My NDE (Near Death Experience) with MLM

Nearly threw in the towel until I realized I had a NDE with MLM.My NDE experience is of a different nature, and I don’t write this as a humorous twist on NDEs which would diminish the pure experiences of those who have shared their stories of near death experiences.

My NDE was with MLM and it has given me a new lease on life, regenerated my vitality and vision to help others. Let me explain how I came to this realization.

Most all who experience a NDE are transformed, renewed and filled with a new understanding of who they are and how life really works … and it pretty much comes down to loving, serving, being happy, and being grateful.

It’s a beautiful experience for sure; the stories are powerful and inspiring. I’ve secretly thought how I’d love to experience a NDE (IF it could be without lying on a hospital bed) because of the way it causes such a spiritual awakening and renewal of a person’s life.

And isn’t that what we’re all seeking … really?  An awakening … a new zest for life … assurance about why we are here? We want to break through whatever is holding us back to find the “secret” – the “knowing” – the clarity of what really matters in life.

I’ve had the honor and pleasure of meeting with Robert Trembly, author of “Twenty Seconds: A True Account of Survival and Hope” who assured me that I don’t have to die to experience the renewal and regeneration of a NDE.

I realized I HAVE had a NDE … of a different kind. I didn’t experience a physical death, but an emotional and financial death with network marketing, i.e., MLM (multi level marketing.)

After we rode the roller coaster of building our mobile business so that we could live the Naked Hippies Roadtrip dream; after navigating through the ups and downs and twists and turns that comes with any business; after years of never quitting, always believing, pushing on and keeping on … we were finally living our dream of living on the never-ending roadtrip and we were enjoying success like never before.

The Naked Hippies Roadtrip was rollin’ on down the highways and everything was just as we had dreamed it would be …

UNTIL … as I’ve shared before, the business went into bankruptcy owing us thousands of dollars.

That was at the end of 2014.

And during the past 17 months, I’ve felt like I’ve been in limbo, so to speak. Actually, “dead” would be a better description. I’ve been skittish about new opportunities, wary of promises of the next big thing, and mostly just barely holding on to that last knot in the rope of my belief in the industry.

We had been close to the mountain top, so close … and then there was a landslide … and we tumbled back down to the bottom, back to start all over again.

It hurt.

It hurt to see wrong doings by those who were supposed to be leaders.

It hurt deeply to see our team, our friends, even our family caught in the landslide.

It hurt to look at our bank account.

It hurt to see the dream of two men die … or so I thought.

So, while most NDEs are brief (as far as I know) … mine has lasted 17 months as I searched and struggled to find answers and solutions to “is this really worth all the time and money and effort?”

My NDE is over. I’m back! 

I’m back and the spark of belief in the industry that was flickering and fading and almost extinguished has grown to a bonfire!

I was brought back to life when I heard the familiar voice of a friend, one whom had been in the landslide with me. I was jolted back to life when he shared what I’m about to share with you.

You see, when we joined that company which ended up nose-diving into bankruptcy, we had the honor and privilege to be flown to the corporate headquarters in Utah to meet the founders, and I’ll always remember how we resonated with the vision they had, the way we felt the heartbeat of freedom as we talked with them.

They had hearts as big as Texas to help people break free. They designed a company that would help anyone save money, get out of debt and make money doing it…something that resonated with what we desired to do.

Within a short time, we were quickly building a team who were experiencing success for the first time ever, including the Naked Hippies.

And then, the ax fell. The founders were far removed from the decisions of the CEO who utlimately caused the death of the company, the death of their dream.

Now, while I was “dead”, while I was experiencing my NDE, these two men were very much alive and excitedly working to find a way to take what they had learned and begin to create something new, something even bigger and better than what they first had done. Their dream didn’t die because of the shenanigans of a CEO. They held fast to their vision to help people … determined to start again, instead of throwing in the towel.

That phone call brought me back to life, back to believing again, back to the feeling that yes! yes! YES! this industry is worth every twist and turn, every landslide, flood or hurricane because there ARE good, honest people in the world who desire to serve and uplift others.

I received numerous phone calls during those 17 months of my NDE … tons of people reaching out to bring me back, but it took hearing from someone I know personally, someone who is honest, someone I trust completely, someone who has proven over and over again that their number one passion is helping as many people as possible become financially independent so they can live life as they desire…

That’s what brought me back to life!

