What is the path of least resistance to manifesting your dream?

Path of Least Resistance to our Vanabode

What is the path of least resistance to manifest what you desire?

What do you do when that which you want seems to be taking such a long time to get here?

The natural tendency for most people is to get frustrated and even a little bit angry. Sometimes, jealousy and envy erupt as you see that others seem to “have it all” and you begin to doubt that you’ll ever truly manifest what you desire.

That’s the rub. That’s the resistance. That’s the issue that needs to be addressed.

We have a new dream now that we manifested the freedom to live and travel on the Naked Hippies Roadtrip. Our new dream is to replace our Big Foot pickup camper with a Vanabode.

We’ve done the research, we know exactly what we want, the model, the features, the set up. There are pictures of the Vanabode on our vision board. We have already done the first major downsize necessary. We notice the white Chevy vans that we pass on the road with exclamations of “VANABODE!”

What is the path of least resistance to manifest our Vanabode?

And yet, here we are still waiting.

You, too?

Are you in that place of “it isn’t here yet” – “why is this taking so long” – “what else do I have to do?”

What is the path of least resistance to manifest any desire?

It isn’t in the “doing.”  It is in the BEING.

It isn’t in trying to figure out how, or when, or where it will happen.

The path of least resistance is taking your focus off the manifestation, the end result, the destination; and instead, focusing on your state of being, your feelings.

As long as you keep your focus on what “isn’t here yet,” you are sending out negative vibrations of lack, of doubt. Desires are manifested when your energy is vibrating at higher levels of joy and happiness and appreciation.

But, it’s so hard, isn’t it?  We’ve been imprinted with the instant gratification ideas of our society. It transfers easily to the manifestation process.  It’s hard to be patient, and especially difficult to be happy while you wait.

This message from Esther Hicks explains exactly how we are pinching ourselves off from the BEING  on the path of least resistance.

Esther Hicks reminds me to remember how we manifested our Big Foot camper. How the journey towards its manifestation was one that we could never have imagined.

I’m reminded to take my eyes off the “what isn’t here yet” and find delight and joy romping around on this journey to manifesting our Vanabode.

Will you join me in the fun? Will you practice (and it takes a lot of practice) to be happy now, BEFORE your dream becomes your reality? To be aware and appreciative of paths that are lighting up as you continue to wait?

The lighted path appears when you take the path of least resistance.

When you have the certainty, the belief that all you desire is coming to you, when you stop being fixated on what your physical eyes reveal “what isn’t here,” you are on the path to least resistance. Your desire is making its way to you in ways you could never imagine or expect.

Wait … wait … wait.

But, not by throwing a temper tantrum like a two-year-old or raising your fist to the Universe as you cry out “Why is this taking so damn long?”

Wait with appreciation. Wait with delight. Wait with joyous patience and expectancy. Wait with the art of allowing people, places, events and rendevous!

[Tweet “The waiting IS the journey.”]
There is much to see and discover and learn and enjoy along the way.

The path of least resistance is being present now. Not looking ahead in fear, or looking back with guilt or regret.

As you travel on this amazing journey, there is always more to learn about who you are and the amazing power of deliberate creation you have within you.

Come, you’re invited, to join our study of “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. We read and discuss the book daily, Monday – Friday at 10 am Eastern.  Dial in for the live call: 712-775-7085 pin 150703#

Or catch the replays here.

Here’s to your journey (and ours)!






Trisha Barnes
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50 thoughts to motivate your mojo - get your groove back on ... finish what you started

Motivate Your Mojo with These 50 Thoughts

If you’ve ever started something with great excitement and anticipation, and then kinda lost your sizzle and fizzle …

You just need some reminders of how incredibly amazing, unique, powerful and skillful enough to achieve anything you desire.

You need a boost to motivate your mojo.

It’s so easy to fall prey to  feelings of worthlessness, fear, anxiety when you are stretching yourself to be, do and have more in life.

Whether you are tackling a weight issue, searching for the love of your life, or cranking out the blood, sweat and tears as an entrepreneur, stuff comes up that yanks you down on your ass makes you wonder what the heck you were thinking.


It happens to everyone … from affluent celebrities to the grandma who is living fulltime in an RV (that’s me!)

Jayson Demers, founder and CEO of AudienceBloom,  compiled a list of 50 motivating thoughts to help you through those difficult times of second-guessing your dreams and goals … to help you finish what you started with such enthusiasm.

I picked five from his last as my favorites, but all fifty are truly
incredible thoughts and ideas that will motivate your mojo, even if it feels like it’s been lost, stomped on and is gone forever.

Here are my fav five:

4. It’s never too late. No matter how old you are or how many opportunities you’ve passed up before, it’s never too late to make a decision and get a fresh start.

15. “Someday” is today. If you’re like most people, you use the word “someday” to describe your goals and desires. Make today that someday.

33. Ordinary actions make an ordinary life. Nobody wants to be ordinary. Don’t let yourself be.

39. Feelings are the product of thoughts. If you’re scared or unsure, know that these are feelings generated by your thoughts; then you can control them.

41. I am whomever I want to be. There’s nothing stopping you from being whom you want to be.

Access the whole list of 50 thoughts that can motivate you to do anything.

The bottom line is this.  Your thoughts lead to feelings, your feelings lead to action or inaction.  Action leads to results. Inaction leads to staying stuck where you are.

Want more insight about how to “feel” good about everything in life, even the negative stuff?  Download this free Mp3, listen, and begin to see the unlimited possibilities that await you.

What other ideas and thoughts about how to motivate your mojo?

Share! Share! Leave a comment below and thanks for sharing your light and love here!


The same treatment for muscle sprains also applies to treating stress in life.

Best Treatment for Stress Using P.R.I.C.E.

I found the best treatment for stress after a hike through the desert.

But, wait! Everyone already knows that getting out in nature DOES relieve stress. I adamantly recommend daily walks and regular escapes as a means to regroup and reconnect.

But, this treatment is more of a lifetime treatment instead of a quick “take a break and breathe” kind that you do in the middle of your chaotic day.

We recently hiked 4.5 miles through the desert in at the San Tan Mountain Regional Park in Arizona. The hike took us full circle, completely around one of the mountains (and yeah, I know, Colorado folks would say, “that ain’t no mountain!)

Always, as we travel along on our never-ending roadtrip, we look out over plains, and hills, deserts and mountains and feel the longing to BE out there … traipsing over the land like the early settlers, the cowboys, the discoverers and explorers.  Yesterday’s hike took us “out there!”

Best treatment for stress is always nature.
How many cowboys and pioneers passed by these saguaros?

We were far away from the hustle and bustle of city streets, and fast food places and malls.  We ventured into the wilderness where mountains surrounded us, saguaros towered over us, desert scrub and rocks adorned our path.

We weren’t stressed, but what happened next led me to discover the best treatment for stress, for all those people, and events and situations that kind of rub against the grain of peace and happiness.

Now, about halfway through the hike, I felt my knee start to complain about the strain it was enduring for the hike.  I previously strained it on last week’s hike up Pinnacle Peak in Scottsdale, but it had healed quickly – or so I thought.  Soon, I began to wonder if I could beg for a ride on one of the horses passing by on the trail.

Found the best treatment for stress when I strained my knee on a hike through the desert.
Oh, please … swoop me up on the back of your horse!

By the time we got back to the truck, I knew the remainder of my day would be spent resting, icing and elevating my knee.  It’s the PRICE treatment recommended for muscle strains and sprains and it’s also the best treatment for stress.

Protect – Rest – Ice – Compression – Elevation

Best treatment for stress is the same way you treat muscle sprains and strains.As I was resting and icing and elevating (and sometimes … well, a lot of the time … complaining),
I realized how the PRICE treatment could also be the best treatment for stress in our lives.

The same therapy can be used to heal, relieve
and avoid stress in life.

This is how
to apply
when life
and how
to prevent
the stress
before it



You have to protect yourself from the stress of the negative energy that exudes from naysayers, whiners and complainers for they can certainly cause injury to your overall well-being.

There will be people who will discourage you, irritate you, even hate you and who will try to squash your desire to be successful and happy. Protect yourself from this negative kind of energy.

Protect yourself by choosing to be surrounded by people who are positive, who love and encourage you, who believe in you.


Your mind processes 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day. With all that thinking going on, is it any wonder that we are stressed?

What chance does our heart have to breathe, feel, and experience life when there is a constant flood of thoughts.

The steady flow of thinking is a thick filter between our thoughts and feelings, our head and heart. The constant mental traffic prevents us from seeing clearly, listening deeply, and feeling our well of being. Taking time to nurture the silence of our heart, we begin to be very present, including present with one another. -Bruce Davis

Science has discovered a wide scope of brain wave frequencies in humans, ranging from the very low levels of deep sleep (Delta) to the high level of consciousness (Beta) where we spend most of our waking day.

Many people spend their days in a sustained, agitated, stressful, high frequency Beta state but, it can cause an unhealthy release of stress chemicals, which will, over time, put the body completely out of balance and cause disease.

