Amazon Go Is the Writing On The Wall

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Amazon Go is here

and the “writing on the wall” is:

prepare for the inevitable.

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The inevitable?

Technology will replace a ton of jobs … maybe even yours.

Amazon has just announced that it is developing a line of grocery stores that will allow you to shop and leave without ever standing in line to check out.

Now, at first glance, most everyone will say “Whew! That’s fantastic!” because we all hate standing in line to check out.

Have you used self-checkouts at Wal-Mart and grocery stores?  That was just the first step towards automation of the shopping experience. But now, Amazon Go has stepped across the threshold of a new frontier by eliminating the need for any check outs, any registers, any cashiers. You will just place items n your cart as you shop and then walk out the door.

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Amazon will definitely impact the grocery store business with this “Just Walk Out” technology.

In this article from the New York Post “Amazon Introduces Next Major Job Killer to Face Americans, we read:

The company wants to open more than 2,000 brick-and-mortar grocery stores, compared with about 2,800 operated by The Kroger Co., now the nation’s largest full-service grocery retailer. Britt Beamer, president of America’s Research Group, a consumer-behavior research and consulting firm, estimated that Amazon’s cutting-edge technology had the potential to wipe out 75 percent of typical grocery-store staff.

No matter what you think about Amazon Go, it’s here, it’s coming to your area and whether you choose to adapt won’t affect the momentum and the changes that technology is bringing to all areas of our lives.

It’s the 4th Industrial Revolution and it’s happening NOW!

Here’s what Forbes recently reported about the 4th Industrial Revolution:

The first Industrial Revolution was about harnessing steam power so that muscle could be replaced by machines. The second was driven by electricity and a cluster of inventions from the late 19th century onwards – including the internal combustion engine, the aeroplane and moving pictures. A third revolution began in the 1960s and was based on digital technology, personal computing and the development of the internet. Industrial Revolution 4.0 will be shaped by a fresh wave of innovation in areas such as driverless cars, smart robotics, materials that are lighter and tougher, and a manufacturing process built around 3D printing.


For example, as automation increases, computers and machines will replace workers across a vast spectrum of industries, from drivers to accountants and estate agents to insurance agents. By one estimate, as many as 47 percent of U.S. jobs are at risk from automation.

Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, author of The Fourth Industrial Revolution  writes:

In this fourth revolution, we are facing a range of new technologies that combine the physical, digital and biological worlds. These new technologies will impact all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenge our ideas about what it means to be human.

Schwab said, “The changes are so profound that, from the perspective of human history, there has never been a time of greater promise or potential peril.”

Amazon’s announcement of Amazon Go is a wake-up call to you –

IF you are concerned about job security and your future (and everyone should be.)

And if you haven’t considered creating your own economy, i.e., building your own business … it’s time.

The lure and enticement of being your own boss is the freedom.

  • freedom from working for someone else,
  • freedom from being evaluated and rewarded/punished as a result,
  • freedom from having to ask permission to take time off to attend your kid’s soccer game, recital, school program, etc.
  • freedom from having to weigh whether you should stay home when you’re sick or go in and work so you don’t get docked.

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Everyone wants freedom.

Not everyone is willing to do what it takes to gain freedom. Not everyone will see the writing on the wall. In fact, most people are actually afraid of being free. It’s unfamiliar territory. There are no guarantees. Thus, most people settle back into their comfort zone, deciding life is just going to be like it always has been.

Seth Godin, in his new book “What To Do When It’s Your Turn” writes:

There are three problems with freedom. Things don’t always turn out precisely the way we hope; resolution takes too long; and we might fail. And so, when it’s our turn, we take a pass. It’s far more reliable to stay where we are than it is to leap, to jump to a new place different from the one we’re in.

Everything you do in life has a risk or a reward.

Deciding to have kids is a huge risk, wouldn’t you agree?  You risk your health, you risk giving up your free time and sleeping in, you risk losing friends who don’t have children and therefore have nothing in common with you any longer.

And, there are no guarantees you’ll give birth to a perfectly healthy baby, no guarantees you’ll always know the right thing to do, no guarantees that your children will grow up to be well rounded, stable adults.

But the rewards of parenting far outweigh any of the risks. Ask any parent.

Deciding to build your own business to create your freedom is a risk. You risk failing at it several times; you risk money you need to invest in your business; you risk losing your stance among friends and family who now think you’re crazy for giving up such a good job to work from home.

