
What Stress Free Living Looks Like

Can you imagine what stress free living would feel like?

Most people are running their life on overload.

Working 40, 50, 60 hours per week…

Up at o-dark thirty …

Driving the daily commute …

Dragging into work with all the other grumblers …

Watching the hours on the clock …

Asking permission to take off early for your kid’s school party …

Getting notice there won’t be a raise this year …

Planning how you’ll spend your vacation getting caught up on all those projects you never have time to finish …

Promising your kids you’ll try to get home earlier …

Dreading that call to your boss because your kid is sick again …

Sick and tired of being sick and tired … of everything.

I remember those times, those feelings … the stress, the exhaustion.

I also remember the way it felt to know I had chosen freedom over the 8-5 rat race:

That video was made July, 2013 – nearly two years ago.

Listen, it was scary.  It was a huge leap of faith to take.

But, I knew for sure that if I didn’t take that step, the stress would take its toil on me.

I reached for freedom.

Freedom grabbed hold of me and never let go.

I found the way…found the right people, the right system, the right place to begin.

Now, we  help those who are ready to reach for their freedom, too.

Don’t wait to take that step.

Do it for your family.
Do it for your health and well being.
Do it for YOU.

The life you want also wants you.

Naked Hippie Roadtrip Fun

p:  573-881-6715

Productivity Tips for Income Producing Activities

You might be working like a maniac on your business but could use some help deciding how to focus on income producing activities.

After all, that’s why you’re doing this in the first place – to create time and financial freedom.

Chances are you have felt like a hamster on a wheel as you build your business.   Your little feet are going so fast, you’re scurrying here and there and everywhere … but, you’re not getting anywhere in your business but to the point of exhaustion and overwhelm.

Ever happen to you?

These tips and strategies will help you get focused and productive every day.

And that’s important, because here’s what happens to most who are working online …

  • You start out excited about the possibilities – you are energetic and ready to go
  • You are eager to learn everything you can – more skills, more ways to market – more of everything
  • Suddenly you have ten or twenty things you are working on – and it’s all good because it will all help you business grow – but
  • Now, you are becoming exhausted and overwhelmed and you begin to procrastinate. You are easily distracted by more training, new software, plug ins, apps and you suddenly become that little hamster … going lickety split in circles
  • And then, instead of being productive every day, you are accomplishing little or nothing in your business

Didn’t you imagine a life of ease when you first got started working from home?

No alarm clock to get you out of bed, no commute to the office,  you can work in your pjs, decide when to  “clock in” instead of being told when and where and what to do.

….  Aaaaaaah, the good life of an online marketer.  Freedom and ease and fun is what you pictured, because heck, you see those leaders walking on the beach, going on month long vacations, taking off with their families in the middle of the day to roller skate or see a movie.  Right?

You decided to start your online business because you desired that kind of lifestyle and the good news is that it WILL be your lifestyle.   It’s coming to you.

The not so good news is that for a little while, there is no ease. There is work, work, and more work to be done.

So the first thing you have to decide right now is this:

Are you willing to put in the time right now so that you can take off the time later?

Oh, I could be like many of the gurus out there and paint a pretty picture of a bed of roses and rainbows, eating bon bons and drinking pina coladas at the beach.

But, I want this message to be as real as possible.

Here’s the reality …

There will be days you want to quit.  There will be days you want to crawl back in bed and hide under the covers.  There will be days you scream – you cry – you almost toss your computer out the window.

But hang in there, for it’s part of the journey, the process, the roller coaster ride to success.

So, if you are still reading this after the reality check I’ve shared, you’re ready for some strategies to be more productive.

So, how do you stop this craziness?  How do you get off the hamster wheel and actually be more productive every day?  How do you get laser focused on income producing activities … and what are they exactly?

You have 24 hours every day and if you subtract 8 for sleeping and 8 for family, errands, eating, exercising, reading, etc., you still have 8 hours to work.  (I know, it sounds like a job already, but for now, you are the CEO and the employee and your job as the employee is to get the work done every day – or you won’t get paid!)

Here’s how to be more productive and focused on income producing activities to grow your business.


An unstructured day is the ultimate dream, but for now, your day must be very structured.

Decide when you are most creative and energetic.  Some are early birds, some are night owls.  You need to know when you are most alert and able to focus … and set 2-3 hours aside during that time to laser focus on your business.

This is the time to turn off all distractions (yes, even Facebook) and zero in on getting the tasks done that absolutely are the most essential for growing your business.

