addiction is in every life

Addiction is in Every Life

Addiction is in every life, in one form or another.

Now, our perception of addiction immediately causes thoughts of the addition to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes which we have experienced either personally or through a close friend or family member.

But, not every addiction is a physical one in terms of needing a substance for a “fix.”

In the book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself,” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, we learn that every cell in our body becomes addicted to the chemical reactions caused by our emotions.

Emotions such as anger, blame, guilt, resentment, jealousy, blame, judgment, sadness, and worthlessness create chemicals that feed your cells, which in turn makes your body feel that exact emotion,

which in turn, creates more thoughts about the guilt or blame or whatever negative emotion you are feeling …

and the cycle continues in a downward spiral that creates a reality exactly matched to how you are feeling.

Soon, your cells need a stronger “fix” just as a drug addict soon turns to a stronger drug to get a higher high.

What’s an emotional addict to do?  There is hope, there is a way to break these addictions.   Download the MP3 from the Journey to Magnificence mindset call to begin “rehab.”

Do you see the endless cycle that is created by your emotions?

This explains why it’s so difficult to change your life.  Even when you are inspired and motivated and determined to change.

Your cells are addicted and any change in your emotions makes them go through withdrawal just as a drug addict does.  It’s not pleasant.

Is there any hope?  Is it possible to break this addiction?

Indeed it is.  It requires rewiring, reprogramming, re-membering your brain.

The Journey to Magnificence mindset call is a study group, a mastermind group of people who believe they are destined for a greater life.

We gather to read, study, discuss and receive wisdom and knowledge concerning our personal development and to develop the skills and power to manifest all that we desire.

Come join us on this life changing, life transforming call.  We meet every Monday – Friday at 10 am Eastern.
Dial in live at 712-775-7085 pin 150703#.
All recordings are available here.


If you have been thinking positive thoughts, visualizing your desires and dreams for years, studying personal development, repeating affirmations … all without seeing those BIG desires manifest in your life … this calls for you.

It’s not you, it’s your wiring, your programming and your mind and body not cooperating.  Come join the journey!

See you on the call!






… evolving continuously with expectancy of more!

P.S.  Did you click the upper left corner of this page to get our free ebook “We Did It, You Can Too?”   Grab your copy to learn how the Naked Hippies Roadtrip went from living in a tent to living on the open road on our never-ending roadtrip!

I am abundant Naked Hippies Roadtrip

Recovery from the Addiction of Lack

Addiction of any kind is harmful … including the addition to being broke.

We easily recognize the usual bad habits … overeating, smoking, excessive drinking, procrastination, and of course, addiction.

Websters says an addiction is a habit … and a habit is a regularly repeated behavior pattern.

So, answer this question first: do you have an addiction to being broke? To always having just barely enough to make it through the month? To continually struggle?

If you are silently nodding your head, you are addicted to being broke. It has become a habit … the regularly repeated behavior every time a bill comes in, every time you check your bank balance to see if you are overdrawn yet, every time you tell yourself “we can’t afford this,” every time you pull out your credit card because you don’t have the money available for the purchase.

Now, if this is unfamiliar territory to you and you have plenty of money, you never worry about paying bills and you are debt free … you probably will be yawning by now, and I give you permission to stop reading right now.

But, in 99% of all the conversations I’ve had with people, with family and friends, with teammates, with complete strangers …  this is a huge problem in their life. It’s a habit that is definitely in need of breaking.

The continual thoughts and worry about lack has trained your brain and created neural pathways that bring up the fear and worry about lack every time you think about money.

It’s a well-worn path. It’s familiar. You can walk it with your eyes closed.  It’s so much a part of many lives that they walk with blinders on, thinking this is how it’s supposed to be for me.

addiction to lack causes stress Naked Hippies Roadtrip

We know different though, dont’ we?  At least those who have been immersed in the study and application of the Law of Attraction. We know that we have the ability to change our thoughts and create a different outcome.

But, the struggle continues.

That’s why we study books like The Master Key System and so many other personal development books. We want to end the struggle.

To end the struggle, we have to retrain the brain. Create new pathways. Blaze a new trail. Take the road less traveled as Robert Frost says.

I ran across an article on how to retrain your brain. Most would use this information to break the usual bad habits I mentioned before … but I believe we can use these steps to break the habit of addiction to being broke.

Here’s the steps …and see how what this article provides goes right along with what we are learning in the Master Key System.

How to retrain the brain.


Just like in the twelve step program, the first step is admitting there is a problem. Name it. Identify it. And then, set a clear intention to break it.

“I have been addicted to lack, to struggle, to not enough, but from this day forward, I will no longer give energy and focus to what I don’t have, but will speak and believe prosperity and abundance belongs to me and to everyone.”


