9 Blog Post Ideas for Creating Massive Content

Here are 9 blog post ideas for creating massive content because there are days when you feel the well has run dry.

Does it ever happen to you?  Seriously, do you ever sit there staring at a blank screen saying I can’t think of a single thing to blog about?

So, what do you do when you’ve got that deer in the headlights look and you can’t think of a thing … when you’re just wrung out dry?  What do you do?

Put on your imaginary thinking cap because I’ve got some great ideas to spur you to writing.

Note:  Scroll down for the video version of this blog post. 

9 Blog Posts Ideas for Massive Content


Create tons of content with these 9 ideas to jumpstart your imagination and inspiration for blog posts.
Be the solution to someone’s question.

People are always searching for instructions on how to do something.  Think of the last time you searched YouTube because you had something that needed to be fixed or you had to figure out how to do something.  You most likely found a video to walk you through the solution, step by step.

I did that when we needed to put a new keyboard on my particular model of laptop.  I searched YouTube, found the steps and felt pretty dang proud I could manage to do this without taking the laptop to a computer shop.

Maybe you’ve just recently learned how to do something new.  Share that.  Maybe you’ve got a whole treasure chest of things you know how to do.  That means you have a ton of blog posts waiting for this information, as well as people searching for the solution and tips you share.


You can write a review on anything … on a book you just read, a movie you saw, a restaurant you went to, an new product you tried, a theme park you enjoyed, a recipe you tried … anything.  Just share your experience.

This is my experience with when I …

this is what I think of this …

Reviews are fun and easy to do because of the multitude of experiences you have to draw from, the places you go, the products you use, etc.  You get to be as excited or disappointed as you want, you get to express exactly how much you liked or disliked the product/service/experience.


This type of blog post is fun and will really get your imagination running. Share a list, a numbered list on your blog such as:

5 ways to increase your energy
10 ways to clear out clutter
20 top motivating quotes
10 reasons to live the rv full time life.

Some of these types of lists will require research. Others will be developed from your own personal experiences.

Remember David Letterman’s Top Ten Lists?  No reason you can’t create your own humorous lists, too.

People like numbered lists … they’re valuable, quick and easy to read and even entertaining.


Help people find the best of the best, according to your personal opinion.

Such as the 5 best Ted Talks that you have watched, the 6 best historic places to visit while you are in Arizona, or the 10 best personal development books you have ever read.

Put them all together in a blog post with pictures (if available) and links to the videos, the books, the places so your readers can access more information.

HELP! I don't know what to blog about! Here's help for creating massive amounts of content.
What to write about, what to write about. Keep reading!


Another quick and easy way to create a blog post is to share videos on your blog.  It’s very easy to get the embed code from YouTube and add it to your blog post.  All you have to do is write a little snippet of content above and below it and let the video do all the work for you.

Or, create your own videos of course.  One of the best ways to establish credibility and build relationships with people is with videos of yourself.  People love to see the face behind the message. It helps them get to know you better.


There are amazing people in this world and I’m not just referring to the top gurus and the most successful leaders in the world. I’m talking about people from every walk of life. Interview them. Share their inspirational story.

Find someone that you admire or someone that you work with.  Maybe they just achieved something really spectacular.  Ask to interview them.  You can record the interview as a Google Hangout and then embed the video on your blog or you could even record a phone interview (use http://freeconferencing.com)  and upload the Mp3 to your blog.

Interviews are a great way to add content to your blog.


This one will definitely lesson your work load since you’ll be using someone else’s writing to fill your blog post.   Find people that you resonate with and ask them to do a guest post on your blog.  They will love the exposure and most everyone will cross-promote their guest post on your blog on their social media platforms.

It’s easy content that you don’t have to write.  All you have to do is say something to introduce them and say something in closing.


Another fun type of blog posts are checklists. You make it easy for people to get some helpful, useful information in a quick way.

Think of what experiences would be easily carried out with a checklist, such as:

#What to ask your mechanic when you take your vehicle to the garage

#What to take camping

#What you need to apply for a passport

#What to remember when packing when packing for college

The possibilities are endless for checklists.


This is one type of blog post that I love the most because it makes me accountable. If I say I’m going to do 31 days of marketing tips, you better believe I’m going to show up and do 31 days because I said I was going to do it.

Or a series like 7 days of personal transformation tips or 6 days to better health or whatever you can come up with.

Think of a type of series you would enjoy doing and begin.

The last one didn’t make my own personal go-to list for blog topics, but it might be of interest to you.


Controversial subjects are great blog posts, but only if you really don't care what people say to you.
So you’re upset with what I wrote?

I shy away from this type of blog post because I’m not a very controversial person; however,  it really does attract readers and followers if you have a penchant for it.

Bringing up a controversial topic gets people riled up. If you’re strong enough to handle criticism along with the supportive comments, go for it.

One additional tip that I don’t want you to miss as you begin creating all these new blog posts:

Whenever you feature a book, a product, a person, another blog post … anything that you mention in your blog that can be linked to their website …DO IT.  It creates backlinks to your blog, which helps with SEO (search engine optimization.)

As promised, here’s the Periscope video for those who would rather listen than read:


I hope these 9 blog post ideas for creating massive content have helped you start to think of the endless possibilities.  Most of all I hope your fingers are itching to get started typing!

What other ideas do you have that help when you need blog post ideas?

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