So, here I am, alive and energized and excited to be building a new team with the founders of Divvee, the new ecommerce shopping experience that is future driven and right in line with what’s working now.

I believe that the Universe always puts people on our path at the right time. Here I was, dead to MLM … no umph or desire to consider starting again … and also working at a part time job to pay the bills … and then the phone dinged. Right time, with the right people.

How did Divvee bring me back from my NDE with MLM?

First, obviously because I know the founders personally and have developed a close friendship with them.

Second, I immediately saw that we can get back to the fun, high energy, the love and support of a team – something that had fizzled while everyone went their separate ways after that company went bankrupt (and while I was “dead.”) It’s been greatly missed.

And third, there’s the in-your-face realization that in this world of fast-paced, ever changing technology, Richard Smith and Troy Muhlestein have created something that the facts and figures are backing up:

Ecommerce and mobile is the future.

This trend cannot be ignored and those who recognize it and seize the opportunity to participate will reap the rewards.

You can’t ignore the statistics:

Seeing where we are headed helped me come back from my NDE with MLM
Adding to this phenomenal trend is the number of smart phone users that has grown since Apple introduced the Smart Phone in 2007.

Today, there are over 200 million smart phone users in the U.S. and over 2 billion worldwide.

The DivveeFree app will provide customers the ease and fun of shopping from their phone to save money on products they already use, or to grab some amazing special deals on products they have been wanting to purchase.

What Amazon has done for retail,

and what Uber has done for the taxi and limousine service,

Divvee is about to do to direct sales network marketing. -Ed Terranova

Customers who get the app will get push notifications of weekly special deals.  Remember the Kmart blue light specials? Back in the day, shoppers in the Kmart store heard a loud voice announcing a blue light special and everyone would race to that section of the store to grab the bargain. Now, with Divvee, it all happens on their phone!

I hope you can grasp the magnitude of the innovative design of Divvee. It’s not a regurgitation of what has always worked in the past …it’s a step into what is trending right now and will continue to explode with advancing technology:

  • Ecommerce
  • Mobile
  • Social Media Marketing

I’m grateful to be back among the living.

Grateful for the unwavering determination of Richard and Troy to not give up on their dream. Grateful for technology that allows us to work from wherever our camper is parked. And grateful for you to still be reading this.

My question to you is this:  Do you know me – the Naked Hippie Trisha? Have you followed me, read my emails, my Facebook posts, my blog, my book?  Have you listened in to the daily mindset call that I host?

Have you traveled with us vicariously, met us in person, or connected with me on Facebook? If you have, then you know my heart and trust me. Just as I didn’t have to think twice when I heard from Richard and Troy because of the trust I have in them … if you have that same kind of trust in me, then let’s start building together.

My NDE with MLM is over! The Naked Hippies Divvee Team is growing and I’m thrilled to be alive again. I love reconnecting with those who have been feeling “dead” like me and who have missed the incredible love and support and energy of a team working together.

Most of all, I believe this was an answered prayer whispered when I was about to let it all go.

It’s easy to become part of the Naked Hippies team (and you can keep your clothes on – or not!) Divvee is affordable: $9.95 a month, $25 a year for affiliate status. Click here to get started NOW because … trust me … the sooner you start growing with the Naked Hippies, well, you’ll thank me for the nudge to get going NOW.

As always, if you have questions, text me at 573-881-6715 or message me on Facebook. I don’t have all the answers, but I do have a direct line to Richard and Troy.

Here’s to your freedom …

Here’s to a comeback …

Here’s to YOU!

I'm alive! I'm back! Let's GO!











50 Shades of Yay – Pain and Pleasure in MLM

There is pain and pleasure in MLM … 50 Shades of YAY!

YAY, not dismay, now that the company we were in has closed its doors.  

Some who experienced the downfall of this company are angry, bitter, and downright vengeful. It’s understandable, but I choose instead to celebrate all that we experienced, accomplished and learned from building success for the first time in our network marketing journey.

Oh, the bliss we felt as the foreplay began. Our team grew, it swelled to great size.  We felt the pleasure of watching incomes grow to new levels of success never achieved before.  It was pleasurable, it tickled our dreams, it enticed us to do it again and again and again.

There was an energy of hope and promise and belief that THIS was IT for everyone – we found our one true love and we were on our way to the paradise we dreamed of living.  Buy the ring – plan the wedding – this is IT!

Remember your first breakup?  Promises are not kept. Evasiveness permeates the relationship. You start to suspect he’s not really that in to you?  And oh, how you try to believe you are just imagining things, blowing them out of proportion because you truly love this guy.  You ignore what your best friend tells you because you KNOW this just couldn’t happen – it has been such a wonderful, fulfilling relationship.

That’s what it felt like for a couple of months as the company began to be the bad boyfriend.  I wanted to believe he (the company) would come to his senses, make everything right and we would continue walking hand in hand down the aisle.

My best friend, my sponsor, saw it coming and tried to warn me for weeks, suggested I “date around” to find other opportunities.  He told me over and over how worthy I was, how capable and strong I was without “him.”   I finally took his advice and I’m so glad I did.

This week, the breakup happened. It’s over.

Was I devastated by the news? No. I was prepared for it, thanks to my best friend’s encouragement and support to expand my horizons and find other “guys.”

It was a great year with that company.  We had so many fun “dates” – events all over the country where I met our teammates and made new connections.

And, it helped me grow into the woman I am right now – a woman who knows what she wants, knows her worth and ability, feels confident and assured that one breakup does not define the rest of her life.

There is pain and pleasure in MLM.  Enjoy the pleasure, learn from the pain and you’ll be just fine … really, you will.

What has been your pain or pleasure with MLM?


trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!


p:  573-881-6715
f:  Find me on Facebook!

P.S.  I’m loving this “dating around.”  It has brought me some great new connections for building our Naked Hippies business.  You can meet all these “new guys in my life” by clicking here.

Wanna come “play around” with the Naked Hippies?  Subscribe to our newsletter to find out who, where and when our next “date” is!


Down the Rabbit Hole – the Tribal Echo

GUEST POST by Wayne Coppock

We are business partners,  we are close friends …
we mastermind, we dream, we plan and we
hold the same vision … help people wake up to
their inner strength and power.

Thank you Wayne, for the permission to share
your wisdom and inspiration on my blog.

Tribal Echo Naked Hippies Team

How People Decide Who to Follow… The Tribal Echo!… WHAT?

Just what is it that attracts new
team members to you?

Is it your company?.. your main MLM?


Is honesty okay here?…
Do I have your permission to be True ?
People don’t really give a crap about the
details of a company, or any of that stuff…


{Be sure to make it to the end of this piece! 
Answers are there.. and remember, this is 
just the beginning of marketing strategies 
that no one else is gonna  be teaching you!}


Can they make some money…. Like I said,
truth is here! That is what’s important

Is it you?… Your “persona”… Your Aura?


Getting closer… I’d even say it is very important.

But… NAH…

People do not want a lone wolf…
the only reason for that may be that they think
that they will complete access to this glorious leader…

But, if he, or she has all of the time for the individuals
like some may be looking for than you must question who
are they actually leading… Let’s be honest here…
If a leader has time for everyone who joins them then they
just simply cannot be the leader of  very many.


There are factors that have proven to be much more important.
Mostly on  an unconscious level.

Now, wait… let me say this:

This info today may be a little deep into the rabbit hole
for some of the newer folks in this industry, BUT,
Those of you who are at the point of starting to develop
your own team… You need to know this stuff…

It is the village… the camp… the community…

Is there a structure, a hierarchy?

What the TRIBE must have is a TRIBAL ECHO!


Tribal echo… it is the voice of the community.
The leader must fulfill this… it IS the strength of the



Most prospective team mates will never consciously
think about this… the need to hear this is completely
unconscious… but, it is absolutely a necessity!

Remember, I said something about the rabbit hole?
We are way down it now.

We are teaching how to market directly into a persons
DNA… way into their unconscious…

An example:
The Tonight Show.. Johnny Carson… Leno & Letterman!
the primal echo of the show is the  take away the monologue
and see how long the ratings of the thing last…the show
would be a gonner!

Maybe the best example…
APPLE… Steve Jobs was the front man, the Alpha… he gave
the primal echo… they gave him an uncerimonial “boot”…
the company nearly failed… when they brought him back
all was well, or even better than that… now with his passing
I personally wonder how long it will be before they  come
up with another leader to fill his role… they couldn’t do it before!


People want community, they want to feel safe “within the walls”
of the village and they want the tribe to have a strong leader…

Here within this tribe we answer these 5 questions, they may
be sub-conscious questions, but so very important!

