Emotional honesty is the key to changing your beliefs.

The Freedom of Emotional Honesty

There is great freedom that comes with emotional honesty …

with allowing yourself to feel what you are feeling without trying to mask the negative feelings with a smiley face sticker.

Law of Attraction teaches the power of positive thought, but, too many people miss the real truth of this.  And so, they mask their negative feelings by pretending to be happy, carefree and joyful…

expecting life to deliver nothing but what is pleasing and desirable,

while deep inside the nagging pain and hurt, anger and frustration digs its roots deeper into your subconscious beliefs.

These negative feelings are information to guide you, to teach you, to help you recognize that what you desire in life is not YET aligned with the beliefs you have about that desire.

The Law of Attraction is true in that your reality mirrors back to you what you believe.  But it has been the mistaken idea of many students of the Law of Attraction that thinking and feeling positive at all times is the secret.

The secret that many have missed is emotional honesty at all times, in all situations, with everyone. 

It’s the life of the GREAT PRETENDER who wouldn’t dare allow himself and herself to feel what they are really feeling as they experience undesirable circumstances and events in their life.

(ALERT!  Life is not a smooth sailing vessel. You WILL face rough waters … you will ride the wild roller coaster of emotions.)

You are human, you feel pain, you feel sad, you feel anger, you feel worthless at times.  It’s not who you are, it’s just how you are feeling.

[Tweet “Emotional honesty is your ticket to freedom, the gateway to manifesting all that you desire in life.”]

It is what Greg Kuhn teaches in his book “Grow a Greater You.”

In this recent interview with Greg, he shares more of what he has learned about emotional honesty, about listening to learn, about pain and suffering.

The freedom you will gain by being brutally emotionally honest with what you are feeling is your key to manifesting all that you desire. To fully grasp what Greg shared in this video, read and study and learn from his book “Grow a Greater You.”

Discover how to use emotional honesty to grow into new beliefs – starting from where you are right now…

no matter how depressed or desperate or low you are feeling.


Your birthright is to be happy, joyful, confident, and abundant.

Start your journey to that ecstatic state of being by allowing emotional honesty to teach you and guide you.

You deserve it!






c:  573-881-6715
f:   Join our mindset victory group on Facebook where share, inspire and celebrate your Journey To Magnificence.  “Grow a Greater You” and other impactful personal development books.

P.S.  Dial in every Monday  – Friday for the Journey to Magnificence call.  We read and discuss and play “Grow a Greater You.”
10 am Eastern
712-775-7085 pin 150703#

Replays available here.



Every SuperHero Secretly Wishes for this ONE SuperPower…

The real Superhero behind the Why Quantum Physicists books, Greg Kuhn, reveals the one Superpower that every Superhero wishes they had.

This one skill has the power to completely change lives, to create abundance and well being, to mend or begin amazing relationships, to eliminate fear, build confidence and success and to manifest all that one desires.

It’s truly a superpower.

Check out the excerpt below, and read the full article here.


Listening to learn is a skill so vital, it is simply non-negotiable.  In fact listening to learn is a real-life superpower.

Listening to Learn Erases All the Stuff You Were Scared Of .


The opposite of listening to learn is listening to blame.  Whereas people who express to blame are usually blaming the other person, people who listen to blame are usually blaming themselves.

For example, if I’m expressing to blame (instead of learn) I’m expressing to discover how to make you “wrong” and if I’m listening to blame (rather than learn) I’m listening to discover how to make myself “right.”



If you’re willing to try listening to learn, you have very little to fear.  You’ll never surrender your power.  You’re not being weak.  You’re not exhibiting a lack of confidence. 

In fact, there is no greater evidence of confidence than listening to learn.  It not only reveals your security, but shows that you’re comfortable with learning.  And, as you probably well know, being comfortable with learning means you’re open to discovering that your understandings and perceptions (especially, in this case, about yourself) are open to revision.

This may be a new way of looking at personal development and creating the life you desire for some, but the truly great part is that this new paradigm actually works.

The fantastic news is that this superpower is real and is available to everyone.  Even if you are not a superhero.

However, I believe that listening to learn will make you a superhero to someone.

Click here for the full article.






Trisha Barnes
c:  573-881-6715
f: Are We Connected on Facebook?

P.S.  Join the daily study and discussion of Greg Kuhn’s book “Why Quantum Physicists Play Grow a Greater You”  LIVE every Mon-Fri, 10 am Eastern, 712-775-7085 pin 150703#


Who is at the party in YOUR house?

Who is at the party in YOUR house?


What?  I’m not having a party you say.

Oh, yes you are.

It’s a non-stop party and you DID invite the guests!

Now, this isn’t the wild kind of party that teenagers throw when parents leave town, but then again, it’s very similar.  It gets out of hand really fast.

Where did all these “guests” come from?

This party is taking place in the “living room” of your mind.

It’s a non-stop party and you are the host.

You invited ALL the guests.


The guests?

Well, they are the ones you invite in with your thoughts and feelings. Because here’s the thing … every thought you have and give attention to sends out an invitation to come, take a seat, kick your shoes off … and create your reality.

You’re either inviting negative or positive guests.

And, as soon as a guest gets its foot in the door, the word goes out that there’s a party going on … and more of the same type of guests start showing up and partying like its 1999.

It’s the law of attraction simplified in a way that maybe you can understand a little better.

It’s also quantum physics, the most reliable and accurate science – the second scientific revolution that is replacing the Newtonian paradigm.

As quantum physicists, neuroscientists and biologists have discovered, every thought creates a feeling, which creates a neuropeptide that feeds your cells.

Your cells develop receptacles to receive these neuropeptides and soon become addicted and crave more of the same … so you feed their addiction with more negative or positive thoughts … and

well, your what shows up in your reality is created by this whole biological, physiological, and neurological process through the Law of Attraction.

As Dr. Candace Pert explains in her book, Molecules of Emotion,

neurotransmitters called peptides carry emotional messages. “As our feelings change, this mixture of peptides travels throughout your body and your brain. And they’re literally changing the chemistry of every cell in your body.”

[read more about Dr. Pert’s discovery here.]

I’m not a scientist, I am an ardent student of quantum physics and much of what I have learned have come from Dr. Joe Dispenza:

So, back to the party.

IF the party is out of control and you have guest who you now have begun to recognize as unwanted doubt, fear, worry, anger, jealousy, bitterness, regret, anxiety, worthlessness, despair … they need to be booted out and the clean up of your “living room” started.



As I said before, every thought is a knock at the door and if you’re not paying attention, it will get its foot in the door, take a seat, grab a slice of pizza and start texting all its friends to come join the fun.

So, you’re main focus is FOCUS.  Be aware. Stay on alert of those thoughts that you have that don’t serve your higher purpose – that don’t lead to your well-being.

When it shows up, SHUT THE DOOR.  Tell it “you’re not welcome here any more.”

And then, send out an invite to the thought/feeling you do want.

Over and over again, consistently do this.

A negative thought comes in, you recognize it and realize that if it gets its foot in the door, there’s going to be trouble.

If it’s the negative thought of “I don’t have enough money” then you have to shut the door of that thought and bring in a new one.

Here is where many people get stuck.

They believe that repeating affirmations all day long will keep the negative thoughts away from the party.

That’s not how it works.  Affirmations are just words.  And if you’re in the habit of telling yourself “I am a millionaire,” your subconscious, aka, the bouncer at your party, says “no you’re not – remember that overdue bill that is laying on your kitchen table?” because your beliefs don’t match the affirmations you keep repeating.  [read more here]

The feelings that come up from every experience you have are serving as information that there is a disconnect between what you believe and what you desire.

Your feelings are information only – they don’t define who you are.
Whew! Isn’t that a relief!

Greg Kuhn, author of “Why Quantum Physicists Play Grow a Greater You” explains:

When I have those bad feelings, I simply acknowledge and validate them.  They are temporary; they are not my state of being and do not reflect my new, true beliefs about myself.  They also no longer frighten me because I know they are not my beliefs unless I choose to make them so by repeating and believing them.

