
Quantum Physics is the New Law of Attraction Paradigm

Quantum Physics is the new Law of Attraction Paradigm.


First off, allow me to issue this disclaimer:  I am not a physicist, nor a science major … not even close.  Nor am I a Law of Attraction guru.

This is just me, a student and practitioner of the Law of Attraction, who has recently understood Quantum Physics’ undeniable proof that we CAN, we ARE able to create (manifest) our greatest desires.

And, like me, you’re probably wondering how quantum physics is the new Law of Attraction paradigm.  You’re probably also wondering what the heck do you mean by paradigm.

A paradigm is a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about and for all of our lives, we have been living in the Neanderthal paradigm.

But, a shift has occurred and the old paradigm is being replaced with Quantum Physics.

And now, we are beginning to understand why all the affirmations and positive thinking taught to us by Law of Attraction books and teachers have not worked.  They will not work (in most cases) if we continue to live in the old paradigm.

Fortunately, all that you have learned and have been “doing” is easily reinforced and expanded beyond what you can imagine with quantum physics.

The saying “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” is exactly what happened when I discovered the book “Why Quantum Physicists Play Grow a Greater You” by Greg Kuhn.

Now before you roll your eyes and yawn about a “science” book,  I assure you that this book is written in a conversational manner that helps you grasp a new understanding of what an amazing creator you are.

Learning how Quantum Physics is the new Law of Attraction paradigm will open the doors to  more of everything you desire … money, health, relationships, self-confidence, success, etc.

I recently had the pleasure and honor of interviewing Greg Kuhn as a prelude to our mastermind study of his book.

In the first few days of the reading and discussion of “Grow a Greater You,”  people are coming alive, filled with endless energy and assurance that their life has just taken a turn towards a new, abundant future.

I invite you to join us. Our mastermind study is open to anyone who desires to transform their life through the renewing of their mind.

We meet Monday through Friday at 10 am Eastern.
Dial in here:

Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#
Replay 712-775-7089 Pin 150703#

We also have formed a private Facebook group where we continue to share and discuss what we are learning.  Come join the group!

This is the book that for generations to come, will be the one that is studied, revered and treasured just as ‘Think and Grow Rich” is now.

Thank you for being open and willing to walk a new path.  I share in the thrill of your transformation and celebration of all that you manifest in your life.







p:  573-881-6715
f:   Message me on Facebook anytime!

P.S.  Be sure to subscribe to these two newsletters:

Naked Hippies Roadtrip
Greg Kuhn’s

P.P.S.  Also – check out Greg’s other books to further understand and transform your life:

Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail
Why Quantum Physicists Don’t Get Fat
Why Quantum Physicists Create More Abundance
Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Suffer
How Quantum Physicists Create New Beliefs