A week ago, we sat at a crossroads in Chicago. Our plan was to head to Maine, then travel down the East Coast to enjoy the spectacular fall colors. Maine to Key West … that was the plan. We had two voices vying to get their way. One voice said, "YES ... GO GO GO! You've always wanted to see the fall colors.  Just DO IT!" The other voice said, "Ummmmmm, maybe you should wait." via GIPHY Oh, how we WANTED to make this a magical experience.  I so WANTED to claim my spot on Cadillac Mountain in Maine to be the first to see the sunrise in the U.S.   We so wanted to visit states that neither of us had been to before.  I so WANTED to visit Walden Pond, Niagara Falls, and all the quaint little coastal towns. My mouth was watering for lobster rolls.  We planned to make it to Key West for Fantasy Fest at the end of October. But … something nudged us in the other direction. Call it intuition, call it divine guidance … call it whatever you want; but we turned the truck to the south instead of northeast.   Now we know why.  The East Coast is being deluged with rain right now because of Hurricane Joachim. Flooding, high winds, massive rain, beach erosion … not good for roadtrips. We would have been smack dab in the middle of this mess if we had not turned around. Isn’t it a lovely thing when you get to see the reason WHY you were nudged in a difference direction? It doesn’t always happen this way so quickly or clearly.  (But it’s awesome when it does!) The Naked Hippies East Coast trip has been postponed until further notice.  Actually, until next fall! We’re grateful that we turned around. Grateful that we didn’t let our stubborn egos drive us to make that trip no matter what.  (I mean, we SAID we were going … are you going to do what you say, Trisha?)   Monkey chatter, all monkey chatter to create self-doubt. Plus, we’re excited to see what lies ahead for us in the Southwest this winter. Arizona, here we come! Have you ever felt that nudge and changed your direction?  

At a Crossroads – Decision Making Time for the Naked Hippies

CROSSROADS:  a point at which a crucial decision must be made that will have far-reaching consequences.


A week ago, we sat at a crossroads in Chicago.

Our plan was to head to Maine, then travel down the East Coast to enjoy the spectacular fall colors.

Breathtaking fall views in New England

The East Coast Drive …

Maine to Key West … that was the plan.

We had two voices vying to get their way.



One voice said, “YES … GO GO GO! You’ve always wanted to see the fall colors.  Just DO IT!”

The other voice said, “Ummmmmm, maybe you should wait.”


Oh, how we WANTED to make this a magical experience.  I so WANTED to claim my spot on Cadillac Mountain in Maine to be the first to see the sunrise in the U.S.   We so wanted to visit states that neither of us had been to before.  I so WANTED to visit Walden Pond, Niagara Falls, and all the quaint little coastal towns. My mouth was watering for lobster rolls.  We planned to make it to Key West for Fantasy Fest at the end of October.

But … something nudged us in the other direction.

Call it intuition, call it divine guidance … call it whatever you want; but we turned the truck to the south instead of northeast.

Now we know why. 

The East Coast is being deluged with rain right now because of Hurricane Joachim.

Flooding, high winds, massive rain, beach erosion – at a historic level is definitely not good for roadtrips.

We would have been smack dab in the middle of this mess if we had not turned around.

Isn’t it a lovely thing when you get to see the reason WHY you were nudged in a difference direction?

It doesn’t always happen this way so quickly or clearly when you stand at a crossroads.  (But it’s awesome when it does!)

The Naked Hippies East Coast trip has been postponed until further notice.  Actually, until next fall!

We’re grateful that we turned around.

Grateful that we didn’t let our stubborn egos drive us to make that trip no matter what.  (I mean, we SAID we were going … are you going to do what you say, Trisha?)   Monkey chatter, all monkey chatter to create self-doubt.

Plus, we’re excited to see what lies ahead for us in the Southwest this winter.

You don’t have to shovel sunshine!

Arizona, here we come!

Bring on the 85 degrees and sunny days!

Have you ever stood at a crossroads, felt that nudge and changed your direction?




Trisha Barnes
c:  Text me! 573-881-6715
f:   Are we connected on Facebook?

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Stuck at a crossroad…

Oh, the adventures we have traveling the highways and backroads in
our Big Foot pickup camper.  Some days, it’s easy-breezy … some days shit happens and we find ourselves at a crossroad.

Yesterday we left LA after a glorious weekend event with over 400
fellow travelers seeking more in life – more clarity, purpose, focus and
direction.  We were physically exhausted but revved up on the energy
from the event … feeling exactly what the event theme had been
created to do — REIGNITE!

