addiction is in every life

Addiction is in Every Life

Addiction is in every life, in one form or another.

Now, our perception of addiction immediately causes thoughts of the addition to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes which we have experienced either personally or through a close friend or family member.

But, not every addiction is a physical one in terms of needing a substance for a “fix.”

In the book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself,” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, we learn that every cell in our body becomes addicted to the chemical reactions caused by our emotions.

Emotions such as anger, blame, guilt, resentment, jealousy, blame, judgment, sadness, and worthlessness create chemicals that feed your cells, which in turn makes your body feel that exact emotion,

which in turn, creates more thoughts about the guilt or blame or whatever negative emotion you are feeling …

and the cycle continues in a downward spiral that creates a reality exactly matched to how you are feeling.

Soon, your cells need a stronger “fix” just as a drug addict soon turns to a stronger drug to get a higher high.

What’s an emotional addict to do?  There is hope, there is a way to break these addictions.   Download the MP3 from the Journey to Magnificence mindset call to begin “rehab.”

Do you see the endless cycle that is created by your emotions?

This explains why it’s so difficult to change your life.  Even when you are inspired and motivated and determined to change.

Your cells are addicted and any change in your emotions makes them go through withdrawal just as a drug addict does.  It’s not pleasant.

Is there any hope?  Is it possible to break this addiction?

Indeed it is.  It requires rewiring, reprogramming, re-membering your brain.

The Journey to Magnificence mindset call is a study group, a mastermind group of people who believe they are destined for a greater life.

We gather to read, study, discuss and receive wisdom and knowledge concerning our personal development and to develop the skills and power to manifest all that we desire.

Come join us on this life changing, life transforming call.  We meet every Monday – Friday at 10 am Eastern.
Dial in live at 712-775-7085 pin 150703#.
All recordings are available here.


If you have been thinking positive thoughts, visualizing your desires and dreams for years, studying personal development, repeating affirmations … all without seeing those BIG desires manifest in your life … this calls for you.

It’s not you, it’s your wiring, your programming and your mind and body not cooperating.  Come join the journey!

See you on the call!






… evolving continuously with expectancy of more!

P.S.  Did you click the upper left corner of this page to get our free ebook “We Did It, You Can Too?”   Grab your copy to learn how the Naked Hippies Roadtrip went from living in a tent to living on the open road on our never-ending roadtrip!