What’cha gonna do about those damn bills – now that Christmas is over?

Oh, the holidays were good, weren’t they?

The kids were excited on Christmas morning as they rushed to the tree to see what Santa brought them.

There were squeals of delight as the paper when flying.

It was really good to see their happiness, their joy.

And now, it’s all over … school is back in session, routine is settling in again …

and the bills are going to start filling up your mailbox.

Now, as you pile the bills on the kitchen counter, the delightful squeals have turned into “OH NO HONEY! You spent how much on those gifts?”

It happens … we get all excited about the season and making it special for our families, and then … reality hits.

And stress begins to build… suddenly all the laughter and joy is replaced by frustration and short tempers.

whatcha gonna do about those Christmas bills Naked Hippies Roadtrip
Now, the question becomes “how do we get out of debt?”

I’m pretty sure you don’t want to hear words  “you should never buy anything you can’t pay cash for” … as your grandparents would advise you.

Times are tough these days.  The economy sucks.  Taxes drain you.
The government isn’t going to save your ass.  You are working hard,
maybe even taking on a 2nd or 3rd job to help make ends meet.

The even bigger question is this: “What can we do so we aren’t in this same desperate and frustrating situation next Christmas?”

And you wonder and wish there was some way to get a handle on your finances, to get out of this debt cycle, to get ahead of the bills instead of always being behind.

Lean in closely here … I’ve got some good news for you …you don’t want to miss hearing this:

There is a way.

It’s been prepared for you.  (Do you feel like a King yet?)

It’s the way thousands of people are doing it … it’s the way of the entrepreneur … who decides to change the way things are going.

It starts by saying YES to opportunities and people who are placed in your path.

Look, I know what it’s like out there to sit down at your computer and start searching for ways to create extra income.  It’s a jungle.

You don’t know who to trust … you don’t know what to believe.  It’s just pretty dang scary, especially when your Uncle Bob tells you that he was scammed twenty years ago and you shouldn’t get into this online marketing industry.

So, how do you know who to trust, how do you know what is good or not?

This is how:  stop looking at the systems, stop looking at the flashy promises of big money in 30 days.

Start looking at the people.  Study what they are doing … on Facebook, in their emails, on their blogs …

What do they share?  Are they positive or do they grumble?

Do they pitch or pitch in to help you?

Do they build others up or tear them down?

Do they resonate with you?  Do you feel a connection with them?

Are they genuine?  Are they real?  Or are they pretentious and braggy?

Study the people and you’ll find a few who think like you do, who do what they say and say what they do.

When you find the right people, it will lead you to the right opportunities.

The right people won’t promise you the moon … they will promise to believe in you, train you, teach you and encourage you.

The right people will be the ones who are just like you … ordinary people who are just a little further ahead on this wondrous journey than you are … and they are offering their help to get you going.

NOW … BACK TO THOSE DAMN BILLS – they aren’t going away

We can help you get started on a new path today … to pay off those bills…a path where you lock arms with The Naked Hippies and begin to turn the page to getting out of debt … getting on with the life that you desire for you and your family.

Spend a little time getting to know us first.  Check us out on
Here on our blog
Heck … Google us

Do your research … see how we resonate with you before you make any decision to work directly with us.

We’ll be here, when you are ready.

Meanwhile, we’ll just keep enjoying our life on the road!

Bruce and Trisha Naked Hippies Roadtrip

Bruce and Trisha
The Naked Hippies

p:  573-881-6715

Subscribe to our newsletter:  http://youfoundus.nakedhippiesteam.com

P.S.  Don’t need to wait any longer?  You’ve already felt the connection, the tug to work directly with us?  FANTASTIC!

Your first step to freedom starts here.  Call if you have questions.

No-Brainer Decision – Start Your Own Business – Here’s WHY

This is for all of you out there who are still on the fence.

You think about it almost constantly, especially while you are at work, away from your kids, feeling unappreciated, overworked and nearly ready to scream.

Or maybe you are appreciated by your boss and all the benefits are great, but there’s something tugging at you … telling you that there’s so much MORE for you than this.

So, you think about it, do a little research and find out that you’re not alone – a lot of people think like you do.

Isn’t it time you started your own business?

