The wrong way to build relationships on social media is running rampant and causing huge distrust in the internet marketing industry. Learn what NOT to do.

The WRONG way to build relationships on social media …

Ever been in one of those relationships that just moved too fast?

It doesn’t just happen in your personal life, it happens in business … most notably(and annoyingly) on social media.

Whether you’re on the receiving end, or the instigator of this rush to get to the “altar” or “get laid,”

what applies in dating, applies on social media:

S L O W Down!

I get tons of friend requests and once I verify this person is not fake … as in, they have a cover photo, they have valuable and inspiring posts on their page instead of endless profile pictures …

I’ll accept the request and it’s not too long before I get a message like this:

“Hey, I’m sure you are going to like what I’m doing to make money, here’s my link, join me!”

There is SO MUCH WRONG with this.

This is the exact reason people are turned off and skittish about EVERYTHING on the internet.

Think back to when you were in the midst of the dating scene – or maybe you still are!  (good for you!)

You make eye contact with someone at a party, in a bar, at an event ..

you smile, you walk towards them, greet them and

have a few moments of “hey, are you having fun, where are you from, you like the music here? – etc.”

The conversation was a simple ice breaker kind of chit chat to see what kind of response you’ll get … to see if there is maybe something here that could develop into something more.

And so, the small talk continues until you royally screw everything up …

by blurting out,  “Let’s get married!”  or “Let’s go to bed!”

What are the odds that ever works?

I’m thinking you’d get a slap across the cheek or a drink thrown in your face.


Yet, that’s exactly what uninformed, untrained and desperate marketers are doing on social media platforms every single day.

Someone, somewhere told them to hustle … and they interpreted that to mean hurry up and get them to join their business.

(by  the way, hustle has two meanings:
to work hard and fast or
to pull one over on someone.)

You just don’t/shouldn’t ever hustle people.  NEVER!

When you hustle people, it’s like vomiting all over them with your amazing and wonderful chance of a lifetime opportunity. YUCK!


Why?  Because it’s the decent thing to do.  It’s the right way to network and build relationships.  It’s taking the higher road and bringing professionalism to the internet marketing industry.

S L O W down and think about it …

First of all, did you really get to know the person at all?

Did you check their profile or fan page to see what they are promoting?

Did you enter into conversations with them to get to know them better … and actually find out if they had a problem or need that your opportunity or product would help solve?

Did you take time to build a real relationship rather
than the wham-bam-thank-you-maam?

No, you just assumed that your vomit would be
received like a sweet smelling bouquet of roses and
that you would be getting “married” or “laid” immediately.


Ready to learn some “smooth moves” for building lasting and trustworthy relationships that could turn into customers?

I suggest two books that will help you immensely:

Go_ProFirst, “Go Pro” by Eric Worre, the master teacher of network marketing.

Worre covers all the steps you need to take from the first contact to the follow up.

This book will become you “bible” to guide you in building your business.

Get on Worre’s email list here to receive daily training videos.


win_friends_dale_carnegieThe next book is Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

This book is just as useful today as it was when it was first published in 1937.

You will learn how to make people like you, win people over to your way of thinking, and change people without causing offense or arousing resentment.


In addition, make sure that the people who are leading you, training you and telling you how to prospect are not taking you down this road of destruction.

Find mentors who have integrity, who exemplify seeing people instead of dollar signs.

Building lasting, sustaining relationships in business takes time. It takes patience and practice to develop a “knowing” of the person who could be the perfect fit for your team.

But, rushing it, being desperate to the point of vomiting on them and hoping they will join you despite the mess you just made will never work.

Do it right, in dating and in business, and you’ll enjoy years of happy results!


Here’s to lasting, fun and rewarding relationships!






c:  573-881-6715
f: Are we connected on Facebook?

P.S.  Simple Freedom teaches, trains and exalts the higher road as described in this article.  Learn how to market your business on Facebook without getting slapped, without being annoying or rude like the masses do it. Free training available 24/7 here.  

