Emotional honesty is the key to changing your beliefs.

The Freedom of Emotional Honesty

There is great freedom that comes with emotional honesty …

with allowing yourself to feel what you are feeling without trying to mask the negative feelings with a smiley face sticker.

Law of Attraction teaches the power of positive thought, but, too many people miss the real truth of this.  And so, they mask their negative feelings by pretending to be happy, carefree and joyful…

expecting life to deliver nothing but what is pleasing and desirable,

while deep inside the nagging pain and hurt, anger and frustration digs its roots deeper into your subconscious beliefs.

These negative feelings are information to guide you, to teach you, to help you recognize that what you desire in life is not YET aligned with the beliefs you have about that desire.

The Law of Attraction is true in that your reality mirrors back to you what you believe.  But it has been the mistaken idea of many students of the Law of Attraction that thinking and feeling positive at all times is the secret.

The secret that many have missed is emotional honesty at all times, in all situations, with everyone. 

It’s the life of the GREAT PRETENDER who wouldn’t dare allow himself and herself to feel what they are really feeling as they experience undesirable circumstances and events in their life.

(ALERT!  Life is not a smooth sailing vessel. You WILL face rough waters … you will ride the wild roller coaster of emotions.)

You are human, you feel pain, you feel sad, you feel anger, you feel worthless at times.  It’s not who you are, it’s just how you are feeling.

[Tweet “Emotional honesty is your ticket to freedom, the gateway to manifesting all that you desire in life.”]

It is what Greg Kuhn teaches in his book “Grow a Greater You.”

In this recent interview with Greg, he shares more of what he has learned about emotional honesty, about listening to learn, about pain and suffering.

The freedom you will gain by being brutally emotionally honest with what you are feeling is your key to manifesting all that you desire. To fully grasp what Greg shared in this video, read and study and learn from his book “Grow a Greater You.”

Discover how to use emotional honesty to grow into new beliefs – starting from where you are right now…

no matter how depressed or desperate or low you are feeling.


Your birthright is to be happy, joyful, confident, and abundant.

Start your journey to that ecstatic state of being by allowing emotional honesty to teach you and guide you.

You deserve it!






c:  573-881-6715
f:   Join our mindset victory group on Facebook where share, inspire and celebrate your Journey To Magnificence.  “Grow a Greater You” and other impactful personal development books.

P.S.  Dial in every Monday  – Friday for the Journey to Magnificence call.  We read and discuss and play “Grow a Greater You.”
10 am Eastern
712-775-7085 pin 150703#

Replays available here.


How to Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Moment

How to let go of the past and live in the present moment.


It’s the crux of all counseling, the antidote for all suffering, and the conditioning of our minds … the past.

So, the #1 question, “how to let go of the past and live in the present moment?” is definitely worth answering … but I have to tell you that it’s not a simple “flip of the switch” with positive thinking that you might have been taught.

You see, even when you decide to “make a break from the past” and decide to be happy and joyful, or you decide to lose weight, quit smoking, start your own business, and you start thinking positive thoughts, the negative ones are still hanging around like a stray cat (you know, when you feed a cat once, it is yours forever!)

Whatever change your decide to make – your mind and body create chaos.

It’s like your decision to change is suddenly attacked from all sides by endless chatter – reminders of all the reasons you shouldn’t be happy, successful, thin, etc.  (totally based on past feelings, emotions, and experiences.)

It’s a tough battle to fight, but you can win it.

“5% of the mind is conscious, struggling against the 95 percent that is running the subconscious automatic programs. We’ve memorized a set of behaviors so well that we have become an automatic, habitual body-mind. In fact, when the body has memorized a thought, action, or feeling to the extent that the body is the mind- when mind and body are one – we are (in a state of) being the memory of ourselves.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

First, you must understand how your body and mind have become conditioned to operate from past memories which explains why every change that you attempt will be stomped on and ridiculed by an endless stream of thoughts from your subconscious mind.

It might be hard for you
to comprehend this, but
you are not awake.

You are operating on autopilot.  Oh, I know it doesn’t make sense because your eyes are open, you are moving about today, getting things done and not laying in bed snoring like a bear in hibernation.

Here’s what has happened to your mind and body over the past ten, twenty, thirty or more years:

You experienced something that caused a certain feeling like anger, jealously, doubt, fear, worthlessness, embarrassment, and so on.

That feeling sent signals to your brain that caused a chemical reaction which was delivered to your cells;  so, now your cells are swimming in a sea of anger, jealousy, doubt, fear, and other negative chemicals.

Your cells have receptors that take in and process these chemicals, and they become addicted.  In time, they require a stronger “fix” which is only satisfied by a stronger negative emotion.

When you decide to make a change in your life, to be happy or to do something different than you’ve ever done before, your cells start feeling the pains of withdrawal, so the hypothalamus signals the brain to start thinking “the old way.”

And that’s when those thoughts start their chatter and reminder that you have always been this way and it’s not worth it, it’s too much work, it can wait.

You are a magnificent being here to experience a magnificent life!

This is why it’s so vital to your well being to learn how to let go of the past and live in the present moment.

It requires stillness, it requires study, it requires letting go, but most of all it requires accessing and connecting to the power you have within you to overcome time.



Through the recent study of “Grow a Greater You” by Greg Kuhn and “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, I am learning more about the amazing power each one of us has within to change our limiting beliefs and create the life that we desire.

I invite you to join the on-going study, the journey, the exploration, the discovery of how to let go of the past and live in the moment on the Journey to Magnificence mindset call.

The transformations and breakthroughs being experienced by those who participate and contribute to our discussions have been awe-inspiring.

We meet live every Monday – Friday at 10 am Eastern by dialing in here:  712-775-7085 pin 150703#

I also realize that everyone has busy lives, hectic schedules that prevent them from dialing in for the live call.  All calls are available to listen to at your own convenience here.

Stay tuned to this blog to learn more about changing your beliefs and stepping into your power to create a magnificent life.

Have you gained new understanding of why it’s so hard to change from what I’ve shared so far?

This is the #1 reason why your online home business might fail.





p:  573-881-6715 (text me)
f:   Got questions – let’s chat on Facebook

P.S.  Have you picked up our free e-book
“We Did It, You Can Too” … it’s available by
clicking the pic at the top left of this blog!