
How to Find Your Purpose in Life – Why am I Here?

Most people want to know how to find your purpose in life … why am I here?

The question churns through your mind constantly.

What am I supposed to do with my life?

It’s a great question to ask.

There is a sure-fire way to tell if you are truly following your purpose in life.

Before you finish reading this article, you’ll know what it is.

At one point or sometimes several times during life… there comes a time when you are faced at the fork in the road.

You have two choices …

You can choose the well-worn path that the multitude follow and continue on in life.

It’s the path of least resistance – the way to please others, do what they expect or suggest, the robotic, day after day routine, the this-is-all-there-is-to-life kind of existence.

It’s so well worn that you can walk it blindly; in fact, many do.

But, that’s not living up to your true self. 

Your true self seeks expression, seeks freedom, seeks so much more than the status quo.  Unless you allow your true self to be expressed and to create the life that ignites the fire within your soul, you are denying a life of fulfillment – both for yourself and all the others who will be touched by your passion.

So, there is another choice.  It’s the other path … the road less traveled.

Take the path less traveled …


So, how do you find your purpose in life?

It all comes down to this:  what can I do with my time and knowledge and skills that would contribute to my life and the life of others?

These questions will help you drill down to know exactly why am I here?

1. What is it I love to do that makes me jump out of bed every morning?

If the work that you are doing now is not a drudgery, you’re on the right track. But, if you find yourself slamming the alarm clock, dragging yourself out of bed every single day … it’s a sign that you are not living a life that is fulfilling.  (I know – you’re saying DUH right now, but too many people assume they have to play the hand that was dealt them – and don’t realize how it doesn’t have to be this way.)

2. What am I really, really good at doing?

Take a quick assessment because you do have skills that will contribute to your purpose in life. What are those skills?  It could be you are technically saavy; or a great writer; or a visual artist; or one who people turn to for counseling and advice.  What are your amazing skills?

3. What am I interested in learning more about?

You will never stop learning , or at least, you SHOULD never stop learning.  What do you study? What do you crave to learn more about?  What could you spend hours studying- so absorbed that you forget to eat?  What drives your curiosity and intellect?

4. What is it I do that makes time disappear?

You know how it is when you are having a really great time and when you look up at the clock, hours have passed without you realizing it?  No, not the hours spent walking hand-in-hand along the beach with your beautiful spouse … the hours you spend working at something without realizing the sun came up and set and it seemed like you just got started.

5. How do I want to be remembered?

A great way to answer this question is to take time to write your eulogy.  Your eulogy as it would be written today … and then your eulogy as you would like it to be written.  If there’s no difference between the two – you are living your life’s purpose.  However, the majority of people are never really done with being, doing and having more in life.  Write both eulogies and see what comes up in the second one.  That will be a clue and a catalyst for finding your purpose in life.


Take some time to answer these questions. Pick a time to get away from everything – this is serious work to do.  Find a quiet place where you can be totally focused on seeking your purpose in life.

In the stillness, the quiet, search and reflect on your answers.

After you have done this, write your statement of purpose that encompasses all that you believe defines your vision and purpose.  It doesn’t have to be long; in fact, brevity is better because you will soon have this memorized so that you can repeat it to yourself often.

Need further help for clarification of finding your purpose in life?
This video will help you with finding your purpose in life in five minutes:



One final piece to this amazing discovery of your purpose in life is to lay its foundation in your subconscious mind.  Many find the following Self Confidence Formula from the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill to be the perfect affirmation of their purpose in life:

First. I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my Definite Purpose in life, therefore, I DEMAND of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action.

Second. I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality, therefore, I will concentrate my thoughts for thirty minutes daily, upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to become, thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture.

Third. I know through the principle of auto-suggestion, any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of attaining the object back of it, therefore, I will devote ten minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of SELF-CONFIDENCE.

Fourth. I have clearly written down a description of my DEFINITE CHIEF AIM in life, and I will never stop trying, until I have developed sufficient self-confidence for its attainment.

Fifth. I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice, therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of other people. I will induce others to serve me, because of my willingness to serve others. I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them, and in myself.

I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory, and repeat it aloud once a day, with full FAITH that it will gradually influence my THOUGHTS and ACTIONS so that I will become a self-reliant, and successful person.

Taking the road less traveled and discovering your purpose in life is the path to freedom.