You don’t answer the phone,

You don’t reply to emails or text messages or chat messages.

Turn off the dings if they are too distracting. Whatever the issue is that is dinging away will wait. You can deal with it when your work is done.

Unless you clock in as if you were an employee – you will allow anything and everything to distract you.

Here’s an important tip for working during this block of time.  Be sure to take five minute breaks at the end of each hour.   Set a timer if needed to remind you to get up, stretch, drink some water , walk outside for some fresh air , take some deep breaths.  A five minute break will increase your energy and rejuvenate your mind.


If you’re like me, you have a never-ending to-do list.  This is where the overwhelm starts to creep in and suck all of your energy and attention.

The following exercise will help you organize and accomplish all that you desire to do.

Make a list of all the things you feel you should get done every day in your business.  All, not just what you are currently able to do, but all those things that are always in the back of your mind that you’ve gathered as important to do to grow your business.

Think of it as your “to-do wish list” filled with everything you would love to accomplish and put into action.

It’s a huge list – right?  And, realistically, it can’t all be done in one day, no matter if you only sleep 4 hours.  It’s a gigantic list.

Now you are going to number each item on the list with a 1 or 2.

The 1’s are the daily tasks that are essential income producing activities.   Income producing activities in online direct sales are any activity that gets people or traffic to your capture page, sales presentation, and/or order page.

What are income producing activities?

Unfortunately, training is not an income producing activity, at least not yet.  It’s easy to spend hours on training and I promise you, you are not going to miss out if you miss a training.  It turns into an income producing activity is when you take something that you learned and create your own content from it.

These are income producing activities:

1.  Creating content every day. 
Blogging is a great platform for your content.  If you aren’t a blogger, create a Facebook note.
Create videos.

2. Syndicating your content.

Syndicating is sharing your content on Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube.

3. Placing ads. 

If you have more time than money, use free ads by posting on Facebook and other social media platforms, or by messaging people, phone calls, getting out and talking to people.

If you have more money than time, then invest in paid advertising.

The tasks left are your list are #2’s.  They are tasks that require some extra time to implement because you may need to learn a bit more, practice doing them, get things set up before you can really cross them off your list.

The #2’s are what you will do AFTER your #1s are done every day, as you have time.  And, they are to be accomplished one at a time, whether it takes one day, five days, two weeks or even longer to get them done.

Tackle the #2’s one at a time.  Not ten at a time.  Why?  Because trying to tackle all ten things at once will only confuse and exhaust you.  Nothing will ever be finished, accomplished, or set into motion because everything will still be in preparation mode.

One at a time is the best way to tackle the #2’s.  You’ll gain confidence as you accomplish each one.

If you follow these two strategies of structuring your day and sorting your income producing activities from all the rest, you will feel less overwhelmed, have more clarity and focus and will begin to see results in your business.

What is your biggest distraction as you work on building your business?


trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
s:  Subscribe to the Naked Hippies Newsletter

P.S.  We live the Freedom Lifestyle. We can work from anywhere we choose to be. We can be across the country visiting friends and family, walking on the beach, climbing the red rocks in Sedona, or parked in a campground. And we can still work ON our business. This business does not require me to punch a clock, sit in commuter traffic wasting hours we could be spending together, waking up at some crazy hour just to make it to work. We get to work with people we choose to work with, whose company we enjoy. We are the CEOs of us – the Naked Hippies!

Subscribe to our Naked Hippies Newsletter. We’ll share stories of our travels, inspiration and motivation, tips and resources for creating your own freedom lifestyle AND you’ll get our free ebook that tells the story of how the Naked Hippies came to be.  Click here to subscribe.

Additional articles you might like:
Riding the Manic Roller Coaster of Internet Marketing
How to Market Like Walmart
Why Most Fail in a Business Opportunity


Perennial Gardening is like Online Marketing

Perennial gardening requires planning, preparation and many steps to see the project to completion similar to the steps to build a business in online marketing. Who knew?

I started a perennial flower garden years ago when I was a stay at home mom, raising four kids, trying to handle housekeeping, laundry, meals, homeschooling, boo-boos, rolling of eyes, and a home daycare business.  It was my therapy, my escape, my natural stress-reliever.  (better than any Calgon take-me-away soaking bath.)

After eight years in the online marketing industry, I’ve realized how very similar are the process of planting a perennial garden and the process of building an online business.


Perennial gardening requires planning, preparation and many steps to see the project to completion similar to the steps to build a business in online marketing. Who knew?

