Emotional honesty is the key to changing your beliefs.

The Freedom of Emotional Honesty

There is great freedom that comes with emotional honesty …

with allowing yourself to feel what you are feeling without trying to mask the negative feelings with a smiley face sticker.

Law of Attraction teaches the power of positive thought, but, too many people miss the real truth of this.  And so, they mask their negative feelings by pretending to be happy, carefree and joyful…

expecting life to deliver nothing but what is pleasing and desirable,

while deep inside the nagging pain and hurt, anger and frustration digs its roots deeper into your subconscious beliefs.

These negative feelings are information to guide you, to teach you, to help you recognize that what you desire in life is not YET aligned with the beliefs you have about that desire.

The Law of Attraction is true in that your reality mirrors back to you what you believe.  But it has been the mistaken idea of many students of the Law of Attraction that thinking and feeling positive at all times is the secret.

The secret that many have missed is emotional honesty at all times, in all situations, with everyone. 

It’s the life of the GREAT PRETENDER who wouldn’t dare allow himself and herself to feel what they are really feeling as they experience undesirable circumstances and events in their life.

(ALERT!  Life is not a smooth sailing vessel. You WILL face rough waters … you will ride the wild roller coaster of emotions.)

You are human, you feel pain, you feel sad, you feel anger, you feel worthless at times.  It’s not who you are, it’s just how you are feeling.

[Tweet “Emotional honesty is your ticket to freedom, the gateway to manifesting all that you desire in life.”]

It is what Greg Kuhn teaches in his book “Grow a Greater You.”

In this recent interview with Greg, he shares more of what he has learned about emotional honesty, about listening to learn, about pain and suffering.

The freedom you will gain by being brutally emotionally honest with what you are feeling is your key to manifesting all that you desire. To fully grasp what Greg shared in this video, read and study and learn from his book “Grow a Greater You.”

Discover how to use emotional honesty to grow into new beliefs – starting from where you are right now…

no matter how depressed or desperate or low you are feeling.


Your birthright is to be happy, joyful, confident, and abundant.

Start your journey to that ecstatic state of being by allowing emotional honesty to teach you and guide you.

You deserve it!






c:  573-881-6715
f:   Join our mindset victory group on Facebook where share, inspire and celebrate your Journey To Magnificence.  “Grow a Greater You” and other impactful personal development books.

P.S.  Dial in every Monday  – Friday for the Journey to Magnificence call.  We read and discuss and play “Grow a Greater You.”
10 am Eastern
712-775-7085 pin 150703#

Replays available here.



Two Obstacles to Manifesting Your Desires

What are the two obstacles to manifesting your desires?

I know how frustrating it is to do your darnedest to manifest all that you desire and not “see” the results … been there, done that many, many times.

The fun part of manifesting your desires is the visualization of all that you desire to be, do and have in life.  You become like a kid again, at first, your imagination conjures up EVERYTHING you’ve ever wanted, ever dreamed of – kind of like writing a long letter to Santa … a really, really long letter.

That’s the fun of it; well, it’s fun IF

1. You believe there are endless possibilities awaiting you

2. You have an unlimited account with the Universe

3. You can “feel” as it it’s already done for you

More on that later. Let’s get to the two obstacles that stand in your way.  Here they are in all their shining glory, thing one and thing two:



Let’s break it down in simple terms so you can begin to see how we muck up the manifestation process.

We’re all sorta control freaks about our lives.  We are used to taking action to solve problems and get what we want.

For example, from early childhood it began …

  • You learned that you needed to study hard to get good grades.
  • Heck, you learned that you needed to stand and sit still to keep the teacher happy.
  • You then learned that you needed to go to college in order to get a good job.  (we’ll discuss this fallacy in another blog post)
  • Then, you got your degree and landed a good job.  (WHEW!)
  • Then, you learned that you had to work hard to get a raise or a promotion.
  • You’ve learned that in order to have a trim body, you need to work out.
  • You’ve also learned that you have to eat right in order to lose weight.

So, your programming from birth has been this: you do the work to receive the blessings, the praises, the success that you desire.

