How to Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Moment

How to let go of the past and live in the present moment.


It’s the crux of all counseling, the antidote for all suffering, and the conditioning of our minds … the past.

So, the #1 question, “how to let go of the past and live in the present moment?” is definitely worth answering … but I have to tell you that it’s not a simple “flip of the switch” with positive thinking that you might have been taught.

You see, even when you decide to “make a break from the past” and decide to be happy and joyful, or you decide to lose weight, quit smoking, start your own business, and you start thinking positive thoughts, the negative ones are still hanging around like a stray cat (you know, when you feed a cat once, it is yours forever!)

Whatever change your decide to make – your mind and body create chaos.

It’s like your decision to change is suddenly attacked from all sides by endless chatter – reminders of all the reasons you shouldn’t be happy, successful, thin, etc.  (totally based on past feelings, emotions, and experiences.)

It’s a tough battle to fight, but you can win it.

“5% of the mind is conscious, struggling against the 95 percent that is running the subconscious automatic programs. We’ve memorized a set of behaviors so well that we have become an automatic, habitual body-mind. In fact, when the body has memorized a thought, action, or feeling to the extent that the body is the mind- when mind and body are one – we are (in a state of) being the memory of ourselves.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

First, you must understand how your body and mind have become conditioned to operate from past memories which explains why every change that you attempt will be stomped on and ridiculed by an endless stream of thoughts from your subconscious mind.

It might be hard for you
to comprehend this, but
you are not awake.

You are operating on autopilot.  Oh, I know it doesn’t make sense because your eyes are open, you are moving about today, getting things done and not laying in bed snoring like a bear in hibernation.

Here’s what has happened to your mind and body over the past ten, twenty, thirty or more years:

You experienced something that caused a certain feeling like anger, jealously, doubt, fear, worthlessness, embarrassment, and so on.

That feeling sent signals to your brain that caused a chemical reaction which was delivered to your cells;  so, now your cells are swimming in a sea of anger, jealousy, doubt, fear, and other negative chemicals.

Your cells have receptors that take in and process these chemicals, and they become addicted.  In time, they require a stronger “fix” which is only satisfied by a stronger negative emotion.

When you decide to make a change in your life, to be happy or to do something different than you’ve ever done before, your cells start feeling the pains of withdrawal, so the hypothalamus signals the brain to start thinking “the old way.”

And that’s when those thoughts start their chatter and reminder that you have always been this way and it’s not worth it, it’s too much work, it can wait.

You are a magnificent being here to experience a magnificent life!

This is why it’s so vital to your well being to learn how to let go of the past and live in the present moment.

It requires stillness, it requires study, it requires letting go, but most of all it requires accessing and connecting to the power you have within you to overcome time.



Through the recent study of “Grow a Greater You” by Greg Kuhn and “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, I am learning more about the amazing power each one of us has within to change our limiting beliefs and create the life that we desire.

I invite you to join the on-going study, the journey, the exploration, the discovery of how to let go of the past and live in the moment on the Journey to Magnificence mindset call.

The transformations and breakthroughs being experienced by those who participate and contribute to our discussions have been awe-inspiring.

We meet live every Monday – Friday at 10 am Eastern by dialing in here:  712-775-7085 pin 150703#

I also realize that everyone has busy lives, hectic schedules that prevent them from dialing in for the live call.  All calls are available to listen to at your own convenience here.

Stay tuned to this blog to learn more about changing your beliefs and stepping into your power to create a magnificent life.

Have you gained new understanding of why it’s so hard to change from what I’ve shared so far?

This is the #1 reason why your online home business might fail.





p:  573-881-6715 (text me)
f:   Got questions – let’s chat on Facebook

P.S.  Have you picked up our free e-book
“We Did It, You Can Too” … it’s available by
clicking the pic at the top left of this blog!



Abracadabra … Your ARE a magician

You are a magician – you create what you speak – ABACADABRA!


Abracadabra is an incantation used as a magic word in conjuring tricks that historically was believed to have healing powers when inscribed on an amulet. Abracadabra origin is thought to be from the Aramaic language. Abra=אברה which is “to create” and cadabra=כדברא which is “as I say”, ultimately when merging the two words abracadabra means in Aramaic is create as I say thus used oftentimes in magic tricks.

A very key part of transforming your life through the study and application of Universal Law is being mindful of the words you speak.

ABRACADABRA … I create what I speak.


Your words are just as powerful as your thoughts in manifesting your desires. Your words mirror your reality.

Just as it takes practice to develop the habit of thinking only positive thoughts instead of negative ones…

It also takes practice to develop the habit to refrain from speaking words and phrases that give the wrong commands to our subconscious mind.

Have you ever blurted out some hurtful words towards someone and then thought, “I wish I could take that back because you saw immediately the pain it caused that other person and felt badly about it.

The words we speak about our current dismal situation are causing pain, it’s just not so immediate to recognize it.  The pain is the reality you create by the words you speak – in all areas of life … business, health and relationships.

You create what you speak.

Your subconscious mind hears the negative words and receives them as truth, as something you want more of.   You unconsciously sabotage your success simply by the negative words you speak to explain or share your circumstances and struggles.

The outcome, the reality is created by those words.

Are you seeing the success that you desire in your business?  What directions are you giving your subconsciousmind?

