Something for Nothing is the Losing Way

The world is filled with people who want something for nothing … but that is the losing way in life.

Ask any professional athlete, or dancer, or actor if they achieved success by doing nothing.

Ask any entrepreneur if their success required no investment of
their time and money.

Ask anyone who has achieved a level of success in their life if it just dropped in their laps.

The overwhelming 100% answer will be NO.

Why is it, then, that so many people have a strong desire to achieve
success and break free from their struggle, but just can’t grasp the
the truth that it will take an investment of time and money.

Have we become so “instant gratification” programmed that instead
of stepping into the challenge of growing a more successful version of
life, people have become lax and lazy? That they expect to do nothing and invest nothing, but receive the abundance of success they see others achieving?

The “old school way” to success in life is done.  It’s broken, stomped
on and crushed to pieces.  Getting a degree and working for forty years to retire on 40% of your income is O V E R.

Think about the time and money invested in a college degree.  Years
of study, thousands and thousands of dollars in student loans.  For a piece of paper that does not guarantee you anything, except the guarantee that you now belong to the government due to the humongous loan you owe. In fact nearly 50% of college graduates do not work at a job that requires a degree.  (read the dismal statistics here.)

Startling news, depressing statistics … but the answer, the solution is
available to all.  Become your own boss. Be an entrepreneur.  Do it
YOUR way, not society’s way.

Which leads back to the question … why.  WHY, when statistics clearly prove that a college degree isn’t worth what it used to be and that it’s time to take matters into your own hands …

people freeze, stammer, complain, turn down the opportunities available for turning the tide and riding the wave to success?

“You mean I have to pay to join?”

“You mean I have to learn and apply new skills?”

“I’ve been in for two months and haven’t made a dime!”

(Reminder:  the average cost of college tuition ranges from $22,000 – $45,000 per year and the average time it takes to get a bachelor’s  degree is now six years.)

The average cost to join a company to start building your online
business is as affordable as you need it to be.

The average time it takes to build your business to the level of success you desire is … well, it depends on each individual.  Not everyone will fully commit, not everyone will do whatever it takes to keep learning and taking action as quickly as the next person.

Even if it took you six years to reach the income level you desire in your business, the financial investment will be far less.

So, let’s do the math:  6 years x $30,000 = $180,000.  Quite an investment on an unsure future.

Eric Worre, author of “Go Pro” teaches network marketers that the 1/3/5/7 rule typically applies in this industry:
One year to become profitable and competent.
Three years of consistent work part time in order to go full time.
Five years to become a six figure earner.
Seven years to become an expert.

Sure helps to put this all in perspective, doesn’t it?  You can spend six years in college, accrue a ton of debt, and end up working at a job that barely covers your living expenses… OR

You can continue working at a job for the rest of your life where your value is determined by the paycheck you receive and raises are not even close to helping make ends meet for your family… OR

You can spend the next five years building your own business, designing your own schedule, increasing your skills and knowledge, and have the potential to be a six figure earner by the end of those five years … or even sooner as happens to some network marketers.

You may have to sit with this for a while, let the realization of what I’ve shared sink in.  It’s an abrupt slam to traditional beliefs that have been ingrained in you since you were born.

You can’t get something for nothing. You can get everything you desire if you invest your time and money in creating your own economy.

It’s time for change. It’s YOUR time.

The old way doesn’t work any longer.

This is the better way.

Read below for how you can get started today.

Naked Hippies Roadtrip Bruce and Trisha


p:  573-881-6715

P.S.  Yes, it will take an investment of money.
(we help you find the right solution for you)

Yes, it will take an investment of time.
(we provide team training, a culture of support and encouragement)

Yes, it will be worth it.

We are using the following products and services to
generate income.  See what “fits” you:

$25 one-time investment (start the cash  flow)

Lead generating system (with built in autoresponder
and endless capture pages – plus commissions!)

Viral Blogging System (take the stress out of setting up
your own WordPress blog – $25 for the platform!)

These articles are helping people realize their potential and greatness:
No Brainer Decision – Start Your Own Business and WHY
8 Signs that You Are Ready to Be Your Own Boss



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