  • Freedom from struggle.
  • Freedom from being controlled by other’s perceptions of you.
  • Freedom from regrets.

How will you know when you’re there?  You’ll know you have found your purpose in life when at the end of your day’s work, you feel energized instead of drained.


May you find the courage to step on that less-traveled path and allow the amazing spirit of YOU energize, create and live a fulfilling life.

What would you do with your life if you had no time or money restrictions?





p:  573-881-6715
f:   Message me on Facebook with your questions

P.S.  For more discussion and study of this amazing journey of self-discovery and personal development, you are invited to join us on our morning Freedom Uprising Mindset Victory call.  We gather from all over to read, study, discuss, inspire, motivate, and share insights and experiences that lift others up to greater heights.
10 am Eastern Mon-Fri

Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#
Replay 712-775-7089  Pin 150703#

Join our Facebook group to engage with the other listeners on the call.

P.P.S.  Have you subscribed to the Naked Hippies newsletter yet?  Get daily news of our travels, insights and inspiration to help you grow yourself and your business, plus tips and training for building an online business that you can do from wherever you are.  Subscribe here:




Living in Instant Gratification Mode

We are living in instant gratification mode.


We want everything NOW.  In fact, we EXPECT it.

Our culture has become one of instant gratification, instant reward.

For example …

We go through a fast-food drive thru and get irritated if we have to pull forward and wait a few minutes for our food.

Our internet doesn’t load pages instantly and we get start gritting our teeth.

Our viewing habits on the internet reveal the impatience that has developed by the instant gratification culture.

A recent study of 6.7 million internet users revealed that viewers became impatient after waiting for 2 seconds.  After five seconds, 25% of the viewers clicked off.  At ten seconds, 50% were gone.

Retailers now offer  same-day, overnight or two-day delivery services.

Our Smartphone apps eliminate the wait for a cab, a date, or a table at a restaurant.

Streaming movies and TV shows has become the norm.  Netflix has 33 million customers who stream videos compared to 8 million who order the DVDs by mail.

Visitors at Disney World and other amusement parks pay for a “fast” pass so they don’t have to wait in line.

It’s apparent – we are gravitation toward being more focused on quick fun and instant results than on reading books or magazines.

That echoes the Pew study where researchers found the rapid pace of technology can lead to more nimble thinking, but that “trends are leading to a future in which most people are shallow consumers of information.”

And that’s just the beginning of this discussion …

Instant gratification prevails in the internet marketing industry, too.  It constantly shows up when people join a business opportunity and expect to receive income immediately, and become angry and bitter when it doesn’t happen for them. (Of course, hype and spammed ads play a huge role in this – ads which promise big money in 30 days.)

And then, there’s the personal development journey of discovery and growth that many entrepreneurs value and study;  but even in this quest,  people desire results NOW.

We read  books like Think and Grow Rich, the Master Key System, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and we “get it” – we understand what is being taught – but the changes we desire don’t just miraculously happen overnight.

Charles Haanel writes in Chapter 23 of the Master Key System:

Perfection in this is not acquired in six days,
nor in six weeks, nor in six months. It is the
labor of life.

A favorite saying rings true, “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.

It is best to remember this advice as you are seeking to grow personally and financially:

To go fast, go slow.  To go slow, go fast.

We will always be learning more about ourselves, our power, our ability to create and manifest our desires.  Sometimes, results will be instant; however, most of the time it will seem like it’s taking
F O R E V E R.

When the wait seems so long, problems arise. Doubt starts to seep in and take over your thoughts and emotions.

Maybe I’m not cut out for this,

Maybe I’m not smart enough, techy enough,

Maybe I’m too old

Maybe I should give up

These doubts sneak up on you because you start looking around and see other people’s results, and it seems like they are just breezing through, having all kinds of success.

Your thoughts begin to drift away from your ability for creating more, taking inspired action, being open to the people and things that are put in your path to help you achieve all that you desire.

Doubt sneaks in until you are thinking more about what you aren’t accomplishing rather than what you are.

And, as the Law of Attraction teaches – what you think about comes about.

Another issue that often develops on the journey of personal development is separating the study and practice from all that you do.

If personal development is just a thing you do in your spare time, as opposed to a way of life, well, the results will be temporary and unfulfilling.

If I asked most people, “What do you do for personal development?”  I know the answers I would hear:   I read, study, meditate, visualize, repeat affirmations, etc.