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Three Simple Steps to Make Money Online

If I could show you three simple ways to make money online, would you be open to listen?


It’s a Yes or No question.

That one question is the lead-in to finding customers, to finding the right customers who are … those who are serious about making money online.

Those who hem and haw,

who hurriedly have to get off the phone

or get on to their next errand,

who begin to tell you all the reasons this stuff doesn’t work …

those are the ones you let go.

You do no need to defend, convince, beg or plead with anyone.

You just sift out those who are not a good fit for the industry.

Like sifting for gold!

This is the Simple Freedom way.

Simple Freedom is an attitude. It’s a philosophy and a personality we have collectively and we share that.

Yeah, the life of traveling everywhere is our dream come true!

This is the exact system that helped us create the income that funds our freedom –

the never-ending Naked Hippies Roadtrip.


Over the years, we’ve done the complicated … we’ve bought thousands of dollars worth of training and programs and systems.  We’ve done it all, we’ve tried it all … and ended up right here …

Where we have absolutely EVERYTHING we need to continue to build.

We’re Simple Freedom through and through … where we all came together, battered, tired, frustrated and just plain fed up with the shenanigans of many in the industry.

We said ENOUGH!  We said “We can do it better, we can do it right. We can change the industry.”

And so we did!

Simple Freedom …

…created our own system and products to eliminate the confusion

…said NO to huge monthly payments for autoships

…said NO MORE egos and the bait and switch marketing

…said YES to bringing people back to the heart of this industry which is helping one another believe and achieve their possibilities.

Three simple steps to make money online … it’s this simple!

Never before have I felt like standing on the mountaintop shouting to the world “THIS IS IT!”

Never have I felt so sure, so safe and so proud to be an internet marketer … all because of Simple Freedom.

I wear this shirt proudly!






p:  573-881-6715
f:   Connect with me on Facebook

P.S.  It’s this simple.  Ask the question; share a video; and let the value and the message close the sale.  Aren’t you tired of chasing people?

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A Truly Simple Way to Create Monthly Passive Income Online

A Truly Simple Way to Create Monthly Passive Income Online

A truly simple way to create monthly passive income online!

You see others who appear to being doing just that … creating monthly passive income online … but then, you question what is possible for you … someone who has never done anything like this before, but wants to make it happen.

First of all, let me assure you that it IS doable.  It does work. It is exactly how we have built our Naked Hippies Roadtrip business.

Facebook has been the one social media platform that has provided the means and the method for us to connect with people, to share our roadtrip adventures and to share how we are building our business.

Are you on Facebook?

Are you generating sales from your posts?

If I could show you a truly simple way to create monthly passive income online, just as we are doing to fund our freedom lifestyle, would you be willing to take some simple steps to do what we do?

Start here to “see” how simple this is and why it works so well:

We market on Facebook, on this blog and are beginning to use Periscope.  We share our life, we teach, inspire, and connect with others who are seeking to live their dreams.

We did it, you can do this, too!

Get a copy of the ebook from the video presentation you just watched.







Download the free ebook here.

Your success is our mission.

Your dream is worth it.







p:  573-881-6715
f:   Find me on Facebook if you have questions

P.S.  Simple Freedom Alliance is the solution to the confusion and overwhelm that many new marketers confront when getting started in the online industry.  Years of experience, the trials and errors, the ups and downs have helped us create exactly what is needed in this industry.

Ready to work with me personally?  Ready to scale up your daily actions in order to reach your goals, to live your dream?

Click here to get your membership in the Simple Freedom Alliance.


T5T Yoga Perfect for Baby Boomers

T5T Yoga is PERFECT for Baby Boomers

I have always had a desire to begin yoga, knowing that it would be a great way to increase strength and flexibility as aged.

But, we have a different lifestyle. We live fulltime on the road, traveling, working, and living in our pickup camper.  So, signing up for a yoga class wasn’t something we could do – we travel continuously.

So, when Bruce found the T5T yoga program, we found the perfect solution.

T5T stands for the 5 Tibetan Rites.  Here’s the best explanation from the t5t site.

According to the Tibetan lamas, the only difference between youth and old age is the spin rate of the chakras (the body’s seven major energy centres).

…”The body has seven centres, which, in English, could be called Vortexes. These are kind of magnetic centres. They revolve at great speed in the healthy body, but when slowed down – well that is just another name for old age, ill-health, and senility. The quickest way to regain youth, health, and vitality is to start these energy centres spinning normally again. There are five simple exercises that will accomplish this. Any one of them alone is helpful, but all five are required to get the best results. These five exercises are not really exercises at all. The Lamas call them rites, and so that is how I shall refer to them, too”…  Colonel Bradford – “Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth”

What benefits can you expect from doing the 5 Tibetan Rites?

  • A significant increase in energy – more the endurance type of energy as opposed to the revved up caffeine type of energy. You feel like you can keep going and going.
  • Feel calmer and less stressed – your buttons simply don’t get pushed as easily anymore.
  • Develop significant mental clarity with a razor sharp focus.
  • Feel stronger, more flexible and less stiff
  • Enjoy seeing muscles appear on your arms, stomachs, hips, legs and backs. Good for toning flabby arms and tightening the abdomen
  • Sleep better. Some people have more vivid dreams
  • Overall improvement in your health, don’t seem to catch colds etc as often
  • Helps with depression and anxiety – lifts mood and improves well-being
  • More centered and at peace
  • Improved self discipline and sense of purpose
  • Feel younger and more powerful
  • Improved breathing – deeper, slower & more conscious
  • Increased levels of Qi (chi, ki, prana, life-energy)
  • Better posture
  • Develops good core strength, which provides a strong foundation for any other form of exercise or modern living
  • Some people lose weight, most find it easier to control weight and desire healthier foods
  • Improved digestion and elimination
  • Helps with the transition and symptoms of menopause
  • Helps with the symptoms of menstruation
  • Improved libido

Obviously, the T5T yoga will benefit anyone at ANY age.

You can receive more information and order the program here.

I feel like we have found the fountain of youth with T5T yoga.

It’s simple to do and the instructions are so easy to follow … step by step.

That’s how we choose to do everything in life … keep it simple.

We simplified life by downsizing from a house and garage full of stuff.

We simplified our physical fitness pursuit by beginning  T5T yoga.

We simplified our online business by eliminating programs and systems (and gurus) that took us on a path of confusion, overwhelm and no return on our investment of time and money.

We’ve learned that if causes stress, if it’s complex and complicated, we turn the other way and go back to simple.

Life is meant to be fun, fulfilling and fabulous.

Find your way to simple!

What does keeping it simple mean to you?






Sixty feeling thirty!  

P.S.  When you find something as fantastic as T5T you can’t help but share it with others.  It’s the same with Simple Freedom – the system we use to fund our free lifestyle.

Our vision has always been simple and pure:

To give people everywhere a real shot at success in their own personal online business. To give them the best customer support ever. To treat them special in every way and to massively over deliver value. And to give them, finally, a simple, fun way to create cash flow online.

That’s the Simple Freedom Way and that’s what we focus on every day.


1. My personal facebook:
2. My FB fan page:
3. My Text: 573-881-6715
4. My Email:
5. Subscribe to the Naked Hippies Newsletter. 
6. Enviralizer: Click here for complete tour and review.
7. Simple Freedom Academy: Click here for complete video review.
8. Simple Freedom Marketing School: Click here for free training.
9. Simple Freedom Academy Blog: Click here for complete information and updates.
0. Power Lead System (PLS): Click here for complete review

If you have any questions at all about us, our products, our training and our affiliate compensation program, I’m here for you. Just let me know. Find me on my Facebook here and simply post your question on my wall or send me a message or email.

My contact information is everywhere and I’d love to hear from you!

Lingering in a Soaking Bathtub Can Kill You

Who doesn’t love lingering in a soaking bathtub?

It feels so damn good … it relaxes you and relieves stress. You have escaped from the frenzy and you love the feeling.

Did you realize that lingering in that soaking bathtub can kill you?

Forget coming back for the soaking bathtub for a while.  It will be there when you need it, but right now – you need to be doing the work, talking to people, making connections, closing the sales.

Building your business requires your participation as the CEO … full out … get it going action.

It’s not easy, it’s worth it.

You’re going to get dirty, you’re going to fall down and scrape your hands and knees, you’re going to sweat like crazy …

Not easy, but oh so worth it.

So worth it to fight for your freedom … fight the daily battles of procrastination, fear, doubt, worry.

So worth it to try something that stretches you.

So worth it to learn from something that didn’t work.

So worth it to see what you’re really made of.

You business won’t grow on its own.  That comes later after you’ve been to the battlefront, trained and fought for the victory.

Dirty-up time!

Don’t come back to the bath until you are covered head to toe in mud … drenched in sweat … smelling like a pig … hands and knees scraped from crawling when you were knocked down …

because that’s who never dies in the bath … the ones who get up and get out there … they don’t need a pat on the back to keep them going … the ones who aren’t afraid of lunging at life … the ones who dare to say “watch me” when someone says they are foolish, crazy, dumb … the ones who leap up when someone pulls the plug on them …

the ones who don’t have time to bathe because there’s money to be made … people to talk to … lives to change.

Get out of the soaking bathtub!





Proud  member of Simple Freedom
p:  573-881-6715

P.S.  Been lingering in that soaking bathtub for too long?  Ready to get out there?  Let’s get you going … keep reading.

P.P.S. What’s Simple Freedom? A group of people, a culture of CAN-DO – who are helping people rise up and begin to generate their own income online.  Who help you get going … get your business growing and your income flowing.

Our vision has always been simple and pure:

To give people everywhere a real shot at success in their own personal online business. To give them the best customer support ever. To treat them special in every way and to massively over deliver value. And to give them, finally, a simple, fun way to create cash flow online.

That’s the Simple Freedom Way and that’s what we focus on every day.


1. My personal facebook:
2. My FB fan page:
3. My Text: 573-881-6715
4. My Email:
5. Subscribe to the Naked Hippies Newsletter. 
6. Enviralizer: Click here for complete tour and review.
7. Simple Freedom Academy: Click here for complete video review.
8. Simple Freedom Marketing School: Click here for free training.
9. Simple Freedom Academy Blog: Click here for complete information and updates.

If you have any questions at all about us, our products, our training and our affiliate compensation program, I’m here for you. Just let me know. Find me on my Facebook here and simply post your question on my wall or send me a message or email.

My contact information is everywhere and I’d love to hear from you!


The Real Cost of Raising Minimum Wage

What is the real cost of raising minimum wage?

It seems like the right thing to do – raising minimum wage to help those who are barely making enough to make ends meet.

But, someone has to pay the price … somewhere the increased costs for salaries have to be covered.

The Los Angeles city council just approved a measure to raise the minimum wage in LA to $15 per hour over the next five years, following the decisions of companies like Walmart and 29 states, plus the District of Columbia who have set their minimum wage above the federal mandate of $7.25 per hour.

From the perspective of a minimum wage earner, this is great news because their income from a 40 hour work week would increase from $290 to $600.  That $310 would really help a household pay for groceries, utility bills, etc. and maybe even allow a real family vacation.

From the eyes of the guy making lattes at the local coffee shop, this is going to be a great boost for his personal economy.

Proponents argue that raising minimum wage will benefit the whole U.S. economy … but the figures do not support this claim:  If 100% of this income (increased minimum wage) was spent on products and services, it would only equate to 1.25% of total U.S. GDP. [source]

Who will pay the price of raising minimum wage.  Who bears the brunt of this? Who covers the cost? 

Actually, we all will pay the price, including those whom raising the minimum wage is supposed to help.


We pay it in the form of increased prices at your fast food restaurants and grocery stores, Walmart, Lowes, Barnes and Noble, Target, movie theaters, Disneyland, and well, anywhere minimum wage earners are employed.

We pay it in the form of layoffs and downsizing.

We pay it in the form of reduced hours and reduced benefits.

Of course, this is not what you hear from the proponents of raising minimum wage.  You will only hear that the poor deserve to be paid more so they can improve their standard of living.

Once people stop to think about it, they begin to realize where the money for a minimum wage increase will come from: mostly from workers and customers. [source]

So, what’s the solution?  How do we help those who are struggling, the moms and dads who are working two or three jobs to feed their families?

We do it by returning to the roots this country was founded on … where everyone had the opportunity to rise, to explore, to discover, to create, to invent, to succeed.

Forbes’ contributing author Mike Patton writes this:

“A minimum wage job, after all, should never be the end game. Rather it should be a beginning step in the career path for those inclined to improve their circumstances. Unfortunately, we have a country filled with individuals who are satisfied with a welfare check, but who are fully capable of working and becoming a productive member of society. If government really wants to help our economy, it’ll focus on getting people off of entitlements and back to work.” [source]

As long as we are dependent on anyone or anything outside of ourselves to provide for our basic needs, we are nothing more than caged animals in a zoo where we wait for the next feeding,  spending the day hanging out with all the other caged animals thinking “this is all there is to life.”

Every person has the potential to rise above their circumstances and change the direction of their life.

Every single person, no matter where they have come from, where they are right now. The opportunities for learning and gaining skills are available.

Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the internet marketing industry or online marketing.

Anyone who desires to change their financial struggle can access endless opportunities to begin as an online marketer.  No college degree is required, no job uniform necessary … just the willingness to learn, the determination to take action, and the belief that you are worth so much more than what a boss or the government says you are.

I have met many online marketers who dragged themselves out of the pits of hell to rise to a level of income that surpasses the income of many CEOs.

Is it easy to do this?  Hell, no!  It takes work, it takes focus, it takes determination.  But they did it – starting from ground zero and building their own economy, step by step.

But, it sure beats living like a caged lion waiting for someone to toss the next meal to him.

It’s when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached. –Mike Huckabee

America still is the land of opportunity.  Heros arise every single day.  Success is achieved, wealth is created, families are pulled from the pits of poverty to a lifestyle of freedom through the wonder and capability of internet marketing.

Raising minimum wage does not cure the problem, it only increases the mindset of entitlement.

It’s time to rise up and claim your entitlement to build your own economy and provide for your family, as our ancestors did.

What’s your take on raising minimum wage?






Trisha Barnes
Proud member of Simple Freedom

P.S.  What’s Simple Freedom? A group of people, a culture of CAN-DO – who are helping people rise up and begin to generate their own income online.  We are part of Simple Freedom.

Our vision has always been simple and pure:

To give people everywhere a real shot at success in their own personal online business. To give them the best customer support ever. To treat them special in every way and to massively over deliver value. And to give them, finally, a simple, fun way to create cash flow online.

That’s the Simple Freedom Way and that’s what we focus on every day.


1. My personal facebook:
2. My FB fan page:
3. My Text: 573-881-6715
4. My Email:
5. Subscribe to the Naked Hippies Newsletter. 
6. Enviralizer: Click here for complete tour and review.
7. Simple Freedom Academy: Click here for complete video review.
8. Simple Freedom Marketing School: Click here for free training.
9. Simple Freedom Academy Blog: Click here for complete information and updates.

If you have any questions at all about us, our products, our training and our affiliate compensation program, I’m here for you. Just let me know. Find me on my Facebook here and simply post your question on my wall or send me a message or email.

My contact information is everywhere and I’d love to hear from you!