
Why Most People Die Young

Why most people die young is because they blindly follow the masses over the cliff.

Life is too short.

You are not guaranteed another day, another hour, another minute.

Life is too damn short to wait for “SOMEDAY”

The average person dies at 25 and is buried at 75.


What will you do with the rest of your life?

What will you do with your dream?

What will you do today?

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight and no vision.

― Helen Keller

What will you do right now?

You are definitely not done yet!

If you’re feeling the pull, the push to change something,
to do something different, to pursue the dream that cries
out to you from deep within …

Ask the Universe this question:


How can I be ___________________?

How can I do __________________?

How can I have ________________?

That one question … HOW CAN I … is a prayer that opens
up the doors for the answers to come pouring forth.

The answer is already there … you just have to ask

People, places, opportunities will be put in your path to
deliver the answers to you.

Stay aware, stay expectant.

The answer is already there, it’s always been there –
just waiting for you to ask.

Here’s to your dream, your life, your joy of living!


Naked Hippies Roadtrip Bruce and Trisha

Bruce and Trisha
c:  573-881-6715
f: Connect with me on Facebook! 

P.S.  We’re living our dream NOW … we didn’t wait for
retirement, we didn’t wait to have everything lined up perfectly
so we had nothing to worry about.  We stepped out in faith.
The journey has been wondrous, magical, abundant.

My mom always dreamed of taking off in a RV with dad,
seeing the beautiful scenic views all over the US.  They were
waiting til Dad retired.  She died unexpectedly before his
retirement.  Her dream died with her.

Bruce’s dad died the day before his 50th birthday.

Life is too damn short to wait.  We’ve witnessed the death
of dreams first hand.  But we’ve also witnessed the birth and
growth and realization of our dream NOW … not in ten years
or twenty … but NOW.

Our mission, our vision, our passion is helping people live
their dreams now, not later.  We travel the country meeting
people, helping them find a way to take the path less traveled,
the path that is untrodden by most because they are waiting
for someday.

Subscribe to our newsletter … keep up with our travels and our
training and guidance on how you can be, do and have whatsover
things you desire.  http://trishahippie.com

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