Unplugged and We Survived Beautifully

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Unplugged for four days in the Rocky Mountains!

We really had no choice. As we climbed the roads leading to a camping spot among the tall pines in the Roosevelt National Forest in Colorado, we lost contact with the rest of the world.

It was a forced detachment from our phones, but we welcomed it as a weary traveler welcomes a vacancy sign.

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What would we do all day without the internet? Without checking emails and sending text messages and keeping up with everyone on Facebook? What would we do, now that all that we usually do every single day was null and void … and impossible?

Nature called loud and clear, “Come, sit and be still. There’s nothing else required of you.”


Our camper was nestled in among the tall pines of this forest. Downhill it sat, at an angle that made us hold on whenever we climbed out of bed so that we wouldn’t gather speed and head out the back door!

Downhill, a mountain stream sang its sweet melody, luring us to come, to listen, to observe. We sat there for hours and hours, eyes, ears and hearts wide open to a magnificent, magical opera.

There was not an abundance of wildlife here in these woods. One had to be aware and watch closely to see a hummingbird, a butterfly, a squirrel, a snake, a hawk. There was not a cacophony of morning songs from the birds. One had to listen intently to catch a distant song carried on the breeze.

There was silence. This was holy ground.

We had carried books and notebooks with us to this worship service. But, we were in Nature’s church, being filled with the spirit of creation, lessons on life, death and abundance being revealed.

It felt sacrilegious to us to even open a book or write. So, we sat still under the pine trees, beside the mountain stream, among the boulders and wildflowers … just BEING, not DOING.

That first night I awoke to complete darkness. Pitch black. No outside lights illuminating my path to the bathroom. No flashing blue lights from phones and laptops. Blackness like the sensory deprivation I experienced several months ago in a float spa.

I opened the back door and stepped outside, looked up and gasped. Finally, I was seeing what I have yearned to view for so long … the starry sky, pure and brilliant and massively grand. I KNEW it would be like this, but now I was here, at an elevation of nearly 9,000 feet, being dazzled and awed by stars that felt close enough to reach if I climbed one of the pine trees.

This visual experience was the highlight of all that I saw in these mountains. This has been my quest for as long as I can remember … to be so removed from what is man made in order to view what Nature displays every night in full glory.

We came down from the mountain yesterday. We soon were back in the frenzy and noise of the daily life of most people. But, the silence that had stilled our minds held on … in spite of all that surrounded us. Our mountaintop experience had given us peace, assurance and strength to step back into chaos … but only for a short time.

As shared in my story about the Canadian border fiasco, we will be removed once again from routine, from our connection to the world as we immerse for the next several days in the next class for PSYCH-K.

We have spent the last four days letting go of everything in order to connect with Nature. Now, as we continue with the advanced PSYCH-K class, we will be letting go more fully and more deeply of all that holds us back, that keeps us stuck, that limits our dreams.

This is for you as much as it is for us. Because you, as well as all our friends and family struggle, too. It’s so very evident in all the conversations we have. It’s what we are here to do … to help you change limiting beliefs that are keeping you from living the life you desire.

Until we found PSYCH-K, we continued on as best we could, stumbling along, trying to find that breakthrough, to end the struggle, to be free of the prison of limiting beliefs. No longer do we stumble. No longer do we cross our fingers and HOPE we have found the answer.

We KNOW, we have experienced and witnessed first-hand miraculous and magical changes in our lives and in the lives of others we have worked with through the balancing processes of PSYCH-K.

Our time in the mountains was an experience of emptying ourselves in
order to be filled with what comes next.


And what comes next will include you and similar miracles of transformation as you instantly and easily change the limiting beliefs which have clouded, guarded and held you firmly – a place that feels less than what you are capable of being and doing and having.

The training we have committed to since finding and experiencing PSYCH-K is costly to us. We stepped out in faith for the first class, incurring debt in order to attend. We have recently been graciously offered this class without the means to pay for it right now.

We know this is our path, this is what we are here to do. We are freedom fighters of a different kind – helping you find your freedom. Your donation to our commitment, our dream, our vision is requested and so greatly appreciated. Details on how to donate are found here.

May your heart guide your decision.

