decision making

Decision Making Using the 10-10-10 Rule

Decision making stumps us sometimes, but using the 10-10-10
rule helps put everything into the right perspective.

I read about the 10-10-10 rule years ago and have used it
often in my life when making a decision.

This is how it works:

When faced with a decision and you just don’t know what
to do, ask yourself?

What will be the effect of this decision in the next 10 minutes?

What will be the effect of this decision in the next 10 months?

What will be the effect of this decision in the next 10 years?

Let’s apply this rule to the decision you will make about becoming
your own boss.

1. What will be the effect in the next 10 minutes when you decide?

If you decide YES, then probably a whew! I did it kind of sigh.
A smile crosses your face and you eagerly send me a message
to set up a free coaching session because you are ready to get going now.

If you decide NO, then nothing happens in the next 10 minutes…
as in NOTHING changes. You just keep on keeping on in the routine of life, day in, day out … nothing changes.

2. What will be the effect in the next 10 months of your decision?

If you decide YES, then in ten months, you could be earning enough
extra income that is helping pay off bills, get out of debt, send your
daughter to college, buy a drum set for your son, pay cash for Christmas
gifts instead of going further into debt, take a family vacation …

You could even begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel (which we call “fire your boss!”)

If you decide no, then the month-to-month struggle continues and…
nothing changes.  You get up, got to work at a job that pays you just
enough to get by … barely; you work all day, come home, kiss the kids
goodnight cause you had to work late … and get up and do it all over
again the next day.

3.  What will be the effect in the next 10 years of you deciding?

If you say yes, then just imagine … imagine your dream life.
Where would you live? What would you do all day?
Who would be with you?

Imagine sitting on a beach, surrounded by friends
and family, your kids, your grandkids. They were all
invited them to your private beach party because you could
afford it.  You hear the laughter, you feel the warm breezes,
you see the crystal blue waters, you smell the salty air…

You raise your coconut shell drink for a toast and say,
“never every close the door on the opportunity to live your

If you say no … then nothing changes.  Oh, there may be
a few pay raises, a little advancement at your job – or they
may be downsizing and budget cuts that put you in the
unemployment line.  Or you may have switched job
two or three times … but you’re still at it – the 8-5.

Your kids have grown and are leaving the nest, and you
never got to take that really special family vacation.

That’s the 10-10-10 rule explained by the one thing that is
always on my mind concerning you … are you ready yet?

I didn’t have the opportunity to become a network marketer
when I was raising my kids. It wasn’t available.
Heck, we didn’t get a computer until the 90s.

My kids are all grown now and while I was raising
them, I always wished for a way to take them all on a cruise,
or to Disney World.  We never did.

One of my goals now is to take the whole family on a real
vacation … all my kids, their wives and husbands and
especially all the grandkids.

Anyway, just give this 10-10-10 example some serious

Bruce and I are determined to help 100 families this year
begin to make the rest of their lives, the very best of their

If you are brand new to the industry … we’ve got exactly
what you need to get started. (It’s only $25, one time).

If you have been working at this for a couple of years,
but are stuck … we’ve got tools and resources to help
you get growing.

No one is too young. No one is too old.

It just takes a decision.

When you make the decision to work directly with
us, we’ll get a coaching call scheduled right away.

Got questions right now?

call or message me on Facebook.

Don’t let those 10 months or 10 years slip away.

See you on the inside!

c:  573-881-6715

P.S.  It doesn’t matter where you begin, it just
matters that you DO begin.

Read more here about why you are considering breaking
free … “The Top Ten Signs You Are Unemployable”

signs you are unemployable

Top Ten Signs You Are Unemployable

What are the top ten signs you are unemployable?

This list is not meant to compete with the humor of a David Letterman show.  Nor will this list include the obvious signs like pure laziness of a sloth.

This list of the ten signs you are unemployable are characteristics of the entrepreneur, the one who dares to think differently, choose another path than society dictates, and who is truly not cut out to work for a boss.


1.  You know you are worth MORE than what your job title says you are.

You just know this, it goes without saying. The paycheck you receive in exchange for the time you invest in your job is minuscule to what you are truly worth.  Yes, you agreed with it when you were hired, but it doesn’t represent the full value and greatness of you because there’s so much more to you than just the boxed in, steadfast employee who shows up every day and delivers the work required for the paycheck.

2.  You rebel against authority.

Now, this isn’t rebellion in the form of breaking laws. No, this is rebellion against being under someone’s thumb. Bosses tell you when you have to show up, when you can eat lunch, take a vacation, be off for your kid’s school party.  You never agreed with slavery in the history of our country and you damn sure don’t agree with it now.

3.  Competing with co-workers for the boss’s favor is sickening to you.

Oh, the ugly, selfish and destructive office politics and shenanigans among co-workers.  Brown nosing, one-upping, extreme pushes to be the “favorite” or most “recognized” among your peers, your competition as it were.

You are not in high school now, that drama is exhausting and draining. It truly sickens you and you want no part of it.

4.  There are days a ten minute break is just not enough.

There are days when an untimed, unplanned break in the routine would benefit both you and your productivity.  Days when you just need an escape to destress, or revitalize your energy. Of course, bosses don’t recognize the value of allowing anyone that kind of freedom and trust, so they rule by policies and procedures manual that says ten minutes at 9:45 and 2:45 is all you get.

5.  The pecking order irritates you, no – it pisses you off.

“You are just a ___________________.”
“This meeting is just for ____________________.”
“You are not allowed to interject here.”
“Your ideas are not valuable.”

You have keen insight and understanding that could contribute to the company, but your position puts you at the bottom of the heap for recognition.  Your words fall on deaf ears, your ideas are squashed before they even get voiced.  You are the low man on the totem pole, no matter how far up you think you’ve climbed.  There’s a pecking order and … well,  just go back to reason #1.

6.  You are sick and tired of your life being dictated by the clock.

The alarm drags you out of bed, wakes your kids up way too early so you can get everyone ready and delivered before you report to your job.  You watch the clock for your break time (if you even get one), you wait for lunch hour, you watch for the slow arrival of quitting time.  The clock rules each hour, each minute of your day.

It’s not that you wouldn’t look at a clock if you worked from home,
(although many entrepreneurs have reported an experience of time warp in their days … because they LOVE what they are doing and they absolutely do lose track of time).

You know that working from home would mean having the control over your time, instead of time having control over you.

7.  The yearly evaluation is only HR paperwork requirement fulfilled.

Every year it’s the same. You walk in, sit down and hear the words, “you’re doing a great job, but no, we aren’t promoting you.  We are happy to give you a 2% raise.  Sign here please to complete the evaluation.”

Evaluation done, HR requirements met, filed away and you walk out of the meeting thinking this is NOT how it’s going to be for me any longer. (again, go back to reason #1)

8.  You realize it was all a big lie.

All your growing up years, all you heard was in order to have a successful life, you need to go to college to get a good job, work hard for the company, retire at 65 with a retirement package and then you can enjoy all the things you’ve been dreaming of doing.

No one bothered to tell you that student loan debt is the highest debt in the country and is never forgiven by bankruptcy.  Take out a student loan and the government OWNS your ass.

No one thought it necessary to tell you the high percentage of college graduates who are unable to find a job within their field of study.

No one deemed it important to point out that the day of working for a company all your life and being secure and rewarded for it – working from the ground floor up to a high position just doesn’t happen now like it did for your grandfather or father.  Downsizing, budget cuts, restructuring happens continually and you refuse to gather unemployment several times in your life … so, you become an entrepreneur and take control of the situation.

Not a single soul told you that retirement packages disappear from the deal the closer you get to retirement.  “Mr. Johnson, there has been a change in our retirement structure and the result is your anticipated retirement benefit is less than previously stated.”

And I’m positive no one told you of the effects of stress on your body from working all those years for someone else.  You reach retirement but you are absolutely worn out physically.  Stress causes disease.
(did you know the heart attack rate is significantly higher on Monday mornings than any other day of the week?)

Nope. No one told you about this. But they should have.

9.  You have more to contribute to the world, not to just one company.

It’s not that you harbor ill wishes toward your employer.  It’s just that you know you can contribute on a much larger scale if you were your own boss.  You realize the unlimited possibilities for serving and helping multitudes of people as an entrepreneur, not as an employee.

You think bigger. You dream bigger. You know that if you give more, you receive more … but unfortunately, that is something that has a cap on it as an employee.  (back to #1 again!)

10.  You have  this song playing in your head that won’t be silent 

The song is calling you to step into your own, to create the life that you desire, to build your own dream, not someone else’s.

You wake with it’s tune drifting in while you shower, you fall asleep with it playing its soft lullaby. It never stops playing. It’s with you all day at work, it’s constantly streaming into you.

It’s your own national anthem, it’s your song of freedom. Strummed on your heart strings, banged on your backbone, drifting into your eardrums, reverberating in your soul.

How did you score?

It wasn’t a test at all.  There’s not a scientific method to measure and prove that you are unemployable … it’s a knowing, a gut feeling.

I’m just sayin’ that if any of those ten signs resonated with you, and you are sitting in a cubicle reading them thinking “WTF!”  then, this article served its purpose … to get your attention and bring your awareness to being and doing greater, having more and living a life that you design.

Here’s to your Independence Day!

I am unemployable Trisha Barnes

p:  573-881-6715

P.S.   If I added #11 to the list, it would be this:
Entrepreneurs realize the HUGE tax advantage of working from home.  Read more here.

P.P.S.  We realize that working from home opportunities are a dime a dozen, especially to the newbie who is seeking SOMETHING they can do to get started and someone they can trust to provide support and training.

We’ve got you covered. If you’ve been hanging us around for very long, you know that the Naked Hippies Team is growing, is strong, is supportive and fun.  We are helping people get started today for $25 and start creating some extra income in a very short time.

