
Facebook Algorithm Change Promotes Native Videos

Over the last few months, another Facebook algorithm change has brought substantial increases in the promotion of native videos.

Not long ago, it would have made sense to share a link to a YouTube video on Facebook. Today, that’s not true. It’s now significantly more effective to publish directly on the platform itself if you want to get massive engagement. That’s because Facebook videos are only 5% of all posted content, but get disproportionately high engagement. And more videos are being posted to Facebook all the time – global leaders in social video like GoPro and Red Bull started posting video content to Facebook more than to YouTube in 2014.  (source: Social Bakers)

For more on social video, check out this Slideshare.


While the average internet marketer is not competing with the industry giants like GoPro and Red Bull, it is still important to make use of the increased exposure your native videos will give you on Facebook.

Especially now since the buzz about native videos on social media platforms is gaining popularity.

Did you participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge this past summer?
That was one of the key events on Facebook that led to the Facebook algorithm change.

Remember the viral video craze a couple of years ago?  It ran its course and it’s done.  (over there on the sidebar, you can see the
one and only video I had go viral on Facebook)

Pictures are still the most common type of post on Facebook, but now that native videos are getting higher engagement, it’s time to pull out the camera and shoot some videos.

Native videos are ones that you create and upload directly to Facebook.  The day of sharing YouTube links is over.

Now, of course, I would recommend you do both.  Upload your video to Facebook AND YouTube.  Take advantage of any exposure you can get.  Win/win!

There are two kinds of videos to create.

1. Personal Videos

Personal videos show you having fun with your family, traveling or just in your own backyard. Birthday parties, new grandbabies, your teenager getting her driver’s license, etc.

These videos give people a glimpse into your personal life and show that you are a real person.  It’s true that people love to live vicariously through others … so record the fun times.

Post these to your personal profile on Facebook.

They are not marketing videos in the sense of promoting a business opportunity, but they do market the most important element of your business … YOU.

2. Marketing Videos

These videos are designed to deliver value to your followers.  You can teach a concept or a skill, share an inspirational message, give a review of great books, tell about someone or something that helped you in your life.

These marketing videos, when structured properly, will add credibility to you as a business owner and will attract people to you.

Post these marketing videos to your FanPage.

Both kinds of videos are important.  So do both.

INSIDE TIP:  Share your personal videos to your FanPage.
Share your marketing videos to your personal wall so that your Page gets even more exposure.


  1. Create short videos, two minutes max.This is especially important when you are just beginning.Face it, people have short attention spans. We skim over stuff faster than a speeding bullet these days.A video that is 5, 7 or 10 minutes long will not get the attention of most people, unless you are a guru who has been delivering valuable training for quite some time.You might have a lot to say, but no one will even click on the video if they see it’s several minutes long.  That’s the grim reality of the nature of this microwave society.
  2. Introduce yourself quickly and then hook them to keep watching.A hook can be a question or a bold statement that rocks them a little. A question asked holds them longer because they naturally want to hear the answer.
  3. Deliver your message in a clear and concise way. Stay on topic (which is necessary since you only have 2 minutes to do this.)
  4. Include a CTA (call to action) at the end of your video.This is where many fall short. They abruptly end the video without giving a CTA or else they stumble over the CTA as if it’s an afterthought.

Your CTA could be asking your viewer to:

  • Subscribe to your newsletter
  • Message you on FB
  • Leave a comment below
  • Go to your blog
  • Go to your Fan Page
  • Attend a training hangout or webinar or a conference call
    Go to a capture page

People want to be told what to do and you absolutely must give them directions in your CTA.

Practice this before you shoot your videos.  Make sure your CTA flows easily and naturally.

In the upcoming blog posts I will give you tons of ideas for your content, show you how to make videos if you are too shy to be in front of the camera and share examples.

But for today, shoot some videos just to get used to being in front of the camera.   Have fun with this.  You’re going to be a ROCKSTAR!

And for laughs … watch the very first video I ever made with Bruce. A long time ago, before the Naked Hippies Roadtrip was born …

Before I wrap this up, remember that you do not need fancy video equipment to start making videos.  In fact, your smart phone is one of the best video tools you have.

Remember also, that with practice, making videos will become second nature to you.

Get out there and practice today.  More to come tomorrow!

trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
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P.S.  Got questions about video marketing?
Send me a message on Facebook and I’ll get them answered.

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