Don’t Make This Newbie Mistake … Create a Marketing Funnel First

We’ve been online marketers for eight years.  Our story is most likely similar to yours.

When we first started, we didn’t realize what an emotional roller coaster ride it would be.

We knew we wanted to learn how to use the internet to build extra income … we knew that others were successful at doing this … we jumped in and got started, filled with anticipation and excitement.

Oh, so quickly we began to “pitch” our opportunities to everyone we knew and oh boy! Soon our families and friends would run away when they saw us coming.

Phooey!  Why is it when you are so sure this is something that everyone would want to do, it turns out no one is interested? Or very few at the least.

Here’s the issue:  98% of those new to the industry do not have a funnel set up and they enter the market SELLING.

They end up alienating everyone – family, friends, future customers.

And soon, they are discouraged, frustrated, exhausted and confused.

Here’s the solution:  Build your funnel first.


Here are the overall steps to building your funnel.

These are the basic steps to give you the big picture.

Each step builds on the previous one.

The timing is crucial and is what we teach, along with a multitude of marketing tips inside our private Facebook group.  (you become a member of our private group whenever you invest in any of the products listed on our “Products We Use” tab above.)

1.  CAPTURE LEADS via a compelling capture page

Offer something for free such as a free e-book or free training course in exchange for their email address.  Something that provides a solution to a problem people are experiencing and searching for answers to solve.

Every lead comes in at the top of the funnel through your free offer.

As the process continues, the leads (some, not all) will move to the next step, further down the funnel until they become your customers.

*Your capture page will need to be linked to an autoresponder which will allow you to develop an email campaign that runs on auto-pilot.  

Example of a free offer:



Now you are building your list and have the platform to communicate and share even more value with those who opt in.

Communicate with consistency.  Show up in their inbox every single day. Provide continuous content that teaches, inspires, motivates and gives your list a vision for what is possible for them.

Example of an email campaign:




The next step is to make an irresistible offer – one that will turn your leads into customers.  This could be an affiliate product or low-cost tool that is inexpensive, but highly valuable.

Example of an irresistible offer for $25:



Consistency and value in their inbox every single day.  Plus your list into your training, conference calls, events, hangouts … keep providing value and training to serve them.


As mentioned earlier, each of these steps must flow from one into the next.

As your leads continue to receive your emails, those who make the decision to purchase the irresistible offer have moved further down the funnel and are closer to becoming lifetime customers.

You have built trust by providing exceptional value to your list.  Now you can provide a serious offer, your MLM, an expensive training or coaching program.

Example of a residual income opportunity:


Step 6:  Repeat Step 2 Again and Again and Again

Now you have turned leads in customers; you are building a team; you are changing lives, including yours!

Continue to teach, to inspire and motivate them.  As more irresistible offers and tools come to you and you see the value for your team – share them with your list.

We have been building our business for years, but a few misguided steps when we began caused the 8 year journey to success.

It doesn’t have to be that way for you, if you follow our training and set up your business the right way from the start.

The Naked Hippies Team is building and growing day by day.  We work together, we build together, we celebrate the successes of each member … and we support and educate those who started out just like we did … misguided and now stuck.

And now you know why we’re the NAKED Hippies … we strip down to the basics and remove all the unnecessary and limiting bulk that has held you back.  We help you build your funnel.

Get on our list … get to our trainings … chat with us on Facebook … hang out with the team for a while to see how we roll.  This is YOUR invitation to get in our funnel!

See you on the inside!


Bruce and Trisha
We LOVE our life!

p: 573-881-6715

Happy Birthday Gustave Eiffel … thanks for the lessons

Today marks Gustave Eiffel’s 182nd birthday. Of course, he is known for the obvious – the Eiffel Tower. 240px-Tour_Eiffel_Wikimedia_Commons His life story is fascinating … it gives lessons in determination, steadfastness, education and success, in spite of circumstances and setbacks. Lessons that we can use in our own lives as we seek to add more, be more and do more with the skills and knowledge and opportunities we have. Here are the lessons gleaned as I’ve studied Eiffel’s life history. Life isn’t a bed of roses, but good can come out of every circumstance. Gustave Eiffel was born in France and spent his childhood living with his grandmother, even though both of his parents were alive.

