Tips for SEO Optimization of Images

If you are using images on your blog or website,
you definitely will want to use these tips for
SEO optimization.

SEO you ask?  Search engine optimization is the process of
increasing your visibility when people search for you, your
brand or company.

There are tons of ways to optimize your blog for SEO, but
in this article, the focus is on optimizing your images.

Do you create Facebook memes? Do you share your
photos of places you’ve been?  Learn to optimize your
photos so that you start showing up on the Google
image search.

gift of a new day quote Naked Hippies Roadtrip

By using the following tips, you will gain more visibility…
more eyeballs will see and read your name, your brand,
your company name.

*Heads up:  These tips are for you to use on the
images that you personally own – or have purchased
the rights to use … not images grabbed from Google.


Note: the examples pictured below are for
optimizing your images in WordPress.

If you are using your images for Facebook posts,
you will only need to rename your image following
the steps in #1 and #4.

1.  Add a title to your pic in place of the usual
string of numbers it shows.

image optimization title naked hippies roadtrip


2.  Always ALWAYS add the “alt” text.

Add a simple description of what the picture is,
or since I design a lot of pictures with quotes
on them, I use part of the quote in the alt text.

(You could also add the name of the author
of the quote for greater SEO, since people
search for quotes by specific 

image optimization alt text naked hippies roadtrip


3.  Hyperlink the picture to your url …
could be to a capture page or Facebook
or anywhere you are directing them to
go in your CTA – call to action.

example image optimization naked hippies roadtrip

4.  BONUS! I just learned this and am so
excited to share it with you! If you have a
brand name or your own company name,
add it to the title and alt text.

In this example I added our brand
“Naked Hippies Roadtrip.”

image optimization naked hippies roadtrip

These few simple tips will optimize your images
for SEO and get your name and brand more
visibility on image searches.

Any additional tips to share?  Leave a comment

Naked Hippies Roadtrip Bruce and Trisha

(the better half of the Naked Hippies)  🙂
P:  573-881-6715

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