Who is the hardest person to sell? Friends? Family?

The Hardest Person to Sell is …

You might say the hardest person to sell is a friend …

or a family member.


Or is it …

The one who has been scammed one too many times?

The one who is strapped for cash?

The one who is already partnered up with another company or system?

The one who stalls making a decision for days/weeks/months?


The hardest person to sell is YOU!

[Tweet “If you don’t believe in yourself AND in what you are selling, you’re screwed from the start.”]

People have a keen sense of smell when it comes to confidence …

and if you are not 100% sold on what you are sharing with others, it will smell as bad as meat rotting in the garbage.


Your success really all comes down to belief.

It’s a two part equation:

FIRST:  Believe in your product or service, and customers will line up to buy.

In sales, it’s not what you say; it’s how they perceive what you say. –Jeffrey Gitomer

When you are “sold” on your product or service, the energy that emanates as you speak to someone is felt, not just heard.

Have you ever had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant?  How excited were you to share your experience with others?

Or, have you ever found a hairdresser or physical trainer or dentist that gave you the best service you have ever received?

I’m sure you couldn’t wait to tell your friends about it.  You raved about the experience. You couldn’t say enough good things about it!

When you can get as excited about your business as you do about your hairdresser, a restaurant, a great movie or a fantastic sale at a local department store,  the results you achieve will change dramatically.

[Tweet “Their hesitancy to buy is caused by the hesitancy of your belief.”]

The best way to get excited and build confidence and belief about what you are “selling” is to KNOW what you selling.

Invest time in the back office going through everything, and I mean everything … the training, the products, the commissions.

It’s not that you will need to share ALL this knowledge to make a sale;  it’s that knowing what you have to offer will help solve a problem your prospect is having as your conversation continues.

All that selling requires is for you to provide a solution to someone’s pain or provide a means of pleasure to lead them to a decision.

A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers. -Plato

The more you know about your product and service, the greater number of people you will help, and the greater your income will be.

Once you have this knowledge and understanding, you’ll have “sold” the hardest person to sell.

Not everyone is cut from the same mold and when you have a complete knowledge and understanding of your product/service, you’ll be able to match your product/service to their needs.

Gaining the knowledge of your product or service will gain you confidence … which leads to belief … which leads to trust … which leads to sales.

SECOND:  Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.

But you will be stopped in your tracks if you feel that you are not good enough, smart enough, or creative enough to achieve what you want in life.

[Tweet “A lack of self-worth will afflict and affect every conversation you have with prospects.”]

The energy behind your spoken words is sensed by others. If you are doubtful, fearful and desperate to make a sale, it will be felt, no matter the words they hear.

Successful entrepreneurs know the hardest person to sell is themselves. This is why they invest time and money for personal development.

It’s not who you are that holds you back,
it’s who you think you’re not.

How to begin to believe in YOU?

The hardest person to sell is YOU.  

Once you’re “sold,” the possibilities are unlimited.

Here’s to you!






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P.S.  What if you could meet with a group of people who would inspire and encourage and believe in you?  What if you could join in the study and discussion of great personal development books?

What if one hour a day could give you the tools and knowledge to help you begin to believe in YOU?

You can and you will!
Dial in to the Journey To Magnificence call:
Mon-Fri at 10 am Eastern
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Replays available here.



Using NLP to Anchor Confidence

One of the best ways to increase your confidence is using NLP techniques to anchor the feeling of a time when you felt confident, courageous, successful, and fearless.

I remember when I finally learned to climb a tree.  It was a huge elm tree in our backyard and my brother and sister would climb to the top while I stood below them and gazed at the amazing height they achieved …  they would shout “we can see Mueller Street from here!”  And oh, how I wanted to see what they saw …

The first obstacle was reaching that first lowest branch … I wasn’t tall enough.  I couldn’t jump high enough to grab on to it.

Even back then, without realizing what a powerful question this is, I asked, “ how can I reach that first limb?”   Get a chair?  Stack some boxes?  Move the swingset over to the tree?

The solution was to create some steps!   We nailed a few boards to the trunk to serve as steps.

OK, first obstacle had been resolved.  I could reach!

So, I climbed up and stood on that first branch, looked down at the ground and felt quite powerful.

And then, I looked up and felt a bit shaky.  I wasn’t quite so sure exactly how to get to where they were.  They made it look so easy, so fast.

My brother sensed hesitation –  my lack of confidence.  He climbed back down to where I was and said, “first you put your foot here, grab on to this limb and pull yourself up higher.  Don’t use that limb – it’s not strong enough.”

I did what he said and he continued to guide me step by step – limb by limb on the path he had learned to take to get to the top.

And with each new pull to a higher branch, I would look down and realize I was really doing this – I was climbing the tree!

I made it to the top!  I saw Mueller Street and the football practice field, and our elementary school!

After that, I could scamper up the tree as fast as a squirrel.  Always climbing to the top to see the magnificent, abundant view that could only be seen from this height.

And then, one day, I looked down and there was my little brother – standing at the base of the tree, looking waaaay up to where I was and I recognized that look in his eyes.

It was my turn to teach him.

Now, before we get to the discussion of anchoring confidence, I don’t want you to miss the powerful lessons this tree climbing experience has for those who are building a greater future through online marketing.

It could very well be that a simple story of climbing a tree will show you how the journey you are on right now is unfolding:

1.  I saw what was possible.
I saw others doing something that I wanted to do.
It’s the same with you right now. You see the results others are achieving and you believe that if they can do it, you can, too.

2.  My desire became stronger and stronger.
I wanted to see the view!  Once you realize the possibilities that are available, your desire to succeed becomes like a fire within you.

3.  How can I get started? 
I had to seek a solution to get me to that first limb.
You as well sought to find a system, a company, a resource that you could use to get your started.

4.  The solution is always available.
I needed to get to that first limb.
Just ask “How Can I ………”
Asking that question always delivers the solution.

5.  Celebrate the small victories.
One little victory – getting to that first limb – motivated me to keep going.

When you celebrate the little victories, you open the door for more victories.  Always celebrate them.

6.  Help please!
I needed guidance, instruction, encouragement.
My brother became my mentor. He had already done what I was learning to do and knew the best way to accomplish it.

You need to find a mentor who resonates with your goals and dreams. Someone who will guide and encourage and teach you along the way.

7.  Listen, learn and do. 
I relied on my brother’s skill and knowledge to guide me to the next step, and then the next.

Listen to your mentor, learn from him/her, do what you are told to do.

8.  Take it step by step.
It was scary.  One hurried misstep and I could fall to the ground. I took my time.

A wise man said, “to go fast, go slow … to go slow, go very fast.”
Remember this is a process, not a mad dash to the finish line.

I giggled, I shouted, I felt invincible.  I did it!

Proof that you can do whatever you desire to do.

10.  Pay it forward.
Now, my little brother needed me to be his mentor.

Now you are a leader, now it’s time to pay it forward.


I bet you can remember a time when you felt confident, just as I shared in the tree climbing story.

A time when you pushed through fear and felt the exhilaration of accomplishing something you didn’t think you really could.

In this audio, I take you through a process for anchoring that confident feeling so you can trigger it anytime you need to feel that burst of confidence.

As you listen to this audio, you will hear stories of others who shared their experiences of pushing through fear.  It will help you to remember a time when you felt that way.


I’d love to hear your story.  Share it in the comments below.

What was that moment for you?

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Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
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P.S.  Join us on the call.  It will change your life.
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