
Unplugging from Technology Benefits

Unfortunately, most people have a hard time unplugging from technology.

Especially, their cell phone.

The cell phone is the most quickly adopted consumer technology in the history of the world.

Cell phone ownership among adults has exceeded 90%.

It has become the norm to always have your cell phone in your hand,

Walking and texting … it’s the norm now

to walk along with your eyes on your phone’s screen…

to check your phone more often than you pee – heck, people do it while they pee …


…to check your phone while dining out, while shopping, while seeing a movie …

We are tethered to our phones.

What began as a very cool convenience for staying connected with friends and family has become an addiction.

People cannot fathom being without their phone.

  • 67% of cell owners find themselves checking their phone for messages, alerts, or calls — even when they don’t notice their phone ringing or vibrating. (source)
  • 44% of cell owners have slept with their phone next to their bed because they wanted to make sure they didn’t miss any calls, text messages, or other updates during the night. (source)
  • 29% of cell owners describe their cell phone as “something they can’t imagine living without.” (source)
  • 88% Of U.S. Consumers Use Mobile As Second Screen While Watching TV. (source)

So this comes as no surprise:

  •  74% of adults say that they witness others using their phones in a loud or annoying manner in public “frequently” or “occasionally.”    (source)

You don’t really need these statistics to prove what you already know.

We have a hard time uplugging from technology.

Especially, if you are an online marketer.  In fact, if the survey taken included only online marketers, the numbers would be much higher.

When it comes to the “dark side” of cell phone ownership, roughly one in five cell owners say that their phone has made it at least somewhat harder …

…to forget about work at home or on the weekends;

…to give people their undivided attention;

…or to focus on a single task without being distracted.

That one in five statistic was reported in 2012.

Since 2012, cell phone usage increased to 1.75 billion in 2014.

It’s goingto keep increasing.  The total mobile phone users are likely to reach 5.13 billion users globally by 2017. (source)

And therein lies the problem.

More cell phone users means more people tethered to their phone.

Unplugging from technology will become increasingly difficult
in the years to come.

Technology has us so connected that if you decide to unplug from everything in order to renew and rejuvenate our energy, there is a feeling of “missing out” and “losing out” that keeps you plugged in to the frenzy.

Always connected – always working – always plugged in


I share all this with you because I know what it’s like to be always connected.

I know what it’s like to feel like you can’t afford to unplug.

You are building a business to increase your finances so that you can live a life of financial and time freedom.

It’s imperative to keep building – right?

It’s vital to your growth to keep producing – right?

And, then it starts to feel like you are back at a job, working 10 hours a day – right?

HOWEVER, if you don’t unplug every once in a while, you are going to reach a point of complete overwhelm and exhaustion…

and that will set you back much further than if you just take a day or even a few hours unplugging from technology.

So, pull the plug.

Walk away from the laptop, silence the cell phone and be okay with it.

A hammock, a breeze, a view and a good book = perfect unplug day

Do something for yourself.

Take a whole day doing whatever you envision as being the most relaxing day.

Reading, napping, cooking something special, visiting a friend, going to the movies, shopping, get a pedicure, enjoy a massage, take a long walk, go on a roadtrip … anything that you love to do.

And forget about your business.  Let it go.

It will be there when you return.

You’ll be refreshed and renewed with energy.

You will be more creative.

You will feel more clarity.

 Remember, if you don’t take care of you, you can’t take care of your business.

Whenever I coach a teammate and sense that they are feeling overwhelmed, I ask them, “when was the last time you took a day off?”

Most answers are “I can’t afford to. I need to make money.”

And my response is always this,

“You can’t afford not to.”

Unplugging from technology is the catalyst you need to regain your focus and energy.

Learn to recognize the signs that it’s time to unplug.

Then, do it before you crash and burn.

There are some great suggestions in this video to
help you unplug:

Hope this has helped you realize the immense value and need for
unplugging from technology.  Here’s to your relaxing and rejuvenating day!

Have you recently unplugged? What was your experience? 

Freedom Lifestyle Naked Hippies Roadtrip
Now THIS is unplugging from technology!






p:  573-881-6715
f:   Find me on Facebook

P.S.  If you haven’t created a business that allows you the freedom for a day of unplugging from technology, we need to talk.  I took the day off and my business kept growing even while I was unplugged.
Message me on Facebook or call me.  Let’s get you in that position, too.


Ghost writers for busy marketers … IWriter Review

Let’s be real here for just a moment.

Some days, you feel like this when it comes to
writing another blog post or email …

newbie nightmare


Am I right or am I right?

Some days, the words just don’t come,
the energy is wrong, the flow has slowed
down … BUT – you need a blog post.

Here is where IWriter comes to the rescue.

For a small investment of your money,
you get a big return on your time.

I tried it for the first time recently …
ordered five different articles on online
marketing topics. I spent a total of $3 for
each article.

What I loved most about this service is
my ability to review each article and decide
if it was really what I needed.  If not, I hit
reject and wait for a replacement article.

Were the articles satisfactory?  Yes!

I can take the copy, add my own flavor,
insert pictures and CTAs … and my blog
post is published in a matter of minutes.

For the first run of articles, I tested the
least expensive writers.

Next, I will choose one article and pay
for the highest ranking writers to write

This video will demonstrate the ease
and simplicity of using IWriter:

The choices and smooth operation through the system
is outstanding.

I am in complete control of the whole process.

I know you have days when it’s nearly impossible
to get anything written.

This is a fantastic tool to help you through those days.

Mama said there’d be days like that.

Now, you can sail through them and enjoy the rest of your day.


_0012_arrow2right   Get your articles here.

Happy writing!


Trisha Barnes

Let’s connect on Facebook!