Finding a Solution

We had this hill in our front yard that was a bitch to mow.  You had to tie a rope to the lawn mower handle and ease it down the hill, then pull it back up – hoping the knot held, hoping you didn’t slip as the mower rolled downhill.  The solution was to plant a perennial garden to eliminate the difficult mowing job.

And this relates to business how?  Eight years ago, when we first started building our online business, it was a bitch to get bills paid every month.  There was always too much month left over at the end of the paycheck. Oh, I suppose we could have taken on another job or two, but we saw what was possible online, and we decided to take control of our lives by building an online business.

That’s the reason most people start an online business – as a way to create extra income, get out of the 8-5 rut, get out of debt and a whole variety of reasons too numerous to list here.  The bottom line is people are struggling and they are concerned about what’s ahead for their family. They have lost all faith in the government and in the system.  They are hurting, they are tired, and they find the solution in online marketing.

 Clearing Out the Old

With shovel in hand, I began to dig up the clumps of grass on the hill.  Little by little, one wheelbarrow load after another, I cleared the hill from the grass that had been growing there.  Clearing out the old to make way for the new.

In business, there is much clearing out of the old to be done to assure that you will achieve the results that you desire.  There are self-limiting beliefs of fear, doubt and worry that are ingrained in your subconscious mind and will surface time and time again as you begin to take your life in a new direction. The best way to clear out the old to make room for the new beliefs is to study and apply what you learn from personal development leaders. Learn this and you will open the floodgates of endless possibilities. Ignore this study and you will allow any obstacle to knock you down and keep you there.

There is an employee mindset that needs to be dug up and tossed – for now, you are the boss.  No one is going to tell you when you must be at work or what your tasks are.  You are now the CEO who makes those decisions. With that comes planning, responsibility, leadership and commitment.

Prepare the Soil

Now it was time to enrich the soil for the perennials. For this step, I consulted a master gardener to find out the best way to assure the flower bed would be a healthy environment for the plants.  I added nutrient rich top soil and organic material. (yes, organic as in cow manure.  Who would ever buy a bag of manure?  Me!)  I mixed in peat moss and sand to aerate the soil and help it hold moisture for the plants.  Next came fertilizer – just the right proportion for the plants.

In business, you are the soil being prepared to nurture and grow new plants (teammates.)  Finding your master gardener, your mentor, is so crucial to this preparation step. He/she will teach you, train you and provide the right nutrients for growing a successful, lasting business.  For this reason, be selective of the mentor you choose. Look for someone who is honest, supportive, and leads with integrity.  And look for someone who is doing what you desire to do – in life, in business, in personal development; really, in every aspect of your desires.

We found our mentor, Franco Gonzalez, who from the start, exemplified the qualities and characteristics we desired to model. He’s still our mentor, still guiding and teaching. But he’s now our best friend and business partner.

Choosing the Plants

This was the fun part of the whole experience. There was much to take into consideration.  The colors of the flowers and foliage, the height, the growing pattern (whether they were ground cover or climbers), the blooming times.  Some plants are creepers, growing low to the ground. Some are climbers, needing a trellis or the metal garden gate I had.  Some grow tall, some not so much.  Some require direct sunlight while some will only survive in the shade.  There are perennials that bloom in early spring, others in summer and still others in the fall.  It took planning to choose the plants and design the layout of the garden.

In your online marketing business, you will attract a huge variety of people to your team.  These are your “plants.”  Some will bloom (take off and have success) early, some after a few months, and some much later.  Some teammates will be creepers (not creepy I hope) and others will grow to great heights.  Some will thrive in the limelight while others will prefer to work more quietly in the background.

 Watering Daily

This is a daily task of love for your plants.  They need just enough to keep them hydrated, but not too much to drown them.

You will water your team daily with training, motivation, support and inspiration. They will need just enough to keep them going, but not too much to overwhelm them.

Weeding is a Given

As much preparation you did to provide the perfect growing environment, there will be weeds. There are remnants of the grass you thought you cleared away and there are seeds from weeds carried by the wind, by birds, by animals.  If you don’t pull the weeds, your garden will be quickly choked and the beautiful, pristine garden will turn into a mess.

With your team, there will be weeding to do.  Weeding as in removing negativity that some will bring to the team culture.  Make it clear that the “garden” you are growing will not tolerate negativity of any kind.  If the person can’t comply with your rule, they have to be pulled out or else they will choke and destroy the team.