It’s really a no-brainer decision.  Here’s my reasons why:


Let’s review:

1. Time and Financial Freedom
2. Save on Taxes
3. Leave a Legacy
4. YOU Are So Worth It

We mean it when we say, we’ll help you get started.  We’ve been doing this for eight years … we’ve been around the block a few times.

Now, we’re living our dream.  We did it!  It happened for us.

It can happen for you, too.

Ready?   Great!

All set?

Let’s GO!

Heeeeeeeey, wait a minute you say.  What’s it gonna cost me to get started?

How does $25 sound to you?  Less than it costs to go to the movies,
less than it costs to order pizza for the family … it’s $25.  One time.

Sound too simple?  Expecting a much more extravagant and expensive deal?

Oh, we could go that route too,  but you aren’t ready for that yet.
With your one time $25 investment, you will start generating $20 payments your Paypal account.  So as you learn and grow your business, you are putting some extra cash flow in your pocket.

Got your attention with that I’m sure.

We’ve got your back on this.  We’ve got the $25 business start up, we’ve got training and support, we’ve got a team culture that welcomes and works side by side with you.

What you got?  You got $25?  You understand this no-brainer decision?

Let’s GO!

See you on the inside,

trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us


p: 573-881-6715 (call me – see if I’m for real)
f:  http://facebook.com/trishajbarnes (find me on Facebook)
s: Subscribe to get our daily newsletters: http://youfoundus.nakedhippiesteam.com

If not now when Naked Hippies Roadtrip

Don’t Make This Newbie Mistake … Create a Marketing Funnel First

We’ve been online marketers for eight years.  Our story is most likely similar to yours.

When we first started, we didn’t realize what an emotional roller coaster ride it would be.

We knew we wanted to learn how to use the internet to build extra income … we knew that others were successful at doing this … we jumped in and got started, filled with anticipation and excitement.

Oh, so quickly we began to “pitch” our opportunities to everyone we knew and oh boy! Soon our families and friends would run away when they saw us coming.

Phooey!  Why is it when you are so sure this is something that everyone would want to do, it turns out no one is interested? Or very few at the least.

Here’s the issue:  98% of those new to the industry do not have a funnel set up and they enter the market SELLING.

They end up alienating everyone – family, friends, future customers.

And soon, they are discouraged, frustrated, exhausted and confused.

Here’s the solution:  Build your funnel first.


Here are the overall steps to building your funnel.

These are the basic steps to give you the big picture.

Each step builds on the previous one.

The timing is crucial and is what we teach, along with a multitude of marketing tips inside our private Facebook group.  (you become a member of our private group whenever you invest in any of the products listed on our “Products We Use” tab above.)

1.  CAPTURE LEADS via a compelling capture page

Offer something for free such as a free e-book or free training course in exchange for their email address.  Something that provides a solution to a problem people are experiencing and searching for answers to solve.

Every lead comes in at the top of the funnel through your free offer.

As the process continues, the leads (some, not all) will move to the next step, further down the funnel until they become your customers.

*Your capture page will need to be linked to an autoresponder which will allow you to develop an email campaign that runs on auto-pilot.  

Example of a free offer:



Now you are building your list and have the platform to communicate and share even more value with those who opt in.

Communicate with consistency.  Show up in their inbox every single day. Provide continuous content that teaches, inspires, motivates and gives your list a vision for what is possible for them.

Example of an email campaign:




The next step is to make an irresistible offer – one that will turn your leads into customers.  This could be an affiliate product or low-cost tool that is inexpensive, but highly valuable.

Example of an irresistible offer for $25:



Consistency and value in their inbox every single day.  Plus your list into your training, conference calls, events, hangouts … keep providing value and training to serve them.


As mentioned earlier, each of these steps must flow from one into the next.

As your leads continue to receive your emails, those who make the decision to purchase the irresistible offer have moved further down the funnel and are closer to becoming lifetime customers.

You have built trust by providing exceptional value to your list.  Now you can provide a serious offer, your MLM, an expensive training or coaching program.

Example of a residual income opportunity:


Step 6:  Repeat Step 2 Again and Again and Again

Now you have turned leads in customers; you are building a team; you are changing lives, including yours!