You are not guaranteed success and you WILL have to work at this, you WILL have to learn and apply what you learn (unless you foolishly listen to the push-button-easy, get-rich-overnight hype that many use to attract you to their opportunity.)

You are not guaranteed success. But, I can guarantee you this … you’ll never know what you can do, until you start.
You’ll remain stuck where you are, depending on the good graces of a boss to keep you employed … until technology replaces you anyway.

And the reward of building your own business, of working from home?

The reward comes from making a decision for YOU.
Deciding that for once, you’re going to do something for yourself,
for your family … that no one can take away from you.

Not a boss. Not technology. No one. No thing. Nothing.

What will you do?

Will you see the writing on the wall?

Will you decide that it’s time to learn new skills so that you can create your own income?

Or will you decide to just let things happen as they may and deal with a job loss when it happens?

Amazon Go is just the beginning turn towards job losses due to automation.

A report from the World Economic Forum states:

Across the countries covered by the Report, current trends could lead to a net employment impact of more than 5.1 million jobs lost to disruptive labour market changes over the period 2015–2020, with a total loss of 7.1 million jobs—two thirds of which are concentrated in routine white collar office functions, such as Office and Administrative roles.

What will you do to protect your future? What will you do to create your freedom?

The jobs of the future will require new skills in Computer and Mathematical and Architecture and Engineering related fields, as reported by the World Economic Forum.

That’s great if you’re young, still in high school or your early twenties. There’s a wide world of opportunity available to those who have not spent their entire lives working for a company that could at anytime automate and eliminate most of its work force.

But, if you’re not young, if you’ve been working for years and years, hoping to make it to retirement with a substantial savings or retirement fund to finally enjoy life, it’s a whole different scenario. Rather than trying to be re-educated (at a great expense and time factor,) you can decide to take control of things and start on the path to your freedom, your future.

You’re going to need to re-educate yourself no matter what. Instead of spending thousands going back to college to get a degree that will prepare you for this new age of technology, why not use technology available now to get the education you need to start your own business.

Yes, I said start your own business.

Is it scary to do this?

Yes, because as I already said, no one can guarantee your success.

Is it wise to do this?

Oh hell yes! For so many reasons, but most of all because it puts you in control
instead of keeping you under the thumb of the higher ups
who make decisions based on numbers, not people.

Is it something anyone or any age can do?

Absolutely! When you have the right tools, you can get started
from where you are right now, learning the skills
that will build your business, build your presence online
and create your own economy, free from any worries of a pink slip

The Naked Hippies have always been about creating freedom, for ourselves and for others. We teach and share what we do to fund our freedom, knowing with full confidence that anyone who thirsts for their freedom will be able to follow the steps and the training to get going and get growing their business NOW.

We don’t wait for technology to catch us unaware, we use technology to live on the road, in our camper, fulltime.

The training we have available will train anyone, whether a newbie to this industry, or a seasoned veteran …
it will take you step by step, all without having to figure anything out or doing anything crazy, complicated or technical.

So now, it’s time for you to decide.

Either stay where you are, working the 9-5, worrying about that damn pink slip, or jump on board with the Naked Hippies to start on your roadtrip to freedom.

Your choice. Your decision.

I’ll see you on the inside … after you click the button below.

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Love and light and … freedom,

Trisha Barnes


Santa’s #1 Elf and his CrAzY Idea …

Hey it’s Trisha!

I know it’s Christmas night and you probably are ready
to crawl into bed (me too!) but I HAVE to tell you about
this crazy little guy who showed up at our camper door tonight.

He was short, I almost didn’t see him when I answer
the knock.

He also had weird shoes that curled at the toe.

And even more weird, he had pointy ears.

I asked him who he was and he said he was Jerald Jingler,
Santa’s No. 1 Elf, straight from the North Pole, Director of
Management in the Sleigh Aviation Department.

Apparently, he’s beginning to desire something more for him
and his family.  Oh, it’s a great job, he told me, and Santa is a
fantastic boss who treats the elves well and really … who could
argue with working in such a fun and happy environment where
you make childrens’ wishes come true.

But, the little guy is beginning to feel there is so much more to life
than being one of the thousands of elves working at the North Pole
for the rest of his life.

So he wanted our advice.

Can you believe that?

I asked him why he came to us.

