
Losing Weight the Naked Hippies Way … Remove Clothes

Losing weight the Naked Hippies way?


Yes, it requires you to remove your clothes, and there are some who will think of running around stark naked!  While, there’s great freedom in being a naturist, it’s not the subject here.  (we’ll get to that in another blog post!)

We’ve been carrying around excess weight for nearly two years.

Lugging around all of this:  (it’s shocking, really!)

Guess what happened as soon as I finished clearing out the excess clothes?

I tackled books, papers, junk drawers, kitchen utensils and pots, and all that bathroom/personal stuff that had accumulated.

The result?  Losing weight!  A TON OF IT! Two huge trash bags of clothes removed to donate; two huge, HEAVY trash bags of junk to throw away; dozens of books to take to the library, a table full of items to sell or donate; a huge box of papers to burn …

And it feels so goooooooood!  There is a lightness to the camper now.  Our clothes can breathe.  Not every drawer and cabinet is stuffed to the brim.

Now we’re wondering how our gas mileage will improve!

This was phase one as we prepare to reduce and simplify our life to live and travel in our Vanabode home.   There will be MORE downsizing when the official moving day arrives.

For now, we’re good.

That was how to lose weight the Naked Hippies Way!

This downsizing experience has served two purposes …

First, Losing weight!  The physical result of eliminating unnecessary and unneeded items from our living space feels so freeing.

Second,  reflecting and realizing how much “junk” we carry around in our minds that weighs us down and keeps us from living the best life possible.

This is losing weight the personal growth way:

We carry around fear, anger, jealousy, lack, low self-worth, bitterness, doubt and worry.

It’s a huge burden that if not removed, will drag you down to the depths of a hellish life, a life where you just exist, you just get by, go through the motions … survive.

When you take time to reflect on the limiting beliefs you have been carrying all your life, you’ll say exactly what I said when I viewed the massive amount of clothes piled in our camper …

“Who NEEDS this?”

You definitely don’t need the negative, limiting beliefs in your life.

They have been taking up space in your thoughts for too long.  It’s time to downsize … to clear out the junk drawers of your mind.

Make space for joy and happiness and expectancy and hope and creation.


By going within … through meditation, reflection, getting still.  By listening, seeing and feeling your connection to The One, God, the Universe, the great I AM – whatever name you give to your higher power.

Meditation is something Bruce and I take time for every day.  No matter what.  It is making a huge difference in our life, in what we are seeing manifested.

It is the ONLY way to find yourself, your true self, your higher self, your Divine self.  Go within in order to soar without.

There are many roads that lead you to your inner self.  Find the one that works for you.  The only “mistake” you can make is in not taking the time to meditate.

No matter what road you take, the journey will be remarkable.  It’s the focus of our morning mindset call “Journey to Magnificence” where we read and study and discuss personal growth books and ideas.

The call is open to anyone seeking guidance and understanding and knowledge about the Law of Attraction, about manifesting your desires, about being and doing and having all that you dream of.

Join the call Monday thru Friday at 10 am Eastern.  Dial in for the live call and discussions here 712-775-7085 pin 150703#.

Or listen to the replays here on Soundcloud.

Dig a little deeper – expand your knowledge and understanding even more with these recent articles which will give you more insight for removing limiting beliefs:

Let Go of the Past with Quantum Physics
Addiction Is In Every Life
Quantum Physics is the New Law of Attraction Paradigm
You’re Never Too Old, Too Young to Step Into Your Greatest Self

Always remember this, expressed so beautifully from “Winnie the Pooh”

Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
-A.A. Milne







p:  Text me 573-881-6715
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Our dream is to live and travel and work from our Vanabode.  We’re excited to share the journey of manifesting this in our lives.  Keep up with our discoveries and manifestations here.





addiction is in every life

Addiction is in Every Life

Addiction is in every life, in one form or another.

Now, our perception of addiction immediately causes thoughts of the addition to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes which we have experienced either personally or through a close friend or family member.

But, not every addiction is a physical one in terms of needing a substance for a “fix.”

In the book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself,” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, we learn that every cell in our body becomes addicted to the chemical reactions caused by our emotions.

Emotions such as anger, blame, guilt, resentment, jealousy, blame, judgment, sadness, and worthlessness create chemicals that feed your cells, which in turn makes your body feel that exact emotion,

which in turn, creates more thoughts about the guilt or blame or whatever negative emotion you are feeling …

and the cycle continues in a downward spiral that creates a reality exactly matched to how you are feeling.