If you view personal development as a tool to pick up and master in order to get results, you are missing the secret.

Personal development is not a tool, it is a way of being.

But, if  you totally immerse in personal development – in thinking, acting, believing, doing all that you have learned and have yet to learn; if it has become your normal operating mode – where you don’t have to think about it – you just live it 24/7,  you will create the life and results that you desire.

August Turak author of Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks: One CEO’s Quest for Meaning and Authenticity writes

“Whether you call it personal development, personal growth, self-actualization, self-transcendence, or spirituality does not matter. What matters is realizing that the reason you were born is to become the best human being you can possibly be. Personal development is not a tool for reaching a bigger goal. Becoming a complete human being is already the biggest and most noble goal you can aspire to.”

 Really, it just goes back to familiar words: “seek ye first … and all these things will be added unto you.”

It is through aligning your thoughts and beliefs with Universe – God – Source – Spirit that is the goal.  Making the connection – creating the harmony between your desires and beliefs.

Seek the connection, the alignment first in every single thing you do.

Ask yourself as you go through your day making decisions, marketing your business:

Will this help me become a better person?
Does this serve the highest good?
Am I growing?
Am I moving forward?
Am I becoming more aligned?

Of course, it’s hard to take your mind of the money because as Charles Haanel writes in The Master Key System “money weaves itself into the entire fabric of our very existence.”

It’s why we go to work at the 8-5. It’s why we decide to start our own business. Money is woven into our existence.

But our success is not measured in a dollar amount.  That’s what the world wants us to believe and we get caught up in that.  We ooh and aah over income levels.

Success is not measured in dollar amounts.

The law of success is service.

We get what we give.

To get more get value, you must give more give value.  It’s the Golden Rule, Karma, the Law of Compensation.

For this reason we should consider it a great privilege to be able to give.

Not only of our money, but of our time, our joy and happiness, our patience and understanding, our love and encouragement.  You have much to give to others.

When we avail ourselves as servants to others, we become a conduit for more, for the flow, for the alignment with Universal Power.

When we look at the outside and see what others are achieving and start comparing, we start doubting and the flow is stopped.

Les Brown speaks on giving in this powerful speech:

See yourself as an opening for the Universe to work through to move through to make a difference in life.   –Les Brown


You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
There are those who give little of the much which they have–and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.

 And there are those who have little and give it all.

These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.

-Kahib Gibran

Serving is the way of being and
giving is the means of serving.

Living in instant gratification mode can be rewarding if you focus solely on giving to others.  The instant gratification will be a feeling of joy and love … and you absolutely can’t beat that feeling.

Here’s to your life of serving others.




p:  573-881-6715
f:   Message me on Facebook with any questions 

P.S.  Have you subscribed to the Naked Hippies Newsletter?
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Prodigal Son or Complaining Brother?

Do you remember the parable of the prodigal son?


The story recently came to mind as I studied The Master Key System by Charles Haanel.

Haanel writes in Chapter 20,  “Spiritual wealth: unless you recognize it and use it, it will have no value. The one and only condition of spiritual power is use or recognition.”

A parable is a short story intended to illustrate a spiritual lesson. In the story of the prodigal son is the same message that Charles Haanel teaches in The Master Key System.

We can fail to recognize this world within, and so exclude it from our consciousness, but it will still be the basic fact of all existence; and when we learn to recognize it, not only in ourselves, but in all persons, events, things and circumstances we shall have found the “Kingdom of heaven” which we are told is “within” us. -Haanel

As the story goes … a father gave his younger son his share of the family fortune and as you know, the son took off and squandered everything.  When he returned home, he was greeted with a party which totally pissed off his older brother.

The older brother complained how unfair it was because he had played by the rules and never messed up.

His father replied, “Son, you don’t understand. You’re with me all the time, and everything that is mine is yours.  All you have to do is understand that it belongs to you and you can ask for it any time! It doesn’t become useful until you acknowledge it and receive it.”

The lesson of the Prodigal Son lies in this question:

Which one are you?  The prodigal son or the jealous brother?

The older son recognized, asked and received the gifts that were available to him.

He took action. He dared to live life differently, to try something he had never done before.

He lost it all.

Did he give up, say this doesn’t work, throw in the towel and agree to struggle for the rest of his life?


He didn’t stay in the lowest, desperate, financially devasted state because … he remembered.

He remembered that spiritual wealth is always available to everyone. He reconnected to the Universal Source where all that he needed, desired, and imagined was waiting for him.

He returned home.

Home – the re-connection to Universal mind, to the ALL in ALL for he knew that He who made him was in him … was him.

The brother, on the other hand, complained and became bitter, jealous, envious crying out “it’s not fair.”

He did not recognize or make use of the spiritual wealth that was his to access at anytime.

His father reminded him, “Son, all you have to do is understand that it belongs to you and you can ask for it any time! It doesn’t become useful until you acknowledge it and receive it.”

We can take this a little deeper and see how it also applies to your experiences in building your  business.

As marketers, especially when you are not seeing the results that you desire, you have probably at one time or another experienced the feeling of jealousy and envy when you witness the success of others.

You become like the other brother.

You begin to think “they are better than me, more skillful, more knowledgeable … even lucky.”

You begin to feel resentment, jealousy, even anger.

When that happens, it’s time to recognize that the power to receive more blessings is already within you.  You just have to recognize it and use it, as Charles Haanel teaches.

When you begin to perceive that the essence of the Universal is within yourself—is you—you begin to do things; you begin to feel your power; it is the fuel which fires the imagination; which lights the torch of inspiration; which gives vitality to thought; which enables you to connect with all the invisible forces of the Universe. It is this power which will enable you to plan fearlessly, to execute masterfully. -Haanel

On the other hand, if you, like the prodigal son, have tried and failed, all is not lost.

It isn’t your last rodeo.

Just go back home … AGAIN.

Reconnect with He who made you and is in you … and is you.

There you will be greeted with embraces and celebrations, luscious robes, the fatted calf, the golden ring on your hand for it is all available and waiting for you.

“In him we live and move and have our being” is literally and scientifically exact! That you ARE because He IS, that if He is Omnipresent He must be in you. That if He is all in all you must be in Him! That He is Spirit and you are made in “His image and likeness” and that the only difference between His spirit and your spirit is one of degree, that a part must be the same in kind and quality as the whole. When you can realize this clearly you will have found the secret of the creative power of thought, you will have found the origin of both good and evil, you will have found the secret of the wonderful power of concentration, you will have found the key to the solution of every problem whether physical, financial, or environmental. -Haanel

The key to manifesting the desires for success and abundance is to connect with the power that is within you.


When you do, there will be no jealousy or blame.  There will be no fear or doubt.

You just have to recognize and access the power that is yours.

The secret of power is a perfect understanding of the principles, forces, methods and combinations of Mind, and a perfect understanding of our relationship to the Universal Mind. It is well to remember that this principle is unchangeable; if this were not so, it would not be reliable; all principles are changeless. This stability is your opportunity; you are its active attribute, the channel for its activity; the Universal can act only through the individual. -Haanel

This classic book, “The Master Key System” was written over one hundred years ago but the message is as prevalent today as it was back then.

If you would like to join the study and discussion of this powerful, life-changing book, we meet every Monday thru Friday morning on an open conference call.

Dial in here:
10 am Eastern
Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#
Replay 712-775-7089  Pin 150703#

Which one are you right now – the prodigal son or the complaining brother?


trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
s:  Subscribe to the Naked Hippies Newsletter

P.S.  We live the Freedom Lifestyle. We can work from anywhere we choose to be. We can be across the country visiting friends and family, walking on the beach, climbing the red rocks in Sedona, or parked in a campground. And we can still work ON our business. This business does not require me to punch a clock, sit in commuter traffic wasting hours we could be spending together, waking up at some crazy hour just to make it to work. We get to work with people we choose to work with, whose company we enjoy. We are the CEOs of us – the Naked Hippies!

Subscribe to our Naked Hippies Newsletter. We’ll share stories of our travels, inspiration and motivation, tips and resources for creating your own freedom lifestyle AND you’ll get our free ebook that tells the story of how the Naked Hippies came to be.  Click here to subscribe.


Work from Home Challenges the Employee/Boss Relationship

Here’s the thing …
there are many work from home challenges,
especially in the new employee/boss relationship.


Hey, wait a minute … I decided to work from home for the freedom!

I’m ready to head to the beach.

Yeah, that’s the #1 reason you choose to quit your job and work from home.


No more alarm clock.

You decide when to clock in and work.

No one tells you what to do.

You can take a longer lunch break.

You can go on vacation whenever you choose.

No one is the boss of you ANY MORE!

Aaaaah, that’s more like it – right?
Yes, you are your own boss now and that is a huge reward to you. But, you are still an employee.  You’re both boss and employee now.

Creating the right employee/boss relationship is more crucial now than it ever was when you worked the 8-5.

Now, you as the boss must decide the tasks to be done in order to grow your business. What are the income producing activities to be completed each day?

As the employee, you must do these tasks … or else.

Remember when you were at the 8-5 and some days, you gave a half-hearted effort.  Remember those days when you slacked off and did just the minimal amount to stay under the radar and within the good graces of your boss?

You still got a paycheck, didn’t you?

Well, everything is different now that you work from home.

A day of slacking off because you just don’t feel like putting in the effort means this –

You won’t get paid.

This is the grim reality of working from home.

The freedom you desire still requires hard work. 

It requires you showing up every day, ready to give it your all.

It means that you cannot slack off and pretend you are busy.

The bad news is that this is the obstacle you will face every day when you work from home.  The good news is that it doesn’t have to be a complicated list of tasks to grow your business.  You just need to follow a simple daily method of operation that includes income producing activities.

And then DO IT … consistently every day like a good employee.  The following 3 tasks, if completed every day will increase your sales, your following and your presence on the internet.

It’s easy to get distracted, especially on Facebook.  If you structure your day to complete these daily tasks first, you’ll have plenty of time to play and engage on Facebook and/or other social media platforms later.


First,  before I share the three daily tasks, this one is the stand alone, don’t miss this, first-off thing to do before you start any other daily activities.

Take time to grow yourself. Personal development is the secret to your success.  Without it, you will hit a wall, crumble and crawl back to the 8-5.  With it, you will be unstoppable.

*Read at least 5 pages a day from a book that will help you grow yourself. 

My suggestions for starters:

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker
Grow a Greater You by Greg Kuhn
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

*Surround yourself with others who are immersed in personal development. 

Find a group of people who will support and encourage you daily.  We have that within the Freedom Uprising Mindset Victory group where we gather every morning, Monday through Friday, to read, study, discuss and share our thoughts and knowledge about this amazing journey of personal development.

Join us at 10 am Eastern Mon-Fri
Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#
Replay 712-775-7089  Pin 150703#

Here’s a recording of one of our powerful mastermind calls:

Now, here are the 3 Daily Income Producing Activities 

1.  Content Creation

PLAN:  Create one piece of content daily.  This could be a blog post, an article or a video.

MESSAGE:  Your content should deliver value.  Value as in training, inspiration, reviews of products, book reviews, interviews with leaders, helpful tips, etc.   Your focus is on serving others by providing content that will help them.

CTA:  Include a call to action in your content. This could be asking your readers to go to a capture page, to subscribe to your newsletter, to attend a training hangout, a conference call, to friend you on Facebook.    People need and like to be told what to do.  Give a clear call to action.

This training video will help you develop the habit of daily content creation:

2.  Content Syndication

Once you have your content published, it’s time to share it.   Share the link on:

  • Social Media … Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest,
  • Social Bookmarking Sites like DiggReddit and StumbleUpon.
  • Trade with another blogger – as guest bloggers for each other
  • Submit your articles to
  • Email to your list – either full article or a snippet with a link to your blog

This recent team training call will definitely help you with developing consistency in your business.

3. Connections

Every day, make it a habit to connect with new people. Expand your horizons,  get out of your easy chair and make new friends.  It’s so easy to do this on Facebook:

Find people who have the same interests as you.  For instance, your hobbies, your favorite sports team, favorite authors or leaders or bands or actors, internet marketers, stay at home moms, bloggers, graphic designers, copywriters … whatever you love to do – there are tons of others who also enjoy the same thing.  Type the “interest” in the FB search bar.

Go to the profiles of the people who pop up in the search.  Check them out.  See if you resonate with their profile and activity on Facebook.  If you do – send them a friend request.

Go to the pages you have liked and interact with the posts and comments by everyone.  Also edify and respect those who have commented.

Join groups where you can comment and engage.

If you establish this habit of engaging and lifting up others, you will attract the right people, you will make new connections and start to build relationships.

As they begin to get to know you, they will see your posts and have the opportunity to take action on your CTA.  All without you pitching and prodding them.

If you are not generating leads on Facebook, you are missing out on one of the most valuable reasons to even be there.

This simple course will help you learn how to magnify your presence on Facebook and generate leads with ease.

Grab the Facebook Leads course here.

Simple steps to generating leads in this course!


You have made the brilliant decision to work from home.  It’s the better way to take control of your life, your finances and your future.

My hope is that this article will help you achieve all that you desire.  That you will develop a daily method of operation to overcome the work from home challenges.

What other suggestions would you contribute to this article?

trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
f:   Connect with me on Facebook
s:  Subscribe to the Naked Hippies Newsletter:

P.S.  Check out “Products We Use” to see the
variety of ways we build our business.


Do What You Say You Will Do

One of the best attributes you can live by that will produce fantastic results in your life is this:


Keep your commitments.

four-agreements-naked-hippies-roadtripIn the book,  The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, the first agreement is this:

“be impeccable with your word.”

Impeccable means being beyond criticism.

It means you do what you say you will do.


Have you ever …

Had someone tell you “I’ll call you tomorrow” and they never did?

Had someone tell you “I’m sending you something” and they never did?

Had plans to meet up with someone … and they never showed?

Pretty sure it’s happened to you.

How did it make you feel?

Not so good – right?

Now let me ask you … have you ever done that to someone else?


I hate to admit it – I’ve forgotten to call someone when I said I would.

And even though we can make excuses and apologize all over the place …

It still comes down to “keeping your word”

We met a guy at the casino the other night  when we went to see the Foreigner tribute band. He sat at our table and before the concert started, we had time to get to know each other better.

He was enthralled with our hippie lifestyle …. I was inspired by his recovery from a stroke.

As we left the concert, he asked if we would like tickets to the upcoming Eagles’ tribute concert.

My eyes lit up.  I knew it was sold out. I said “absolutely!”

He said he would call me on Monday.  Then he looked me straight in the eyes and said, “I keep my word. I’ll call you.”

AND he did.

If he had never called me, I would have chalked it up to “oh well, it would have been nice but he was just a big talker.”

If he had called me on Wednesday instead of Monday, I would have understood  because we’re so programmed to accept mishaps and apologies.

But the fact that he called when he said he would, moved him to the top of the chart of impeccable people.

And isn’t that where we should be?

Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than living them day after day.   — Arthur Gordon

As you’re building relationships with people in your business …

and as you are strengthening the relationships you have with your friends and family …

Do what you say you will do.

That’s it, period.

The impact of being the person who keeps her word is infinitely more powerful than all the apologies and “I’ll make it up to you” promises you make when you don’t do what you say you will do.

But, it’s not enough to keep commitments in business and personal relationships.

In fact, it’s even more important that you keep your commitment to yourself.

How many times has this happened?

You commit to reading 15 minutes a day … and after a week or two, you’re not doing it. You justify the neglect because you are so dang busy building your business.

You start meditating first thing every morning.  It goes well for a while, then one morning you sit down and boot up the laptop just to check something first – and well, the focus switches and you’re off chasing squirrels.

You commit to blogging every day … but one day, it’s just one of those days and you don’t feel like there is an ounce of creativity or inspiration in you, so you excuse yourself

Maybe you decided to start walking every day for your health.  It felt good for a few weeks, until one day you got too busy, so you skipped which made it easier to skip the next day … and soon, you’re not walking at all.

Here’s the thing.

You’ve told yourself “I’m going to (meditate, read, walk, blog)” and you didn’t keep your word to yourself.

Do you see that this is a reason for the discord which translates into not manifesting your desires?

Something is out of tune and needs to be aligned.

Do you see that you are not being truthful?

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
― Albert Einstein

The effect (no results) is caused by the repeated practice of not doing what you say you will do.

If you tell yourself one thing, but don’t follow through, the self-sabotaging belief you are affirming to your subconscious mind gains more power.

You’ve done this before.  Your subconscious mind just has to pull out the reminders …

“Oh here we go again – been down this road before.  Remember the last time – you never kept your commitment?”

“I’ll give you a week … that’s your usual pattern.”

“Sure thing buddy – go for it! (snicker)”

When you fail to keep your word to yourself,  you begin to give excuses to justify your lack of commitment.  You probably begin to blame something or someone.

You start to feel less confident … you get frustrated … you feel worthless – AGAIN.

Each time you fail to do what you say you will do, you start the snowball effect of negative thoughts and feelings that continue to roll until another avalanche of doubt and worthlessness knocks you down.

What can you do to stop breaking these commitments to yourself?

Be accountable.


You could get an accountability partner.  That’s what is always recommended.

It sounds great, doesn’t it?  Hook up with someone who you have to report to, who will not coddle and comfort you, but instead will kick you in the ass every day.

That takes a huge time commitment for both of you.  It works for some,  but what I’ve experienced is this… we’re crazy busy and we’re softies.

We understand and empathize with all the excuses (because we’ve made them, too).

So as much as we want to be the drill sergeant, the time factor and our nurturing personality makes us incapable of keeping someone on task.

Besides, in the end, the only one who suffers if you don’t keep your word is YOU. 

It makes no difference to your accountability partner,  no matter how much they bark at you and motivate you to keep going.

It still all comes down to YOU.

The best accountability partner for you is YOU. 

You know yourself best.  You know your strengths, you know your weaknesses.

You know all your excuses and the triggers that come up to stop you.

Be your own accountability partner.

Are you willing to do that?

If you understand what I’m sharing here, you will have a new insight about how to make a commitment and keep it, and why it’s so crucial to your success.


Have you ever been part of a challenge – like a 90 day challenge?  Did you complete it?

Most people never finish a challenge like that.

Even with a commitment to a group challenge, you are still only accountable to yourself.  Again, it’s because it doesn’t affect anyone else’s results if you don’t keep your word.  It only affects YOU.

Here’s my suggestion today.  This is something that I have done several times and it has been amazing how it worked to help me keep my word.



Make a commitment to do something for 30 days straight, without fail.

Choose something that you know is a goal you have, something that is doable, but also will stretch you a little out of your comfort zone.

Choose something that you’ve been trying to do consistently, that you KNOW will benefit your growth.  This could be a challenge for your business growth, or for your own personal development or health.


Choose something that will contribute to your business, such as daily blog posts, daily videos, daily emails.

Announce what you are going to be providing for the next 30 days, either in a blog post, an email to your list or in your first video.

Here’s the important part.  Make sure your title includes the number of each episode – Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and so on.   For example,  Day 1 of 30 Days of __________________.

Now, you just create the content and share it every single day.

Here’s what this kind of challenge will do.   

  • It makes you accountable to yourself.
  • It makes you do what you say you are going to do.

Numbering the series is a huge factor because you realize you can’t skip a day.

It doesn’t matter if anyone else notices if you missed day 5, and they probably won’t.  But, YOU will know it.


A personal challenge could be journaling every day or walking for 30 minutes a day, or drinking a full glass of water first thing every morning.

Choose something that you have been “meaning” to do, but never have made it a habit instead of a whim.


1. Start small. 90 days is a huge commitment.  30 is doable.  If you have to start out with less than 30 days, that’s okay.  But remember that it takes at least 30 days to change a habit.

As long as you’re working on developing the habit of keeping your word , the added benefit is that you will also develop the daily habit that helps you grow yourself and/or your business.

2.  Write down what you are going to focus on in your business challenge.  Make a list of all the ideas for blog posts/videos that come to mind.

The more time you take to make this list before you start, the easier it will be to start writing every day or grab the camera.  Plan your topics before you begin.

3.  Write about what have been obstacles for you in the past.  What excuses have you made for not keeping your commitment?  Why have you not completed a challenge?

4.  For every obstacle, every excuse – write what you are going to do instead when they show up. I can assure you they WILL show up.  Addressing this now will give you the tools you need to overcome the obstacles when they appear.

5.  Celebrate keeping your commitment every single day.  If you journal, write about your daily success every night.    Celebrate daily, but also plan to reward yourself for completing your challenge.  Pick a treat that you will enjoy when you complete the 30 day challenge.


This challenge will be a challenge for sure.  It will increase your confidence, develop a good habit and help you to move further toward your desires.

Most of all, you will transform from a slacker to the person who will always do what you say you will do.

What will be your 30 day challenge?


trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
s:  Subscribe to the Naked Hippies Newsletter

P.S.  We live the Freedom Lifestyle. We can work from anywhere we choose to be. We can be across the country visiting friends and family, walking on the beach, climbing the red rocks in Sedona, or parked in a campground. And we can still work ON our business. This business does not require me to punch a clock, sit in commuter traffic wasting hours we could be spending together, waking up at some crazy hour just to make it to work. We get to work with people we choose to work with, whose company we enjoy. We are the CEOs of us – the Naked Hippies!

Subscribe to our Naked Hippies Newsletter. We’ll share stories of our travels, inspiration and motivation, tips and resources for creating your own freedom lifestyle AND you’ll get our free ebook that tells the story of how the Naked Hippies came to be.  Click here to subscribe.


Rebooting and Updating Your Life

It’s no different than what you do on your laptop – you are rebooting, updating and downloading new programs into your life constantly.

I spent the first part of my morning tackling some computer issues … updating and rebooting processes. I had been neglecting this for way too long.

On every start, pop up windows reminded me of updates and I would just closed them out so I could get on with my work.

“I don’t have time to fix this … I’ve got to get on with things. I’ll do it someday.”

Someday became today.   I decided today was the day for upgrading, reinstalling and rebooting.

One was an update for java script which had been popping up for months. I’d just always click REMIND ME LATER and move on.

Another was a program that was installed for backing up my laptop, but I wasn’t using anymore. It kept reminding me that it was working in the background and unless I went to the task bar to “quit” the program, those reminders continuously popped up throughout the day.

The third issue was with Microsoft Windows.  On every start of Word, it had to configure the program, and I would wait and wait and wait for it to do this.

So this morning, I addressed the issues, uninstalled a program, updated a program and found the code to stop the reconfiguring of Word … and all is running smoothly now on start up.

It made me think of the programs we have installed in our subconscious minds.

How there are updates, there are beliefs to uninstall, you are constantly rebooting and need a code to stop the constant reconfiguring.

Our updates come in the form of a morning mindset victory call …

They come from what we read to continue to learn more about the Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics and manifesting our desired outcomes.

In hearing and reading, in our study of personal development, we are updating our “system”  – our beliefs.

When the java script update was completed this morning, I got another message.

You’ve got old versions of Java Script installed that will cause serious security problems if not uninstalled.

Isn’t that what we’re doing day by day, hour by hour … or what we should be doing?

As we change our beliefs about abundance and prosperity, the old self-limiting beliefs must be uninstalled, or else.  Or else, we run the risk of security problems, of allowing fear and doubt to sabotage our new system of belief.

It’s the same with the backup program I uninstalled this morning. I stopped using it months ago, but it was still running.  Popping up reminders every day – relentlessly.

When I accessed the list of programs and features to find that backup program to uninstall it, the list of everything installed on my laptop was huge.  There are programs in there that no longer are useful to me, taking up valuable space on my hard drive.

What  “programs” are still in your belief system?

Programs that no longer serve you, that are taking up space in your life, that are preventing you from running smoothly and efficiently and … abundantly?

The Microsoft Word program was a newly developed issue after I did uninstall the other versions of Word previously used on this laptop. Lately, whenever I opened Word, it took several minutes while it had to configure the program.

The solution was found this morning  (thank you Google!)  I simply had to add a code to stop the configuring process.

I had uninstalled versions of Word I was no longer using, but the system got confused. It needed direction.

Whenever we replace self-limiting beliefs with new empowering ones, our system (our subconscious) gets confused.  We set our intentions, repeat affirmations, visualize our better and our subconscious says, “hey wait a minute…this is new territory… I’ve got to reconfigure everything now.”

The code is needed to redirect those neural pathways that have been running on autopilot for years.

The code?  Your I AM statements.  Your major definite purpose. Your prayer of prosperity.

Now, our brains are more intricate than our computers.  There are billions of bits of information that are connecting along the neural pathways.  The laptop needed the code only once to fix the configuration. We need the code entered constantly.

All of the fixes I addressed this morning on my laptop took less than an hour.  There were several reboots with each step.  Now, everything is the way I want it to be … no pop up reminders.

The uninstalling of old beliefs … the rebooting … the configuring of our belief system takes time.

This is why we surround ourselves with others who are on the same journey to greatness.  We provide support and insight and wisdom to help each other keep rebooting, keep configuring, keep speaking the code.

This is why it is so crucial to continue to study and learn all that we can about the amazing power we have to create whatever we desire.

What needs to be updated in your belief system, what limiting beliefs need to be uninstalled, and most importantly, what is YOUR code?

trisha barnes naked hippies


p:  573-881-6715
f:   Find me on Facebook!