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Love and light and freedom,


c:  573-881-6715
f:  FB Connect and message

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Canada said NO to the Naked Hippies

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OH NO! Canada said NO to The Naked Hippies!


This was unexpected!

We were shocked, saddened and suddenly knocked off the path we had so sure-footedly followed for the past month.

What the heck happened?


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The day started out on a euphoric high. We were headed to Canada! We were going to be participating in the Sundance Ceremony of the Cree Nation.

And we were so ready … ready for some pretty astonishing “firsts” for us … crossing the border; immersing in the culture and ceremony of a tribe; and meeting Dr. Bruce Lipton.

For a whole month since receiving the news that we were chosen to be part of this select group, we planned, researched and prepared. We carefully got our passports; we dutifully stocked up on items needed for the offerings to the tribe; I eagerly bought long skirts to wear as required for the women; we did a final clean out of the fridge and the camper. Ready, set, go!!

And we expected somewhat of a second look from the border agents as we pulled up to the window. From all the stories we had read, we knew that getting pulled over to come inside was a regular event.

So, when the agent asked us to do just that – pull your vehicle over and come inside – we obeyed, knowing that we would be asked questions about our trip and possibly have our camper and truck searched. No biggie. We were prepared, or so we thought.

The questions began as we went inside and approached the border agent:  “Have you ever been arrested?” Bruce answered, “Yes.”

“When was that?” asked the agent?  “Fifteen years ago,” was Bruce’s reply.

Bruce answered truthfully. He explained it fully.

Oh, the historical past life of Bruce – before Trisha. The long and winding road he traveled for years before we met was a road that bent, broke, shaped and formed Bruce into the man I fell in love with.

It’s not something he talks about often, and those who know him know he doesn’t talk much anyway, unless his passion for life and learning is unleashed.

The past is over. It’s over for all of us. We close the book on mistakes and regrets and move on because hanging on to it serves no purpose. It doesn’t define you, it is only the path you took that helped create the person you are today.

Bruce used to be a drunk. It started when he joined the Coast Guard at age 21 and was quickly inducted into alcohol consumption as a means to relax and unwind; unfortunately, it became more than just a means to that end.

His last drink was fifteen years ago, as was his last DUI.

Now, in our way of thinking, fifteen years of sobriety is a huge deal to celebrate. Not so with the system.

The system … filled with rules and regulations that ignore human potential; that restricts and prohibits freedom. It sucks. It affects every one and every part of our lives.

We sat in the border crossing building for four hours.

Finally, the agent called Bruce to his desk and told him he was not allowed to enter Canada. He said, “You can willingly agree to willingly accept a deportation document and go back to the U.S., or I can arrest you right here.”

We were in shock.

We cried.

We got back in the truck, deportation letter in hand and turned back to the United States.

Everything we had been planning dissolved into a heap of confusion, remorse, frustration and anger.

Our emotions were raw, intense and painful. The plunge from the euphoria we had felt when this day began plummeted to the dark depths of grief.

As we drove, we talked about what we know and believe … that everything happens for us, not to us. It serves a purpose, even when it’s beyond our comprehension. Oh, but it was a tough shift to make from pain to expectation of something better.  Especially since now our plans to go to our next PSYCH-K class was shot to hell. It is scheduled for September … in Canada.

As much as we were looking forward to the Sundance Ceremony and the spiritual growth we would experience there, the September PSYCH-K class has been our dream, our goal since we attended our first class in March.

What now?

What do you do when your dream crumbles?


Well, you start questioning and doubting yourself … are we really meant to do this? Are we on the right path? Are we good enough? Smart enough? Worthy enough?

We ARE. We know that.

PSYCH-K has changed our lives in miraculous ways, instantly changing limiting beliefs.  We have experienced it personally and witnessed it first hand in the lives of those who have asked us to help them change beliefs.

The reason this advanced class is so important to us is because it will greatly expand our reach, so that we can help anyone from anywhere we are. Right now, we can only work one-on-one with those who we meet up with as we travel. At the advanced class, we will learn how to do the processed remotely.

But now, we cannot go to Canada in September to learn how to do this. We are still limited

Unless … unless there is another way?

Sneak into Canada?  Hardly! No way! Wouldn’t dare!

It’s a familiar truth … when God closes a door, he opens a window.

That is exactly what happened. Door slammed shut. A window opened.