Is it any wonder then, that as soon as you begin visualizing something that you truly desire, you immediately start to try to figure out how to make it become our reality?

You fall back on what our programming has taught you –

“If it’s meant to be, it’s up to ME! ME! ME!”

Letting go of the HOW is not an easy thing to do.

manifesting-your-desiresYou want to be the captain and steer in the direction that you think is going to be the best route to manifesting your desires while the real Captain, the Universe, has a whole ‘nuther plan.

Letting go of the HOW is key to manifesting your desires.

Also, letting go of the WHEN is just as vital.

We measure everything in time.


Again, we’ve been programmed and have become the Give-It-To-Me-Now Generation.  We expect instant gratification, push button results, overnight success, and lottery ticket winnings with everything in life.

Here’s the bad news about this programming.  It causes you to contemplate and palpitate on the time factor when manifesting your desires.

When you question how long this is going to take to become your reality, you are calling up, firing up the familiar neural pathways to remind you of all the times you have felt lack, all the times you have felt there’s not enough of anything – time, money, love, food, happiness, etc.

When you question how long it’s taking, you are doubting.  You are moving away from your desire rather than towards it.

And it’s back to the beginning.

Kinda like getting the images (2)“Go to Jail” card in Monopoly.  Doubt sends you back to the beginning, to get clear, to get connected and to forget about time.

The Law of Attraction has been misunderstood by many people.

Yes, your thoughts create your reality.

But manifesting your desires is just not an act of “thinking” about what you want and SWOOSH it’s delivered to you as if you had rubbed a magic lamp.

That’s because there’s a whole lotta thinking going on in your mind, and you have a whole lotta programming to unwire.

If you’ve been following our posts, you know that we are waiting for our Vanabode to show up.


I AM like a little kid at Christmas – excited and expectant and EAGER for the Vanabode to arrive.   I’ve got to be consciously aware of letting go, because we all battle the same programming that I mentioned above, and it’s so easy to get caught up in trying to connect all the dots.

Bruce and I have imagined and visualized continually over the past couple of months as we go through our daily routines … imagining how it would be to do the things we do every day as if we are in our Vanabode instead of in our pickup camper …

like making coffee,

charging our laptops and phones,

setting up a portable toilet,

using dry shampoo,

eating simply, and

conserving internet and battery power.

We’re living as if we were already IN the Vanabode and learning more everyday how to ease into this lifestyle.

We are ever SO READY … and are WAITING (without asking “how long” or trying to manipulate or finagle things to work out quickly.)

From my personal experience, and from what I’ve studied as a student and teacher of personal development, here is my guide to manifesting your desires:

1. Know clearly what you want to be, do and have

2. There are NO limits, no cap on your account – you can dream as big as you dare to dream.

3. You have to believe it BEFORE you see it … FEEL as if it has already become your reality.

4. LET GO of the how and when.

5. Celebrate everything with joy and gratitude.

6. Wait with awareness and unwavering expectancy.

It is your job to BE.
It is the job of the Universe to DO.

You BE the person you desire to be … NOW.
You BE the person doing the things you desire to do … NOW.
You BE the person having all the things you desire to have … NOW.

You BE, the Universe will DO it.

If this hadn’t happened many times in our life, I wouldn’t be writing this blog post.

Years ago, we began to visualize owning a camper so that we could live and travel fulltime.  When people heard of our dream, they would ask, “when are you going to get it?”

Or they would want to know what our price range was so they could help us find the perfect camper.

We always answered, “We don’t have a price, we don’t have a savings account or will qualify for a loan.  We will have the camper when it shows up.”

And it did!  Miraculously!  Out of the blue!

Our Vanabode will be here at the perfect time.  It will be miraculous, too!

In the meantime, we continue on in the flow of letting go, surrendering, allowing and receiving … all from the ALL IN ALL.

I don’t know what’s on your list as you think about manifesting your desires … but I do know this.  All that you dream of is waiting for you.

