Nature’s Way of Showing You … Sowing and Reaping Marketing Tips

Watch … observe…learn from Nature the law of
sowing and reaping in marketing.

It’s Nature’s way of revealing to you how the
whole marketing process to build your business
follows Nature’s way.

We spend a lot of our time in and around Yuma,
Arizona during the winter months.

Yuma County is third in the nation for vegetable
production. In fact, about 90 percent of all the leafy
vegetables grown in the U.S. from November through
March are grown in and around the Yuma area.

You can drive for miles in this area and get a first-hand
view of the lessons of sowing and reaping from nature to
help you as you develop your marketing skills.

Here is Nature’s Way and your way to market:

First step is to prepare the soil, the fertile ground.




Marketing:  You prepare the soil – you build a list.
This is your fertile ground. This is where you plant the
seeds – your emails, your Facebook posts, your videos.

Next:  Nurture the crops so they begin to show growth.


Marketing: Now you nurture your list.
You feed your list – fertilize them with hope and
belief of all that is possible.  As new prospects make the
decision to work directly with you, you provide support,
you lend a hand, you direct them to the next step.

Next:  Water the crops


Marketing:  Now you provide in depth training; coaching,
events.  You share tips, tools and resources and
opportunities to quench their thirst for more knowledge
and to find the best path to create their desired outcome.


Next: Reap the Harvest



Marketing:  This is when your teammates begin to
produce results. When they start earning income, too.
This is when all the nurturing and training
and watering and feeding comes to fruition.


Next, you repeat the process again.  



Marketing:  Because you are constantly building your list,
you always have a new fertile ground to begin the process
with a new crop. The growing season never ends!

The bonus now is that you have teammates who have
learned this process as well, so they are tending to their
own fertile soil (their lists) and following the steps of
sowing and reaping.

Prepare the soil.
Plant the seeds.
Nurture the growth.
Water the fields.
Reap the harvest.
Start a new crop.

Here’s to your most excellent harvest.

Trisha (and Bruce)
The Naked Hippies

P.S.  It all starts with list building.  If you don’t build a list,
you are leaving money on the table. We are building our
list with one tool and only one tool … the Power Lead System.

This system gives you capture pages, email campaigns, autoresponder, tracking, sales funnels, list building AND
complete training and support.  (AND commissions for
affiliates, too!)

Check out the free 7 day trial of PLS here.