Illinois Tollways has the most frustrating, outdated, and backwards way to collect tolls. It's a scam, it's extortion.

Illinois Tollway Runs a Lucrative Tourist Scam

Illinois Tollway has greatly diminished any further Naked Hippies roadtrips to the state.

As you know, we are full-time RVers who spend our lives traveling across the U.S., taking in the incredible scenes of Nature offered in this beautiful country … to the tune of 18 states and 21,000 miles in 2014 alone.

Most states have understood that with the advent of debit cards, travelers don’t always carry cash and thus, have adapted and updated their systems to make use of technology to make things simpler for tourists.

All you have to do is go to their website, enter your license plate number, see the tolls owed, enter your card number … paid … done … simple.

Welcome to the state of Illinois … that touts”mile after magnificent mile” in its tourism promotions.

Be aware … driving mile after mile in Illinois could end up costing you hundreds, thousands … could end up bankrupting you … and even get your license and registration revoked!

Illinois Tollway fines could bankrupt you!


Recently, while traveling through Illinois, as we followed ‘Siri” our GPS, we saw the signs that informed us we could easily pay the tolls online within 3 days.

No worries, we’ve done this many times before. We were scheduled to leave the state before the first tolls were due, so we naturally thought that when we were finished with our roadtrip, we would log-on to the website and pay all of the tolls in one simple transaction.


Upon arriving at the Illinois Tollway website, we were greeted with this message:

IMPORTANT: There is no capability to search for your unpaid tolls by entering your license plate. You are responsible for reporting each toll you did not pay. You must continue by following the instructions to enter the unpaid toll information in order to avoid violations. 

After three days of wandering around the state of Illinois, we were supposed to tell THEM every time we entered and exited a toll road.

Perhaps in days gone by, when you had to map out your trips, that might have been possible … difficult, but possible.  But today, when navigating by listening to a computerized voice telling you when and where to turn, it becomes completely impossible.

After multiple attempts at using the Illinois Tollway website, calling the customer service line and reaching only recordings that told us the same thing…“we are not going to tell you what you owe,”  we simply gave up, seeing no other alternative.

We FINALLY received a bill in the mail and were informed that our exact tolls had been $7.97,  but because of fines – we now owed $87.97.

Funny how they couldn’t tell us how much we owed at the time, but they sure as heck can once the fines have been added.

It’s is a common occurrence.

Total Amount Due or this or that other threat: $62.60!
$62.60 for $2.80 tolls!


I wasn’t out to rip off the Illinois Tollway but it appears this “road rage” – this outrageous and exorbitant fine – is meant to take advantage of drivers unfamiliar with Illinois road ways. It appears the Illinois Tollway have worded the bill to completely cover themselves and offers no understanding or compromise.” [Source]

Read Kim’s unbelievable story here of being charged $2,300 for toll violations which prompted a reader to share her nightmare below:

$12,000 Fine – Pay it our lose your license!

Illinois Tollway fine of $12,000 is highway robbery.
There was also a phone number included with our letter to actually contact a live person at Illinois Tollways. This live person informed us that even if we had been able to contact a live person at the time, it wouldn’t have mattered – since they are not allowed to tell you how much is owed.

She also informed us that we now owed $287.97 plus the threat of having our drivers license and registration for our vehicle revoked if not paid.

This “we’re not going to tell you what you owe, but if you don’t pay the amount (that we’re not going to tell you) you will be royally screwed”  sounds very much premeditated and with malicious forethought. 

The State of Illinois is willfully and intentionally scamming tourists.

We’re fighting this with every means we can. If you are outraged at yet another story of the government digging its claws into every thing that you do … then share this blog post.

The best defense against usurpatory government is an assertive citizenry. – William F. Buckley, Jr.

If tourists just avoid Illinois in order to keep from getting ripped off like this, how much money will the state lose from sales tax and hospitality taxes from the restaurants, motels, and other tourist venues?

Because the only way the world can ever truly be a better place is if the people who make it a worse place no longer have the means to do so. – Simon Black

Stay tuned. This isn’t over for us. We’ll keep you updated on what happens next.  But this you can be sure of … we won’t be traveling through Illinois.






c:  573-881-6715
f: Connect with me on Facebook
t: Follow me on Twitter

how-the-middle-class-got-screwed.1P.S.  It’s not just the Illinois Tollway system that is screwing us and many many others … it’s happening everywhere.  Can you fight back? You bet!  Download this free ebook “How the Middle Class Got Screwed” to get a clearer picture of who, what, when, where and why you’re being screwed … and most of all, how you can fight back.



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Downsizing … this weight has to be removed first

Downsizing is something that is always on my mind these days and also a daily goal I have set as we prepare for our Vanabode.