Soon, your cells need a stronger “fix” just as a drug addict soon turns to a stronger drug to get a higher high.

What’s an emotional addict to do?  There is hope, there is a way to break these addictions.   Download the MP3 from the Journey to Magnificence mindset call to begin “rehab.”

Do you see the endless cycle that is created by your emotions?

This explains why it’s so difficult to change your life.  Even when you are inspired and motivated and determined to change.

Your cells are addicted and any change in your emotions makes them go through withdrawal just as a drug addict does.  It’s not pleasant.

Is there any hope?  Is it possible to break this addiction?

Indeed it is.  It requires rewiring, reprogramming, re-membering your brain.

The Journey to Magnificence mindset call is a study group, a mastermind group of people who believe they are destined for a greater life.

We gather to read, study, discuss and receive wisdom and knowledge concerning our personal development and to develop the skills and power to manifest all that we desire.

Come join us on this life changing, life transforming call.  We meet every Monday – Friday at 10 am Eastern.
Dial in live at 712-775-7085 pin 150703#.
All recordings are available here.


If you have been thinking positive thoughts, visualizing your desires and dreams for years, studying personal development, repeating affirmations … all without seeing those BIG desires manifest in your life … this calls for you.

It’s not you, it’s your wiring, your programming and your mind and body not cooperating.  Come join the journey!

See you on the call!






… evolving continuously with expectancy of more!

P.S.  Did you click the upper left corner of this page to get our free ebook “We Did It, You Can Too?”   Grab your copy to learn how the Naked Hippies Roadtrip went from living in a tent to living on the open road on our never-ending roadtrip!


You Can Expand Your Money Consciousness

You ABSOLUTELY can expand your money consciousness!


Not sure if you have a money consciousness?  Here’s the difference between a money and a poverty consciousness:

A money consciousness believes and thinks of abundance and the unlimited possibilities to create more.

A poverty consciousness believes and thinks of lack and the constant struggle to make ends meet.

Is it possible to  change from a poverty consciousness to a money consciousness?

Absolutely!  You are more powerful than you realize.

How often have you heard – what you think about comes about?

The Law of Attraction IS money consciousness in action.  It is not some airy-fairy, weird, magical practice that “New Agers” have adopted.  It’s a proven science that was being taught over one hundred years ago.

Charles Haanel wrote in the early 1900s in “The Master Key System:”

The money consciousness is an attitude of mind; it is the open door to the arteries of commerce. It is the receptive attitude. Desire is the attractive force which sets the current in motion and fear is the great obstacle by which the current is stopped or completely reversed, turned away from us.

 Fear is just the opposite from money consciousness; it is poverty consciousness, and as the law is unchangeable we get exactly what we give; if we fear we get what we feared.

So now what?  What can you do if you recognize that you have been living with a poverty consciousness?

In this guest blog post, Jack Canfield shares how to

Develop a Positive Money Consciousness

Money is an area in which most people believe that their success in blocked in some way. An overwhelming number feel that they don’t have enough money, and many also experience emotional distress related to money.

If you want to have more money – and most people do – improving your money consciousness is an important first step in attracting the abundance of financial wealth you deserve. In this article, I’ll reveal powerful ways to raise your money consciousness.

2 Key Processes to Use

I recommend using two processes to help cultivate a positive money consciousness. The first is identifying any limiting beliefs you have about money. Start by writing down all beliefs you have about money. Then identify the beliefs that do not support your conscious dreams and desires.

The second process is to identify any incidents from your past that caused you to make a decision – and take on additional limiting beliefs – about money. Negative emotions from past events often can hinder our efforts to earn, receive and keep more money. Releasing these negative emotions also will help to cultivate a positive money consciousness.

Types of Money Beliefs

After more than 4 decades of helping individuals achieve greater success, I’ve discovered that there are 4 common types of limiting money beliefs:

  • Money and Your Identity. Many people have an identity that is linked to a certain income. If your family was poor or working class, you may have difficulty identifying yourself as wealthy.

 “I’m just a ‘jeans and T-shirt’ kind of person” or “I can’t imagine myself doing what wealthy people do” are some of the beliefs that might feel true to you if your identity is linked with a lower income than you’re consciously trying to achieve.

