Big Foot Conquers the Mountain …

We live fulltime in our rv,  on a never-ending roadtrip.

It’s our dream come true. We’re doing what we love,
traveling to places we’ve only imagined before now,
meeting amazing people who enrich our journey.

It’s our life, our dream, our business.  We’ve been
building and expanding our dream for seven years.
It hasn’t been a smooth ride for those seven years …
we’ve had some mountains to climb.

But it’s been so worth it.  We’ve discovered and
learned from our mountain adventures, like this one:

Last March, we were headed to California from
Arizona on Interstate 8 … headed to the beach,
rolling along smooth… until we had to climb the
Peninsular Range Mountains.
mountain challenge #2

The truck overheated, we had to be towed and
we never made it over that mountain.

We found another way, made it to the beach,
and made our way back to our Naked Hippie
mechanic, Pat Griffith, in Eureka Springs,

A new radiator was needed.  All is well…

Now, just two days ago, we began the quest –
to conquer that looming mountain.


This mountain adventure taught us
some important lessons about the
mountains we face in life as we seek to
grow, change, go in a new direction.


1.  Sometimes it ain’t as HUGE as it

After we conquered the mountain,
we realized how it was more of a
mole hill than a mountain.

We had perceived it to be the biggest,
baddest mountain because our first
experience in crossing it had failed.

We avoided it on several trips, went
around another way because we had
failed once and didn’t want to take a
chance on failing again.

What mountain are you avoiding?

2.  When you face a mountain, get
some help.

Sometimes, you need an expert —
someone who knows more than you
do to help you get over that dang

We took Big Foot to our mechanic.
He knew what was needed, he had years
of experience, tools and skills we didn’t
have.   We didn’t hesitate to invest
in his knowledge and skills to help us
get over that mountain.

Just like Big Foot used a coach (our
mechanic) to get back on the road,
you can do the same by investing in
someone’s coaching services to help
you conquer your mountain.

What mountain are you facing now as you
build your own roadtrip to freedom?

Getting started in your home business?
Getting a daily plan of action set up?
Building a list?
Generating leads?
Getting out of your comfort zone?

Whatever mountain is standing in front
of you today, know this … it can be conquered.

We can help.  If not us, there’s someone out
there with experience and skills and tools to
help you cross that ominous mountain.

Do what Big Foot did … find that someone.

Give us a call.  We’ve helped hundreds of
people … we’ve climbed right beside them,
shown them the path, shared the tools,
provided the support.

Ain’t no mountain too high.
Ain’t no river to wide.
To get you to your dream.


Trisha Barnes
P: 573-881-6715

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