The Journal of our Manifestation Journey

My intention is to do something every day to downsize.   We’re moving from a Big Foot pickup camper to a Chevy Express Vanabode.  A new adventure awaits the Naked Hippies Roadtrip!

These containers become our closet, our cabinets and our drawers.

Whatever fits in the six flat Rubbermaid 6 x 24 x 16″ plastic containers will be kept …

and right now, I bet I could fill at least 20 of those containers.

We have TOO much stuff … again.



I’m excited about the daily ritual of downsizing, but there is one thing that has to be unloaded first before I can begin to toss, donate or keep everything that fills this pickup camper.


What a relief it will be to get my taxes done.

Talk about a HUGE weight that will be lifted.


I’ve been carrying it around for months.

Oh, please don’t even bother to mention this procrastination ploy I have fallen into again.  I KNOW the deadline is April 15 – every year without fail.  There’s no excuse I could give … I avoided and delayed the obvious.

So, now it’s time to get this baby put to bed and get on with DOWNSIZING!

Sigh.  So many transactions, so many details, so many receipts.

If only … if only I had used that awesome tool to keep track of every expense and receipt last year.

I bought it, used it, then got out of the habit, didn’t use it … and now, instead of a one click printed report for the accountant, I have the mother of all spreadsheets that will scare the bejeezus out of you!

The tool that I used and then didn’t use is TaxBot. With this app I can track mileage, record expenses and take a picture of my receipt on my IPhone.

At the end of the year, everything is categorized and all you have to do is hit the “print” button.

So, that’s exactly where I am with downsizing for our Vanabode.

I expect to have this arduous task completed and submitted to my accountant before August 1.  Yikes! That’s only one more weekend!

Stay tuned … and keep your ears open for the ROAR of “It’s DONE!” I expect it will break the sound barrier!






p:  573-881-6715
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n:  Subscribe to the Naked Hippies Newsletter!

P.S.  So, did you know there is a way to deduct entertainment like golfing, going to the movies, to a concert?  YEP!

I love the tips I get from TaxBot.

P.P.S.   Think I should take before and after pictures of this downsizing process?

Big Foot Conquers the Mountain …

We live fulltime in our rv,  on a never-ending roadtrip.

It’s our dream come true. We’re doing what we love,
traveling to places we’ve only imagined before now,
meeting amazing people who enrich our journey.

It’s our life, our dream, our business.  We’ve been
building and expanding our dream for seven years.
It hasn’t been a smooth ride for those seven years …
we’ve had some mountains to climb.

But it’s been so worth it.  We’ve discovered and
learned from our mountain adventures, like this one:

Last March, we were headed to California from
Arizona on Interstate 8 … headed to the beach,
rolling along smooth… until we had to climb the
Peninsular Range Mountains.
mountain challenge #2

The truck overheated, we had to be towed and
we never made it over that mountain.

We found another way, made it to the beach,
and made our way back to our Naked Hippie
mechanic, Pat Griffith, in Eureka Springs,

A new radiator was needed.  All is well…

Now, just two days ago, we began the quest –
to conquer that looming mountain.


This mountain adventure taught us
some important lessons about the
mountains we face in life as we seek to
grow, change, go in a new direction.


1.  Sometimes it ain’t as HUGE as it

After we conquered the mountain,
we realized how it was more of a
mole hill than a mountain.

We had perceived it to be the biggest,
baddest mountain because our first
experience in crossing it had failed.

We avoided it on several trips, went
around another way because we had
failed once and didn’t want to take a
chance on failing again.

What mountain are you avoiding?

2.  When you face a mountain, get
some help.

Sometimes, you need an expert —
someone who knows more than you
do to help you get over that dang

We took Big Foot to our mechanic.
He knew what was needed, he had years
of experience, tools and skills we didn’t
have.   We didn’t hesitate to invest
in his knowledge and skills to help us
get over that mountain.

Just like Big Foot used a coach (our
mechanic) to get back on the road,
you can do the same by investing in
someone’s coaching services to help
you conquer your mountain.

What mountain are you facing now as you
build your own roadtrip to freedom?

Getting started in your home business?
Getting a daily plan of action set up?
Building a list?
Generating leads?
Getting out of your comfort zone?

Whatever mountain is standing in front
of you today, know this … it can be conquered.

We can help.  If not us, there’s someone out
there with experience and skills and tools to
help you cross that ominous mountain.

Do what Big Foot did … find that someone.

Give us a call.  We’ve helped hundreds of
people … we’ve climbed right beside them,
shown them the path, shared the tools,
provided the support.

Ain’t no mountain too high.
Ain’t no river to wide.
To get you to your dream.


Trisha Barnes
P: 573-881-6715

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