
Let Go of the Past with Quantum Physics

Let go of the past with quantum physics


Most people are living their lives on autopilot … thinking, feeling, and doing without being aware of what they are thinking and the chain of events that each thought creates.

Add this to the mix – and it’s no wonder it’s so hard to change your life:  everything you think and do hinges on what happened in your life in the past, because that is how you have conditioned your mind for years and years.

Until you let go of the past, your future will be dictated by it.

Your thoughts are the catalysts that fire up your brain to find the neuropathways which have been wired to connect in familiar ways. 

And it all happens without you realizing what’s going on in your brain and your body with each thought.

One single, flippant thought stirs up memorized emotions in your brain, so that even though you were thinking only about something like “how to increase you income to end the struggle,”  a cascade of memories is fired up by the brain.

Now, the memories of all your emotions about money flood into your cells all at once and you begin to feel even worse as your brain reminds you of the lack, the struggle, the overwhelm, the despair.

We had an experience with mosquitoes the summer we lived in a tent on the banks of the Missouri River that helps illustrate how one single negative thought stirs up a swarm of negative emotions.  Those of you who live in environments like this, you know what summer means – you know that the humidity and the water are breeding grounds for those pesky mosquitoes.

We were well aware of our environment and took extra precautions to prevent a feeding frenzy every night.

We lit citronella torches all around the tent, we had repellant to use if we were going to be out watching the sunset, we kept the tent zipped up tight.  Our awareness kept us from being covered in itchy bites –  well, it kept me from scratching like a dog with fleas – the mosquitoes don’t bite Bruce.

That’s exactly what quantum physics teaches —

awareness of your thoughts is the key to changing everything.

But, like I said, most people are operating on autopilot and have not let go of the past.  They are completely unaware of the power of one thought.

Allowing that one thought to take hold opens the door to an avalanche of feelings, of memories, of repeated scenarios that keep you stuck right where we wish you weren’t.

So, back to that night in the tent.  We’d been doing really well with our awareness of making sure we were on top of all our mosquito prevention methods … until that one night.  We were getting ready to turn out the light and go to sleep when Bruce noticed a half empty coke can sitting nearby  which needed to be poured out or we would have ants and who knows what else crawling in from everywhere, feeding on that sweet sticky syrup.  So, he jumped up, grabbed the coke can, unzipped the tent, and stepped outside quickly to pour out the contents.

In a matter of a few seconds, an army of mosquitoes swarmed into the tent!  I had never seen so many! Hundreds of ‘em!  All because he forgot to be aware, just for a split second.

That’s exactly what happens when you don’t pay attention, when you operate on autopilot, when you are not aware of the thoughts you have … you unzip the mind to unleash all those memorized emotions that flood in.   An avalanche of feeling discouraged, unworthy, less than, etc. pours forth. The feeding frenzy has begun.

How did we battle the mosquitoes?  We didn’t have any spray to attack them and we had no place else to go to sleep – this was our home.  We couldn’t flee.  We only had our hands so we spent the next couple of hours clapping our hands endlessly to kill as many as we could with each clap … and our hands became covered in blood as we battled.

Isn’t it interesting that most of the time, you automatically respond to the flood of emotions that come in when you have a negative thought that makes you then begin feeling worse, by trying to flee?

You try to soothe those upsetting emotions with any kind of distraction by fleeing to something that will ease the discomfort, relieve the stress –  alcohol, drugs, TV, eating, and even shopping becomes an escape.

You try to let go of the past by covering it up with a bandaid of
good feeling or mind numbing experiences.

Fleeing doesn’t really solve the issue.  It is a temporary fix and those emotions and feelings will be back as soon as another negative thought pops in your mind. They’ll continue to swarm back in until you decide to do battle.

And yes, it might feel like you’re in a bloody battle as you work to change your thoughts and your beliefs because it’s not a matter of a quick flip of the switch to change patterns that have worn deep grooves and strong circuits in your brain’s wiring.

But, it’s a battle you can win.

You can form new neural pathways in your brain to let go of the past by rewiring those old circuits.  You can create a new you because of neuroplasticity:  the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.

Want to see neuroplasticity in action?
Click the pic to watch this amazing two minute video.







This is why studying books about quantum physics like “Grow a Greater You” by Greg Kuhn and “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza is vital to gaining knowledge and understanding of what is really going on inside your head.

For most of your life, you’ve tried to grab a can of spray (as in repeating affirmations) to eliminate what you didn’t want;  you’ve stuffed your emotions away instead of receiving them as information to help you change; you’ve pleaded as you’ve prayed.