No, this isn’t a Jerry Garcia thing, it’s a way of prolonging the blooming cycle of your plants. After a plant blooms, you can pinch off the dead bloom on some plants to extend the blooming cycle. This is called deadheading.

Your team might require deadheading if they start to get distracted by too many other shiny balls (tools, other opportunities or systems) and if they don’t stay focused, they will soon become confused and overwhelmed because they are trying to do everything instead of mastering one thing.  Help your team keep it simple.  Provide an example of a simple daily method of operation that can be achieved.  Teach them to master one skill before taking on another.  Master Facebook marketing before diving into Instagram. Master blogging before diving into paid advertising.  Pinch off the distractions. Keep it simple.

Enjoy the fruits (blooms) of your labor

Your garden will bloom from spring to fall and delight you in the beauty of your creation.  It will bring you smiles and will make others smile.  And it will continue to do that year after year after year. Was it easy, no.  But it was so worth it.

Your business is blooming now.  Your team is producing results, creating income, changing lives and serving others.  It’s a beautiful thing to experience.   Was it easy, no.  But it was so worth it.

Perennial gardening requires planning, preparation and many steps to see the project to completion similar to the steps to build a business in online marketing. Who knew?


Annuals start showing up in the gardening centers in early spring, and yes, they are beautiful and there’s nothing wrong with sticking a few annuals in among your perennials for a splash of color.

Now about prospecting and choosing between annuals and perennials.  You will be eager to sign up new people in your business, but if you take time to qualify each person, you will plant a perennial garden that blooms year after year, rather than planting annuals that wither and die after one season.

How do you qualify a prospect?  These questions will help you do that.  Don’t present them as an interrogation, just ease them into your conversation.

What are your goals or reasons for starting your online business?
How much time do you have to invest weekly to work on this?
How much money to you have available to invest in your business?
Are you coachable?  Willing to follow directions?

When you can get answers to those questions from the start, you will quickly be able to see if the person you are talking to is serious about doing this, or is just looking for a lottery ticket fix to their circumstances.

Now GO and GROW!

Hopefully, this comparison of the similarities between perennial gardening and online marketing has helped you see the steps it takes to build something that you will delight in and be proud to showcase.

Your perennial garden graces your home and brings beauty to those who live near you or pass by your home.

Your business, planned, designed, planted with qualified teammates, nurtured and watered by your leadership will grace the industry and bring beauty to the families who are now working with you.

It’s a rewarding experience to build your online business.  Not only will you gain confidence, new skills and freedom, but you will also be helping other do the same.  And isn’t that the ultimate reason after all is said and done?

You think right now that it’s the money that is driving you to start your own business.  I will argue that after you start seeing your teammates succeed, you will realize that the money is secondary.

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want. -Zig Ziglar

We’ve been in the online marketing industry for the past eight years.  We’ve continually tended the “garden” we first planted.  Continually plugged into training to keep up with the latest developments in social media marketing.  We’ve watered, fertilized, deadheaded and yes, even weeded our team to produce a lasting and beautiful business.

The rewards have been priceless.  We’ve developed close relationships with many of our teammates who now invite us to come park our camper in their driveway so we can spend time masterminding.  Our mobile lifestyle allows us to meet and visit teammates all over the country.

We started with nothing but a strong desire to build this to the level that we could live our dream. Was it easy, heck no.  Was it worth it?  Absolutely.  Last year we traveled to 18 states, drove over 20,000 miles.

We walked beaches on the East coast, the West coast, the Gulf Coast.  We camped in the mountains of Arizona, under starry skies, nestled in the Redwoods, on the Pacific coast, in canyons, beside rivers, and even in Walmart parking lots.

And everywhere we went, we worked.  As long as we have a laptop and a phone, we’re able to run our business from anywhere we happen to be.

When people ask me “how are you?”  I reply with a huge smile …



What is the dream come true that having your own business would bring to you?

Bruce and Trisha Naked Hippies Roadtrip

p:   573-881-6715


P.S.  Find out how the Naked Hippies came to be.  Subscribe to our daily newsletter and receive the story of how we went from a 3 bedroom house to a tent to our camper.  Subscribe here:

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Waiting for God to Open the Door?

We spent years waiting for God to open the door.

That’s not the way it works …

Let me explain:

Whatever you desire to be, do, or have requires one thing …

YOU open the door,
YOU take the step.