Here’s to your miraculous manifestations!






p:  573-881-6715
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Catch up and keep up with all I share about this journey, our travels and the manifestation of our Vanabode here.

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Losing Weight the Naked Hippies Way … Remove Clothes

Losing weight the Naked Hippies way?


Yes, it requires you to remove your clothes, and there are some who will think of running around stark naked!  While, there’s great freedom in being a naturist, it’s not the subject here.  (we’ll get to that in another blog post!)

We’ve been carrying around excess weight for nearly two years.

Lugging around all of this:  (it’s shocking, really!)

Guess what happened as soon as I finished clearing out the excess clothes?

I tackled books, papers, junk drawers, kitchen utensils and pots, and all that bathroom/personal stuff that had accumulated.

The result?  Losing weight!  A TON OF IT! Two huge trash bags of clothes removed to donate; two huge, HEAVY trash bags of junk to throw away; dozens of books to take to the library, a table full of items to sell or donate; a huge box of papers to burn …

And it feels so goooooooood!  There is a lightness to the camper now.  Our clothes can breathe.  Not every drawer and cabinet is stuffed to the brim.

Now we’re wondering how our gas mileage will improve!

This was phase one as we prepare to reduce and simplify our life to live and travel in our Vanabode home.   There will be MORE downsizing when the official moving day arrives.

For now, we’re good.

That was how to lose weight the Naked Hippies Way!

This downsizing experience has served two purposes …

First, Losing weight!  The physical result of eliminating unnecessary and unneeded items from our living space feels so freeing.

Second,  reflecting and realizing how much “junk” we carry around in our minds that weighs us down and keeps us from living the best life possible.

This is losing weight the personal growth way:

We carry around fear, anger, jealousy, lack, low self-worth, bitterness, doubt and worry.

It’s a huge burden that if not removed, will drag you down to the depths of a hellish life, a life where you just exist, you just get by, go through the motions … survive.

When you take time to reflect on the limiting beliefs you have been carrying all your life, you’ll say exactly what I said when I viewed the massive amount of clothes piled in our camper …

“Who NEEDS this?”

You definitely don’t need the negative, limiting beliefs in your life.

They have been taking up space in your thoughts for too long.  It’s time to downsize … to clear out the junk drawers of your mind.

Make space for joy and happiness and expectancy and hope and creation.


By going within … through meditation, reflection, getting still.  By listening, seeing and feeling your connection to The One, God, the Universe, the great I AM – whatever name you give to your higher power.

Meditation is something Bruce and I take time for every day.  No matter what.  It is making a huge difference in our life, in what we are seeing manifested.

It is the ONLY way to find yourself, your true self, your higher self, your Divine self.  Go within in order to soar without.

There are many roads that lead you to your inner self.  Find the one that works for you.  The only “mistake” you can make is in not taking the time to meditate.

No matter what road you take, the journey will be remarkable.  It’s the focus of our morning mindset call “Journey to Magnificence” where we read and study and discuss personal growth books and ideas.

The call is open to anyone seeking guidance and understanding and knowledge about the Law of Attraction, about manifesting your desires, about being and doing and having all that you dream of.

Join the call Monday thru Friday at 10 am Eastern.  Dial in for the live call and discussions here 712-775-7085 pin 150703#.

Or listen to the replays here on Soundcloud.

Dig a little deeper – expand your knowledge and understanding even more with these recent articles which will give you more insight for removing limiting beliefs:

Let Go of the Past with Quantum Physics
Addiction Is In Every Life
Quantum Physics is the New Law of Attraction Paradigm
You’re Never Too Old, Too Young to Step Into Your Greatest Self

Always remember this, expressed so beautifully from “Winnie the Pooh”

Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
-A.A. Milne







p:  Text me 573-881-6715
f:   Find me on Facebook! 
n: Subscribe to our Naked Hippies Newsletter

Our dream is to live and travel and work from our Vanabode.  We’re excited to share the journey of manifesting this in our lives.  Keep up with our discoveries and manifestations here.





Who is at the party in YOUR house?

Who is at the party in YOUR house?