The answer has always been there, the solution has always been available, the secret has been revealed by the masters for hundreds of years:

the power you seek, the change you seek, the person you desire to be is within you.

Now, with the revelation of the new paradigm of quantum physics and the works of authors like Greg Kuhn, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Pam Grout, and Bruce Lipton, the final pieces of the grand masterpiece puzzle of creating all that you desire in life have been handed to you.

When Jesus said, “All these things I do, you can do and even greater things,” he was teaching quantum physics.  It just wasn’t in the words science uses today to explain how the Universe works.

You are a magnificent being with the potential to be, do and have all that you desire.

May your journey be guided by increased knowledge of your inner power that can be unleashed at will as you grow in your understanding of who you are, why you are here and what unlimited possibilities await your command.

These books will be of great help as you continue on your journey to magnificence, as you take on the work to let go of your past.

“Grow a Greater You” by Greg Kuhn

“Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza

“E2” and E3” by Pam Grout

“The Biology of Belief” by Bruce Lipton.

What would your life be like if you learned that you are more powerful than you have ever been taught?

Here’s to the re-creation of you.






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P.S.  When you surround yourself with others who
are on the same journey of personal growth as you,
the trek is so much more inspiring and it helps you to
continue on.  Join the Journey to Magnificence group
who meets every Monday-Friday at 10 am on a live call
to read, study, learn and discuss how quantum physics
is transforming lives.

Dial in live at 10 am Eastern: 712-775-7085 pin 150703#

All calls are recorded and available here:


Why I Recommend These Books for Internet Marketers


So many books, so little time – right?

I know you are busy and finding time to read is sometimes a challenge, but it is so crucial and vital to your personal and financial growth.

This list of books is what I recommend to anyone who is thinking about or already immersed in internet marketing.

Anyone who has the desire to build a business from home to earn extra income or replace their fulltime income at a 9-5 job.

If you have read them once, read them again. Each time you go back and read the same book, you are not the same person you were when you first read it.  Something new will jump out at you, impact you, give you fresh ideas to implement in your life and in your business.


1.  Go Pro by Eric Worre
If you have never been in this industry, this is a first must-read.  It will give you an overall picture of the complete process, a seven step plan, and insight for building your business to become a legacy, not a trial and error thing like most people do.

If you are in the midst of building your business and have hit a wall, this book will help you discover what you are missing in your day to day actions.

“Go Pro” is specifically helpful for those in a MLM (multi-level marketing company.)

2. Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard

Are you tired of chasing everyone? Have your friends and family started running in the other direction when they see you coming?
Tired of cold calling? Tired of home parties? Tired of posting flyers all over town?

This book is THE book for teaching you Attraction Marketing; i.e., the process of turning the tables so people hunt you down instead of you being the hunter.

In addition, it will give you clarity and understanding about the importance of building YOUR own business, regardless of the MLM company you are currently promoting.

3.  The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen

For those who feel like nothing is happening, nothing is working right in their business … this is for you.

For those who desire to build their internet business the right way so that results are assured … this is for you.

“The Slight Edge” principle is simple but so very powerful.  If you consistently and persistently show up every day, do the work you have planned, and do it no matter what … the Slight Edge works in your favor.

But it also works if you decide to skip a few days, miss sending an email or writing a blog post.

It works for or against you.  Each consistent action builds the momentum until there is a shift, a shift to amazing results.

4.  E2 and E3 by Pam Grout

These two books are filled with fun exercises to prove that you can manifest anything you desire.  Let go of your perception about the
Law of Attraction.  Pam takes you on a fascinating journey of experiments that will eliminate all doubt about the power you have to create your desired outcomes.

5. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker

Did you know that everything you experienced, saw and heard from parents, teachers, friends, pastors, TV and movies created a financial blueprint that is responsible for your current money issues?

T Harv Eker is a brilliant author and speaker who will help you change that blueprint by releasing the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

That’s it!  That’s my list of the five books I recommend to those who hold the vision for change and seek to create the life they desire.

Of course, there are tons more books that are incredibly helpful and valuable for this journey.

You can’t go wrong by reading books like these for 15-30 minutes a day.  It will feed your mind and fill you with knowledge and understanding to grow yourself and your business.

The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read. ― Mark Twain

What book are you reading right now and how is it helping you grow?

Leave a comment below. I’d love to add more books to my reading list.


Trisha Barnes
Avid Reader and Dreamer!
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