What to blog about when you can’t think of anything

What to blog about?

Does this sound familiar?  You are staring at a blank screen, your hand poised over the keyboard and there is NOTHING trickling down from your mind to your fingertips.

It happens.  You hit a wall.  You feel uninspired.  You just can’t come up with anything you think is worth writing about.

If this happens to you, jump back in the saddle, grab the reins and hold on … this one blog post idea will have you up and running again.


Let’s peel back the layers of your amazing life to find gold to write about with these five questions:

question-mark-tie-dye-First question:  did you read anything recently that made you go, “hmmmmm,” or made your heart beat a little faster, or smacked you in the head like the V-8 commercial?

Write about it!

Hint: read every day from books that challenge you, inspire you and provide motivation and inspiration to change your life.

question-mark-tie-dye-Second question:  did you listen to  training hangout or event and took tons of notes because what they were teaching was exactly what you needed to implement in your life or your business?

Write about it!

Hint:  you’ll always be learning something new (or you SHOULD be!) Take time to share what you are learning.  Always remember, you learn from those who are farther ahead on the journey but there are many who are far behind where you are right now.  Share with them what you are learning to help them move forward.

question-mark-tie-dye-Third question:  have you changed a habit recently?  Decided to do something differently or to stop doing something? Could be anything.  What’s the experience you are having … is it difficult, are you slipping back into the old habit, or are you sticking with this?

Write about it!

Hint:  People love reality. I mean look at all the ridiculous reality TV shows.  Be real about your goals, your struggles, your successes.

question-mark-tie-dye-Fourth question:  what is your dream?  You know, the one that has been a lifetime resident in your heart and keeps kicking against the door to get out and become REAL?

Write about it!

Hint:  People are inspired by others’ dreams and the stories shared about the journey to make those dreams come true.  Be someone’s inspiration.

question-mark-tie-dye-Fifth question:  if all you had was today to live, what would you do?

Hint:  I’m guessing if you just had today to live, you would forget writing a blog post – right?  So, what would you do?

Write about it!

Now you’ve got PLENTY to write about! Get busy!  


One more thing before I go …

Once you’ve created that amazing blog post, now it’s time to use that content in as many ways as possible.  Create it once – expand your reach – is the idea of content marketing.

In this video, I share how content marketing works:


If you received some value from this blog post – leave a comment below!  I love hearing from you!

As always, reach out to me with any questions or ideas you have!

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