What is it that you would do if time and money were no object?

trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715

P.S.  That first step is the hardest, but it’s so worth it.
Need a boost of motivation and inspiration to do that?
Join us on the Morning Mindset Victory call.

10 am Eastern Mon-Fri
Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#
Replay 712-775-7089 Pin 150703#



Lessons from a Groundhog for Online Marketers

and a great time to learn do’s and don’ts “Groundhog” marketing tips from this furry little rodent.


Storing up for “fuel” for the down time

Nature is the best teacher, no matter the topic.  It might seem weird that a groundhog could provide marketing lessons for online marketers, but here’s what I learned about groundhogs and how it applies to you as an online marketer:


1. Don’t Be Destructive

Groundhogs are destructive little creatures, causing damage to trees, crops, wiring, irrigation systems and even foundations of building.

Make sure as an online marketer that your actions are not destructive to a team, a system, or the goodwill of the industry.

Always be positive, never complain and choose to always take the high road in your discussions with others about your business, your teammates, your leaders and your sponsors.

2. Don’t Disappear 

Groundhogs hibernate from October to early spring.

If you have a hit-and-miss kind of marketing activity, it will reflect in your  business, it will not grow.  It you are all fired up for a couple of weeks, then lose your steam and stop taking action, you lose the momentum – you are right back at the starting gate.

It is your consistency in showing up and providing value to the marketplace every day that determines your success.  Daily consistent action.

3. Don’t Go It Alone

Groundhogs are solitary creatures.

You don’t want to do this alone.  As a marketer, you definitely will benefit from being surrounded by others who have achieved what you desire to achieve and by those who are working right along with you to grow their own dreams.

There is strength in numbers. Motivation and support and mentorship  is invaluable to your success.  People will reach out and help, others will believe in your dream as much as their own, teammates will depend on you to lead by example.

Don’t go it alone.


1. Take Daily Action

Groundhogs emerge from their burrows to continuously gather food.

As an online marketer, especially when you just getting started in the business, this is the time of daily activity, or what we call the grind.

You put in the hours now, so you can enjoy the fruits of freedom later.  I know you’re thinking, “I left the daily grind and now you’re telling me I have to grind daily?”

Yes.  It isn’t easy at first … but it’s so worth it when you realize one day that your business is running on autopilot while you take your family to the beach, or to Hawaii for a month!

2. Protect Your Team  

Even though groundhogs are solitary creatures, as a species, they work to protect each other.  For example, they communicate with one another using high-pitched thrills to warn each other of an approaching threat.

You become part of the whole. And you as an online marketer must protect the team as you develop leadership skills. This industry provides the best way to create a steady income to fund your freedom lifestyle, but there are unethical marketers lurking in the shadow that could suck the energy and life right out of your team.

3.  Build Your Network

Groundhogs dig complex multi-chamber burrows that they use for hoarding food, nesting and hibernating – to sustain their life.

As an online marketer, you will also build a complex multi-chamber network of prospects, clients, teammates, and other network marketers to sustain your business.

Building a list of prospects and clients is one part of the network, and the lifeblood of your business.

Networking with other online marketers provides as source of masterminding and resources and training, as well as building your credibility.

Networking and communicating with your team is vital to maintaining the strength and culture of the team.

One more important lesson from the Groundhog…

Your future is not determined by
your shadow.

Every year, on February 2, the tradition continues …
Punxsutawney Phil is pulled from his burrow to forecast the weather for the next six weeks.

I’m pretty sure that either way, he’s right. There will be six more weeks of winter, or it’s six weeks til spring.

Here’s the lesson from  the Groundhog Day tradition:

Whatever shadow is following you, it doesn’t predict your future.

Your past does not equal what you can do to change your future.

It is entirely up to you whether you allow others to see a shadow and predict you’ll fail at this business …

or whether you choose to see the light and decide that noone else will determine your outcome.

So, you see, we can learn some valuable marketing lessons from a groundhog.

If this article was helpful, leave a comment and share it with others.
I appreciate it!

trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!

Trisha Barnes
p:  573-881-6715
f:   Find me on Facebook!

P.S.  In honor of Groundhog Day AND because it’s Bruce’s
birthday, I have a free gift for you.

Happy Birthday to my Bruce!

The Simple Freedom Booklet … yours to download and
study and to use to create simple messages to generate
cash flow to your pockets!
Click here to get the free book.

How to Market like Walmart

Why would  internet marketers ever consider learning how to market like Walmart?