A dislike of school isn’t an indication of failure … it’s often a sign of genius. He was not a studious child … he was bored in school.  His uncle played an important role in his education by spending time with Eiffel and teaching him about everything – from chemistry and mining to theology and philosophy. Eiffel had his hopes set on attending one college, but he didn’t qualify for entrance to this school. Instead he attended another school in Paris where he received a vocational.

Do what you can, from where you are, with what you have. After he graduated with plans to work in his uncle’s workshop, it didn’t happen due to a family dispute. So, he worked for free for his brother-in-law in a foundry until he sought employment with railway engineer Charles Nepveu who hired him as his private secretary. All was well until the company went bankrupt.

When things fall apart … another door will open. Although Nepveu’s company went bankrupt, he helped Eiffel secure a job with a company for whom Eiffel produced his first bridge design – one of countless bridges he is noted for. Soon, Nepveu was appointed to managing director of two factories in Paris and offered Eiffel a job as head of research.  A new contract for a railway bridge was secured and Eiffel eventually took over the management of the entire project. Following the successful construction of that bridge, Eiffel received more work – he was gaining attention and developing a reputation for his skills and knowledge.

Be independent – create your own economy. When business began to decline, Eiffel set up as an independent consulting engineer. He set up his own workshops.

Find a need, figure out the solution In Eiffel’s time, bridges were monstrous projects and the man labor required was enormous.  Plus, transporting all the materials across land where there were no roads, or very poor roads for travel, getting the materials to the project site was a huge problem. Eiffel started work on a system of standardised prefabricated bridges.  These used a small number of standard components, all small enough to be readily transportable, reducing the need for the man-hours used to carry these supplies to the site.

Do good work – you’ll attract more work. This is a little known fact about Eiffel. In 1881 he was contacted by Auguste Bartholdi who was in need of an engineer to help him to build the Statue of Liberty. 250px-Statue_of_Liberty_7 The entire statue was erected at the Eiffel works in Paris before being dismantled and shipped to the United States.

Do what you love and create residual income. Initially, Eiffel was not much interested in the Eiffel Tower project.  It wasn’t until engineer Stephen Sauvestre added architectural embellishments of the decorative arches, the glass pavilion and the cupola at the top that Eiffel got on board. He bought the rights to the patent on the design and on January 8,1887 signed a contract to receive 1 ½ million francs toward construction costs PLUS he was to receive all income from the commercial exploitation during the 1889 World’s Fairand for the following twenty years.

Ignore the naysayers – keep the vision.  The Eiffel tower was a subject of controversy and criticism. Headlines such as “Eiffel Suicide” and “Gustave Eiffel has gone mad: he has been confined in an Asylum” appeared in the press. Today the Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic structures in the world.  The tower is the tallest structure in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; 6.98 million people ascended it in 2011.

Leave a legacy.  Eiffel was ready to adopt innovative techniques first used by others and he was a pioneer in his insistence on basing all engineering decisions on a base of thorough calculation of the forces involved, combining this analytical approach with an insistence on a high standard of accuracy in drawing and manufacture.

220px-Gustav_Eiffel_Bust_Eiffel_Tower_paris For more information on Gustave Eiffel’s legacy in the Industrial Revolution Era, go here. If this article inspired you, share it with others. If it helped motivate you, leave a comment below.

And do this … read biographies of great people. Their stories will be filled with tragedy and triumph, failures and successes, courage and determination – just like Eiffel’s story has demonstrated.

You are no different than Eiffel, than Einstein, than Lincoln, or Emerson, or Napoleon Hill. You are endowed with the same connection to the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient power to create whatever you desire in life. Here’s to your discovery of your
amazing greatness!


Trisha Barnes

Connect with me on Facebook

P.S.   This is your invitation to join us on the Mindset Victory call – every Monday thru Friday at 10:00 am Eastern.  We are immersed in a mastermind study of mindset victory – we read, discuss, share and inspire others to create the life that they desire. Dial in here: Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703# Replay 712-775-7089 Pin 150703#