Downsizing … this weight has to be removed first

Downsizing is something that is always on my mind these days and also a daily goal I have set as we prepare for our Vanabode.

The Journal of our Manifestation Journey

My intention is to do something every day to downsize.   We’re moving from a Big Foot pickup camper to a Chevy Express Vanabode.  A new adventure awaits the Naked Hippies Roadtrip!

These containers become our closet, our cabinets and our drawers.

Whatever fits in the six flat Rubbermaid 6 x 24 x 16″ plastic containers will be kept …

and right now, I bet I could fill at least 20 of those containers.

We have TOO much stuff … again.



I’m excited about the daily ritual of downsizing, but there is one thing that has to be unloaded first before I can begin to toss, donate or keep everything that fills this pickup camper.


What a relief it will be to get my taxes done.

Talk about a HUGE weight that will be lifted.


I’ve been carrying it around for months.

Oh, please don’t even bother to mention this procrastination ploy I have fallen into again.  I KNOW the deadline is April 15 – every year without fail.  There’s no excuse I could give … I avoided and delayed the obvious.

So, now it’s time to get this baby put to bed and get on with DOWNSIZING!

Sigh.  So many transactions, so many details, so many receipts.

If only … if only I had used that awesome tool to keep track of every expense and receipt last year.

I bought it, used it, then got out of the habit, didn’t use it … and now, instead of a one click printed report for the accountant, I have the mother of all spreadsheets that will scare the bejeezus out of you!

The tool that I used and then didn’t use is TaxBot. With this app I can track mileage, record expenses and take a picture of my receipt on my IPhone.

At the end of the year, everything is categorized and all you have to do is hit the “print” button.

So, that’s exactly where I am with downsizing for our Vanabode.

I expect to have this arduous task completed and submitted to my accountant before August 1.  Yikes! That’s only one more weekend!

Stay tuned … and keep your ears open for the ROAR of “It’s DONE!” I expect it will break the sound barrier!






p:  573-881-6715
f: Are we connected on Facebook?
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P.S.  So, did you know there is a way to deduct entertainment like golfing, going to the movies, to a concert?  YEP!

I love the tips I get from TaxBot.

P.P.S.   Think I should take before and after pictures of this downsizing process?

My First Experience with Periscope

My first experience with Periscope …

was NOT perfect!

Periscope is the new social media platform from Twitter that streams your live videos for a 24 hour time period.

It’s brand new, it just launched and today I did my first Periscope video WITHOUT

without waiting to go through training to learn how to do everything perfectly …

without waiting to understand it completely …

without waiting to let others forge ahead and then watch how they are doing it.

My first Periscope video was terribly pixalated

And it WASN’T perfect!

Am I embarrassed?   Am I fretting about the poor video quality?


Because, here’s the thing.

There is always going to be another new social media platform introduced as technology and creative minds develop new ideas.

There is always going to be that learning curve that will keep you feeling like you will never “get it.”

Most of the time, that’s what keeps people stuck … thinking they have to have everything lined up perfectly and know it all BEFORE they start DOING.

Jumping in today on Periscope and shooting my first video did not turn out perfect.  In fact, the video was so pixalated that you couldn’t see the beautiful Ozark woods I was walking through.

Did I fret? Did I worry about what people thought?

NOPE!   I just chalked it up to a learning experience.  (and what I learned is that a slow internet connection will cause this kind of visual issue)

Am I embarrassed?  Not even!

Here’s my first Periscope video – but it’s only available to view for 24 hours.

Periscope is such a fantastic new social media platform that is growing like wildfire.

I’m feeling pretty awesome for daring to boldly go into this new venture today.

I hesitated on Instagram when it first was introduced (thinking I needed some “training” before I messed up.)

I hesitated to learn how to market on Pinterest when I watched other marketers using it to build their businesses. (WATCHED is the key word here.)

My actions today have erased the memories of all those times I hesitated and wished I had been in at the beginning of something.

What’s holding you back right now from jumping on Periscope?

Get Periscope on your phone and let’s connect!

It’s easy to get started as I did:

Get the app for your Android or IPhone.

Set up an account using your Twitter account or your IOS phone number.

Start following people.

Shoot your first video.

Do it again, and again, and again.

Follow me on Periscope:  trishastravels


Procrastination in the pursuit of perfection will keep you stuck.

I’m excited to hear about your first experience on Periscope!







p:  573-881-6715 (text me
f:   Got questions – let’s chat on Facebook

P.S.    To keep up with all the latest marketing tips,
for all social media platforms – including Periscope –
access our 24/7 free internet marketing classroom.