You have to gently and every so slightly choose a better feeling than the one you are presently trying to shut the door on.

It’s not a matter of switching from anxiety to joyful bliss.  That’s too huge of a gap to be believable.

It’s a matter of telling a better feeling story, not the best feeling story you can about the person, event, thing or experience that has brought the negative thought/feeling.

Telling a better feeling story allows you to be brutally honest about what you’re feeling without stuffing it and smothering it.  And choosing to recognize the feeling and then turn it to an every so slightly better feeling story will begin to clear out your “living room.”

It may seem like quite a mess in your living room right now. The party is out of control and you are looking at the destruction and chaos in your life caused by that party.

But it’s still YOUR house and you can stop the madness beginning now.

Your party can turn into one of ease and fun and happiness and joy.

So, who is at the party in your house?

Party on!

I wear this shirt proudly!


p:  573-881-6715 – text me!
f:   Find me on Facebook

P.S.  Do you find quantum physics fascinating too?  Have you studied Law of Attraction and have yet to manifest the desires that you want?  Join us on the Journey to Magnificence mindset call – every Monday-Friday, 10 am Eastern
Live:  712-775-7085 pin 150703#
Download the replays here


Let Go of the Past with Quantum Physics

Let go of the past with quantum physics


Most people are living their lives on autopilot … thinking, feeling, and doing without being aware of what they are thinking and the chain of events that each thought creates.

Add this to the mix – and it’s no wonder it’s so hard to change your life:  everything you think and do hinges on what happened in your life in the past, because that is how you have conditioned your mind for years and years.

Until you let go of the past, your future will be dictated by it.

Your thoughts are the catalysts that fire up your brain to find the neuropathways which have been wired to connect in familiar ways. 

And it all happens without you realizing what’s going on in your brain and your body with each thought.

One single, flippant thought stirs up memorized emotions in your brain, so that even though you were thinking only about something like “how to increase you income to end the struggle,”  a cascade of memories is fired up by the brain.

Now, the memories of all your emotions about money flood into your cells all at once and you begin to feel even worse as your brain reminds you of the lack, the struggle, the overwhelm, the despair.

We had an experience with mosquitoes the summer we lived in a tent on the banks of the Missouri River that helps illustrate how one single negative thought stirs up a swarm of negative emotions.  Those of you who live in environments like this, you know what summer means – you know that the humidity and the water are breeding grounds for those pesky mosquitoes.

We were well aware of our environment and took extra precautions to prevent a feeding frenzy every night.

We lit citronella torches all around the tent, we had repellant to use if we were going to be out watching the sunset, we kept the tent zipped up tight.  Our awareness kept us from being covered in itchy bites –  well, it kept me from scratching like a dog with fleas – the mosquitoes don’t bite Bruce.

That’s exactly what quantum physics teaches —

awareness of your thoughts is the key to changing everything.

But, like I said, most people are operating on autopilot and have not let go of the past.  They are completely unaware of the power of one thought.

Allowing that one thought to take hold opens the door to an avalanche of feelings, of memories, of repeated scenarios that keep you stuck right where we wish you weren’t.

So, back to that night in the tent.  We’d been doing really well with our awareness of making sure we were on top of all our mosquito prevention methods … until that one night.  We were getting ready to turn out the light and go to sleep when Bruce noticed a half empty coke can sitting nearby  which needed to be poured out or we would have ants and who knows what else crawling in from everywhere, feeding on that sweet sticky syrup.  So, he jumped up, grabbed the coke can, unzipped the tent, and stepped outside quickly to pour out the contents.

In a matter of a few seconds, an army of mosquitoes swarmed into the tent!  I had never seen so many! Hundreds of ‘em!  All because he forgot to be aware, just for a split second.

That’s exactly what happens when you don’t pay attention, when you operate on autopilot, when you are not aware of the thoughts you have … you unzip the mind to unleash all those memorized emotions that flood in.   An avalanche of feeling discouraged, unworthy, less than, etc. pours forth. The feeding frenzy has begun.