Walmart brought in $476 billion for revenue in the year that ended Jan. 31, 2014, topping Exxon Mobil in the Fortune 500 for a second year. That’s more than the combined annual revenues of Apple, Target, Amazon, Coca-Cola, Macy’s, and Walt Disney Co.  (read more astonishing figures here.)

Why is it you always end up at Walmart?

I admit it, there have been times I’ve sworn to never shop there again.  It’s crowded, the checkout lines are long …

We were driving in pouring down rain through northern Arkansas late one night when our windshield wipers flew off, one by one.

Now, in northern Arkansas, the roads are winding and curvy, and the little towns you pass are desolate and sparsely populated.  There are hardly any businesses along those roads.

But, we found one – and pulled into a little gas station, hoping that they would just somehow magically have the exact wipers we needed for our truck. Of course, they didn’t – it was a small convenience store/gas station in this little town. So, when I asked if she knew any place we could find some wipers, she said,

“There’s a Walmart about five miles down the road!”

So, I ate crow and instead of saying, “I’ll never shop at Walmart again,”  I was shouting “THANK GOD FOR WALMART!”

What is it about Walmart that has people flocking to its door?

More importantly, what can we learn as internet marketers from Walmart’s example?


1.  Variety and supply fills their shelves.  

You know that you will be able to find pretty much everything you need at Walmart.  You’ll have plenty of choices to choose from.

Walmart also provides a wide range of price points for its shoppers – from the cheapest to the more expensive name brands.

2.  One stop shopping.

Instead of going to one store for groceries, another store for prescriptions, another store for tires, and yet another store for clothes … you can get all your shopping done in one place.

3.  24/7 Availability

Nearly all Walmart stores are open 24/7.  You can count on Walmart being open when other stores have locked their door and turned out the lights for the evening.

Now, let’s take Walmart’s model and apply it to internet marketing.

The downfall of most online marketers is this.  They join one company and focus only on selling that one opportunity to their prospects.

They become a specialty shop of sorts that has one unique product to offer.

Imagine owning a grocery store that only sold tomatoes.  You’d have plenty of customers who absolutely love tomatoes, but you’d be missing out on many more customers who desire other vegetables and fruits.
Luscious tomatoes for sure, but not everyone likes ’em.


The problem is ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL customers and by limiting what’s on your shelves, you are limiting your income.

Walmart knows this. That’s why they have expanded their shelves to include nearly everything a customer could possible need.
Customers LOVE having variety to choose from.

For instance, you may talk to a prospect who is already building an online business with another company.  They aren’t shopping for a new company to join, but they do need help with list building, or copywriting, or capture pages, or social media marketing.

If all you have to offer them is another MLM opportunity, you’ve lost a customer.

However, if your shelves were stocked with products and tools that could help this prospect, you’ve got a sale.

You absolutely can be the one-stop shop for newbies getting started and looking for the right opportunity.  But, you can also be like Walmart for even more customers who need help in their business.

In addition, your “store” can also be open 24/7 because of technology.  Your blog is a great place to provide your shelves stocked with products.  YouTube videos are another way to keep your store open 24/7.  The internet never sleeps.


Do you have affiliate products available to provide training and solutions to some of the most common needs of internet marketers?

Do you have a variety of affiliate products at different price points?
From affordable $25 to serious investments of several hundred dollars?

Selling only $150 opportunities prevents someone who might be broke, but seriously committed to changing their financial situation from getting started.

But selling $25 products puts customers in your funnel and allows you the wonderful opportunity to continue to develop  your relationship with them and guide them to upsells.

One more thing to realize as you begin to understand the importance of stocking your shelves, expanding your reach is this.

If you focus totally on one company, with no additional streams of income … what happens if that company (God forbid) goes out of business or hits a major bump and temporarily shuts down to revamp and rebuild its infrastructure?

What happens is that you are left with no stream of income.

You may not like Walmart, but as an internet marketer, you  cannot ignore how to market like Walmart.

For more understanding of this principle, read “Magnetic Sponsoring” by Mike Dillard.

By now, you should have a better understanding of why it’s imperative that you learn how to market like Walmart.

If this helped expand your understanding, leave a comment below.

Can you add other reasons that I have missed about marketing like Walmart?

trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!

Trisha Barnes
p:  573-881-6715
f:   Find me on Facebook!

P.S.  Here’s a great example of how I’ve stocked my shelves:
Get with me for help … let’s get your shelves stocked, too.Call, message me on Facebook – or leave a message in the pop up box.