What?  I’m not having a party you say.

Oh, yes you are.

It’s a non-stop party and you DID invite the guests!

Now, this isn’t the wild kind of party that teenagers throw when parents leave town, but then again, it’s very similar.  It gets out of hand really fast.

Where did all these “guests” come from?

This party is taking place in the “living room” of your mind.

It’s a non-stop party and you are the host.

You invited ALL the guests.


The guests?

Well, they are the ones you invite in with your thoughts and feelings. Because here’s the thing … every thought you have and give attention to sends out an invitation to come, take a seat, kick your shoes off … and create your reality.

You’re either inviting negative or positive guests.

And, as soon as a guest gets its foot in the door, the word goes out that there’s a party going on … and more of the same type of guests start showing up and partying like its 1999.

It’s the law of attraction simplified in a way that maybe you can understand a little better.

It’s also quantum physics, the most reliable and accurate science – the second scientific revolution that is replacing the Newtonian paradigm.

As quantum physicists, neuroscientists and biologists have discovered, every thought creates a feeling, which creates a neuropeptide that feeds your cells.

Your cells develop receptacles to receive these neuropeptides and soon become addicted and crave more of the same … so you feed their addiction with more negative or positive thoughts … and

well, your what shows up in your reality is created by this whole biological, physiological, and neurological process through the Law of Attraction.

As Dr. Candace Pert explains in her book, Molecules of Emotion,

neurotransmitters called peptides carry emotional messages. “As our feelings change, this mixture of peptides travels throughout your body and your brain. And they’re literally changing the chemistry of every cell in your body.”

[read more about Dr. Pert’s discovery here.]

I’m not a scientist, I am an ardent student of quantum physics and much of what I have learned have come from Dr. Joe Dispenza:

So, back to the party.

IF the party is out of control and you have guest who you now have begun to recognize as unwanted doubt, fear, worry, anger, jealousy, bitterness, regret, anxiety, worthlessness, despair … they need to be booted out and the clean up of your “living room” started.



As I said before, every thought is a knock at the door and if you’re not paying attention, it will get its foot in the door, take a seat, grab a slice of pizza and start texting all its friends to come join the fun.

So, you’re main focus is FOCUS.  Be aware. Stay on alert of those thoughts that you have that don’t serve your higher purpose – that don’t lead to your well-being.

When it shows up, SHUT THE DOOR.  Tell it “you’re not welcome here any more.”

And then, send out an invite to the thought/feeling you do want.

Over and over again, consistently do this.

A negative thought comes in, you recognize it and realize that if it gets its foot in the door, there’s going to be trouble.

If it’s the negative thought of “I don’t have enough money” then you have to shut the door of that thought and bring in a new one.

Here is where many people get stuck.

They believe that repeating affirmations all day long will keep the negative thoughts away from the party.

That’s not how it works.  Affirmations are just words.  And if you’re in the habit of telling yourself “I am a millionaire,” your subconscious, aka, the bouncer at your party, says “no you’re not – remember that overdue bill that is laying on your kitchen table?” because your beliefs don’t match the affirmations you keep repeating.  [read more here]

The feelings that come up from every experience you have are serving as information that there is a disconnect between what you believe and what you desire.

Your feelings are information only – they don’t define who you are.
Whew! Isn’t that a relief!

Greg Kuhn, author of “Why Quantum Physicists Play Grow a Greater You” explains:

When I have those bad feelings, I simply acknowledge and validate them.  They are temporary; they are not my state of being and do not reflect my new, true beliefs about myself.  They also no longer frighten me because I know they are not my beliefs unless I choose to make them so by repeating and believing them.

You have to gently and every so slightly choose a better feeling than the one you are presently trying to shut the door on.

It’s not a matter of switching from anxiety to joyful bliss.  That’s too huge of a gap to be believable.

It’s a matter of telling a better feeling story, not the best feeling story you can about the person, event, thing or experience that has brought the negative thought/feeling.

Telling a better feeling story allows you to be brutally honest about what you’re feeling without stuffing it and smothering it.  And choosing to recognize the feeling and then turn it to an every so slightly better feeling story will begin to clear out your “living room.”