One time $25, you’re in. Training unleashed. Support given. You are on your way to joining hundreds of others who heard the song and followed their gut … the unemployable band of Naked Hippies!

Click this link to start with us today.

Then, send me an email with your phone number so we can schedule
a free 15 minute coaching call.

You rebel you …

See you on the inside!






network marketing player

Are you a network marketing PLAYER

Network marketing, internet marketing, direct sales, affiliate marketing…is full of “players.”

You know the type, right?  Players “play around” with women, making them think they are really interested in them, but in the end, it’s only the sex they are after.

A network marketing player “plays around” with the opportunity, makes others think he/she is really serious about it, but in the end …
it’s only the “quick cash” they are after.

And when the quick cash doesn’t show up in a couple of days, or a couple of weeks, or even a couple of months … ditch that one and go find another one.

Time after time, they bail and jump.  They hit a wall. They don’t know what to do to push through, scale the wall, or go around it – and they don’t realize it’s not the company that’s to blame, it’s the person staring back at them in the mirror.

It’s a familiar wall – there’s lots of people standing in front of that wall, staring at it with angry eyes, or tear filled eyes … or maybe even curled up in a fetal position at the base of the wall.



This could be a very long blog post if I covered all the reasons people hit the wall.

But here’s the most compelling reason for it.

They joined to “see how it works out” instead of joining to actually build a business.

Just like a “player” fools around with women to see how it works and has no intention of making a serious commitment.

Don’t be a network marketing player.

Most people who join an network marketing opportunity usually just put one foot (heck, sometimes its only a big toe) in the opportunity. They aren’t “all in,”  are not fully committed to doing what it takes to build a business; they are just “playing.”

Maybe it’s because we have become such an instant gratification society … push button everything embraces every action.  We order fast food, send instant messages, watch movies instantly from our laptops or phones.  We have been conditioned to expect instant results by tapping or fingers or clicking a mouse.

It just doesn’t work that way in building a business.  Ask any entrepreneur how long it took them to go from zero to success and the common story shared will be YEARS.

It’s a process, it’s a journey, it takes time.

Most people gravitate to the stories of success without paying attention to the step by step process it took to get there.  All they see are piles of money, tropical vacations, the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

We always get asked why we call ourselves the Naked Hippies.

We strip down to the basics of marketing, so that the newbie can start out on the right foot, with both feet planted and learn the skills necessary to build a business that provides the financial and time freedom they desire.

An Olympic athlete doesn’t compete in the Olympics as soon as he decides he wants to go to the Olympics.  He/she starts training, day by day, building strength and skills to excellent performance.

It’s the same for you in your business. It is a day by day process of learning and applying the basic skills.  You are building to excellence, to success, to time and financial freedom.

This message is for you if:

You are brand new to the industry and are seeking mentors and leaders who will guide and support you on this marvelous journey;

You have been in the industry for a while now, but not seeing the results you thought you would by now.


Strip down with us to the basics of marketing.

Start with simple.

Learn as you grow.

Plug into a team environment that supports and works right along side of you.

Ready to strip down?


Start here with the Naked Hippies Team.

Once you do, you’ll be plugged into our private team training group.

You’ll have access to a free 15 minute coaching call with me to help you design your plan of action to get from here to there.

Best news about all of this … it’s just $25 to get started right now.

Are you ready to be a Naked Hippie?

trisha barnes naked hippies

Trisha Barnes

P.S.  Compelling reason to be a Naked Hippie here.
Are you broke?  Read this.  


Nobody likes waiting for pages to load …

Face it, we live in an instant gratification society and NOBODY likes to wait for pages to load.

I’m as bad about this as the next person…send me to a website and if the page takes too long to load, I’m outta there.

Well, I’m preaching to the choir.  My blog page was taking a extremely long time to load.  Yikes!  Houston, we have a problem.

I tested our blog site at and also at Google:

First report was pretty discouraging. It took over 14 seconds for my blog to load.

Recommended fixes were given and first on the list was the suggestion to optimize images, to compress the images.

Now, if you aren’t used to using Google to find answers to whatever solution you need … start now.  I searched for plug ins, reviewed what was said about several and chose to add the EWWW Image Optimizer to my blog.

Oh by the way, I’m not a techy person. I know enough to get around on the internet but not enough to get into programming and understanding all the features of this plug-in.

But it was simple enough to use it for exactly what I needed today – get my images optimized to prevent interested readers enduring the waiting for pages to load.

Here’s how I used this plug in to first compress all the images already on my blog.

This produced some amazing results.  Now my  blog loads in under 3 seconds which is optimal for viewers.  I’m a happy camper!

You can get more information about the EWWW Image Optimizer Plugin here:

Check out your blog load speed … see what comes up.  If you haven’t optimized your images, you’ll definitely want to install the EWWW Image Optimizer.

Got a need for speed!  🙂

trisha barnes naked hippies

p:  573-881-6715
:  Subscribe to our daily newsletter:

P.S.  Need ideas for blog articles?  Check out this list to get your creative juices flowing!  Blog Post Ideas for “DRY Days