How did we battle the mosquitoes?  We didn’t have any spray to attack them and we had no place else to go to sleep – this was our home.  We couldn’t flee.  We only had our hands so we spent the next couple of hours clapping our hands endlessly to kill as many as we could with each clap … and our hands became covered in blood as we battled.

Isn’t it interesting that most of the time, you automatically respond to the flood of emotions that come in when you have a negative thought that makes you then begin feeling worse, by trying to flee?

You try to soothe those upsetting emotions with any kind of distraction by fleeing to something that will ease the discomfort, relieve the stress –  alcohol, drugs, TV, eating, and even shopping becomes an escape.

You try to let go of the past by covering it up with a bandaid of
good feeling or mind numbing experiences.

Fleeing doesn’t really solve the issue.  It is a temporary fix and those emotions and feelings will be back as soon as another negative thought pops in your mind. They’ll continue to swarm back in until you decide to do battle.

And yes, it might feel like you’re in a bloody battle as you work to change your thoughts and your beliefs because it’s not a matter of a quick flip of the switch to change patterns that have worn deep grooves and strong circuits in your brain’s wiring.

But, it’s a battle you can win.

You can form new neural pathways in your brain to let go of the past by rewiring those old circuits.  You can create a new you because of neuroplasticity:  the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.

Want to see neuroplasticity in action?
Click the pic to watch this amazing two minute video.







This is why studying books about quantum physics like “Grow a Greater You” by Greg Kuhn and “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza is vital to gaining knowledge and understanding of what is really going on inside your head.

For most of your life, you’ve tried to grab a can of spray (as in repeating affirmations) to eliminate what you didn’t want;  you’ve stuffed your emotions away instead of receiving them as information to help you change; you’ve pleaded as you’ve prayed.

The answer has always been there, the solution has always been available, the secret has been revealed by the masters for hundreds of years:

the power you seek, the change you seek, the person you desire to be is within you.

Now, with the revelation of the new paradigm of quantum physics and the works of authors like Greg Kuhn, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Pam Grout, and Bruce Lipton, the final pieces of the grand masterpiece puzzle of creating all that you desire in life have been handed to you.

When Jesus said, “All these things I do, you can do and even greater things,” he was teaching quantum physics.  It just wasn’t in the words science uses today to explain how the Universe works.

You are a magnificent being with the potential to be, do and have all that you desire.

May your journey be guided by increased knowledge of your inner power that can be unleashed at will as you grow in your understanding of who you are, why you are here and what unlimited possibilities await your command.

These books will be of great help as you continue on your journey to magnificence, as you take on the work to let go of your past.

“Grow a Greater You” by Greg Kuhn

“Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza

“E2” and E3” by Pam Grout

“The Biology of Belief” by Bruce Lipton.

What would your life be like if you learned that you are more powerful than you have ever been taught?

Here’s to the re-creation of you.






p:  573-881-6715
f:   Let’s connect on Facebook

P.S.  When you surround yourself with others who
are on the same journey of personal growth as you,
the trek is so much more inspiring and it helps you to
continue on.  Join the Journey to Magnificence group
who meets every Monday-Friday at 10 am on a live call
to read, study, learn and discuss how quantum physics
is transforming lives.

Dial in live at 10 am Eastern: 712-775-7085 pin 150703#

All calls are recorded and available here:


How to Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Moment

How to let go of the past and live in the present moment.


It’s the crux of all counseling, the antidote for all suffering, and the conditioning of our minds … the past.

So, the #1 question, “how to let go of the past and live in the present moment?” is definitely worth answering … but I have to tell you that it’s not a simple “flip of the switch” with positive thinking that you might have been taught.

You see, even when you decide to “make a break from the past” and decide to be happy and joyful, or you decide to lose weight, quit smoking, start your own business, and you start thinking positive thoughts, the negative ones are still hanging around like a stray cat (you know, when you feed a cat once, it is yours forever!)

Whatever change your decide to make – your mind and body create chaos.

