
Why Most People Die Young

Why most people die young is because they blindly follow the masses over the cliff.

Life is too short.

You are not guaranteed another day, another hour, another minute.

Life is too damn short to wait for “SOMEDAY”

The average person dies at 25 and is buried at 75.


What will you do with the rest of your life?

What will you do with your dream?

What will you do today?

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight and no vision.

― Helen Keller

What will you do right now?

You are definitely not done yet!

If you’re feeling the pull, the push to change something,
to do something different, to pursue the dream that cries
out to you from deep within …

Ask the Universe this question:


How can I be ___________________?

How can I do __________________?

How can I have ________________?

That one question … HOW CAN I … is a prayer that opens
up the doors for the answers to come pouring forth.

The answer is already there … you just have to ask

People, places, opportunities will be put in your path to
deliver the answers to you.

Stay aware, stay expectant.

The answer is already there, it’s always been there –
just waiting for you to ask.

Here’s to your dream, your life, your joy of living!


Naked Hippies Roadtrip Bruce and Trisha

Bruce and Trisha
c:  573-881-6715
f: Connect with me on Facebook! 

P.S.  We’re living our dream NOW … we didn’t wait for
retirement, we didn’t wait to have everything lined up perfectly
so we had nothing to worry about.  We stepped out in faith.
The journey has been wondrous, magical, abundant.

My mom always dreamed of taking off in a RV with dad,
seeing the beautiful scenic views all over the US.  They were
waiting til Dad retired.  She died unexpectedly before his
retirement.  Her dream died with her.

Bruce’s dad died the day before his 50th birthday.

Life is too damn short to wait.  We’ve witnessed the death
of dreams first hand.  But we’ve also witnessed the birth and
growth and realization of our dream NOW … not in ten years
or twenty … but NOW.

Our mission, our vision, our passion is helping people live
their dreams now, not later.  We travel the country meeting
people, helping them find a way to take the path less traveled,
the path that is untrodden by most because they are waiting
for someday.

Subscribe to our newsletter … keep up with our travels and our
training and guidance on how you can be, do and have whatsover
things you desire.  http://trishahippie.com

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8 Signs That You Are Ready to BE Your Own Boss

Do you ever wonder if you were truly meant to be your own boss and work from home?

Most people think about it – a lot, actually.

They wonder if they could really do what they see others doing …

It’s on your mind pretty much 24/7 …

  • every time the alarm clock jolts you awake at 5 am…
  • every time you take a seat in your cubicle that is decorated with pictures and plants and things to make your 8-5 world seem happy and pleasant and fun …
  • every time you have the annual “talk” with your boss and hear the words “you’re doing a great job, but we can’t promote you OR we can’t afford a pay raise this year” …
  • every time your kids ask if you can come to Play Day at school and you have to tell them no because you already know your boss will tell you “sorry, we need you here” …
  • every time the school calls and says your child has a fever – and you have to ask permission to leave work to go take care of the most precious being in the world …

You think … there’s got to be more for me and my family than this.

Yeah, it’s constantly on your mind.

So you wonder … could I really take ownership of my life and change the direction I am going?

Could I do this?

Could I become my own boss and work from home?

If you are reading this to find out if you are really cut out for this path, the seed has already been planted.

The list that follows will help you see and understand that you’re not crazy for thinking differently.

It’s why you are ALWAYS thinking about the possibility.

It’s a wake up call, a whisper, a pull from the greatness within you, guiding you to break free and live life on your own terms.

it matters where you are going naked hippies roadtrip.us

—>>>8 Signs That You Are Ready to BE Your Own Boss<<<—


You dream for something better, something more in your life than what you have right now – not only for yourself, but for your family and friends and really,  for anyone who dreams of changing their circumstances and living a life of freedom.

You fall asleep at night thinking about it, you wake up every morning with the dream percolating in your heart and mind.  It’s always there, following you around like your shadow. It won’t let go of you, it will not be silent.

The vision that you glorify in your mind,
the ideal that you enthrone in your heart –
this you will build your life by,
and this you will become.
-James Allen


You have an insatiable, burning desire to take control of your life.  You are sick and tired of the struggle to make ends meet, of living paycheck to paycheck, of staying in the rut and depending on a boss or the government to keep you barely afloat.

This burning desire is a catapult to launch you on this different path where you choose the hours you work, you choose where you live, you choose to be your own boss.  You control the outcome.

A burning desire to BE and to DO
is the starting point from which
a dreamer must take off.
–Napoleon Hill


You are inspired to change your life and the life of others.  You can clearly see how your success will be like placing stepping stones for others to follow.

You realize that as you inspire and help others to break free, you are able to be, do and have more in life.

You can have everything in life you want,
if you will just help other people
get what they want.
-Zig Ziglar


Yes, even doubt can be a sign that you were meant to be your own boss.

Whenever you decide to make a change in your life, when you decide that the old self-limiting beliefs that have held you back need to be tossed out, your subconscious will begin to filter in all kinds of thoughts of doubt to try to keep you in the holding pattern that is familiar and safe.

When you experience doubt, recognize it as the battle you are fighting to change your life.  Your shield is determination, your sword is belief.  You are a freedom warrior, engaged in the battle to be free, to set others free.

If you think you can or you can’t,
you are right.
–Henry Ford


You thirst for knowledge, to study and learn from the masters, from other leaders.  You are aware of the immense value of knowledge available to help you each step of the way.

You read books that teach and guide … books on mindset and personal development, books on marketing, biographies and auto biographies.

You value the opportunities to listen to audios, watch webinars, go to live events.  You know that the key to success is to always be learning more.

The more that you read,
the more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you’ll go.
― Dr. Seuss


You admire and respect the leaders in the work from home industry.  Their stories of struggle from poverty to riches fill you with hope and assurance that if they can do it, there’s no reason you can’t do it as well.

They are your models – the ones who have a lifestyle you desire.  You surround yourself with these kind of people who will inspire and educate and guide and support you.

If you want to be successful,
find someone who has achieved the results
you want and copy what they do and
you’ll achieve the same results.
Tony Robbins


You feel as if you don’t make this change to be your own boss, something is lacking in your life.

You need to do this in order to unleash the amazing person inside of you.  You are not content with standing on the sideline any longer.  You are ready to get in the game, to be all in, to play with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
― Mary Oliver


You have a strong resolve to do whatever it takes to break free and take control of your life.

This means you don’t care if others think you are out of your mind, or if others try to dissuade you with their stories of failure.

It means you will continue on, step by step, over hurdles, through obstacles, around boulders because your decision to break free has more power than anything that will be thrown at you.

If you have a dream, don’t just sit there.
Gather courage to believe that you can succeed
and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.
― Roopleen

do it now don't wait Naked Hippies Roadtrip.us

This list isn’t one to check off one by one to see how many you possess.

It’s to give you insight and understanding of why you have this knowing, this draw, this tug to take a step in a different direction.

It’s an inside job first to make a decision like this.

After that, all that is required to get started, once you make the decision, will be available, once your mind and heart agrees and says “Yes, it’s time.”

But right now, your only job is to consider the eight signs listed and allow your thoughts to dwell on them.

And then, and only then, you will pick up the phone and call me, or find me on Facebook and message me to say, “I’m ready, will you help me get started.”

Your first coaching call is on me. 

We’ll talk and see exactly where you are right now,
what you’ve been doing, and what you can do next to begin setting up for making those dreams come to be your reality.

Ready?  You just gotta call.


trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us

Trisha Barnes
Call me:  573-881-6715
Facebook:  http://facebook.com/trishajbarnes
Subscribe:  http://youfoundus.nakedhippiesteam.com

P.S.  I couldn’t think of a better message for the end of 2014
than this. This is when we reflect on all that has happened and
feel like the new year is giving us a fresh start.

May your New Year bring you incredible joy and amazing
experiences to help you grow a better you, a more abundant
life and a heart of gratitude for all this and MORE.