It may seem like quite a mess in your living room right now. The party is out of control and you are looking at the destruction and chaos in your life caused by that party.

But it’s still YOUR house and you can stop the madness beginning now.

Your party can turn into one of ease and fun and happiness and joy.

So, who is at the party in your house?

Party on!

I wear this shirt proudly!


p:  573-881-6715 – text me!
f:   Find me on Facebook

P.S.  Do you find quantum physics fascinating too?  Have you studied Law of Attraction and have yet to manifest the desires that you want?  Join us on the Journey to Magnificence mindset call – every Monday-Friday, 10 am Eastern
Live:  712-775-7085 pin 150703#
Download the replays here


What is My Purpose Here?

What is my purpose here?


It’s a question that nearly everyone asks at different times in their lives.

For many, the question comes up at mid-life crisis time. They got the college degree; they have been working for twenty some years in a career; their children are leaving home; and suddenly, they realize life is passing by much too quickly now.

What is my purpose here is the question that begins to nag at them as they reflect on their achievements and realize the dreams that used to captivate and motivate them have been put on the back burner.

For others, the question comes up as they seek to change their life but seem to flounder instead of flourishing.

Your purpose here is to live a fulfilling life.  A life that you design and create.  A life of meaning and value and joy and happiness.

I know that all sounds great and most would agree that ultimately, this is exactly right.

But, here’s where the rub comes.  Most people have become so accustomed to living a life designed by others that they have lost the zeal, the imagination, the inspiration to live the life they dream of living.

Do YOU know what you want?

Most people have lived lives of quiet desperation as Thoreau says.

Sadder still are the people who don’t KNOW what they truly want,  because they are so programmed and hypnotized by society.


In this video, Vishen Lakhian of Mindvalley, shares three questions for you to answer to help you find what is my purpose here:

Answering these three questions will help you discover what is my purpose here.  Answer these without thinking of time or money … let your imagination run wild, let you heart guide you.

1. What experiences do you want to get out of life before you die?

2. How do I want to grow intellectually, behaviorally, emotionally,  spiritually, physically? 

3. What do I want to contribute to the world … to your family, your friends, your workplace, your city, your society, the world?  

Click here to download the worksheet for answering the three questions.

True fulfillment comes from experiences that create opportunities for you to grow and contribute to the lives of others.

Take time to answer these three questions today.  It will definitely help you know what is my purpose.

What came up for you as you answered the questions? What surprising idea popped out that you had stuffed away through the years?  Share in the comments below.






p:  573-881-6715
f:   Find me on Facebook

P.S.  Discovering your purpose is the first step.  Next, how to create that life.  Join us on the daily Journey to Magnificence call as we read, study and discuss mindset matters, personal growth, quantum physics, neuroscience, Law of Attraction and how to change your limiting beliefs.

Monday – Friday 10 am Eastern
712-775-7085 pin 150703#

We are currently studying “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza.  Come join us!
All calls are available for download here.


What a Bone Marrow Transplant Taught About Beliefs

A bone marrow transplant taught me about changing limiting beliefs, seventeen years later.

Seventeen years ago on this day, my son Andrew had a bone marrow transplant.

His disease, Aplastic Anemia, had destroyed the platelets in his blood.  At age 17,  seventeen years ago, he faced death.  The only sure cure for this disease is a bone marrow transplant – the only sure-er cure was a bone marrow transplant using a sibling’s marrow.

Andrew’s brother was a perfect match.

In order to prepare for the transplant, Andrew had to go through chemotherapy to kill off the damaged cells before receiving the new healthy marrow.  The journey was counted as minus days til the day of the  transplant and then following the actual transplant, the days were counted as plus days.  It was like a countdown to the lift off towards a new life for Andrew.

The fascinating thing about the transplant was how the marrow found its way to its home in Andrew’s body –  to begin to take root and grow.  The term for this is called engraftment and it occurs when the donated cells make their way to the marrow and begin producing new blood cells.

