
Work from Home Challenges the Employee/Boss Relationship

Here’s the thing …
there are many work from home challenges,
especially in the new employee/boss relationship.


Hey, wait a minute … I decided to work from home for the freedom!

I’m ready to head to the beach.

Yeah, that’s the #1 reason you choose to quit your job and work from home.


No more alarm clock.

You decide when to clock in and work.

No one tells you what to do.

You can take a longer lunch break.

You can go on vacation whenever you choose.

No one is the boss of you ANY MORE!

Aaaaah, that’s more like it – right?
Yes, you are your own boss now and that is a huge reward to you. But, you are still an employee.  You’re both boss and employee now.

Creating the right employee/boss relationship is more crucial now than it ever was when you worked the 8-5.

Now, you as the boss must decide the tasks to be done in order to grow your business. What are the income producing activities to be completed each day?

As the employee, you must do these tasks … or else.

Remember when you were at the 8-5 and some days, you gave a half-hearted effort.  Remember those days when you slacked off and did just the minimal amount to stay under the radar and within the good graces of your boss?

You still got a paycheck, didn’t you?

Well, everything is different now that you work from home.

A day of slacking off because you just don’t feel like putting in the effort means this –

You won’t get paid.

This is the grim reality of working from home.

The freedom you desire still requires hard work. 

It requires you showing up every day, ready to give it your all.

It means that you cannot slack off and pretend you are busy.

The bad news is that this is the obstacle you will face every day when you work from home.  The good news is that it doesn’t have to be a complicated list of tasks to grow your business.  You just need to follow a simple daily method of operation that includes income producing activities.

And then DO IT … consistently every day like a good employee.  The following 3 tasks, if completed every day will increase your sales, your following and your presence on the internet.

It’s easy to get distracted, especially on Facebook.  If you structure your day to complete these daily tasks first, you’ll have plenty of time to play and engage on Facebook and/or other social media platforms later.


First,  before I share the three daily tasks, this one is the stand alone, don’t miss this, first-off thing to do before you start any other daily activities.

Take time to grow yourself. Personal development is the secret to your success.  Without it, you will hit a wall, crumble and crawl back to the 8-5.  With it, you will be unstoppable.

*Read at least 5 pages a day from a book that will help you grow yourself. 

My suggestions for starters:

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker
Grow a Greater You by Greg Kuhn
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

*Surround yourself with others who are immersed in personal development. 

Find a group of people who will support and encourage you daily.  We have that within the Freedom Uprising Mindset Victory group where we gather every morning, Monday through Friday, to read, study, discuss and share our thoughts and knowledge about this amazing journey of personal development.

Join us at 10 am Eastern Mon-Fri
Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#
Replay 712-775-7089  Pin 150703#

Here’s a recording of one of our powerful mastermind calls:

Now, here are the 3 Daily Income Producing Activities 

1.  Content Creation

PLAN:  Create one piece of content daily.  This could be a blog post, an article or a video.

MESSAGE:  Your content should deliver value.  Value as in training, inspiration, reviews of products, book reviews, interviews with leaders, helpful tips, etc.   Your focus is on serving others by providing content that will help them.

CTA:  Include a call to action in your content. This could be asking your readers to go to a capture page, to subscribe to your newsletter, to attend a training hangout, a conference call, to friend you on Facebook.    People need and like to be told what to do.  Give a clear call to action.

This training video will help you develop the habit of daily content creation:

2.  Content Syndication

Once you have your content published, it’s time to share it.   Share the link on:

  • Social Media … Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest,
  • Social Bookmarking Sites like DiggReddit and StumbleUpon.
  • Trade with another blogger – as guest bloggers for each other
  • Submit your articles to
  • Email to your list – either full article or a snippet with a link to your blog

This recent team training call will definitely help you with developing consistency in your business.

3. Connections

Every day, make it a habit to connect with new people. Expand your horizons,  get out of your easy chair and make new friends.  It’s so easy to do this on Facebook:

Find people who have the same interests as you.  For instance, your hobbies, your favorite sports team, favorite authors or leaders or bands or actors, internet marketers, stay at home moms, bloggers, graphic designers, copywriters … whatever you love to do – there are tons of others who also enjoy the same thing.  Type the “interest” in the FB search bar.

Go to the profiles of the people who pop up in the search.  Check them out.  See if you resonate with their profile and activity on Facebook.  If you do – send them a friend request.

Go to the pages you have liked and interact with the posts and comments by everyone.  Also edify and respect those who have commented.

Join groups where you can comment and engage.

If you establish this habit of engaging and lifting up others, you will attract the right people, you will make new connections and start to build relationships.

As they begin to get to know you, they will see your posts and have the opportunity to take action on your CTA.  All without you pitching and prodding them.

If you are not generating leads on Facebook, you are missing out on one of the most valuable reasons to even be there.

This simple course will help you learn how to magnify your presence on Facebook and generate leads with ease.

Grab the Facebook Leads course here.

Simple steps to generating leads in this course!


You have made the brilliant decision to work from home.  It’s the better way to take control of your life, your finances and your future.

My hope is that this article will help you achieve all that you desire.  That you will develop a daily method of operation to overcome the work from home challenges.

What other suggestions would you contribute to this article?

trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!

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P.S.  Check out “Products We Use” to see the
variety of ways we build our business.