It’s like your decision to change is suddenly attacked from all sides by endless chatter – reminders of all the reasons you shouldn’t be happy, successful, thin, etc.  (totally based on past feelings, emotions, and experiences.)

It’s a tough battle to fight, but you can win it.

“5% of the mind is conscious, struggling against the 95 percent that is running the subconscious automatic programs. We’ve memorized a set of behaviors so well that we have become an automatic, habitual body-mind. In fact, when the body has memorized a thought, action, or feeling to the extent that the body is the mind- when mind and body are one – we are (in a state of) being the memory of ourselves.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

First, you must understand how your body and mind have become conditioned to operate from past memories which explains why every change that you attempt will be stomped on and ridiculed by an endless stream of thoughts from your subconscious mind.

It might be hard for you
to comprehend this, but
you are not awake.

You are operating on autopilot.  Oh, I know it doesn’t make sense because your eyes are open, you are moving about today, getting things done and not laying in bed snoring like a bear in hibernation.

Here’s what has happened to your mind and body over the past ten, twenty, thirty or more years:

You experienced something that caused a certain feeling like anger, jealously, doubt, fear, worthlessness, embarrassment, and so on.

That feeling sent signals to your brain that caused a chemical reaction which was delivered to your cells;  so, now your cells are swimming in a sea of anger, jealousy, doubt, fear, and other negative chemicals.

Your cells have receptors that take in and process these chemicals, and they become addicted.  In time, they require a stronger “fix” which is only satisfied by a stronger negative emotion.

When you decide to make a change in your life, to be happy or to do something different than you’ve ever done before, your cells start feeling the pains of withdrawal, so the hypothalamus signals the brain to start thinking “the old way.”

And that’s when those thoughts start their chatter and reminder that you have always been this way and it’s not worth it, it’s too much work, it can wait.

You are a magnificent being here to experience a magnificent life!

This is why it’s so vital to your well being to learn how to let go of the past and live in the present moment.

It requires stillness, it requires study, it requires letting go, but most of all it requires accessing and connecting to the power you have within you to overcome time.



Through the recent study of “Grow a Greater You” by Greg Kuhn and “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, I am learning more about the amazing power each one of us has within to change our limiting beliefs and create the life that we desire.

I invite you to join the on-going study, the journey, the exploration, the discovery of how to let go of the past and live in the moment on the Journey to Magnificence mindset call.

The transformations and breakthroughs being experienced by those who participate and contribute to our discussions have been awe-inspiring.

We meet live every Monday – Friday at 10 am Eastern by dialing in here:  712-775-7085 pin 150703#

I also realize that everyone has busy lives, hectic schedules that prevent them from dialing in for the live call.  All calls are available to listen to at your own convenience here.

Stay tuned to this blog to learn more about changing your beliefs and stepping into your power to create a magnificent life.

Have you gained new understanding of why it’s so hard to change from what I’ve shared so far?

This is the #1 reason why your online home business might fail.





p:  573-881-6715 (text me)
f:   Got questions – let’s chat on Facebook

P.S.  Have you picked up our free e-book
“We Did It, You Can Too” … it’s available by
clicking the pic at the top left of this blog!



What a Bone Marrow Transplant Taught About Beliefs

A bone marrow transplant taught me about changing limiting beliefs, seventeen years later.

Seventeen years ago on this day, my son Andrew had a bone marrow transplant.

His disease, Aplastic Anemia, had destroyed the platelets in his blood.  At age 17,  seventeen years ago, he faced death.  The only sure cure for this disease is a bone marrow transplant – the only sure-er cure was a bone marrow transplant using a sibling’s marrow.

Andrew’s brother was a perfect match.

In order to prepare for the transplant, Andrew had to go through chemotherapy to kill off the damaged cells before receiving the new healthy marrow.  The journey was counted as minus days til the day of the  transplant and then following the actual transplant, the days were counted as plus days.  It was like a countdown to the lift off towards a new life for Andrew.

The fascinating thing about the transplant was how the marrow found its way to its home in Andrew’s body –  to begin to take root and grow.  The term for this is called engraftment and it occurs when the donated cells make their way to the marrow and begin producing new blood cells.

