Why I Recommend These Books for Internet Marketers


So many books, so little time – right?

I know you are busy and finding time to read is sometimes a challenge, but it is so crucial and vital to your personal and financial growth.

This list of books is what I recommend to anyone who is thinking about or already immersed in internet marketing.

Anyone who has the desire to build a business from home to earn extra income or replace their fulltime income at a 9-5 job.

If you have read them once, read them again. Each time you go back and read the same book, you are not the same person you were when you first read it.  Something new will jump out at you, impact you, give you fresh ideas to implement in your life and in your business.


1.  Go Pro by Eric Worre
If you have never been in this industry, this is a first must-read.  It will give you an overall picture of the complete process, a seven step plan, and insight for building your business to become a legacy, not a trial and error thing like most people do.

If you are in the midst of building your business and have hit a wall, this book will help you discover what you are missing in your day to day actions.

“Go Pro” is specifically helpful for those in a MLM (multi-level marketing company.)

2. Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard

Are you tired of chasing everyone? Have your friends and family started running in the other direction when they see you coming?
Tired of cold calling? Tired of home parties? Tired of posting flyers all over town?

This book is THE book for teaching you Attraction Marketing; i.e., the process of turning the tables so people hunt you down instead of you being the hunter.

In addition, it will give you clarity and understanding about the importance of building YOUR own business, regardless of the MLM company you are currently promoting.

3.  The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen

For those who feel like nothing is happening, nothing is working right in their business … this is for you.

For those who desire to build their internet business the right way so that results are assured … this is for you.

“The Slight Edge” principle is simple but so very powerful.  If you consistently and persistently show up every day, do the work you have planned, and do it no matter what … the Slight Edge works in your favor.

But it also works if you decide to skip a few days, miss sending an email or writing a blog post.

It works for or against you.  Each consistent action builds the momentum until there is a shift, a shift to amazing results.

4.  E2 and E3 by Pam Grout

These two books are filled with fun exercises to prove that you can manifest anything you desire.  Let go of your perception about the
Law of Attraction.  Pam takes you on a fascinating journey of experiments that will eliminate all doubt about the power you have to create your desired outcomes.

5. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker

Did you know that everything you experienced, saw and heard from parents, teachers, friends, pastors, TV and movies created a financial blueprint that is responsible for your current money issues?

T Harv Eker is a brilliant author and speaker who will help you change that blueprint by releasing the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

That’s it!  That’s my list of the five books I recommend to those who hold the vision for change and seek to create the life they desire.

Of course, there are tons more books that are incredibly helpful and valuable for this journey.

You can’t go wrong by reading books like these for 15-30 minutes a day.  It will feed your mind and fill you with knowledge and understanding to grow yourself and your business.

The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read. ― Mark Twain

What book are you reading right now and how is it helping you grow?

Leave a comment below. I’d love to add more books to my reading list.


Trisha Barnes
Avid Reader and Dreamer!
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