
Abracadabra … Your ARE a magician

You are a magician – you create what you speak – ABACADABRA!


Abracadabra is an incantation used as a magic word in conjuring tricks that historically was believed to have healing powers when inscribed on an amulet. Abracadabra origin is thought to be from the Aramaic language. Abra=אברה which is “to create” and cadabra=כדברא which is “as I say”, ultimately when merging the two words abracadabra means in Aramaic is create as I say thus used oftentimes in magic tricks.

A very key part of transforming your life through the study and application of Universal Law is being mindful of the words you speak.

ABRACADABRA … I create what I speak.


Your words are just as powerful as your thoughts in manifesting your desires. Your words mirror your reality.

Just as it takes practice to develop the habit of thinking only positive thoughts instead of negative ones…

It also takes practice to develop the habit to refrain from speaking words and phrases that give the wrong commands to our subconscious mind.

Have you ever blurted out some hurtful words towards someone and then thought, “I wish I could take that back because you saw immediately the pain it caused that other person and felt badly about it.

The words we speak about our current dismal situation are causing pain, it’s just not so immediate to recognize it.  The pain is the reality you create by the words you speak – in all areas of life … business, health and relationships.

You create what you speak.

Your subconscious mind hears the negative words and receives them as truth, as something you want more of.   You unconsciously sabotage your success simply by the negative words you speak to explain or share your circumstances and struggles.

The outcome, the reality is created by those words.

Are you seeing the success that you desire in your business?  What directions are you giving your subconsciousmind?

Have you ever said:

I need to make money.

I am not seeing any results.

This isn’t working for me.

I don’t have any leads.

No one is opting in.

My spouse doesn’t agree with what I’m doing.

I have no one in my downline.

Everyone in my downline is leaving.

I’m struggling to make this work.

You subconscious receives those words as truth.  It does not discern or filter your words.

Your subconscious hears you speak, “No one is opting in,” and the result is you are given more of the same.

Your subconscious hears, “I am struggling to make this work”  The struggle continues. Abracadabra.

Even saying, “I’m making a little money” reinforces and brings just a little money to you.


This is a tough habit to break.  Misery loves company as the saying goes.  Conversations which include those kind of pessimistic, dis-empowering, negative statements reinforces and creates a reality oppostite of what you desire.

Every word is a declaration about yourself.  EVERY word.

This is going to take some work …

It’s going to require extreme awareness on your part.

But, I’m 100% sure of this … if you don’t break this habit, nothing will change in your reality.


This is why creating I AM statements is so powerful.

This is why I share the penny experiment with people I coach.  When you find a penny on the ground – pick it up and celebrate it as if  you won a million dollars, saying, “I am a MONEY MAGNET!”(your  subconscious doesn’t do math, it only records emotions and feelings, so it doesn’t know the difference between a penny and a hundred dollar bill.)

It won’t  be easy to  break the habits that are limiting your success. This habit of being careful of what you speak is probably the MOST difficult to break.

Be aware of the words you speak following:

I am ….

Eliminate these negative and self-sabotaging words from your vocabulary:

Can’t, Cannot, Should, Could, Want, Don’t, Wish, If

Especially eliminate the word BUT for everything you speak after that word is an excuse.

“I know I can be successful, but …………….”

“I am a creative person, but ………………”

Instead of using the word BUT, replace it with AND.

I am a creative person and I do excellent work.
I know I can be successful and I am already seeing great results for my efforts.

For the next 24 hours,note what you are saying to others … look for the words that are creating what you don’t want.

Better (and braver) still, ask your spouse or close friend to catch you speaking what you don’t want. They may hear words you can’t even hear because you unconsciously speak them.

It is your awareness that will help you break this habit and learn to speak exactly what you desire to create as your reality.

Here’s the your “MAGIC!”

What words are you speaking that you now recognize need to be eliminated from your vocabulary?

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p:  573-881-6715
f:   Let’s connect on Facebook!

P.S.  This was the topic of discussion on our morning Mindset Victory call.  Here’s the link to hear the discussion:

P.P.S.  Read more about speaking “I AM” here.