You need to rest your mind, slow down to the lower level of frequencies of Theta and Alpha.

Resting your mind is done through meditation.

You don’t have to trek to India, shave your head and sit in a cave 23 hours a day to meditate.  Just find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and sit in silence, breathing in and out deeply. As you do, your brain wave frequencies will slow down.

Best treatment for stress includes meditation.
Find a spot, where it’s quiet and peaceful.

Meditation is healing rest for your mind.


Life is going to throw some curve balls at you – it’s inevitable.

It is stressful dealing with uncomfortable and irritating situations, people and circumstances. How you react will either aggravate or alleviate the stress.

Just chill. 

It’s your reaction that will aggravate or alleviate the stress caused by crisis and disappointments or the pain of hurtful comments. Reacting with anger, worry, fear, jealousy or doubt feeds the negative energy monster.

Reacting with love expands and attracts joy, peace, equanimity and happiness.

Let go. Let go of the need to be right. Let go of the need to be in control. Let go of the need to figure it all out.  Put it on ice.


For a muscle sprain, you wrap an elastic bandage around the injury to help reduce swelling to restrict the flow of liquid to the sprain.

Compression can  be applied to reduce the “swelling” of overextending yourself in any area of your life.

It’s so very easy to take on too much because there is so much you CAN do, WANT to do, and it’s ALL good.  But what happens when you take on too much?  You get overwhelmed, exhausted, confused and stressed.

That’s when it’s time for compression.  Compress it all down to DO what you enjoy doing. Let go of all the rest. Focus on doing one or two things well instead of trying to be the expert of everything. Forget about what others expect you to be or to do.  Do what fills your heart with joy.

Compression:  simplifying to decompress.


I’ve been elevating my knee for a few days to reduce the amount of blood flow to the injured area. Too much blood can put undue pressure on the injury, slowing the healing process. The key is to have the injured area above my heart level.

Stress in life puts undue pressure on your well-being. It can fill your mind with depression, anxiety, worthlessness and the whole gamut of negative emotions that will sabotage everything you attempt to do. You have to find a way to elevate your mind.

The best way is to do this is to read books that will help you learn how to navigate through life with a positive attitude and beliefs that serve you instead of destroy you.

Be a lifelong student, never stop learning about the miraculous biology of your brain and your body, about the immense Universal power that is within you to be, do and have all that you desire.

Read daily. Read 15 minutes at a time from several different books to expand and elevate your mind.

You can also elevate your mind by attending webinars or live events to learn from personal development leaders, which puts you in an environment where you are surrounded by people who support and love you.  (See “Protect” above.)

PRICE. It’s working great for my knee sprain.

It’s also the best treatment for stress in your life.

I’m sure this has triggered additional thoughts and ideas about how the PRICE treatment can be applied to life.  I’d love to hear – we’d all love to hear!  Leave a comment below!






Trisha Barnes
Let’s connect!
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STAY CONNECTED. Join the other readers of our Naked Hippies eNewsletter.  You’ll receive our free ebook “We Did It, You Can Too”  and get a daily dose of tips, insights and strategies designed to wake people up and create cash flow and wealth for you and your family. Plus, we’ll keep you updated with our travel adventures and our journey to manifesting our Vanabode!  To subscribe for free, just click on the “Simple Freedom” pic above. Then check your email inbox for your bonus books and newsletter.

Who is the hardest person to sell? Friends? Family?

The Hardest Person to Sell is …

You might say the hardest person to sell is a friend …

or a family member.


Or is it …

The one who has been scammed one too many times?

The one who is strapped for cash?

The one who is already partnered up with another company or system?

The one who stalls making a decision for days/weeks/months?


The hardest person to sell is YOU!

[Tweet “If you don’t believe in yourself AND in what you are selling, you’re screwed from the start.”]

People have a keen sense of smell when it comes to confidence …

and if you are not 100% sold on what you are sharing with others, it will smell as bad as meat rotting in the garbage.


Your success really all comes down to belief.

It’s a two part equation:

FIRST:  Believe in your product or service, and customers will line up to buy.

In sales, it’s not what you say; it’s how they perceive what you say. –Jeffrey Gitomer

When you are “sold” on your product or service, the energy that emanates as you speak to someone is felt, not just heard.

Have you ever had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant?  How excited were you to share your experience with others?

Or, have you ever found a hairdresser or physical trainer or dentist that gave you the best service you have ever received?

I’m sure you couldn’t wait to tell your friends about it.  You raved about the experience. You couldn’t say enough good things about it!