He replied, “I see your pictures on Facebook …you two are living the
kind of life I desire – traveling everywhere, enjoying the freedom, seeing all the beauty of Nature … and heck, when you shared that you were celebrating Christmas on the beach, I had to come find you and see if you could help me  …

“And then,” he added,  “there’s your name ‘Naked Hippies Roadtrip’ …
that really peaked my curiosity!”

I smiled and told him that we could help him – it’s what we do.
We sat down in the camper and began talking.

I asked him what he loved about his job.

He loves working with all the elves,
the scrumptious treats from
Mrs. Claus, the happy environment that’s
even better than the kind Google has for their staff …
it’s work and play all the time as toys are designed
and then tested. There’s always imagination
and creativity flowing.

Then I asked him what he doesn’t like about his job.

“Well,” he said, “to be honest … I don’t like
the cold anymore. It used to be fun to
tromp around in the snow and hop on a sled
or skis to get home, but when I visited my cousin
in Hawaii, I fell in love with warm weather,
and beaches and sunshine and hee hee, bikinis!”

What else? I asked.   “I hardly ever see my kids.
The hours I work to keep Santa’s sleigh and
reindeer in top notch condition keeps me
at the office way into the night.  I get home
after they are asleep, and kiss them
gently on their foreheads. I get up every
morning, eat a quick breakfast with them
and rush off to get to work.  They are growing up
so fast and I’m missing these precious
times with them.

Anything else, I asked?  “Yeah,” he quietly spoke,
“I feel like I’m in a rut now.  I’ve worked my way
up to the top management position, but it’s become
routine for me … showing up day after day,
year after year. The only position left for me is “His”
and that’s not gonna happen – after all, he’s Santa.”

“Jerald,” I said as I looked straight into his eyes, “this is the most important question I will ask you.  How you answer will determine if I can begin to help you.”

He gulped, sat up a little straighter on the seat and waited for the question.

“Are you willing to commit to learning new skills or brushing up on the ones you already have; to plug into the training we provide; to take action on the steps that we teach?

Are you willing to commit to your dream and do whatever it takes
to get there?”

He stood up, all 4 feet tall with a determined look
of purpose in his eyes and said, “Yes, I am …
I am doing this for myself and for my family.”

“Then, my friend,” I spoke with joy and assurance,
“you are ready.”

Next, I asked him, “what kind of budget do you have for starting something new, on your own?”

His eyes teared up a bit at this question.
He hesitated to say anything, then shared,
“That’s the problem. We’ve got kids, you know …
and well, it’s always a struggle to make it
to the end of the month.  I don’t have a lot,
but I’ve got some to start with.”

I smiled again.  “If we could show you how to get started right now for $25, would you be able to do that?”

He smiled the biggest elf smile I have ever seen (well it is the very first
elf smile I’ve ever seen) but he grinned from pointy ear to pointy ear!

Jerald was practically dancing on the table top in our camper.

“Now, Jerald,” I said as I grabbed his arm and settled him back down to his seat, “this is just the first step.”

“There’s more to learn, more to do … but we’re going to take it a step at a time … ok?”

His eyes were shining … he was all ears!  (Bruce and I giggled because if you’ve ever seen an elf … they ARE all ears!) 

I wrote something down on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

“Don’t lose this – it’s what you came here seeking.
This is your first step. Take this home with you,
get on your laptop and just get in …
you said you have $25 – that is all it will cost you –
one time. Nothing else.”

He nodded as he clutched the note in his hand.  “Then, what?” he asked.

“Then we get on the phone … all the way from the
North Pole to the beach in California.
We will show you where to plug into
the training you need, introduce you
to the Naked Hippies team and
set up a daily plan of action to take.”

He sat there quietly for a few moments, then looked up at me and asked, “Trisha, do you believe I can do this? Really do this? Me, this little ol’ elf from the North Pole who has never done anything like this before?”

I reached over and took his hand.
“Jerald, you absolutely CAN.
We’ve got a whole team who started out
just like you – not knowing how and where
and what to do to build their own business.
You’ll meet them … you’ll hear their stories,
discover that you are just like them –
people with a dream for something MORE in life.”

Anyway, so that’s that.

This is the plan we have for Jerald.

We’ll see if he listens in 2015.

Have a GREAT holiday season.

We’ll see you soon! 🙂

Bruce and Trisha
We’re the Naked Hippies!

P.S.  Here’s the note I handed Jerald.

enviralizer naked hippies team