  1. Where did you come from?
  2. When did you start?
  3. Who else got started with you?
  4. Are you alone, or is there a village
    of people behind you?
  5. How does the village greet and treat it’s guests?









It is, a short list of things people want to know..

It all comes down to security

Without going on and on, (as you know I can),
I just want to say, the Tribal Stamp…
The village concept…
The Primal Echo…

All very important to taking it to the next level.

What can you do RIGHT NOW?
That will turn your business in a whole new direction?


  • Add your address and phone number to your stuff…
    emails, blog posts, sales letters…
  • Tell your prospects what you do full time…
    it is all about honesty, transparency…
    it is all about being the real you…
    Faking it till you’re making it is a lie…No one will feel safe in a village where they
    are lied to.
  • Add a picture of yourself to your content.
    This will answer the “Who are you?” question.
    This is more important than many know!
  • Whenever possible, on hangouts, conference
    calls, whatever… REMIND everyone who you
    are, where you are from,and why you are where
    you are doing the things you are doing

Remember this too!

Telling everyone how much you “love” the products
is not close to as important as telling why
the village means so much to you.

Ask your questions below in the comments,
and be sure to share this with others if you feel that
it is a valuable message!…

Wayne Coppock
765-506-0720 (There it is… use it!)


Why I Recommend These Books for Internet Marketers


So many books, so little time – right?

I know you are busy and finding time to read is sometimes a challenge, but it is so crucial and vital to your personal and financial growth.

This list of books is what I recommend to anyone who is thinking about or already immersed in internet marketing.

Anyone who has the desire to build a business from home to earn extra income or replace their fulltime income at a 9-5 job.

If you have read them once, read them again. Each time you go back and read the same book, you are not the same person you were when you first read it.  Something new will jump out at you, impact you, give you fresh ideas to implement in your life and in your business.


1.  Go Pro by Eric Worre
If you have never been in this industry, this is a first must-read.  It will give you an overall picture of the complete process, a seven step plan, and insight for building your business to become a legacy, not a trial and error thing like most people do.

If you are in the midst of building your business and have hit a wall, this book will help you discover what you are missing in your day to day actions.

“Go Pro” is specifically helpful for those in a MLM (multi-level marketing company.)

2. Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard

Are you tired of chasing everyone? Have your friends and family started running in the other direction when they see you coming?
Tired of cold calling? Tired of home parties? Tired of posting flyers all over town?

This book is THE book for teaching you Attraction Marketing; i.e., the process of turning the tables so people hunt you down instead of you being the hunter.

In addition, it will give you clarity and understanding about the importance of building YOUR own business, regardless of the MLM company you are currently promoting.

3.  The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen

For those who feel like nothing is happening, nothing is working right in their business … this is for you.

For those who desire to build their internet business the right way so that results are assured … this is for you.

“The Slight Edge” principle is simple but so very powerful.  If you consistently and persistently show up every day, do the work you have planned, and do it no matter what … the Slight Edge works in your favor.

But it also works if you decide to skip a few days, miss sending an email or writing a blog post.

It works for or against you.  Each consistent action builds the momentum until there is a shift, a shift to amazing results.

4.  E2 and E3 by Pam Grout

These two books are filled with fun exercises to prove that you can manifest anything you desire.  Let go of your perception about the
Law of Attraction.  Pam takes you on a fascinating journey of experiments that will eliminate all doubt about the power you have to create your desired outcomes.

5. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker

Did you know that everything you experienced, saw and heard from parents, teachers, friends, pastors, TV and movies created a financial blueprint that is responsible for your current money issues?

T Harv Eker is a brilliant author and speaker who will help you change that blueprint by releasing the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

That’s it!  That’s my list of the five books I recommend to those who hold the vision for change and seek to create the life they desire.

Of course, there are tons more books that are incredibly helpful and valuable for this journey.

You can’t go wrong by reading books like these for 15-30 minutes a day.  It will feed your mind and fill you with knowledge and understanding to grow yourself and your business.

The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read. ― Mark Twain

What book are you reading right now and how is it helping you grow?

Leave a comment below. I’d love to add more books to my reading list.


Trisha Barnes
Avid Reader and Dreamer!
P.S.  If you are not yet signed up to receive my daily emails –
let’s get that done right now!  Sign up today and you’ll receive
our free ebook that tells the story of the labor and birth of the
Naked Hippies Roadtrip!  Click the link below: