Entrepreneurship gets in your blood and never leaves

Once entrepreneurship gets in your blood,
you’re HOOKED!

In looking through some old pics today, I
stumbled upon pics of the button dolls I created
and sold for 12 years – when I was a stay at home
mom with four kids.

I realized how the entrepreneur blood was running
through my veins, long before I created these unique
dolls that provided a profitable home business.

Maybe you’ve had the same experiences early in life?

Paper routes, lemonade stands, neighborhood talent
shows where tickets were 25 cents?

The seed was planted then … the idea that you could
do something which would bring money to your pockets.

Fast forward to adulthood and being a mom who desired
to be at home raising her kids rather than sending them
to daycare.

That’s when the entrepreneur seeds that had been lying
dormant began to grow again.

Those were the times of Tupperware and Avon and home
parties.  I was intrigued, but knew those businesses
would pull me away from my kids at night and I’d miss
the bedtime stories and Goodnight Moon readings.

What could I do?  What skills did I have?

I was a seamstress and a writer and a visual creative
woman.  I designed my first button doll and it all came
together for me.

Soon, our house became a doll factory … buttons, fabric,
glue guns, sewing machine, accessories and supplies
were stacked in Rubbermaid totes everywhere.

For twelve years, I kept designing and creating these
dolls and selling them at weekend craft shows.  They
became a collector’s item.  As many as I could make,
I would sell.

Button Dolls by Button Doll Creations

Why did they become so popular?  I believe it was
because they resonated with a truth, a love, a passion
for the people who bought them.

The dolls represented every imaginable hobby,
vocation and season.  I even created an Elvis doll
for my niece – dressed in a white jumpsuit holding
a guitar.

Ballerina Button Dolls by Button Doll Creations
There were pregnant dolls, gardeners, seamstresses,
teachers, nurses, ballerinas, cheerleaders, angels,
snowmen and of course, Santa.  (Each year I would
design a new collectible Santa and it caught on like

Santa Button Doll

The day finally came when I grew tired of the doll
factory. My creative juices waned. Instead of being a
labor of love and creativity, it became a chore.  It was
time to close up shop, and I did.

What I loved most about the doll business was the
creative part – imagining the designs and putting those
ideas to work in the accessories of the dolls.

I love meeting the customers, seeing the delight in their
eyes when they found the perfect doll.  Creating keepsake
dolls for people who brought me their own buttons and
lace and doilies from their grandmother’s attic.

What I didn’t enjoy was the labor intensive part of
the business.  It consumed my days and night.  It took
over the house during craft season.  Buttons and headless
dolls sat everywhere waiting for the final assembly.

Yes, that entrepreneur plant had blossomed and
produced amazing fruit, then withered and died, but as in
nature, new seeds fell from the fruit…

and they were buried in the ground, waiting to emerge
as new plants.

Fast forward a few years, and the seeds began sprouting.
I was newly divorced and seeking a way to earn extra income
since I was on my own with a 13 year old daughter living
with me.

What fun I had when I ventured into selling “sex toys” to
women!  Yep!  A lucrative business for sure and here’s the
best part:  what husband wouldn’t whip out all the credit
cards when you said you were going to one of these parties?


What I loved about this business was similar to the doll
business.  I loved seeing the joy and delight in someone’s
eyes as they became excited about the product.

And then, I met Bruce who introduced me to internet
marketing.  It was a whole new world to me, but I quickly
saw the value of being able to reach so many more people
through a network of millions of people.

Bruce and I began dreaming together … what do we do
with the rest of our lives?  We answered in unison almost –
get a RV and travel full time.

But how?  By creating an income from home.  An
income that could be generated from wherever we
traveled … a mobile income.

The seeds have flourished and blossomed again.
Now we are traveling and working and living fulltime
on the open road in our camper.

Last November, we celebrated a year on the road!

Naked Hippies Roadtrip One Year Mark

We built our home business to fund our fun lifestyle.

And guess what we love most about this business?
You guessed it – meeting people, building friendships,
seeing the light come on in someone’s eyes as they see
that the very same kind of freedom and fun is possible for them.

Naked Hippies Team Event

Entrepreneurship is in our blood … it always has been and
it always will be.

For many like us, it’s the only way to be free.

Now we help others find their roadtrip to freedom.

I doubt that I’ll ever pull out a sewing machine again
to sew hundreds of little dresses for button dolls,

but I never doubt that I will ever do anything but what we
are doing right now … spreading the word that there is
a better way.

It’s in our blood. The seeds were planted long ago and
we continue the harvest of the fruit!

Here’s to nurturing and growing your entrepreneur seeds!

Naked Hippies Roadtrip Bruce and Trisha


Trisha (and Bruce)

p:  573-881-6715
f:   Connect with me on Facebook! 

Because you read ALL the way to the end of this blog
post … I have something special for you today!

This is for those who just aren’t quite convinced about
this brave new world of being your own boss.  It’s a
documentary entitled “Rise of the Entrepreneur” and
I will rent it for you to watch … because there are others
who have much more to say about this than me.
All you have to do is just  call me or message me on FB
that you want to watch it and I’ll send you the link
to watch it for free.    🙂

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