Have you ever said:

I need to make money.

I am not seeing any results.

This isn’t working for me.

I don’t have any leads.

No one is opting in.

My spouse doesn’t agree with what I’m doing.

I have no one in my downline.

Everyone in my downline is leaving.

I’m struggling to make this work.

You subconscious receives those words as truth.  It does not discern or filter your words.

Your subconscious hears you speak, “No one is opting in,” and the result is you are given more of the same.

Your subconscious hears, “I am struggling to make this work”  The struggle continues. Abracadabra.

Even saying, “I’m making a little money” reinforces and brings just a little money to you.


This is a tough habit to break.  Misery loves company as the saying goes.  Conversations which include those kind of pessimistic, dis-empowering, negative statements reinforces and creates a reality oppostite of what you desire.

Every word is a declaration about yourself.  EVERY word.

This is going to take some work …

It’s going to require extreme awareness on your part.

But, I’m 100% sure of this … if you don’t break this habit, nothing will change in your reality.


This is why creating I AM statements is so powerful.

This is why I share the penny experiment with people I coach.  When you find a penny on the ground – pick it up and celebrate it as if  you won a million dollars, saying, “I am a MONEY MAGNET!”(your  subconscious doesn’t do math, it only records emotions and feelings, so it doesn’t know the difference between a penny and a hundred dollar bill.)

It won’t  be easy to  break the habits that are limiting your success. This habit of being careful of what you speak is probably the MOST difficult to break.

Be aware of the words you speak following:

I am ….

Eliminate these negative and self-sabotaging words from your vocabulary:

Can’t, Cannot, Should, Could, Want, Don’t, Wish, If

Especially eliminate the word BUT for everything you speak after that word is an excuse.

“I know I can be successful, but …………….”

“I am a creative person, but ………………”

Instead of using the word BUT, replace it with AND.

I am a creative person and I do excellent work.
I know I can be successful and I am already seeing great results for my efforts.

For the next 24 hours,note what you are saying to others … look for the words that are creating what you don’t want.

Better (and braver) still, ask your spouse or close friend to catch you speaking what you don’t want. They may hear words you can’t even hear because you unconsciously speak them.

It is your awareness that will help you break this habit and learn to speak exactly what you desire to create as your reality.

Here’s the your “MAGIC!”

What words are you speaking that you now recognize need to be eliminated from your vocabulary?

trisha barnes naked hippies

p:  573-881-6715
f:   Let’s connect on Facebook!

P.S.  This was the topic of discussion on our morning Mindset Victory call.  Here’s the link to hear the discussion:

P.P.S.  Read more about speaking “I AM” here.


Dance to the Music of Your Dream

Those who dance are considered insane
by those who cannot hear the music.
― George Carlin

Dreamers have a song within them that most cannot hear.

That’s why people  try to dissuade you, try to burst your bubble, try to pull you back into their reality …

you drive them crazy by dancing to something they can’t hear.

You’ve got the song within, the song of freedom, of success of
joyful living, but most people are deaf to that melody.

You’ve got to dance to the music of your dream.

You are the song writer… you are the dreamer … you create
beautiful music because you see with your heart and hear
with the voice within that says, “YES, I can do this.”

You choose the notes, you place them on the staff, you play
them every moment in your life.

But, here’s the question:


Your song is the melody played when your conscious mind
and subconscious mind are in agreement.

When there is agreement, the sound is lovely.

But when there is inconguency… it is not pleasant to listen to … there is discord, conflict, friction.

As you are writing your song, the key to finding the right key is to create  harmony between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.
write your song

Think of the musical staff as your beliefs.



music notes


The notes you place on this
staff are your thoughts.



The melody that plays is your song, your results,
your reality.

Your thoughts are placed as notes on the stanza …
and if the thoughts are congruent (your subconscious
and conscious mind agree), the melody is sweet.

But if those thoughts are negative based such as
fear, anger, doubt, worry, bitterness, jealousy …

Well, there is discord.  The sound is harsh,
unpleasant, not harmonious.



Thus, the “fix” to create a delightful melody of your song is
to retrain your subconscious mind, to remove the negative
thinking and replace it with thoughts of abundance, love,
joy, happiness, peace, well-being and gratitude.

Now, this may or may not make any sense to you as you
read my analogy of how your thoughts create your reality.

If it helps you see and understand that you can change the
melody, then that is one of the greatest rewards I receive…
helping one someone to come to a new realization about
the power they have to create a different outcome in life.

This is the process, the journey of personal development.
It’s the path of going within to uncover and discover the
limiting beliefs you have in order to replace them with new
empowering beliefs.

You are a symphony waiting to be played.

You have a song waiting to be sung.

You are the song-writer, the singer, the dancer of your
own dream.

As you continue to learn and grow yourself into an even
more magnificent person than you already are, others will
come to play your melody with you – to join your symphony.


You are connected to everyone. Those who hear your
melody will come to harmonize with you – to add their
chords, their instruments, their love and help and support.

The rhythm of the body,
the melody of the mind,
and the harmony of the soul
create the symphony of life.
B.K.S. Iyengar

You’ve got the music in you.  It’s YOUR song, it’s YOUR dream.

Play on.

trisha barnes naked hippies


p:  573-881-6715
f:   Connect with me on Facebook