Surviving the blizzards of life Naked Hippies Roadtrip

Surviving Blizzard Juno and Blizzard LIFE

Those in the Northeast are battling and surviving blizzard Juno while those all around the world are surviving the blizzard called life.


We survived a blizzard when we lived in our camper on the banks of the Missouri River.  It was exciting to me … I had never experienced
a blizzard in all my years.  I was too excited to be worried.

The forecast warned of the approaching blizzard.  We prepared for
it – stocking up on food and movies – ready to be “snowed-in” for a
few days.

And right on schedule, as forecasted, the snow began to fall.  I kept
watch throughout the day, mesmerized by the blowing snow that
kept falling and falling.

Several times, I bundled up in boots and coat and mittens to measure its depth.  It was still coming down as we fell asleep
that night.

At daylight the next morning, I opened the door to the camper and
marveled at the sight … massive snow, huge drifts and a silent
serenity greeted me.

It wasn’t long before I was bundled up again to go play in this
winter wonderland.  It was like being a little kid again, the snow
reached up to my thighs!

Here’s the video I made of the blizzard of 2011:

That was truly one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever

It got me to thinking about how we experience many”blizzards” in life.  Sometimes they are forecasted, most often they are not.

I call them life interruptions. You know, those storms that roll in without warning. If you are unprepared, you are in for a rough go of it.

We knew that blizzard in 2011  was coming. We stocked up on supplies because we knew we would be stuck in the camper for several days.

In life, we don’t always know what’s coming, and when stuff happens, we don’t always feel like we’ll survive THIS thing that happened.  But we can …

Here is how to prepare for life’s blizzards:


Just as we stocked up on food before the storm hit, you must stock up on the tools and resources that will help you survive anything  life throws at you.

The only way to be prepared to deal with anything that comes up in life is to be grounded in personal development.

Personal development will help you deepen your faith and your beliefs.  It will help you develop an attitude of joy and happiness and gratitude for each moment of your life.

Without this in your life, you will suffer with anger, fear, worry, doubt, jealousy, bitterness and blame.

Without this you will be thrashed about in the storms of life rather than maintaining a sense of peace and well-being in spite of what is happening.

With this you will handle everything that comes storming in with
peace and assurance and hope … and even gratitude.  You WILL!


Well, of course you do not want to be out in the elements when a blizzard hits.  It’s the same in life. When the shit hits the fan, you go within.

For some, this is spending time in meditation or prayer.
(I like this comparison of the two:  prayer is you talking to God; meditation is God talking to you.)

While all around you there is chaos, go within to remember He who made you is with you … is in you.  Let go of all the stress, the worry, the fear.  Let the peace and serenity flow in and through your whole being.


When that blizzard hit, I couldn’t wait to get outside and play in the deep snow – like I used to when I was a kid.  When life interrupts, find time to play.  When you were a child, you loved playing.  Your world existed of playing and eating and sleeping,  playing being the #1 favorite activity.

Be a kid again when the blizzard hits … find a way to play, to laugh, to pretend, to imagine.  When you were a child and were afraid, who assured you everything was alright?  Your parents – right?  (Go back and read “Stock Up.”

We grow up and forget the wonder of imagination.  We get too busy and focused on surviving life that we don’t take time to just be like a kid and believe in magic, believe in happy endings.

Whatever you can do to re-member the child in you with your current state of being … DO IT.


During that blizzard of 2011, I kept opening the door to watch the snow falling, blowing, whirling around. It was magical in spite of being freakin’ cold and windy.  The world transformed into beauty hour by hour.

You can find beauty in everything, if you look for it.  When life interrupts, look for beauty and goodness.  You’ll see it in the smile of a stranger, you’ll feel it in the hug from a friend, you’ll hear it in the words spoken through a phone call.  Watch the sunrise, take a walk, even just going outside for a while will open your eyes to the beauty and goodness that is always there.


You are a survivor, you weathered the life storm. Realize that because of this, you are stronger, more courageous, able to conquer.

 When you come out of the storm,
you won’t be the same person
who walked in.
That’s what this storm’s all about.
– Haruki Murakami

Others watched you struggle and survive. They saw your victory, they felt your power. Share your story … give hope to someone else.

The life blizzards are inevitable. They hit hard, they blow fiercely.
Preparing for these storms will make all the difference in the story that you tell.

If this helped you today, leave a comment below.

Here’s to YOU!

Survivor Naked Hippies Roadtrip

p:  573-881-6715
f:   Find me on Facebook!

P.S.  One of the best ways to learn personal development is to surround yourself with others who are doing the same.  We do that every morning – Monday thru Friday on the Mindset Victory call …
where we read some of the greatest books on personal development, we discuss, we share, we grow together.

Come join us:
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