We knew our PSYCH-K trainer, Karen McKy, had recently scheduled an advanced training class in July coinciding with the time we would be in Canada at the Sundance Ceremony.

Wheels began to turn … well, the wheels in our mind; not the truck wheels – at least not yet.

Are we being led to Colorado? Is this why this huge fiasco at the border happened?

But it’s too soon. We are still raising money for this advanced training through crowd funding. We have three more months of asking and receiving donations from friends and acquaintances who know what this will mean for them.  One week is way too soon.

We called Karen with heavy hearts and explained what had happened at the border … and that we wouldn’t be at the September class.

She immediately assured us of all things always working out in spite of setbacks like this. Her love and wisdom soothed our broken spirits.

Then, she graciously offered us seats at the class, knowing that we were still raising the funds and did not have enough for the class fee … yet.

Our rise back to euphoria was instant!

We are going to Colorado!

Karen know that we are fully committed to PSYCH-K and to taking all the next steps that will enable us to do what we dream of doing – helping people break free from whatever is holding them back.

The spiritual growth we were seeking from the Sundance Ceremony is waiting for us in Colorado, not in Canada. Our path has been rerouted. Our plans thwarted and changed. Our dream has been propelled ahead by three months!

We believe this has all happened so dramatically because the time to help everyone is now, not in three months.

The message was heard loud and clear:  URGENT!! Get your shit together and do it NOW!

From what we’ve seen ever since we left Arizona in April and traveled over 5,000 miles through 11 states is that everyone we have talked to, all those we meet on the road, are still struggling in some area of their lives.

Yes, everyone … struggling because of limiting beliefs that many of you have been trying to change for years, maybe even decades.

If it wasn’t for the things we’ve done over the last ten years, we wouldn’t have this great lifestyle of traveling on the never-ending roadtrip. But what we’ve also found over the last few years is that the things we have learned, practiced, given and shared was done so with fingers crossed, hope this will work kind of prayer.

And, even though we’ve read some great books and used some fantastic modalities, we still had this residual of all this stuff that was stopping us. So, we decided to go to the first PSYCH-K training, and it really got us to the last piece to get us moving forward again in ways we had always hoped to experience.

PSYCH-K is the most amazing process of communicating directly with your subconscious mind to change the beliefs that are holding you back, the beliefs that continue to feed your struggles. It takes minutes, not decades to change a belief with PSYCH-K. That is why this is so important to us. We know the feeling of frustration and self-doubt that creeps in when all of your efforts to think positive thoughts, repeat affirmations,  and attract what you desire are just not working.

There is a greater plan unfolding here. The plan includes you.

We are changing the world, one person at a time, to break free and live a life of happiness, health and abundance.

With complete confidence, we know that if you are open and willing to allow us to work with you, PSYCH-K will easily and miraculously change your doubts, fears, pain and struggles so that you can experience the life you have hoped for, longed for, prayed for, for so long.

We have already received some donations to our goal of attending the advanced class. It’s been such a humbling honor to receive the donations because these are people who know us, believe in our work and are willing to help us get to the advanced class.

Now, because we are suddenly going to be at this training next week, we’re reaching out to everyone who is reading this, asking you to consider a donation of $100, $500, $1000 or more to the Naked Hippies Dream.

All contributors will receive a complimentary PSYCH-K session to help you with whatever residual stuff is blocking you.  (the greater the donation, the more free sessions you will receive.)

If this blog post had not already been so lengthy, I would share here how PSYCH-K brought us to a 180 degree turn around from Canada to Colorado. This realization came today after we had time to process and surrender to the seemingly devastating disappointment at the border. Instead, there are some amazing stories found here.

Everything, and I mean every thing that happens in our lives is for a purpose. Sometimes, we get to see why clearly; sometimes, we have to trust in a bigger, unrevealed picture.

I believe you are an integral part of the bigger picture.

I believe you are worthy of living a life of well-being.

I believe we are meant to work together to change your limiting beliefs with PSYCH-K.

I believe you will sincerely consider contributing to our dream.

I believe in you.

The question now is … are you ready to change things in your life?

To learn more about what to expect in your free session(s), go here.

