Are You A Fan of Simon Black…?

Simon Black?  If you’re not a fan, you will be soon.  

“Governments are like primitive cannibals feasting on a great treasure trove of sheeple. You can’t force them out, and you can’t vote them out. But you can sure as hell starve them out. When enough people pick up and leave, essentially voting with their feet, it accelerates the system crash.” ~Simon Black

It may happen tomorrow – it may not happen for 10 years, but rest
assured it WILL happen.  The only question is …

are you prepared to protect your family?

It’s been said many times “Expect the best, but prepare for the worst.”

Are you prepared?

Simon Says:

What it means when gold sells at a NEGATIVE price…




“Banks can rig its price all they want; gold’s true value comes from its function as a long-term form of savings and a hedge against a broken financial system.” -Simon Black

Read the full story here…

Thomas Jefferson’s prescient warning on the debt ceiling crisis



“[T]he principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” ~Thomas Jefferson

Read the full story here…


I’ve finally calculated the value of a dollar



“Central bankers have spent years printing trillions of dollars. In the United States, the Fed’s balance sheet is 5x bigger than it was seven years ago.

But it’s not like the US economy is 5x bigger. Or 5x as much productivity. Or 5x as many goods and services.

No, there’s just 5x as much paper floating around the financial system.”

Read the full story here…

As Simon Black says, “to believe that the chances of financial calamity are non-existent is a fool’s fantasy that’s just begging for people’s life savings to get wiped out.”

Are you prepared to protect your family?

Middle Class Citizens

What can you do to protect yourself, your family, your future?


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