Getting out of LA was the easy-breezy part and that was a delightful
surprise. Afterall, it is LA and if you’ve driven on the 405 or the 105 or the 605 … you know what it’s like – most of the time. But not yesterday.  We sailed out of LA, headed back to Arizona.

And then, two hours from Yuma we were stalled at a crossroads.
Bruce turned off the highway to drive to the Salton Sea beach … he
knew I was longing to stick my toes in the salty waters there.

The truck died as he made the turn and there we sat between the
east and west lanes, stuck at a crossroads.  And all of a sudden, the easy-breezy day turned into one of those “grrrrrrrr” kind of days where frustration and worry start to replace the calm.

We’ve been in this place before … it happens, it’s part of the adventure of driving mile after mile on our roadtrip.  We know there is a “fix” for this and the appointment is scheduled with the mechanic in Yuma in two days – but we’ve got to get there.

And so, we did what we always do … we focused on diminishing the frustration and worry with belief and gratitude.  Belief that the truck would start again and gratitude for being stalled in a safe place, for the inner workings under the hood that we don’t understand but know this truck is reliable and powerful.

And we waited.  And waited.  Turning the key every so often to check. Waiting more. Focusing our thoughts more. Turning the key again.
Letting go of the frustration again and again.

Traffic was whizzing by on both sides of us … everyone else was moving along easy-breezy.

Ever been at a crossroads in your life?  Maybe even right now?

When something has come up to stop you in your tracks?

Could be physical, or financial, or spiritual, or in relationships.  It happens and it happens over and over.

Are you stuck, stalled and don’t know how you’re going to get moving towards what you desire?

Are you watching everyone around you whiz by easy-breezy?

Are you frustrated, worried, stressed and afraid?

As we sat there at the crossroads, we saw a pickup camper turn down the side road headed to the Salton Sea and as always we gave a “YES!” to them – the fellow travelers who travel as we do – in a pickup camper!!  YES YES YES!

That camper soon returned, parked across the road and a couple walked towards us.  “You need help?” they asked.  We met and instantly fell in love with Iris and Dan Valgarðsdóttir from Sweden, who came to the states, bought the pickup camper and started their roadtrip across the country.  You can keep up with their adventures on their blog here:  http://www.travelingthecrossroads.com/blog/2015/1/13/day-28-monday-leaving-arizona

fellow travelers Naked Hippies Roadtrip
Iris and Dan Valgarðsdóttir

Coincidence is only God being anonymous.

We talked, we shared our stories of roadtripping and we stood around looking under the hood of the truck.  Picture med school students looking at a cadaver for the first time … not knowing how it all works, but being mesmerized by intricacies!  “Ooh, a new radiator.”
“Battery looks great!”  “There’s where the problem is?”

Now, what we didn’t realize as we stood there was Dan and Iris also were thinking as we were … seeing the truck start up, believing it would.  Lovingly touching the solenoid thingy as I call it – the problem that is soon to be repaired.

Bruce gave it one more try … the familiar sound of the starter trying to turn over the engine was ringing in our ears as he turned the key.  And then – it happened!  The truck started, the engine roared to life and we all were dancing around whooping and hollering like we had just kicked the winning field goal.

My first words to Dan were, “thank you for laying your hands on our truck – thank you for your healing energy.”  He just smiled.

In our excitement, we forgot to grab our cameras and capture the moment.  You know we had to be completely lost in the celebration to forget to snap some pics!

We said our goodbyes reluctantly for we knew that we could spend hours sharing stories of all the adventures we’ve had on the road.
They headed north towards LA, we headed south to Yuma as the sunset painted the sky with a masterpiece finale to this day.

We’re always safe. Angels are all around us.

That’s our mantra, our belief, our experience over the last 14 months and 21,000 miles we have traveled.

We came to a crossroads again that day.  A place where we were stuck and frustrated and could have easily allowed the worry and stress to percolate and erupt into a mess of despair.

It happens as we travel. It happens in life. It happens to everyone.
It happens to you.

When it happens, know this: You are safe. There are angels all around.

Instead of focusing on being stuck, instead of worrying and giving your energy to fear … see yourself as all that you desire to be, do and have.

See it happening, feel it, believe it.

Your thoughts have the power to create exactly what you desire and the only way it works is to focus on the outcome, not on the present obstacle, the current circumstance or situation.
This is the Law of Attraction.  This is how it works.  This is how it worked for us yesterday and will work today and tomorrow and all the rest of the days of our life.

Here’s to conquering the crossroads!

Naked Hippies Roadtrip Bruce and Trisha

Trisha (and Bruce)
p: 573-881-6715
f:   http://facebook.com/trishajbarnes

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