts were scattered, our plans for the summer put on hold. But, at least we’d have an answer.

Now, I have to ask you a second question. Have you ever experienced Divine intervention in your life? You know – when circumstances are clouded by fear and doubt of any way out and something happens, or someone appears in your life, miraculously, at the perfect time?

That is what happened to us two days before Bruce’s tests. A phone call from a friend who knew what our year had been like, knew the struggle to regain health and vitality. He introduced us to stem cell enhancement. Now, I was aware enough of stem cells from articles and research I had done. I knew stem cells were the key to healing damaged organs and tissues in the body. They are the only cells that can differentiate. Their mission is to seek inflammation, injury, disease … wherever there is a *problem* in your body, they head to that area, bringing regeneration and renewal to the damage. I also knew that stem cell therapy was too expensive for most of us to even consider, costing thousands and thousands.

Here’s a video explaining how stem cells work in your body to replenish and repair damaged and injured tissues.

What I didn’t know, however, is that as we age, our stem cells diminish. At age 20, you have 100% of your stem cells actively working to heal. By age 65, you only have 10%, and that’s ONLY IF you are healthy. It made sense to me as I recalled the often expressed “the older you get, the longer it takes to recover” sentiment. Young people bounce back … not so much when you’re 50, 60, 70. It’s a downhill slide that we have accepted as part of our bodies aging.

Our friend couldn’t have timed his phone call any better. What he shared gave us the answers we had been seeking during the past year. It rang true, it sparked a light of hope in us that had been diminished. If we could enhance our stem cells to release and circulate to find and heal whatever was *not right* in our bodies, imagine what a difference that would make. Before ending our conversation, we were on board to begin a new regimen of supplements and more importantly, we could face whatever diagnosis came from the tests.

Once the tests were done at the VA, we received the news which seemed like an avalanche:  hiatal hernia, inflammation, erosions and ulcerations in the esophagus and stomach, reflux esophagitis, gastropathy, diverticulosis, polyps in the intestine and esophagus. Needless to say, it was a lot to take in. More new prescriptions ordered, instructions for his diet, along with a follow up ERG in 8 weeks while we waited for the results of the biopsies. HOWEVER … we were at peace for we had a new weapon – Cerule Stem Cell Enhancement. We KNEW this was going to change everything.

A week after Bruce’s tests and results, we both started taking the stem cell enhancement along with the other supplements that assist the stem cells’ work in our systems. As of this day, it’s been three weeks and every single day I hear Bruce remark how he feels better than he’s ever felt. Let me paint you a picture of the differences he has experienced:

Before:  zero energy, no motivation to do anything, no appetite, nausea, vomiting, daily headaches, extreme depression and anxiety, no desire to socialize or talk to people. Every.Single.Day for over a year. He made efforts to walk about 5 minutes every day but it totally exhausted him, made his legs and feet hurt. He was a mess and he hated it, but couldn’t break out of these attacks on his body.

After 3 weeks on Stem Cell Enhancement:  Bruce walks 2.5 miles every day with no leg or feet pain. He’s eating! He’s smiling and laughing! The depression and anxiety has lifted. He is full of energy and motivation. He’s back … my Brucie is back, and as he says he’s feeling better than he felt even before his heart attack.  

He’s back … my Brucie is back, and as he says he’s feeling better than he felt even before his heart attack.  

The more we learn about what’s happening because of Cerule products, our outlook on aging, on health and the rest of our lives has been miraculous. We will return to the VA for the repeated test, but we already KNOW they will be astounded at the healing that has taken place. Of course, they’ll chalk it up to the new medicine, but we’ll know what has brought this result. Healing IS taking place, our stem cells are once again busy, finding the tissues, organs, etc. that have been through the wringer, and restoring all.

You may be wondering what results I have experienced as well. I’ll save that for another time. For now, I will ask you this. How are you feeling? How’s your health? And I know that, if you’re like me, it might not be enough to hear just our story. Here’s what I got for you … an extensive collection of testimonials that will make you sit up and take notice. Note: this is a huge document – takes time to load, but wait for it – you’ll definitely want to read the stories. It’s what really sold me before I even received the supplements. Story after story of what Cerule supplements have healed or greatly diminished in people’s lives. Miraculous stories.

Take your time. Read the stories. I’m so thrilled to be able to share this with you. Excited to help you get your health back. Determined to help you greet aging with a smile! 

I have never felt so good, so sure about sharing a product with people. It’s like we’ve found the Fountain of Youth. To realize how far down Bruce was and to witness his amazing return to life is why his new nickname is Lazarus.

Know this … I’m here if you have questions. Email or text me. I can’t, won’t keep silent about this. Everyone I know complains about health issues. Let’s talk.

Here’s to a long, healthy life,

text: 573-881-6715

Get started like we did – here

P.S. As required, I must provide the following statement; however, the company does not make claims of cure/prevention or healing. The users do!  “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or present any disease.”