Continue to teach, to inspire and motivate them.  As more irresistible offers and tools come to you and you see the value for your team – share them with your list.

We have been building our business for years, but a few misguided steps when we began caused the 8 year journey to success.

It doesn’t have to be that way for you, if you follow our training and set up your business the right way from the start.

The Naked Hippies Team is building and growing day by day.  We work together, we build together, we celebrate the successes of each member … and we support and educate those who started out just like we did … misguided and now stuck.

And now you know why we’re the NAKED Hippies … we strip down to the basics and remove all the unnecessary and limiting bulk that has held you back.  We help you build your funnel.

Get on our list … get to our trainings … chat with us on Facebook … hang out with the team for a while to see how we roll.  This is YOUR invitation to get in our funnel! http://youfoundus.nakedhippiesteam.com

See you on the inside!


Bruce and Trisha
We LOVE our life!

p: 573-881-6715
f:  http://facebook.com/trishajbarnes

Santa’s #1 Elf and his CrAzY Idea …

Hey it’s Trisha!

I know it’s Christmas night and you probably are ready
to crawl into bed (me too!) but I HAVE to tell you about
this crazy little guy who showed up at our camper door tonight.

He was short, I almost didn’t see him when I answer
the knock.

He also had weird shoes that curled at the toe.

And even more weird, he had pointy ears.

I asked him who he was and he said he was Jerald Jingler,
Santa’s No. 1 Elf, straight from the North Pole, Director of
Management in the Sleigh Aviation Department.

Apparently, he’s beginning to desire something more for him
and his family.  Oh, it’s a great job, he told me, and Santa is a
fantastic boss who treats the elves well and really … who could
argue with working in such a fun and happy environment where
you make childrens’ wishes come true.

But, the little guy is beginning to feel there is so much more to life
than being one of the thousands of elves working at the North Pole
for the rest of his life.

So he wanted our advice.

Can you believe that?

I asked him why he came to us.

He replied, “I see your pictures on Facebook …you two are living the
kind of life I desire – traveling everywhere, enjoying the freedom, seeing all the beauty of Nature … and heck, when you shared that you were celebrating Christmas on the beach, I had to come find you and see if you could help me  …

“And then,” he added,  “there’s your name ‘Naked Hippies Roadtrip’ …
that really peaked my curiosity!”

I smiled and told him that we could help him – it’s what we do.
We sat down in the camper and began talking.

I asked him what he loved about his job.

He loves working with all the elves,
the scrumptious treats from
Mrs. Claus, the happy environment that’s
even better than the kind Google has for their staff …
it’s work and play all the time as toys are designed
and then tested. There’s always imagination
and creativity flowing.

Then I asked him what he doesn’t like about his job.

“Well,” he said, “to be honest … I don’t like
the cold anymore. It used to be fun to
tromp around in the snow and hop on a sled
or skis to get home, but when I visited my cousin
in Hawaii, I fell in love with warm weather,
and beaches and sunshine and hee hee, bikinis!”

What else? I asked.   “I hardly ever see my kids.
The hours I work to keep Santa’s sleigh and
reindeer in top notch condition keeps me
at the office way into the night.  I get home
after they are asleep, and kiss them
gently on their foreheads. I get up every
morning, eat a quick breakfast with them
and rush off to get to work.  They are growing up
so fast and I’m missing these precious
times with them.

Anything else, I asked?  “Yeah,” he quietly spoke,
“I feel like I’m in a rut now.  I’ve worked my way
up to the top management position, but it’s become
routine for me … showing up day after day,
year after year. The only position left for me is “His”
and that’s not gonna happen – after all, he’s Santa.”

“Jerald,” I said as I looked straight into his eyes, “this is the most important question I will ask you.  How you answer will determine if I can begin to help you.”

He gulped, sat up a little straighter on the seat and waited for the question.

“Are you willing to commit to learning new skills or brushing up on the ones you already have; to plug into the training we provide; to take action on the steps that we teach?

Are you willing to commit to your dream and do whatever it takes
to get there?”

He stood up, all 4 feet tall with a determined look
of purpose in his eyes and said, “Yes, I am …
I am doing this for myself and for my family.”

“Then, my friend,” I spoke with joy and assurance,
“you are ready.”