Take some time to examine the feelings that come up when you stress over money, the thoughts that you have and how your body responds to that.  What do those feelings and thoughts create in your life?  What are the effects on you and others close to you?


You have to retrain, reprogram your brain so that new neural pathways are created to replace this well-worn pathway of lack. The way to do that is to flip the switch every time a thought or stressful feeling comes up.  Don’t give energy to the negative balance in your bank account, the stack of bills. Take your awareness and focus it on abundance, prosperity … the knowledge that there IS enough.


Imagination is everything when it comes to creating new neural pathways.  This is great to do while meditating. Imagine yourself as prosperous, as wealthy, as free from the struggle.  What would it feel like, what would you do?

Visualize the life that you desire, the ease and freedom of being able to do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want.  Feel it, see it, rehearse it if need be … over and over and over.


Say “this doesn’t serve me now” or “NO” or “cancel”  or even “SHUT UP”  whenever the old thoughts show up – which they will.  Then, turn your focus, flip the switch to the thoughts you have created to replace the old … the vision, the lifestyle, the freedom.


Get specific.  Decide that you will add increase to your bank account. That you will get out of debt. That money is everywhere. Just keep focused on the new choice.  You may want to create affirmations and anchors to reinforce your choices. This can be your I AM statements, your Major Definite Purpose, or any affirmation that speaks abundance and prosperity. Repeat them when you wake up and before you fall asleep.


The best aversion technique for not stressing over the stack of bills is to express gratitude for them.  Utility bill comes in mail … say thank you for the heat and lights we have.  Car payment comes due … say thank you for being able to get to work, take the kids to school. Standing in line at the grocery store with a cart of food … say thank you that we have enough to eat – even if your cart is full of rice and beans and ramen noodles and generic cereal – say thank you.


As you change your focus and are specific with your intention that huge mountain that has been in your way for years will begin to crumble.  As you handle the stress differently, with an attitude of gratefulness and joy, you are developing new neural pathways that are replacing the old well-worn path of fear and stress and worry.

Keep you mind centered on the possibilities. Be expectant and aware of the people and opportunities that show up – from expected and unexpected sources.


Develop the wonderful habit of meditating. Going within, becoming still, sitting in silence to connect with Universal Power.  It is in you, and you have access to that creative power right now. Meditation will create new neural pathways. The change begins within.


Just as Dorothy in the “Wizard of Oz” had the power all along to go home to Kansas, you have the power to transform from a lack addict to a prosperous and abundant being.  You have the power to create new brain pathways to reach your desired outcome.

Have a “CAN DO” attitude. Believe it before you see it.

Become a vessel of abundance for you, for your family and for others.

That’s it! That is the 10 Step Program for LA’s … LACK ADDICTS.

They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, and I’m sure you’re thinking right now …I’ve been working at ending this struggle for years.

Are you willing to give this your complete attention for 21 days? Are you willing to push through the days when it’s too hard to believe this will happen for you?

Here’s the bigger question.  Are you willing to think bigger? To ask for more than you can imagine?

Your subconscious does not do math.  It does not know that $2000/month is any different than $10,000/month or even $100,000/month.  Are you willing to think bigger?

Use this affirmation (or any affirmation you like) for the next 21 days as you focus on breaking the addiction to lack:

I am wealth and abundance. The sea and the Grand Canyon
are not 1/10th of what I am or what HE sees in me.

WEALTH, prosperity and no-struggle are all around me
and have been since I was born.

I don’t know where my $10,000/month is. YOU DO.

I only know that it already exists and that the people, places and things which will bring me my $10,000/month are here and already know that I want this.

 I do NOT know where these people are who will help me.  YOU do and I ask that You BRING them to me.

I do NOT know WHEN these people who will show me my BETTER or when INCREASE will appear; I only know they already exist.

I thank You in advance and I am open to receive my $10,000/month and understand that strangers and situations will appear to deliver and help me in having what I now expect.

My prosperity prospers 10,000 people and their prosperity prospers me.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It’s time.  It’s YOUR time to break the addiction of lack.

Your recovery begins today.
trisha barnes naked hippies


P.S.  When you read that affirmation, did you choke a little
bit at the $10,000/month?  What would that do for you –
that kind of income?  Did you answer yes to dreaming bigger?

Of course, I can’t promise you that you’ll make anything if you join the Naked Hippies Team.  I don’t know your level of determination and stick-to-it attitude.

I can only promise you this … we are helping families get on a new path to freedom and we will help you.  And it starts here … for $25, because we know that money is tight and $100 or $200 to join anything is out of reach for you right now.

Know this … when you decide to work directly with us and join the Naked Hippies Team, the level of support and training will keep your feet on the ground while your mind is soaring above the clouds of all the possibilities before you.

Click here now … we’ll talk soon.