  • Money Beliefs About Others. Most people grow up with attitudes about people who have money – and often, these beliefs are not positive. For example, you might belief that “rich people are greedy” or “rich people care only about themselves.”

You may notice that you believe statements like these consciously. You might also know intellectually that these statements are false, but still have an emotional belief that they are true. Either way, if you have negative emotions about rich people, you’re unlikely to become one.

  • Money and Spirituality. Many people believe that money is not spiritual. It’s not surprising, because many societal and religious messages link spirituality with poverty.

If this is the case for you, you may find that statements like “It’s not spiritual to want money,” “If I focus too much on money, I’ll lose my spiritual focus,” or “It’s wrong to ask for more than I need” to feel true.

However, remember that everything is simply energy, which means that money is just another form of energy. One thing I’ve found to be true is that money is a magnifier. If you’re greedy and mean-spirited, money will make you more so. Likewise, if you’re generous, spiritual and compassionate, money will make you more so.

  • Money and Worthiness. If you have low self-esteem, you may not feel that you deserve to make or receive more money. You may feel that there are people who need the money more and if you get it, you’ll be taking from them. Or you may feel that if you’ve lost money in the past, you don’t deserve to get more because you’ll waste it.

Common limiting beliefs that show up in this area include “I don’t deserve to make more money” and “I’m not worthy of being wealthy.” One way to work with this type of belief is to make a list of what you’ll do when you have a specific amount of money. When you plan for more money, you’ll naturally attract it to you.

When you identify limiting beliefs around money, take time to identify how the belief has served you in the past.

The subconscious mind’s job is to keep us safe. Limiting beliefs arise as a way to protect us. For example, if you have a belief that “rich people are greedy,” you’ll unconsciously avoid doing things that will increase your wealth. After all, you don’t want to become greedy or be judged by others as being greedy. By clearing these additional beliefs, you’ll pave the way to install new beliefs that are more supportive of your efforts to increase wealth.

Creating Your Big “Why”

In addition to clearing the limiting beliefs that are keeping you at a lower level of wealth than you deserve, I recommend finding what I call “your big ‘why.’” When you have a compelling reason behind an action you’re taking or goal you’re pursuing, you’re much more motivated to take action.

Create a list of reasons why you want to have the amount of money you’ve set as your goal. Is it so that you can afford a certain type of home in a certain area? Is it because you want to contribute money to good causes? Is it because you want to create a certain type of lifestyle?

Create a list of what you’d like to do with your money. Notice what thoughts or emotions come up for you. If you’re shying away from things you want because of feelings of guilt, unworthiness or inability to receive them, you will sabotage your success. Use these negative emotions as important clues about additional limiting money beliefs that you’ll want to clear.

Although it may seem odd that anyone would have a negative predisposition toward wealth, we often hold these negative beliefs in our subconscious mind from childhood. To become wealthy, you’ll need to surface, identify, root out and replace any negative or limiting beliefs you have about money. Use the suggestions outlined here to uncover the beliefs that are keeping you stuck, so that you can change your results and finally enjoy the wealth you deserve.

Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul® and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com

T Harv Eker, author of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,”  gives four compelling reasons to expand your money consciousness and wealth in this video:

If you have been impacted by these words and the video shared, there is one final step you can take to begin the change to a money consciousness…

Surround yourself with others who are also changing to a money consciousness.  One of the best ways to do that is to join a mastermind group that studies and discusses mindset victory.

You are welcome to come join us at the Freedom Uprising Mindset Victory call.  We gather every morning, Monday through Friday at 10 am Eastern.

Here is the recent call recording where the topic of discussion is all about the awareness and how to expand your money consciousness.

We read, study, and discuss books that will expand your money consciousness.  We share ideas and stories of our experiences in the journey to wealth.  It would be an honor if you joined us!

Dial in here at 10 am Eastern:
Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#
Replay 712-775-7089 Pin 150703#

You are an amazing creator, and maybe right now you can’t even begin to fathom having that kind of power to create the life that you desire.

As Dr. Seuss says so well,

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…

Here’s to you expanding your money consciousness!

What would you do if time and money were no object?

trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
f:   Message me on Facebook with your questions

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Keep up with our travels and adventures AND
all that we do to expand our money consciousness!

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