No-Brainer Decision – Start Your Own Business – Here’s WHY

This is for all of you out there who are still on the fence.

You think about it almost constantly, especially while you are at work, away from your kids, feeling unappreciated, overworked and nearly ready to scream.

Or maybe you are appreciated by your boss and all the benefits are great, but there’s something tugging at you … telling you that there’s so much MORE for you than this.

So, you think about it, do a little research and find out that you’re not alone – a lot of people think like you do.

Isn’t it time you started your own business?

It’s really a no-brainer decision.  Here’s my reasons why:


Let’s review:

1. Time and Financial Freedom
2. Save on Taxes
3. Leave a Legacy
4. YOU Are So Worth It

We mean it when we say, we’ll help you get started.  We’ve been doing this for eight years … we’ve been around the block a few times.

Now, we’re living our dream.  We did it!  It happened for us.

It can happen for you, too.

Ready?   Great!

All set?

Let’s GO!

Heeeeeeeey, wait a minute you say.  What’s it gonna cost me to get started?

How does $25 sound to you?  Less than it costs to go to the movies,
less than it costs to order pizza for the family … it’s $25.  One time.

Sound too simple?  Expecting a much more extravagant and expensive deal?

Oh, we could go that route too,  but you aren’t ready for that yet.
With your one time $25 investment, you will start generating $20 payments your Paypal account.  So as you learn and grow your business, you are putting some extra cash flow in your pocket.

Got your attention with that I’m sure.

We’ve got your back on this.  We’ve got the $25 business start up, we’ve got training and support, we’ve got a team culture that welcomes and works side by side with you.

What you got?  You got $25?  You understand this no-brainer decision?

Let’s GO!

See you on the inside,

trisha barnes naked hippies


p: 573-881-6715 (call me – see if I’m for real)
f: (find me on Facebook)
s: Subscribe to get our daily newsletters:

If not now when Naked Hippies Roadtrip

Why Facebook is THE Bomb for Social Media Marketing

Social Media has become the foundation of every successful business, whether offline or online.

Technology is developing at such a rapid pace and has evolved to make the web more interactive and user friendly.

Business owners have great tools at their disposal to assist with expanding, scaling, growth and making more money in your business.

However, in order to achieve this goal, one must search for the best features for expansion, and know how to use them in order to increase their bottom line.


Social media marketing on Facebook is the place to start.  Here’s why:

Worldwide, there are over 1.35 billion monthly active Facebook users.  (Source: Facebook as of 10/28/14)

One in five page views in the United States occurs on Facebook. (Source: Infodocket 2012)

Your potential audience is growing daily on Facebook..

The list below contains several inexpensive ways on how to market on Facebook to expand your business, and increase profits.

Videos & Facebook

Many online marketers use videos to promote businesses for their online presence. Videos are a valuable resource for marketers. They directly affect the ranking in which a page is listed on a major search engine queries.

In recent years, videos have become very popular on the Internet. For example, YouTube is considered the second largest search engine in the world.

Now, most developers agree creating and launching YouTube videos is the fastest way to have a website rank on Google, or any other search engine.

Also, it is relatively easy to produce online videos with the new smart phones. No need to invest in fancy
equipment – your phone will do it all – record the video and upload it to YouTube – all in the palm of your hand.

The content you can provide is wide open to your
creativity, goals and purpose, such as:

  • Instructional “how to” videos
  • Customer reviews
  • Lifestyle
  • Motivation
  • Commercials

Sharing your YouTube videos on Facebook is a
great way to expand your presence and elicit
engagement for your product or services.
Blogs and Facebook

If you are looking for a great inexpensive way to  promote products  or services for your business, blogs are the way to go.

Blogs with links to social media sites like Facebook go very far in increasing high end business visibility, and branding.

Many consumers look for credibility when searching for any product or service, especially if they are planning to spend money.

Developing a blog can provide instant credibility, and make you an authority on any given subject matter.

A link from your blog, shared on Facebook can definitely improve your page standing with the major search engines.

Here’s the power of posting your blog link on Facebook:  Facebook shows up in Google searches; however, Google does not show up on Facebook.

Content and Facebook

In the world of the Internet, the saying is, “content is King.” Major search engines take web content seriously.

Fresh and relevant content is a must in order for any website to be acknowledged by the search engines, and to receive a decent ranking.

Pushing that content through major social media outlets, such as Facebook is probably the most effective and fastest way to bring visibility to a very targeted demographic.

Facebook is one among a hand-full of advertising networks that can laser target a specific demographic, genre or concept on a global basis.

There are many social media tools to consider in expanding a website, or online promotion; however the above-mentioned resources on Facebook are some of the best to consider for increasing revenue for your brand.

See you on Facebook!


Trisha Barnes

P.S.   Get my “31 Days of Marketing Tips” to learn
some of the best ways to market your content on
Facebook, YouTube and in your emails.  Sign up here.

P.P.S.  If you are on Facebook and not generating  25-50
leads daily, this quick course will help you.  Get the course here.

I’ve Fallen in Love … AGAIN!

Remember when you first fell in love?

When the world just opened up and
became absolutely WONDERFUL


You smiled, you giggled, you danced,
you dreamed, you loved everyone …

you kissed, you held hands, you cuddled…

and you especially LOVED your
first love!

The first thing you think of when you
wake up is that love …

you fall asleep thinking about that

you dream of that love.

The world is just crazy wonderful!

Well, I’ve fallen in love AGAIN!

I have fallen in love with list building…

It’s what we started doing when we
first started online.

We were newbies, we were ready to
learn – and we took action when we
learned how to build a list.

And then, you know how it goes in
a relationship.

You get comfortable …

The passion kind of dies out …

You think there’s something better
out there …

And you break up.

I broke up with list building …
decided I could do EVERYTHING on
Facebook …

thought I didn’t need to keep sending
emails, didn’t need to keep collecting
contacts …

Until NOW!

My old flame has returned!

I am in love AGAIN!

I get love letters in my inbox every day –
“you just got a new sign up”
“you just got 10 new leads”
“you just made a sale”

And all the “gurus” nodded their heads
and said, “YES!”

Ain’t love grand!!!


Trisha Barnes

Find me on Facebook!

Get our Free ebook!

Meet my first love – list building system!

Broke? Start making money with $25 one time investment.


I’m Broke!

This message isn’t for everyone …

532346_myself___2it’s for those who are always
saying to me, “Man, I’m broke.
I need to make something happen


So, if you’re doing fine right now …
close this out and forget about it.

Yeah, it’s tough out there. The
economy sucks … money is
really tight … and yet there is
a massive hungry market of people
serious about learning how to
generate cash flow online – BUT,
they have an extremely tight budget.

Bruce and I have been in a lot of
programs over the past seven years.
We’ve invested thousands of dollars
and endless hours to build a mobile
business so we could get on the road
and live our dream.

Now, we’re living our dream – traveling
fulltime in our camper – seeing the places
we used to only dream of seeing.

We sure do remember what it was like
when we barely had enough to make
ends meet …

and it was a huge stretch to join anything
EVEN THOUGH we knew we could make
it work, that we could do whatever it takes
to finally break free and start living on the
never-ending roadtrip.

If only we had this back then … we could
have generated some income to get us
going and provide some extra to
get in those awesome programs.

Not sure where you are right now.

Maybe you’re already building a business,
but having a cash flow issue.

Maybe you’re at the point that if you
don’t do something now, you’re gonna
freakin’ go crazy trying to pay all the bills
by working two jobs and ridiculous hours.

Wherever you are, if you are one of those
who tell me “Man, I’m broke,” then I’m
thrilled to share this with you today.

We know that in this market, it helps to start
at an extremely easy and doable price point
that ANYONE can get started with.

So we took that all into consideration and
created a way anyone can take a one time
25dollars and use our vehicle and training to turn
it into a consistent stream of 20dollar payments.

We called it Enviralizer and you can review it here:

It’s so simple.

The product is marketing training you can use now.

The affiliate program pays aggressively.

No admin fee.

Just one time 25bucks to get started.

BONUS: As a customer and affiliate you also
get exclusive access to our Private VIP LOUNGE
Coaching Center inside a private facebook group.

So, with that, we’re taking care of two markets
with diverse needs.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me.

I can help!

Let’s get going!
