The wrong way to build relationships on social media is running rampant and causing huge distrust in the internet marketing industry. Learn what NOT to do.

The WRONG way to build relationships on social media …

Ever been in one of those relationships that just moved too fast?

It doesn’t just happen in your personal life, it happens in business … most notably(and annoyingly) on social media.

Whether you’re on the receiving end, or the instigator of this rush to get to the “altar” or “get laid,”

what applies in dating, applies on social media:

S L O W Down!

I get tons of friend requests and once I verify this person is not fake … as in, they have a cover photo, they have valuable and inspiring posts on their page instead of endless profile pictures …

I’ll accept the request and it’s not too long before I get a message like this:

“Hey, I’m sure you are going to like what I’m doing to make money, here’s my link, join me!”

There is SO MUCH WRONG with this.

This is the exact reason people are turned off and skittish about EVERYTHING on the internet.

Think back to when you were in the midst of the dating scene – or maybe you still are!  (good for you!)

You make eye contact with someone at a party, in a bar, at an event ..

you smile, you walk towards them, greet them and

have a few moments of “hey, are you having fun, where are you from, you like the music here? – etc.”

The conversation was a simple ice breaker kind of chit chat to see what kind of response you’ll get … to see if there is maybe something here that could develop into something more.

And so, the small talk continues until you royally screw everything up …

by blurting out,  “Let’s get married!”  or “Let’s go to bed!”

What are the odds that ever works?

I’m thinking you’d get a slap across the cheek or a drink thrown in your face.


Yet, that’s exactly what uninformed, untrained and desperate marketers are doing on social media platforms every single day.

Someone, somewhere told them to hustle … and they interpreted that to mean hurry up and get them to join their business.

(by  the way, hustle has two meanings:
to work hard and fast or
to pull one over on someone.)

You just don’t/shouldn’t ever hustle people.  NEVER!

When you hustle people, it’s like vomiting all over them with your amazing and wonderful chance of a lifetime opportunity. YUCK!


Why?  Because it’s the decent thing to do.  It’s the right way to network and build relationships.  It’s taking the higher road and bringing professionalism to the internet marketing industry.

S L O W down and think about it …

First of all, did you really get to know the person at all?

Did you check their profile or fan page to see what they are promoting?

Did you enter into conversations with them to get to know them better … and actually find out if they had a problem or need that your opportunity or product would help solve?

Did you take time to build a real relationship rather
than the wham-bam-thank-you-maam?

No, you just assumed that your vomit would be
received like a sweet smelling bouquet of roses and
that you would be getting “married” or “laid” immediately.


Ready to learn some “smooth moves” for building lasting and trustworthy relationships that could turn into customers?

I suggest two books that will help you immensely:

Go_ProFirst, “Go Pro” by Eric Worre, the master teacher of network marketing.

Worre covers all the steps you need to take from the first contact to the follow up.

This book will become you “bible” to guide you in building your business.

Get on Worre’s email list here to receive daily training videos.


win_friends_dale_carnegieThe next book is Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

This book is just as useful today as it was when it was first published in 1937.

You will learn how to make people like you, win people over to your way of thinking, and change people without causing offense or arousing resentment.


In addition, make sure that the people who are leading you, training you and telling you how to prospect are not taking you down this road of destruction.

Find mentors who have integrity, who exemplify seeing people instead of dollar signs.

Building lasting, sustaining relationships in business takes time. It takes patience and practice to develop a “knowing” of the person who could be the perfect fit for your team.

But, rushing it, being desperate to the point of vomiting on them and hoping they will join you despite the mess you just made will never work.

Do it right, in dating and in business, and you’ll enjoy years of happy results!


Here’s to lasting, fun and rewarding relationships!






c:  573-881-6715
f: Are we connected on Facebook?

P.S.  Simple Freedom teaches, trains and exalts the higher road as described in this article.  Learn how to market your business on Facebook without getting slapped, without being annoying or rude like the masses do it. Free training available 24/7 here.  

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