It took time.  We watched his counts like an eagle every day, waiting for signs that Nick’s marrow had engrafted in Andrew.  It found its way and by the end of the month, his counts were good and he was released from the hospital.

17 years later, Andrew is living a joyous life with his son Kairos!

I remembered the miraculous way the bone marrow found its way, for it was indeed a miracle, and how it’s the same when you are replacing old, limiting beliefs with new empowering ones that align with your utmost desires.

The days prior to beginning your own personal “transplant” of new beliefs could definitely be termed “minus” days, or truly, more like minus YEARS since most of the people I’ve talked to have shared how they have been immersed in the study and practice of the Law of Attraction for years, not days.

(at the end of this article, I will share the book that has totally transformed the lives of thousands of people who had been in the “minus” years without ever manifesting those really big desires they held so dear)

These new beliefs are finding their way into your subconscious mind.  They will do the same as Andrew’s bone marrow did – they will be engrafted in your subconscious mind.  It takes time.  It takes patience.

But, it is happening … they are finding their way,  just as the bone marrow from Andrew’s brother found its way and begin to thrive in Andrew’s body. The new beliefs you are forming are finding their way to align with your desires and to begin to grow and thrive in your life.

You have great reasons to celebrate this journey with joy and gratefulness for the new life you are creating … a life of wholeness, well-being, abundance.  A life where instead of trying to just survive, you will thrive.

See the miracle taking place now in your life as your new beliefs are finding their way to your subconscious mind to replace the disease of lack and fear, worthlessness and anxiety, depression and despair.  As you continue on this journey, keep watch for the miracles – for they will begin to appear.

Like a light shining at the end of a tunnel, they will catch your attention. You’ll become more aware of people, and opportunities and ideas that you never knew existed before now.  Unexpected gifts will come to you.  Keep watch, like an eagle, just as we kept a close watch on Andrew’s blood counts.

As you continue on this journey of aligning your beliefs with your utmost desires, your expectations are forming coherence with the quantum field, and when that coherence is formed, your desires will be manifested.

Now, as promised, I share with you the book that has totally turned my life around and given me the protocol for forming that coherence with the quantum field.

Grow a Greater You CoverThe book is “Grow a Greater You” by Greg Kuhn, who is call the “Law of Attraction Science Guy.”

It is a guidebook.

It is a textbook on quantum physics (but in layman terms so you understand it clearly) and it is designed as a game that you will begin to play in order to change your limiting beliefs.


If you have been a student and practitioner of the Law of Attraction,

if you have repeated positive affirmations by the hundreds, thousands,

if you have been diligent to only think positive thoughts about everything,

and you’re still not manifesting those BIG desires you have …

this book will teach and guide you to a new understanding of how the Universe works and why positive affirmations and positive thoughts are temporary, feel good tools, but are only the same as putting a smiley face sticker on what is really going on with your beliefs.

I lead a mastermind study of this book every Monday thru Friday at 10 am Eastern.  It’s an open call where we read, study, discuss and share our personal experiences and insights of this process.

You can join with us live by dialing in at 10 am Eastern:
Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#.

Or you can access all the recordings of our study of this book here on Soundcloud.

Additionally, I have had the pleasure of interviewing Greg Kuhn several times about this process of growing a great you. These interviews are available for you here.

Before I wrap up this article, I want to tell you that you are an amazing being who has the ability and power and wisdom to create a life that you desire.  You were created to live a fulfilling life and my hope is that I have been a loving influence and guide on your journey to greatness.

Here’s to your “transplant” of new beliefs!

What do you think is the biggest limiting belief you have?







p:  Text me 573-881-6715
f:   You can find me here on Facebook

P.S.  Greg Kuhn has an incredible blog full of resources and articles that will awaken you, enlighten you and help you to continue to grow a greater you.  Visit his blog here: http://whyquantumphysicists.com

Bone marrow pic credit goes to:
“Bone marrow biopsy” by Photographer’s Mate 2nd Class Chad McNeeley – Navy News Service, 021204-N-0696M-180. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons