If You Think You Have Job Security … Think Again!

Now, more than ever it’s vital to your future to quit your job and become your own boss.

It’s inevitable … technology is eliminating job security.

So much has changed in the last thirty years and it’s changing at a more rapid pace as technology replaces the human services we once relied on.

Look around …

Automation is replacing once needed service personnel. We now scan our own items at self-checkouts;

we use ATMS for banking transactions;

we pump our own gas;

we pay bills online rather than use the postal service;

we call TeleDoc for a diagnosis and prescription;

we buy airline tickets, reserve hotel rooms and rent cars online. 

The list goes on and on. The services that used to be performed by humans are no longer needed.

Technology, outsourcing, a growing temp staffing industry, productivity efficiencies, have all replaced the middle class.The working class. Most jobs that existed 20 years ago aren’t needed now. [Source}

W. Brian Arthur, a visiting researcher at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center’s intelligence systems lab and a former economics professor at Stanford University, calls it the “autonomous economy.” It’s far more subtle than the idea of robots and automation doing human jobs, he says: it involves “digital processes talking to other digital processes and creating new processes,” enabling us to do many things with fewer people and making yet other human jobs obsolete. [Source} 

“Software substitution, whether it’s for drivers or waiters or nurses … it’s progressing. …  Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set. – Bill Gates [Source]

One recent study by academics at Oxford University suggests that 47% of today’s jobs could be automated in the next two decades. [Source]


Become an entrepreneur.  Be your own boss. Take control.

Everyone is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur: an ability to fail, an ability to have ideas, to sell those ideas, to execute on those ideas, and to be persistent so even as you fail you learn and move onto the next adventure.
James Altucher


Internet marketing is the best way to create job security.

1. Make the decision to create your own job security by using technology for your gain – become an internet marketer.

2. Realize you will need to invest time and money to launch your new career.

3. Avoid the “easy money” opportunities that will flood your search.  It’s not easy, it takes work and commitment and perseverance. Not easy, but so worth it.

4. Never stop learning. Learn from leaders, learn from your experiences, learn from those who are doing what you are doing.

5. Have a support system in place of people who will guide you, train you and most of all be there to help you navigate through this journey.

6. Grow yourself personally. Being successful in building your own job security is an inner game; it’s about the person you have to become in character and mind in order to be successful.

7. Be patient and steadfast.  This is not a lottery ticket, this is the rest of your life. Every decision you make to act in spite of fear, or worry, or doubt, or inconvenience or even when you’re not in the mood will push you faster towards your success.

If you are still reading this, it means what I’ve shared has triggered a “knowing” within you that something has to change in your life. You see the writing on the wall.  Good for you!

Here’s to your freedom … you job security … the best of your life.

Oh, and by the way …

We took that big step nine years ago. It was exciting and scary.

Now, we are living our dream and teaching as many people as possible how to create their own cash flow online so they can build real freedom and job security for themselves and their families.

If you are ready to begin to create something purposeful and something that could change the landscape of your family forever…

let me introduce you to what we do …  that anyone can learn  … to create the financial stability and job security you desire. Click the banner below.

Create job security using the Simple Freedom way!


Trisha Barnes
Let’s Connect:
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c:  573-881-6715
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P.S.  Highly recommend these articles and ebooks:
How the Middle Class Got Screwed
Ten Reasons Why You Have to Quit Your Job This Year

No one wants to hear it or believe it, but Social Security is going to fail. What can you do to protect you and your family?

No longer a conspiracy theory – Social Security is going to FAIL

Social Security is going to fail. 

We’ve been dancing around this issue for years, not wanting to believe it will happen, hoping it was just all a conspiracy theory but in this recent report, Simon Black gives the grim news.

Black writes:

Social Security’s various trust funds currently hold about $2.7 trillion in total assets; yet the government itself estimates the program’s liabilities to exceed $40 trillion.

In the 2015 report of the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees they state very plainly:

“Social Security as a whole as well as Medicare cannot sustain projected long-run program costs…”, and that the government should be “giving the public adequate time to prepare.”

Time to prepare?  What does that mean for you and your family?

Pretty much, it’s time to take control of your future.

It doesn’t matter if you are twenty, thirty or sixty … Social Security should not be your plan for financial support when you retire.

The average monthly benefit for someone who starts taking Social Security at age 62 in 2014 is roughly $1,992 — not even enough to keep them above the federal poverty line.
[full article here]

It was never designed to be a main income source, but according to the  U.S. Social Security Administration,  nearly one in five married retirees and one in two unmarried retirees say they rely on Social Security for the bulk of their income.

It is definitely time to do something to protect your future.

But what?

Create your own streams of income that are not dependent on the government or job security or 401ks or pensions.

We call that entrepreneurship.

Becoming your own boss. Creating your own income.

It’s never too late or never too early to start.

Over 50?  According to the Kauffman Foundation’s Index of Entrepreneurial Activity, 23.4 percent of entrepreneurs are between the ages of 55 and 64, up from 18.7 percent a decade earlier. [full story here]

In your thirty/forty something years?  According to the recently released Global Entrepreneurship Monitor’s 2013 United States Report, the best time to become an entrepreneur is between 35-44. [full story here]

In your twenties?  Hold on, this will motivate you. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs started in their 20s:

  1. Founders of Google  Sergey Brin (25) & Larry Page (25)
  2. Founders of Apple   Steve Jobs (21) & Steve Wozniak (26)
  3. Founders of Microsoft:  Bill Gates (20) & Paul Allen (22)
  4. Founder of Facebook:  Mark Zuckerberg (20)
  5. Founder of Wal-Mart:  Sam Walton (26)
    [full story here]

No matter your age, just do it.

Forget what’s happening with Social Security. That’s a done deal, it’s going to fail.

Instead, step into your greatness and create, design, innovate and build a business to fund all that you desire in life.

Here’s a great way to get started now:

It’s the only way to protect you and your family’s future.











Whatever you dream of doing when you retire … do it now.  Life is too short to wait.

25% of Americans have negative networth





c:  573-881-6715
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Something for Nothing is the Losing Way

The world is filled with people who want something for nothing … but that is the losing way in life.

Ask any professional athlete, or dancer, or actor if they achieved success by doing nothing.

Ask any entrepreneur if their success required no investment of
their time and money.

Ask anyone who has achieved a level of success in their life if it just dropped in their laps.

The overwhelming 100% answer will be NO.

Why is it, then, that so many people have a strong desire to achieve
success and break free from their struggle, but just can’t grasp the
the truth that it will take an investment of time and money.

Have we become so “instant gratification” programmed that instead
of stepping into the challenge of growing a more successful version of
life, people have become lax and lazy? That they expect to do nothing and invest nothing, but receive the abundance of success they see others achieving?

The “old school way” to success in life is done.  It’s broken, stomped
on and crushed to pieces.  Getting a degree and working for forty years to retire on 40% of your income is O V E R.

Think about the time and money invested in a college degree.  Years
of study, thousands and thousands of dollars in student loans.  For a piece of paper that does not guarantee you anything, except the guarantee that you now belong to the government due to the humongous loan you owe. In fact nearly 50% of college graduates do not work at a job that requires a degree.  (read the dismal statistics here.)

Startling news, depressing statistics … but the answer, the solution is
available to all.  Become your own boss. Be an entrepreneur.  Do it
YOUR way, not society’s way.

Which leads back to the question … why.  WHY, when statistics clearly prove that a college degree isn’t worth what it used to be and that it’s time to take matters into your own hands …

people freeze, stammer, complain, turn down the opportunities available for turning the tide and riding the wave to success?

“You mean I have to pay to join?”

“You mean I have to learn and apply new skills?”

“I’ve been in for two months and haven’t made a dime!”

(Reminder:  the average cost of college tuition ranges from $22,000 – $45,000 per year and the average time it takes to get a bachelor’s  degree is now six years.)

The average cost to join a company to start building your online
business is as affordable as you need it to be.

The average time it takes to build your business to the level of success you desire is … well, it depends on each individual.  Not everyone will fully commit, not everyone will do whatever it takes to keep learning and taking action as quickly as the next person.

Even if it took you six years to reach the income level you desire in your business, the financial investment will be far less.

So, let’s do the math:  6 years x $30,000 = $180,000.  Quite an investment on an unsure future.

Eric Worre, author of “Go Pro” teaches network marketers that the 1/3/5/7 rule typically applies in this industry:
One year to become profitable and competent.
Three years of consistent work part time in order to go full time.
Five years to become a six figure earner.
Seven years to become an expert.

Sure helps to put this all in perspective, doesn’t it?  You can spend six years in college, accrue a ton of debt, and end up working at a job that barely covers your living expenses… OR

You can continue working at a job for the rest of your life where your value is determined by the paycheck you receive and raises are not even close to helping make ends meet for your family… OR

You can spend the next five years building your own business, designing your own schedule, increasing your skills and knowledge, and have the potential to be a six figure earner by the end of those five years … or even sooner as happens to some network marketers.

You may have to sit with this for a while, let the realization of what I’ve shared sink in.  It’s an abrupt slam to traditional beliefs that have been ingrained in you since you were born.

You can’t get something for nothing. You can get everything you desire if you invest your time and money in creating your own economy.

It’s time for change. It’s YOUR time.

The old way doesn’t work any longer.

This is the better way.

Read below for how you can get started today.

Naked Hippies Roadtrip Bruce and Trisha


p:  573-881-6715
f:    http://facebook.com/trishajbarnes

P.S.  Yes, it will take an investment of money.
(we help you find the right solution for you)

Yes, it will take an investment of time.
(we provide team training, a culture of support and encouragement)

Yes, it will be worth it.

We are using the following products and services to
generate income.  See what “fits” you:

$25 one-time investment (start the cash  flow)

Lead generating system (with built in autoresponder
and endless capture pages – plus commissions!)

Viral Blogging System (take the stress out of setting up
your own WordPress blog – $25 for the platform!)

These articles are helping people realize their potential and greatness:
No Brainer Decision – Start Your Own Business and WHY
8 Signs that You Are Ready to Be Your Own Boss



What’cha gonna do about those damn bills – now that Christmas is over?

Oh, the holidays were good, weren’t they?

The kids were excited on Christmas morning as they rushed to the tree to see what Santa brought them.

There were squeals of delight as the paper when flying.

It was really good to see their happiness, their joy.

And now, it’s all over … school is back in session, routine is settling in again …

and the bills are going to start filling up your mailbox.

Now, as you pile the bills on the kitchen counter, the delightful squeals have turned into “OH NO HONEY! You spent how much on those gifts?”

It happens … we get all excited about the season and making it special for our families, and then … reality hits.

And stress begins to build… suddenly all the laughter and joy is replaced by frustration and short tempers.

whatcha gonna do about those Christmas bills Naked Hippies Roadtrip
Now, the question becomes “how do we get out of debt?”

I’m pretty sure you don’t want to hear words  “you should never buy anything you can’t pay cash for” … as your grandparents would advise you.

Times are tough these days.  The economy sucks.  Taxes drain you.
The government isn’t going to save your ass.  You are working hard,
maybe even taking on a 2nd or 3rd job to help make ends meet.

The even bigger question is this: “What can we do so we aren’t in this same desperate and frustrating situation next Christmas?”

And you wonder and wish there was some way to get a handle on your finances, to get out of this debt cycle, to get ahead of the bills instead of always being behind.

Lean in closely here … I’ve got some good news for you …you don’t want to miss hearing this:

There is a way.

It’s been prepared for you.  (Do you feel like a King yet?)

It’s the way thousands of people are doing it … it’s the way of the entrepreneur … who decides to change the way things are going.

It starts by saying YES to opportunities and people who are placed in your path.

Look, I know what it’s like out there to sit down at your computer and start searching for ways to create extra income.  It’s a jungle.

You don’t know who to trust … you don’t know what to believe.  It’s just pretty dang scary, especially when your Uncle Bob tells you that he was scammed twenty years ago and you shouldn’t get into this online marketing industry.

So, how do you know who to trust, how do you know what is good or not?

This is how:  stop looking at the systems, stop looking at the flashy promises of big money in 30 days.

Start looking at the people.  Study what they are doing … on Facebook, in their emails, on their blogs …

What do they share?  Are they positive or do they grumble?

Do they pitch or pitch in to help you?

Do they build others up or tear them down?

Do they resonate with you?  Do you feel a connection with them?

Are they genuine?  Are they real?  Or are they pretentious and braggy?

Study the people and you’ll find a few who think like you do, who do what they say and say what they do.

When you find the right people, it will lead you to the right opportunities.

The right people won’t promise you the moon … they will promise to believe in you, train you, teach you and encourage you.

The right people will be the ones who are just like you … ordinary people who are just a little further ahead on this wondrous journey than you are … and they are offering their help to get you going.

NOW … BACK TO THOSE DAMN BILLS – they aren’t going away

We can help you get started on a new path today … to pay off those bills…a path where you lock arms with The Naked Hippies and begin to turn the page to getting out of debt … getting on with the life that you desire for you and your family.

Spend a little time getting to know us first.  Check us out on
Here on our blog
Heck … Google us

Do your research … see how we resonate with you before you make any decision to work directly with us.

We’ll be here, when you are ready.

Meanwhile, we’ll just keep enjoying our life on the road!

Bruce and Trisha Naked Hippies Roadtrip

Bruce and Trisha
The Naked Hippies

p:  573-881-6715

Subscribe to our newsletter:  http://youfoundus.nakedhippiesteam.com

P.S.  Don’t need to wait any longer?  You’ve already felt the connection, the tug to work directly with us?  FANTASTIC!

Your first step to freedom starts here.  Call if you have questions.