If you already know that I have your best interests at heart and are ready to work directly with me on changing your limiting beliefs, make your contribution here with two options:

By PayPal: http://paypal.me/trishahippie  or

We love Bitcoin donations, too!  Scan the QR code above
at the right to send Bitcoin! 

I’m in awe of everything that happened to us at the border and the way a way has been provided for us to continue on with our dream.

 We truly believe everything in life happens FOR you, not TO you.

This has happened FOR us to get to where we can help you now,
not in three months.

Thank you for your love and support.

I so look forward to helping you.

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Love and light and a huge THANK YOU,


P.S.  You know me … I am particular about the look
and design of my blog posts; however, this had to be
written and published asap to get the word out about
why we aren’t in Canada, and also to push ahead 
quickly for donations. I had to forego my perfectionism!


A Chance of a Lifetime for the Naked Hippies

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It’s the chance of a lifetime! In a few hours, we’ll be traveling through states we haven’t seen before.

In another week, we’ll be crossing the border to Canada for the first time.

It’s a detour from our original roadtrip plans for this summer, but it’s one that we definitely wouldn’t, couldn’t miss … a chance of a lifetime!

Several weeks ago, we received an email from Dr. Bruce Lipton announcing a special opportunity for a select group of twenty people to attend a life-changing experience.  Consideration for the event required an email response telling why we wanted to attend.

We responded immediately, without hesitation, with our heartfelt, passionate reasons for attending.

This is something Bruce has always penciled in on his bucket list – penciled in because he knew the likelihood of being part of a sacred Native American ceremony was slim for outsiders.

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When Bruce and I first met, he told me he was 1/3 hippie, 1/3 hillbilly, and 1/3 Native American.

Even though he cannot prove his Indian heritage, it has been apparent to others who have seen and felt the connection, including his step-dad who created this painting of Bruce in full Native American regalia.

While we waited to hear back from Dr. Lipton and with a strong desire to be chosen among the twenty, we applied for our passports. It was our way of taking a step in faith to say, “Hey, Universe, we are doing our part, now you do yours!”

The day we completed the passport applications at the post office is the day we returned home and found the email confirmation in our inbox!

We shouted! We cried!
We danced!

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In another week, we will be immersed in preparing for and participating in the Cree Indian Sundance Ceremony in Alberta, the most important spiritual ritual of the natives of the North American Great Plains.

We will be living and working side by side among the tribe members … creating the elaborate ritual arbor, dancing in the Ceremony, honoring Mother Earth and learning from the wisdom of Chief White Standing Buffalo.

It is an honor beyond words.


It is a spiritual, sacred experience that will impact and change our lives.

We are heading to unknown territories, physically and spiritually.

And we couldn’t be more excited and ready!


Stay tuned … we’ll be back to share our stories and experiences.


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c:  573-881-6715
fb:  http://facebook.com/trishajbarnes

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It is no accident that this chance of a lifetime has come to us
through Dr. Bruce Lipton. Here’s why. 

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Whole Brain Integration with PSYCH-K

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“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”


-Dr. Seuss

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God bless Dr. Seuss for planting these seeds of possibility in our minds.

His children’s book “Oh The Places You’ll Go” stands up with all the personal development books that give guidance and suggestions for changing the direction of your life.

But, while all those suggestions and positive thoughts and affirmations make you feel good about the possibility that you can change your life and experience well-being and success, it has been a hit-and-miss result for so many.

PSYCH-K goes beyond the “feel good.”


It goes to work on restoring balance between the left and right hemispheres of your brain.

It is common to hear “I am so right brained.” I’ve said those words often and they are true.

And it has caused miscommunication and misunderstanding with my husband, who is left-brain dominant. I am creative, visual, and live in what I describe as the squishy, colorful la-la land of the right brain. He is analytical, logical and very much a black-and-white, just-the-facts-ma’am.

That makes it difficult to fully comprehend why I say the things I do in the ways that I express them; and vice versa.

When we started doing PSYCH-K processes to change limiting beliefs, we noticed something phenomenal.


Because PSYCH-K balances the left and right brain hemispheres for whole brain integration, without consciously focusing on that happening, we began to switch places. I would find myself talking to Bruce as left-brained Bruce; he would talk to me as right-brained Trisha.

It was amazing. We laughed at ourselves saying, ‘Do I really sound like that to you?”

We now have a much deeper understanding and greater appreciation of each other because of the whole brain integration that results from doing the PSYCH-K balances.

“The goal is to increase “cross-talk” between the two brain hemispheres, thereby achieving a more whole-brained state, which is ideal for changing subconscious beliefs. In addition, when right and left hemispheres are in simultaneous communication, the qualities and characteristics of both hemispheres are available to maximize your full response potential to life’s challenges.”
                     -Rob Williams, PSYCH-K founder

Learn more about what the Naked Hippies are planning and doing with PSYCH-K to help end the struggles you face.


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Feeling fine, feeling free

and totally available to help

you experiences the same!


Reach out – let’s talk!

c:  573-881-6715

fb:  trishajbarnes


Forever Younger

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Forever younger?

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
               ― Sophia Loren

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Just from my realm of experience, I have heard these excuses for getting old:

“My memory is shot.”

“You’re too old to have long hair.”

“These old bones won’t let me.”

“Nah, I’m going to stay home and watch Wheel of Fortune.”

“I don’t ‘get’ these young kids’ music.”

“There’s no way I can figure out all the new technology.”

“Just give me a new word search book, that’s all I want.”

“I wish we could go back to the good ol’ days.”

We laugh and joke about aging, but don’t realize that even though the number
of years we have lived indicates we’re “old” …

there is no reason to give in and give up as you age.


You can be forever younger! 



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Aga Burzynska didn’t give in to aging or give up and plop herself down in a rocking chair in a nursing home.

Ava became a superstar in international masters’ competitions [beginning at the age of 77] winning

750 gold medals and setting 37 world records in sprinting, the long jump, the javelin throw, and other events. She competed for the final time in 2014, in Hungary, just weeks before she passed away [at the age of 95].  Read the full story here.


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Now, before you think that in order to be forever younger, you must become a track and field star,
scientists have gained incredible information from studying her brain activity:

Kotelko’s daily activity on its own was no doubt incredibly healthy for her mind and body.
But the resilience of her brain late in life may have also stemmed from the fact that she
never stopped challenging herself to learn, no matter how old she got.

The amount of white matter in her corpus callosum, a thick swath of fibers that transfer
nerve signals between the brain’s left and right hemispheres—transmitting thoughts,
movement, and memory—was off the charts.  
[full article here]


I have two questions for you:

1. What are you doing to challenge yourself as you add years to your life?

2. Do you consider yourself more left-brain dominant or right-brain dominant?

These discoveries from testing and studying Aga’s brain affirm the value and significance
of whole-brain integration, the key to achieving whatever you desire, no matter what age
you are.

Most people are either left brain dominant or right brain dominant, and while each
dominance has unique capabilities, when they are balanced through whole brain
integration, you are able to be and do more than you believe is possible. You
could even break Aga’s records of gold medals, if that is your desire.

The balancing processes with PSYCH-K do just that – balance the left and right
brain hemispheres.

Our personal experiences with PSYCH-K have deepened our already strong and secure relationship with each other. It’s been phenomenal! 


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To your forever younger, vibrant, balanced self,



I’m always available to help, to talk, to laugh with you…for you are truly magnificent!

text:  573-881-6715
fb:     trishajbarnes

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Pay Attention to Avoid Distractions of Scams

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Scams run rampant in every area of our lives. 
Especially in the Make Money Online industry.

Scams are about distraction. It’s so easily done. 

By distracting your focus to the glittering, shiny promises of EASY MONEY, your hopefulness causes you to miss the “slight of hand” distraction and you are an easy target for scams.  

You gotta pay attention. 

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By not paying attention, you can be easily distracted as this professional pickpocket, Apollo Robbins, demonstrates. 

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PAY ATTENTION to these common distractions in the online marketing industry:


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Making money online doesn’t have to be hard.

But it does require your investment of time and money,
and a commitment to do the work …including selling.

And the first person you need to “sell” is yourself.

If you have a lack of self-worth, a fear of selling, or
any hesitation to step up and do whatever it takes to
be successful, check out what we are doing to help
you eliminate these limiting beliefs.

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See? You can work from anywhere!
I choose Nautre for my office.


It also helps to really KNOW who you
are working with … so
Text or call me 573-881-6715

Message me on Facebook

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