It took time.  We watched his counts like an eagle every day, waiting for signs that Nick’s marrow had engrafted in Andrew.  It found its way and by the end of the month, his counts were good and he was released from the hospital.

17 years later, Andrew is living a joyous life with his son Kairos!

I remembered the miraculous way the bone marrow found its way, for it was indeed a miracle, and how it’s the same when you are replacing old, limiting beliefs with new empowering ones that align with your utmost desires.

The days prior to beginning your own personal “transplant” of new beliefs could definitely be termed “minus” days, or truly, more like minus YEARS since most of the people I’ve talked to have shared how they have been immersed in the study and practice of the Law of Attraction for years, not days.

(at the end of this article, I will share the book that has totally transformed the lives of thousands of people who had been in the “minus” years without ever manifesting those really big desires they held so dear)

These new beliefs are finding their way into your subconscious mind.  They will do the same as Andrew’s bone marrow did – they will be engrafted in your subconscious mind.  It takes time.  It takes patience.

But, it is happening … they are finding their way,  just as the bone marrow from Andrew’s brother found its way and begin to thrive in Andrew’s body. The new beliefs you are forming are finding their way to align with your desires and to begin to grow and thrive in your life.

You have great reasons to celebrate this journey with joy and gratefulness for the new life you are creating … a life of wholeness, well-being, abundance.  A life where instead of trying to just survive, you will thrive.

See the miracle taking place now in your life as your new beliefs are finding their way to your subconscious mind to replace the disease of lack and fear, worthlessness and anxiety, depression and despair.  As you continue on this journey, keep watch for the miracles – for they will begin to appear.

Like a light shining at the end of a tunnel, they will catch your attention. You’ll become more aware of people, and opportunities and ideas that you never knew existed before now.  Unexpected gifts will come to you.  Keep watch, like an eagle, just as we kept a close watch on Andrew’s blood counts.

As you continue on this journey of aligning your beliefs with your utmost desires, your expectations are forming coherence with the quantum field, and when that coherence is formed, your desires will be manifested.

Now, as promised, I share with you the book that has totally turned my life around and given me the protocol for forming that coherence with the quantum field.

Grow a Greater You CoverThe book is “Grow a Greater You” by Greg Kuhn, who is call the “Law of Attraction Science Guy.”

It is a guidebook.

It is a textbook on quantum physics (but in layman terms so you understand it clearly) and it is designed as a game that you will begin to play in order to change your limiting beliefs.


If you have been a student and practitioner of the Law of Attraction,

if you have repeated positive affirmations by the hundreds, thousands,

if you have been diligent to only think positive thoughts about everything,

and you’re still not manifesting those BIG desires you have …

this book will teach and guide you to a new understanding of how the Universe works and why positive affirmations and positive thoughts are temporary, feel good tools, but are only the same as putting a smiley face sticker on what is really going on with your beliefs.

I lead a mastermind study of this book every Monday thru Friday at 10 am Eastern.  It’s an open call where we read, study, discuss and share our personal experiences and insights of this process.

You can join with us live by dialing in at 10 am Eastern:
Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#.

Or you can access all the recordings of our study of this book here on Soundcloud.

Additionally, I have had the pleasure of interviewing Greg Kuhn several times about this process of growing a great you. These interviews are available for you here.

Before I wrap up this article, I want to tell you that you are an amazing being who has the ability and power and wisdom to create a life that you desire.  You were created to live a fulfilling life and my hope is that I have been a loving influence and guide on your journey to greatness.

Here’s to your “transplant” of new beliefs!

What do you think is the biggest limiting belief you have?







p:  Text me 573-881-6715
f:   You can find me here on Facebook

P.S.  Greg Kuhn has an incredible blog full of resources and articles that will awaken you, enlighten you and help you to continue to grow a greater you.  Visit his blog here: http://whyquantumphysicists.com

Bone marrow pic credit goes to:
“Bone marrow biopsy” by Photographer’s Mate 2nd Class Chad McNeeley – Navy News Service, 021204-N-0696M-180. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons