
Tell the Universe What You Want, What You Really Really Want

Tell the Universe!  

The Journal of our Manifestation Journey


A very powerful way to manifest what you really really want is to tell the Universe by making a list.

Remember when you were a kid and wrote a letter to Santa, listing everything you wanted for Christmas?

Now, it was up to Mom and Dad to make sure that all or some of what you wanted was under the tree on Christmas morning.

But, the Universe IS real.  And, you don’t need your mom and dad or anyone else to get you what you want – you just need to make a list.

Bruce did this list writing process many years ago B.T. (before Trisha)

He made a list to tell the Universe of all the qualities he wanted in a girl.  Whenever he dated someone, he would weave into their conversations a question or comment that would readily tell him if this girl was “the one.”  (of course, he says that he wasn’t in a hurry – he was having loads of fun dating all those potential women!)
Here you go Bruce! Love, The Universe

Then he met me.

I met all the qualifications/desires he had listed … and then some!

It worked!


When we were looking for a place to live, we made a list

A list of everything we wanted in the apartment or duplex or house.  Our list included a washer and dryer, a dishwasher, a stove and refrigerator, two bedrooms, and these two most important requests:  the place had to be extremely easy for my 83 year old dad to find when he came to visit and we didn’t want any steps because Dad had heart issues that made climbing steps difficult.

We checked ads in the newspaper and scheduled appointments to see five or six places, and at the last minute noticed a tiny little ad for a duplex in the price range we could afford.  We called the number and scheduled to see this duplex first before all the others.

It was perfect.  It had everything we wanted … and then some!  It was a mile off the interstate. Dad could easily find it.  There were NO steps to climb.

Today, we made our list for our Vanabode, following the same process.
Our Vanabode is making its way to us!

We’ve done more research and we have specific needs and wants for our Vanabode.  Just as before, we are expecting the Universe to create this for us

… and then some!


We learned this process of making a list to tell the Universe what you really really want from the book “I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams”
by Thomas L. Pauley and Penelope Pauley.

You can and should make your own list. 

Download the free  MP3 recording of my recent Journey to Magnificence call to learn how to begin writing your list.
You will need to get a new spiral notebook before you begin, and then set aside an hour of uninterrupted time for writing.

Here’s to your wildest dreams becoming real – and to our Vanabode finding its way to us!






Trisha (and Bruce!)
p:  573-881-6715
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These blog posts are my journal entries to record our experiences of manifesting our Vanabode.  Our hope is that you will be inspired and motivated to dream bigger and go after those dreams NOW!







The Law of Polarity – The Full Spectrum

The Law of Polarity, whether you choose to believe it or recognize it,  is at work in your life.

It is a Universal Law that always has and always will exist. It is created to allow us to experience life to the fullest.

And depending on where you fall on the spectrum of this Universal Law determines the results that manifest in your life.

Whatever you think about, or however you react to every event in your life, pulls you to whichever end of the spectrum of polarity that you choose to experience.

In simple terms, think of opposites.  You know the opposite of cold is hot, the opposite of pain is pleasure.

Charles Haanel writes about “opposites” in “The Master Key System”

They are names given to two different parts of one quantity. The two extremes are relative; they are not separate entities, but are two parts or aspects of the whole.

You would not experience hot if you never experienced cold.  You would not know what pleasure feels like unless you had experienced pain.  You could not know abundance without lack.

Each are part of the whole spectrum.

They are two extremes of the same thing.

Think of the Law of Polarity in a linear way.  At one end of the line is lack and at the other end is abundance.  Everyone has established a place at some point on that line with their beliefs about money; some are closer to the lack end, some are in the middle, some are closer to the abundance end.



The only way you move further away from what you don’t want (lack) to what you do want (abundance) is by aligning your beliefs with your desires.

Most people focus on what they don’t want. They are consumed with thoughts of lack …

  • I don’t have enough money
  • I always struggle to pay my bills
  • My debt is too huge to pay off
  • We can’t afford that

The energy created by those thoughts produce a vibrational resonance which attracts energies of a harmonious frequency.

Where focus goes, energy flows. 

Carl Jung said, “what you resist, persists.”

The more you resist what you don’t want, more of the same is delivered to you.

You move closer to the “lack” end of the Law of Polarity spectrum when your thoughts dwell on your lack of money.

Every circumstance, event and condition you experience work together for good in your life.  It’s up to you and you alone to choose which end of the spectrum to believe.

Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit.   -Napoleon Hill

The fastest way to move towards the abundance end of the spectrum is to accept what is happening right now, without trying to squelch what you are feeling, but to also express gratitude.

Gratitude resonates with the energy of  “more.” 

Expressing heartfelt gratefulness about every circumstance, event and condition you experience increases the vibration that resonates toward the other end of the spectrum.


Yes, pain and suffering, lack and struggle exist, but so does opportunity for better, for more exist within the spectrum of the Law of Polarity.

It is your choice where your focus goes.

Did this article help you better understand how to manifest your desires?

Leave a comment or suggestion you have for moving towards the end of the spectrum for abundance.

trisha barnes naked hippies

Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
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P.S.  The Law of Polarity was our topic of discussion
on the Mindset Victory call.  Click here to listen to
the recorded call.

Join us every Mon-Fri for the Mindset Victory call.
10 am Eastern
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Why Affirmations Don’t Work
Quit your Job and Travel

WHO are you? Speak “I AM” into the Universe

One of the most powerful ways to speak YOU into the Universe is by creating a list of I AM statements.

I AM Naked Hippies Roadtrip

Ok, I know that you might be scratching your head at this one …
thinking Trisha has really gone off the deep end now.

Hardly!  Listen closely.

What you speak about, comes about.

It’s the Law of Attraction.  What you think about and speak about becomes your reality.

Now, before you get all excited about just thinking about a pile of money at your feet, or a brand new sports car in your driveway … let me explain this a little further – so you fully understand the Law of Attraction and how it works.

Your thoughts absolutely DO create your reality.

But, you’ve got some inner wiring that is cross-wired or short-circuited.  You know what happens then don’t you – the flow is stopped.  The power doesn’t get through.

Same thing happens inside of you – in your beliefs that have been programmed into you since you were born.

Self-limiting beliefs that stop the flow of power.

So, in your inner wiring, there are some repairs to be made – to get the flow going towards abundant results in your life.

That’s where the I AM statements work so beautifully and powerfully.

When you say I AM _______________, you are speaking in present tense.
You are not saying I WILL BE one day, when everything lines up perfectly, when I have money, when I get a better job or a wife, or a retirement pension.

No, you are speaking it into existence now.  Those two words “I AM” have the ability to anchor new beliefs and replace the old self-sabotaging ones.

Try it for the next 90 days.

Create a list of I AM statements … all the things you are, all the things you desire to be.

Create the list, then read it aloud every day.  Stand up and read it aloud as if you were standing on a mountain top with your hand in the hand of HE who created you.

Add this … record yourself saying your I AM statements. And then play that recording several times a day, as you drive in your car, as you wait in line … as you fall asleep at night.

You are anchoring new beliefs in your subconscious now.  You are changing who you are becoming.

Now, whenever one of those old self-doubts pops up to remind you of all the times you failed in the past, to remind you of when your 8th grade teacher told you that you would never amount to anything …
just repeat an I AM statement to kick that old belief out the door.

This is a poweful exercise to do.  Will you do it?

Our Naked Hippies team did a video assignment recently … we created videos about being network marketing professionals, using the I AM to tell who we are.



Grab your pen and paper, make your I AM list, record you speaking it to the Universe and see what happens for you over the next 90 days as you repeat the statements, listen to them and knock the self-limiting beliefs on their ass.

Let me know if this nudged you to do something different today – like make a video as the one above.

Leave a comment below and share your I AM video link!

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P.S.  Mindset mastery is key to your business and personal success.
Join us on the Freedom Uprising Mindset Victory Call where we
study and discuss how to access your inner power to create whatever
you desire.
Daily – Monday-Friday at 10 am Eastern.
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Replay 712-775-7089 Pin 150703#