Happy Birthday Gustave Eiffel … thanks for the lessons

Today marks Gustave Eiffel’s 182nd birthday. Of course, he is known for the obvious – the Eiffel Tower. 240px-Tour_Eiffel_Wikimedia_Commons His life story is fascinating … it gives lessons in determination, steadfastness, education and success, in spite of circumstances and setbacks. Lessons that we can use in our own lives as we seek to add more, be more and do more with the skills and knowledge and opportunities we have. Here are the lessons gleaned as I’ve studied Eiffel’s life history. Life isn’t a bed of roses, but good can come out of every circumstance. Gustave Eiffel was born in France and spent his childhood living with his grandmother, even though both of his parents were alive.

A dislike of school isn’t an indication of failure … it’s often a sign of genius. He was not a studious child … he was bored in school.  His uncle played an important role in his education by spending time with Eiffel and teaching him about everything – from chemistry and mining to theology and philosophy. Eiffel had his hopes set on attending one college, but he didn’t qualify for entrance to this school. Instead he attended another school in Paris where he received a vocational.

Do what you can, from where you are, with what you have. After he graduated with plans to work in his uncle’s workshop, it didn’t happen due to a family dispute. So, he worked for free for his brother-in-law in a foundry until he sought employment with railway engineer Charles Nepveu who hired him as his private secretary. All was well until the company went bankrupt.

When things fall apart … another door will open. Although Nepveu’s company went bankrupt, he helped Eiffel secure a job with a company for whom Eiffel produced his first bridge design – one of countless bridges he is noted for. Soon, Nepveu was appointed to managing director of two factories in Paris and offered Eiffel a job as head of research.  A new contract for a railway bridge was secured and Eiffel eventually took over the management of the entire project. Following the successful construction of that bridge, Eiffel received more work – he was gaining attention and developing a reputation for his skills and knowledge.

Be independent – create your own economy. When business began to decline, Eiffel set up as an independent consulting engineer. He set up his own workshops.

Find a need, figure out the solution In Eiffel’s time, bridges were monstrous projects and the man labor required was enormous.  Plus, transporting all the materials across land where there were no roads, or very poor roads for travel, getting the materials to the project site was a huge problem. Eiffel started work on a system of standardised prefabricated bridges.  These used a small number of standard components, all small enough to be readily transportable, reducing the need for the man-hours used to carry these supplies to the site.

Do good work – you’ll attract more work. This is a little known fact about Eiffel. In 1881 he was contacted by Auguste Bartholdi who was in need of an engineer to help him to build the Statue of Liberty. 250px-Statue_of_Liberty_7 The entire statue was erected at the Eiffel works in Paris before being dismantled and shipped to the United States.

Do what you love and create residual income. Initially, Eiffel was not much interested in the Eiffel Tower project.  It wasn’t until engineer Stephen Sauvestre added architectural embellishments of the decorative arches, the glass pavilion and the cupola at the top that Eiffel got on board. He bought the rights to the patent on the design and on January 8,1887 signed a contract to receive 1 ½ million francs toward construction costs PLUS he was to receive all income from the commercial exploitation during the 1889 World’s Fairand for the following twenty years.

Ignore the naysayers – keep the vision.  The Eiffel tower was a subject of controversy and criticism. Headlines such as “Eiffel Suicide” and “Gustave Eiffel has gone mad: he has been confined in an Asylum” appeared in the press. Today the Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic structures in the world.  The tower is the tallest structure in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; 6.98 million people ascended it in 2011.

Leave a legacy.  Eiffel was ready to adopt innovative techniques first used by others and he was a pioneer in his insistence on basing all engineering decisions on a base of thorough calculation of the forces involved, combining this analytical approach with an insistence on a high standard of accuracy in drawing and manufacture.

220px-Gustav_Eiffel_Bust_Eiffel_Tower_paris For more information on Gustave Eiffel’s legacy in the Industrial Revolution Era, go here. If this article inspired you, share it with others. If it helped motivate you, leave a comment below.

And do this … read biographies of great people. Their stories will be filled with tragedy and triumph, failures and successes, courage and determination – just like Eiffel’s story has demonstrated.

You are no different than Eiffel, than Einstein, than Lincoln, or Emerson, or Napoleon Hill. You are endowed with the same connection to the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient power to create whatever you desire in life. Here’s to your discovery of your
amazing greatness!


Trisha Barnes

Connect with me on Facebook

P.S.   This is your invitation to join us on the Mindset Victory call – every Monday thru Friday at 10:00 am Eastern.  We are immersed in a mastermind study of mindset victory – we read, discuss, share and inspire others to create the life that they desire. Dial in here: Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703# Replay 712-775-7089 Pin 150703#