Whole Brain Integration with PSYCH-K

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“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”


-Dr. Seuss

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God bless Dr. Seuss for planting these seeds of possibility in our minds.

His children’s book “Oh The Places You’ll Go” stands up with all the personal development books that give guidance and suggestions for changing the direction of your life.

But, while all those suggestions and positive thoughts and affirmations make you feel good about the possibility that you can change your life and experience well-being and success, it has been a hit-and-miss result for so many.

PSYCH-K goes beyond the “feel good.”


It goes to work on restoring balance between the left and right hemispheres of your brain.

It is common to hear “I am so right brained.” I’ve said those words often and they are true.

And it has caused miscommunication and misunderstanding with my husband, who is left-brain dominant. I am creative, visual, and live in what I describe as the squishy, colorful la-la land of the right brain. He is analytical, logical and very much a black-and-white, just-the-facts-ma’am.

That makes it difficult to fully comprehend why I say the things I do in the ways that I express them; and vice versa.

When we started doing PSYCH-K processes to change limiting beliefs, we noticed something phenomenal.


Because PSYCH-K balances the left and right brain hemispheres for whole brain integration, without consciously focusing on that happening, we began to switch places. I would find myself talking to Bruce as left-brained Bruce; he would talk to me as right-brained Trisha.

It was amazing. We laughed at ourselves saying, ‘Do I really sound like that to you?”

We now have a much deeper understanding and greater appreciation of each other because of the whole brain integration that results from doing the PSYCH-K balances.

“The goal is to increase “cross-talk” between the two brain hemispheres, thereby achieving a more whole-brained state, which is ideal for changing subconscious beliefs. In addition, when right and left hemispheres are in simultaneous communication, the qualities and characteristics of both hemispheres are available to maximize your full response potential to life’s challenges.”
                     -Rob Williams, PSYCH-K founder

Learn more about what the Naked Hippies are planning and doing with PSYCH-K to help end the struggles you face.


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Feeling fine, feeling free

and totally available to help

you experiences the same!


Reach out – let’s talk!

c:  573-881-6715

fb:  trishajbarnes


Forever Younger

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Forever younger?

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
               ― Sophia Loren

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Just from my realm of experience, I have heard these excuses for getting old:

“My memory is shot.”

“You’re too old to have long hair.”

“These old bones won’t let me.”

“Nah, I’m going to stay home and watch Wheel of Fortune.”

“I don’t ‘get’ these young kids’ music.”

“There’s no way I can figure out all the new technology.”

“Just give me a new word search book, that’s all I want.”

“I wish we could go back to the good ol’ days.”

We laugh and joke about aging, but don’t realize that even though the number
of years we have lived indicates we’re “old” …

there is no reason to give in and give up as you age.


You can be forever younger! 



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Aga Burzynska didn’t give in to aging or give up and plop herself down in a rocking chair in a nursing home.

Ava became a superstar in international masters’ competitions [beginning at the age of 77] winning

750 gold medals and setting 37 world records in sprinting, the long jump, the javelin throw, and other events. She competed for the final time in 2014, in Hungary, just weeks before she passed away [at the age of 95].  Read the full story here.


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Now, before you think that in order to be forever younger, you must become a track and field star,
scientists have gained incredible information from studying her brain activity:

Kotelko’s daily activity on its own was no doubt incredibly healthy for her mind and body.
But the resilience of her brain late in life may have also stemmed from the fact that she
never stopped challenging herself to learn, no matter how old she got.

The amount of white matter in her corpus callosum, a thick swath of fibers that transfer
nerve signals between the brain’s left and right hemispheres—transmitting thoughts,
movement, and memory—was off the charts.  
[full article here]


I have two questions for you:

1. What are you doing to challenge yourself as you add years to your life?

2. Do you consider yourself more left-brain dominant or right-brain dominant?

These discoveries from testing and studying Aga’s brain affirm the value and significance
of whole-brain integration, the key to achieving whatever you desire, no matter what age
you are.

Most people are either left brain dominant or right brain dominant, and while each
dominance has unique capabilities, when they are balanced through whole brain
integration, you are able to be and do more than you believe is possible. You
could even break Aga’s records of gold medals, if that is your desire.

The balancing processes with PSYCH-K do just that – balance the left and right
brain hemispheres.

Our personal experiences with PSYCH-K have deepened our already strong and secure relationship with each other. It’s been phenomenal! 


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To your forever younger, vibrant, balanced self,



I’m always available to help, to talk, to laugh with you…for you are truly magnificent!

text:  573-881-6715
fb:     trishajbarnes

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Pay Attention to Avoid Distractions of Scams

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Scams run rampant in every area of our lives. 
Especially in the Make Money Online industry.

Scams are about distraction. It’s so easily done. 

By distracting your focus to the glittering, shiny promises of EASY MONEY, your hopefulness causes you to miss the “slight of hand” distraction and you are an easy target for scams.  

You gotta pay attention. 

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By not paying attention, you can be easily distracted as this professional pickpocket, Apollo Robbins, demonstrates. 

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PAY ATTENTION to these common distractions in the online marketing industry:


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Making money online doesn’t have to be hard.

But it does require your investment of time and money,
and a commitment to do the work …including selling.

And the first person you need to “sell” is yourself.

If you have a lack of self-worth, a fear of selling, or
any hesitation to step up and do whatever it takes to
be successful, check out what we are doing to help
you eliminate these limiting beliefs.

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See? You can work from anywhere!
I choose Nautre for my office.


It also helps to really KNOW who you
are working with … so
Text or call me 573-881-6715

Message me on Facebook

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The Good, Bad and Ugly about Bitcoin Investing

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Bitcoin investing has its good, bad and ugly side.

It’s a wild world that has great potential, but protect yourself when investing in Bitcoin, or any cryptocurrency.

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I’m not an expert in Bitcoin investing. I’m just here as your normal,
average US citizen who is seeking to find ways to break free from the
chains of government rules and regulations about how I make and spend
my hard earned dollars.

So, in good faith and with the intention of helping other normal,
average people like me … I share what I have learned, what I have
experienced, and what solutions I have found to gain more freedom.

My hope is that as you continue to read you’ll understand more clearly
the good, the bad, and the ugly about Bitcoin investing. 



The digital currency Bitcoin has reached a new all-time high,
rising to $1,800 on May 11, 2017. Overall, the price of bitcoin
has risen 81% since the beginning of 2017, according to CNBC.

If you haven’t yet invested in Bitcoin, it’s time.

Where else can you get a return on your money like this?
It’s not going to happen with any accounts you have sitting in
a bank, a CD or IRA.

Still not sure?  Read “Why the Heck Should I Invest in Bitcoin.” 



Of course, this kind of rapid growth makes it volatile. The bubble will

That is when it will stablize, and the world will be changed.

That’s where the opportunity is as well as the risk.

During the dot.com boom, the internet was volatile. Once it
burst, it stabilized, making it less risk and also less opportunity.

The dot.com bubble didn’t burst until it reached a value in the
trillions. Currently cryptocurrency is valued at about 100 billion.



Yes, criminals are using cryptocurrency to fund their illegal activities.
They also use fiat currency (dollars) and Amazon gift cards.

But, wait a minute … so do you and me and everyone else. It is what it is.

And … a lot of scammers are selling cryptocurrency to those unaware
of their scam, those who are attracted to making money with Bitcoin.
There have been arrests.

Scammers have and will always lurk, seek and capture, then dessimate
innocent people. (and those who are looking for something for nuthin’).

Kinda leaves you feeling a bit hopeless doesn’t it?

I mean, you probably felt all fired up about investing in Bitcoin when you
first began reading this article, but now … not so much.


Back to the GOOD!


We began Bitcoin investing because of the good we saw.

We didn’t know much about it, except that the value of our investment
continued to increase month after month.

That led us to search for the opportunities, and that’s when we realized
how easy it is to be scammed when you don’t really understand what
red flags to avoid.

When we met Rick Katz, we found the education, training, and most of
all, immense relief and safety for Bitcoin investing.


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Here’s how the Naked Hippies roll. Before we are “all in” with any company or platform or project … we sit down with the founder(s) to get to know them personally, to see if they are as real and
honest as they seem, to see if we truly resonate with their vision.

We were heading east in our pickup camper, but once we heard from Rick about CryptoFundRaiser, we turned the camper around and headed to Santa Monica to meet him in person and see for ourselves if everything that seemed to be what we hoped it would be … was actually so.
And it was.

By the time we turned the camper around again, we knew our decision to invest in Bitcoin, to start our crowd funding platform with CryptoFundRaiser, and to learn how to safely invest in upcoming ICO’s was the opportunity we had been seeking.


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Not only that … we had returned to doing what we love most –
helping our friends and family make money.

We know that the internet industry for all of us network/internet/affiliate
marketers is in chaos. Everyone is scrambling to keep a foot on solid ground
while the chaos stirs up distrust, competition and burnout.

Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and crowdfunding is what will be left after the
shitstorm settles down.

The timing is perfect. The only question is … what will you decide to do?

Our invitation is open to those who have been on the brink of throwing
in the towel; those who have been holding on to that last thread of hope in
making any money; to those who are open to seeing what I’ve shared here
as an incredible opportunity that requires speed and commitment.

Take a look around inside CryptoFundRaiser. Set up a free account.
Get the free PDF available there: “How to Get Rich in the Cryptocurrency
Blockchain Movement.”

Then, call, text, message me on Facebook or send a carrier pigeon …
we’re here to help you set the foundation for your future, for the future
of this industry, the economy and the world.


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c:  573-881-6715
fb: trishajbarnes


Your Sweet Tooth is Killing You

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Health Warning: Your Sweet Tooth is Killing You

I was raised on country sunshine … and sugar.

Every meal we had included sugar laden dishes and our meals regularly were capped of with the grand finale’ – desert!

Heck, my grandmother even made me sugar sandwiches when I visited her.

I became a sugar addict early on.

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I learned from both my grandmothers and my mom how to make pies,
cinnamon rolls, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, cheesecakes … there wasn’t a
desert recipe that I wouldn’t try, both to create and consume.

I served these delicious creations to my family, my friends and neighbors,
as well as devouring them myself …

for years and years and years.

It wasn’t within my scope of understanding then that I was actually poisoning
those I loved …

that I was feeding an addiction similar to a cocaine addiction.    

Sugar has been a mainstay in our diets for generations. But it has finally
become a serious factor regarding our health – one that can’t be denied or
ignored any longer.

In spite of eliminating salt and fat from our diets as directed over the past
several decades,  if you look around and listen to people expound on their
ailments, their medications, their diets …

it is apparent that we have not made great strides in getting healthier. 

We’ve been duped as we’ve accepted and followed the recommended
fat-free diet route.

New studies are finding that it isn’t fat
that is causing heart disease – it’s sugar.


The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that the average American
consumes between 150 to 170 pounds of refined sugars in one year!

It didn’t use to be this way. During the early-1800s, the average intake of sugar was only
about 4-6 pounds per person per year.

But now, we have an epidemic.

And research is proving that sugar consumption is a major contributing factor in many
diseases that are the leading causes of death:

  • Adult obesity
    More than one-third (36.5%) of U.S. adults have obesity.
  • Childhood obesity
    has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents
    in the past 30 years.
  • Heart disease
    The first leading cause of death. About 610,000 Americans die
    from heart disease each year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.
  • Cancer
    It’s the second leading cause of death worldwide.
    In 2012, more than 14 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed around the world.
    That number is expected to reach 19 million by 2025. Today, more than twice as many
    people die from cancer than from AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined.
  • Diabetes
    More than 29 million Americans are living with diabetes, and 86 million are living
    with prediabetes, a serious health condition that increases a person’s risk of type 2
    diabetes and other chronic diseases.
  • Alzheimer’s
    This is the most common cause of dementia among older adults. It is the fifth leading
    cause of death for adults aged 65 years and older, and the sixth leading cause of death
    for all adults.

Those diseases are the ones that get your attention, the ones that drastically impact your life
and the lives of your friends and family.

But sugar consumption also impairs the body in these areas:

  • allergies

  • arthritis

  • behavioral problems

  • degenerative/organ disease

  • depression

  • immune disruption

  • migraines

  • mental illness

  • tooth decay

Plus, sugar consumption contributes to aging skin; i.e., wrinkles.
Sugar hastens the degradation of elastin and collagen, both key skin proteins.

This should be a huge wake-up call to all of us.

Your sweet tooth is killing you.

It’s time to face the facts and do an about face regarding sugar.

It may feel like information overload right now after reading all the statistics shared
above, but there’s more to understand about sugar, to help you begin to beat this
terrible addiction.

We all know that deserts are full of sugar. But, it is found in 74% of packaged food
sold in grocery stores, not just the deserts.

Start looking at the ingredients of all the packaged food items you purchase, including
the ones that are labeled as healthy, all natural products.

I was just in the grocery store today and picked up a can of chicken broth. Did it contain
sugar? Oh yes, indeed. Even chicken broth, which I used to drink when on one of my
past calorie-restricted, harebrained diets … even chicken broth has sugar.

It’s endless … there is sugar in ketchup, seasoning packets, gravy mixes, spaghetti sauces,
pork roasts,chili beans, almond milk, peanut butter, yogurt, and on and on it goes. Read
the labels – you’ll see.

But, be aware that sugar has many aliases. Just because sugar isn’t named as “sugar”
in the ingredients, you’ll find it disguised under other names as shown in the image below.

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The World Health Organization recommends that you consume no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day. One teaspoon of granulated sugar equals 4 grams of sugar. Do the math.

A 12-ounce can of regular Coke contains 39 grams of total sugar, which is about 9 1/3 teaspoons of sugar. Just one glass of that ice cold, fizzing and bubbling drink puts you over the recommened limit. One glass feeds the sugar addiction quite easily.

Once again, you’ll need to learn the multitude of names for sugar that are listed on food and drink lables.
Coke’s ingredient label doesn’t list sugar. Coke in the United States is made with high fructose corn syrup
as a lower-cost sugar alternative. High fructose corn syrup is actually the second ingredient in Coke, behind
carbonated water.  

Thinking you’ll just need to give up those Krispy Kreme doughnuts and you’ll be healthier? 

It will surprise you to know that many foods which would seem like a healthy alternative contain a lot more
sugar than that yummy, hot-out-of-the-grease doughnut.

  • A 6 ounce service of Yoplait Original–like many naturally sweetened yogurts–contains over twice the sugar of a Krispy Kreme doughnut. 
  • A bottle of Vitamin Water, despite its healthy-sounding name, contains 33 grams of sugar per 20 ounce bottle, or 3.3 Krispy Kremes.
  • An 8oz serving of Tropicana orange juice clocks in at over twice the sugar of a Krispy Kreme with 22 grams.

Clearly, your sweet tooth is killing you and while you may have been unaware of the addictive nature of sugar until now,

it’s time to break this addiction. 

Break your addiction to sugar – The Naked Hippies Way:



There are endless helpful articles and suggestions for breaking your addiction to sugar. It all comes down to this …

you have to make the choice to break the addiction.  Remember it is not a moral failing or lack of willpower. You became addicted long before you had the ability to say no to sugar.

What happens when a child falls and scrapes his knee, or gets upset over something? A loving adult hands him a cookie to ease his pain.

What is the highlight of a birthday celebration? A cake – right? — loaded with sugar, icing dripping
with sugar, decorated with sugar candies and sprinkles and flourishes. How about celebrating anything now?

Don’t we usually decide to feast on a decadent desert as part of the celebration. Or how about all the times we reach for a sweet treat when we feel the need to be comforted in a given situation? 

We were programmed and addicted from the very beginning and we have continued to feed this addiction throughout our adult lives.

The first step to recovery is admitting the addiction and it is my hope that the information I’ve shared will help you realize it’s time to change, it’s time for rehab. But you don’t need to check in to a rehab facility. You can do this from where you are right now, beginning today. 

Eliminating sugar in our diet is one of The Naked Hippies Way for health and I’ll be sharing more about all our dietary changes in future articles.

The following is what Bruce and I have done to kick
the sugar addiction we both had. 


Eliminate sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Go cold turkey. If you are addicted to narcotics or alcohol, it doesn’t work to
just cut down. You have to totally QUIT consuming the addictive product,
quit feeding the addition. Refined sugars, sodas, fruit juices, and artificial
sweeteners are all drugs that will fuel those sweet-tooth cravings.

Substitute sugar and artificial sweeteners with fresh fruit.
It may be easier to grab a chocolate chip cookie when you’re feeling
that sweet tooth calling, but a fresh fruit smoothie, or a bowl of fresh
fruit will satisfy the craving just as well. I freeze bananas and blend them
for a yummy frozen pseudo ice cream. 

Learn your food triggers. 
Sometimes, you are truly hungry and your body signals it’s time to eat.
But not all hunger signals are true hunger. Actually, more often, you are triggered
to eat because you are stressed. Or that you are dehydrated and need to drink more

The next time you begin to crave something sweet or even just something to eat,
drink a glass of water and wait twenty minutes. Many times, the water is all your
body needs.

When you feel stressed, learn to de-stress in whatever way works for you. Some
use meditation. Some exercise. Some do like I do – get out for a walk in nature.
Find something that helps you let go, relax and release that need for a sugar “fix.”

Bruce and I live by this mantra: eat to live, don’t live to eat. That’s The Naked Hippies

We have made many changes in our eating habits and diet over the past several months.
Eliminating sugar is just one of them. Do we follow a strict diet of absolutely no sugar
whatsoever? No. We have treats every now and then. The big difference is that sugar
is no longer in our daily diet. It’s an occasional fun treat instead of a staple in our
daily eating habits.

Are you addicted to sugar? Do you now understand how your sweet tooth is killing you?

What’s your plan to break this addiction?

Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear!

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Love and light,

Trisha Barnes

text:  573-881-6715
FB: trishajbarnes

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Never Fight With Your Spouse Again – The Naked Hippies Way

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Never Fight With Your Spouse Again –

for the rest of your life?


Is it really possible to never ever fight with your spouse again?

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How could that be when it’s such a common occurrence? Couples fight. A lot.

You’ve heard the war stories, been pulled into the drama couples tell
about the fights they have. Maybe you’ve even been the one telling the story.

It’s ugly.

It hurts.

When you fight with your spouse …

Words are screamed. Tears fall. Anger builds. Distance grows.

And then, hopefully, but not always … apologies start to soothe and restore.
Soon, you’re hugging and kissing and having make-up sex.
And all is good again, except

Except you’ve just put your mind, body and spirit through HELL,
as well as your spouse.

Your stress levels increased and the effects of stress took its cascading toll
on you; in fact, the stress can kill you.

Researchers found that healthy people who are often angry or hostile
are 19% more likely than calmer people to get heart disease.

Anything that you can do to reduce stress in your life (including never fight
with your spouse again) is life-saving.

A study, out of the University of Cogenhagen, followed almost 10,000 people,
aged 36-52, for 11 years. The researchers asked them about their social
relationships, paying special attention to which of the people in their lives
tended to be linked with the most arguments. Over the course of the study,
196 women and 226 men died. About half of the deaths were due to cancer,
and the other half from heart disease, accidents, and suicides.


People who reported more arguing with their spouses or children were
50% to 100% more likely to die from any cause at all. Those who reported
frequent arguing with anyone in their social circle – including friends, relatives,
and neighbors – were two to three times more likely to die over the next decade.

Bruce and I have had relatively few arguments in our ten years together. But, those
few left us drained and emotionally spent. And although the make-up sex was fantastic
and we were always able to forgive and get back to a loving and happy state of bliss,  we
began to ask, “What the heck are we doing, putting ourselves through such agonizing
moments of damage?” Damage to our bodies, our relationship, our happiness, our well-being.

We wanted to find a way to address an argument without allowing it to escalate to unhealthy
stress levels.  We wanted a way to communicate and share openly without raising our voices
and carving wounds in our relationship … wounds that leave scars.

We knew we had to do something different because we hated going down this dark hole of
negative energy that can diminish and destroy even a relationship as beautiful as ours. We had
to find a way to protect and strengthen our relationship rather than chop away at it bit by bit
with each argument.

What we came up with, after one especially frustrating and heated argument, is simple,
somewhat provocative and daring, but it works beautifully and powerfully to help you to
never fight with your spouse again.

This is The Naked Hippies Way that promotes quiet,
calm communication.

It works! You’ll never fight with your spouse again. But, you have to be willing to be

Here’s what we do.

At the moment our conversation begins to turn into an argument, we stop talking
about it. We crawl into our bed, completely naked and lay facing each other, skin to skin.

Then, the rule is that we can say whatever we want to say as long as our noses are touching.

Why get naked? Why touch noses?

Being completely naked creates a way for ultimate touching. Your skin is your body’s biggest organ
and it responds to touch in a way that opens communication.

Research shows that touch can communicate multiple positive emotions: joy, love, gratitude,
and sympathy. Scientists used to believe touching was simply a means of enhancing messages
signaled through speech or body language. But it seems instead that touch is a much more nuanced,
sophisticated, and precise way to communicate emotions. 

It may also increase the speed of communication: “If you’re close enough to touch, it’s often the
easiest way to signal something,” says Laura Guerrero, coauthor of Close Encounters: Communication
in Relationships, who researches nonverbal and emotional communication at Arizona State University.

This immediacy is particularly noteworthy when it comes to bonding. “We feel more connected to
someone if they touch us,” Guerrero notes.

Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201303/the-power-touch

This nose-to-nose solution is not the usual “in-your-face” moment that often erupts during
an argument. It’s on-your-face, in-you-space immersion.

It’s impossible to yell at someone when your nose is pressed up against theirs.

It’s impossible to take in a deep breath and raise your voice when your noses are touching.

Your conversation is quieter and calmer.

In fact, the argument usually ends quickly as each partner realizes how ridiculous, irrational
and silly they sound with their noses pressed together, their eyes locked and their bodies
experiencing skin to skin contact. All the shit just falls away and you fall in love with your
partner again. (Cue make-up sex now!)

Before you brush this solution off as a quirky Naked Hippies Way, let me ask you …

How valuable is your relationship with your spouse?

How have all your arguments left you feeling?

How would you like to never fight with your spouse again?

The next time an argument begins to show its ugly face, try this. Give it a shot.
It is certainly lots cheaper than marriage counseling!

Now, let me give you one more suggestion. We do this often to reconnect and
reassure each other of our love.

We do this when we feel we’re being pulled apart by the busyness of taking
care of our business. When we realize we’ve been so focused on the to-do lists
and less focused on doing for each other. 

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Again, we crawl into bed, completely naked and lay as close to each other, one body touching as much of the other body as possible … arms entwined, legs entangled, heads nestled into shoulder. We just lay there. No talking, no sex, nothing but breathing in the essence of each other, melting one into the other until it feels like there is just one of us. There is no greater feeling than this. It is so spiritually powerful.

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row make_fullwidth=”off” use_custom_width=”off” width_unit=”off” custom_width_px=”1080px” custom_width_percent=”80%” use_custom_gutter=”off” gutter_width=”3″ custom_padding=”5px|0px|27px|0px” padding_mobile=”off” allow_player_pause=”off” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on” make_equal=”off” column_padding_mobile=”on” parallax_1=”off” parallax_method_1=”on” parallax_2=”off” parallax_method_2=”on” parallax_3=”off” parallax_method_3=”on” parallax_4=”off” parallax_method_4=”on”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on” column_padding_mobile=”on”][et_pb_text background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” text_font_size=”16px”]

Since 2010, we have been living and working and traveling in a pick-up camper where
we are within arms’ reach of each other almost 24/7. Many speculated that our marriage
would never survive such a close encounter living space.

It’s been over six years and we still feel and act like we’re on our honeymoon. I can’t
remember the last time we argued.

Could it be that one nose-to-nose argument as I have suggested, along with regular
intervals of just reconnecting as described above has been the reason? I think so.

Now, it’s up to you to decide if you’ll never fight with your spouse again,
using The Naked Hippies Way.

Let me know how it works for you. I’d love to hear!