Next, I asked him, “what kind of budget do you have for starting something new, on your own?”

His eyes teared up a bit at this question.
He hesitated to say anything, then shared,
“That’s the problem. We’ve got kids, you know …
and well, it’s always a struggle to make it
to the end of the month.  I don’t have a lot,
but I’ve got some to start with.”

I smiled again.  “If we could show you how to get started right now for $25, would you be able to do that?”

He smiled the biggest elf smile I have ever seen (well it is the very first
elf smile I’ve ever seen) but he grinned from pointy ear to pointy ear!

Jerald was practically dancing on the table top in our camper.

“Now, Jerald,” I said as I grabbed his arm and settled him back down to his seat, “this is just the first step.”

“There’s more to learn, more to do … but we’re going to take it a step at a time … ok?”

His eyes were shining … he was all ears!  (Bruce and I giggled because if you’ve ever seen an elf … they ARE all ears!) 

I wrote something down on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

“Don’t lose this – it’s what you came here seeking.
This is your first step. Take this home with you,
get on your laptop and just get in …
you said you have $25 – that is all it will cost you –
one time. Nothing else.”

He nodded as he clutched the note in his hand.  “Then, what?” he asked.

“Then we get on the phone … all the way from the
North Pole to the beach in California.
We will show you where to plug into
the training you need, introduce you
to the Naked Hippies team and
set up a daily plan of action to take.”

He sat there quietly for a few moments, then looked up at me and asked, “Trisha, do you believe I can do this? Really do this? Me, this little ol’ elf from the North Pole who has never done anything like this before?”

I reached over and took his hand.
“Jerald, you absolutely CAN.
We’ve got a whole team who started out
just like you – not knowing how and where
and what to do to build their own business.
You’ll meet them … you’ll hear their stories,
discover that you are just like them –
people with a dream for something MORE in life.”

Anyway, so that’s that.

This is the plan we have for Jerald.

We’ll see if he listens in 2015.

Have a GREAT holiday season.

We’ll see you soon! 🙂

Bruce and Trisha
We’re the Naked Hippies!

P.S.  Here’s the note I handed Jerald.

enviralizer naked hippies team

I’m Broke!

This message isn’t for everyone …

532346_myself___2it’s for those who are always
saying to me, “Man, I’m broke.
I need to make something happen


So, if you’re doing fine right now …
close this out and forget about it.

Yeah, it’s tough out there. The
economy sucks … money is
really tight … and yet there is
a massive hungry market of people
serious about learning how to
generate cash flow online – BUT,
they have an extremely tight budget.

Bruce and I have been in a lot of
programs over the past seven years.
We’ve invested thousands of dollars
and endless hours to build a mobile
business so we could get on the road
and live our dream.

Now, we’re living our dream – traveling
fulltime in our camper – seeing the places
we used to only dream of seeing.

We sure do remember what it was like
when we barely had enough to make
ends meet …

and it was a huge stretch to join anything
EVEN THOUGH we knew we could make
it work, that we could do whatever it takes
to finally break free and start living on the
never-ending roadtrip.

If only we had this back then … we could
have generated some income to get us
going and provide some extra to
get in those awesome programs.

Not sure where you are right now.

Maybe you’re already building a business,
but having a cash flow issue.

Maybe you’re at the point that if you
don’t do something now, you’re gonna
freakin’ go crazy trying to pay all the bills
by working two jobs and ridiculous hours.

Wherever you are, if you are one of those
who tell me “Man, I’m broke,” then I’m
thrilled to share this with you today.

We know that in this market, it helps to start
at an extremely easy and doable price point
that ANYONE can get started with.

So we took that all into consideration and
created a way anyone can take a one time
25dollars and use our vehicle and training to turn
it into a consistent stream of 20dollar payments.

We called it Enviralizer and you can review it here:

It’s so simple.

The product is marketing training you can use now.

The affiliate program pays aggressively.

No admin fee.

Just one time 25bucks to get started.

BONUS: As a customer and affiliate you also
get exclusive access to our Private VIP LOUNGE
Coaching Center inside a private facebook group.

So, with that, we’re taking care of two markets
with diverse needs.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me.

I can help!

Let’s get going!