When you can get as excited about your business as you do about your hairdresser, a restaurant, a great movie or a fantastic sale at a local department store,  the results you achieve will change dramatically.

[Tweet “Their hesitancy to buy is caused by the hesitancy of your belief.”]

The best way to get excited and build confidence and belief about what you are “selling” is to KNOW what you selling.

Invest time in the back office going through everything, and I mean everything … the training, the products, the commissions.

It’s not that you will need to share ALL this knowledge to make a sale;  it’s that knowing what you have to offer will help solve a problem your prospect is having as your conversation continues.

All that selling requires is for you to provide a solution to someone’s pain or provide a means of pleasure to lead them to a decision.

A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers. -Plato

The more you know about your product and service, the greater number of people you will help, and the greater your income will be.

Once you have this knowledge and understanding, you’ll have “sold” the hardest person to sell.

Not everyone is cut from the same mold and when you have a complete knowledge and understanding of your product/service, you’ll be able to match your product/service to their needs.

Gaining the knowledge of your product or service will gain you confidence … which leads to belief … which leads to trust … which leads to sales.

SECOND:  Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.

But you will be stopped in your tracks if you feel that you are not good enough, smart enough, or creative enough to achieve what you want in life.

[Tweet “A lack of self-worth will afflict and affect every conversation you have with prospects.”]

The energy behind your spoken words is sensed by others. If you are doubtful, fearful and desperate to make a sale, it will be felt, no matter the words they hear.

Successful entrepreneurs know the hardest person to sell is themselves. This is why they invest time and money for personal development.

It’s not who you are that holds you back,
it’s who you think you’re not.

How to begin to believe in YOU?

The hardest person to sell is YOU.  

Once you’re “sold,” the possibilities are unlimited.

Here’s to you!






Let’s connect!
c:  Text me 573-881-6715
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P.S.  What if you could meet with a group of people who would inspire and encourage and believe in you?  What if you could join in the study and discussion of great personal development books?

What if one hour a day could give you the tools and knowledge to help you begin to believe in YOU?

You can and you will!
Dial in to the Journey To Magnificence call:
Mon-Fri at 10 am Eastern
712-775-7085 pin 150703#

Replays available here.


Millionaire Mind Intensive is ONE EVENT you must attend. Changed our lives!

Millionaire Mind Intensive – the beginning of the Naked Hippies dream come true

Millionaire Mind Intensive is a seminar, a workshop, an event that will transform your life.

Attending this event several years ago was the beginning, the catapult of the Naked Hippies dream come true.

It seemed impossible to get to the Millionaire Mind Intensive event in Phoenix.  We were living in Missouri, in an efficiency apartment with $13 in our checking account, no credit cards, a car with 150,000 miles and bald tires …


But, as we listened to T Harv Eker speak about the upcoming event, we knew we absolutely needed to get to Phoenix. So, we reserved our seats, and decided that even if we had to hitch hike, we would go.

His words were clear and direct, and as we sat there listening to him and looking at the dismal amount in our checking account, we knew something had to change.

Millionaire Mind Intensive changed everything in our lives.
At church the next day, Bruce got into a conversation with one of the members whom we had not had the pleasure of getting to know yet.  He shared about the message we heard from T Harv and that we were going to put our butts in those seats no matter what.

The following day, this member called us and offered to drive us to Phoenix in his reliable Toyota.  We were flabbergasted!

REALLY?  You would do that?

He insisted.  He and his partner planned to drive us to Phoenix and hang out at a motel while we attended the 3 day event.

Can you imagine how humble and grateful we felt?

Excitedly, we told them we had received two free tickets to share; they eagerly accepted the invitation to attend the event with us.

It was a honor to be present at the last live appearance of T Harv Eker at these events.  During those three days we listened, we learned and we experienced breakthroughs about our money blueprint that truly launched us on the Naked Hippies Roadtrip path to our dream.

The exercises we went through helped us understand and clear many of the limiting beliefs that were holding us back.

Now, we serve on the Karma Krew at these events. It is an opportunity for us to give back to Millionaire Mind Intensive.

If you are feeling stuck.

If you are wondering why you continue to struggle.

If you are seeking a way to break through to financial success.

Get to one of the Millionaire Mind Intensive events.

They are free to attend.

They are held all over the country.

Do whatever you have to do to get there … by car, train, bus, or plane … or even by hitchhiking!


Access the upcoming Millionaire Mind Intensive schedule here.

I have to share some of the sychronicities that we have discovered from attending our first Millionaire Mind Intensive.

As we began to build our online business and network with other online marketers, we met and become friends with them at various marketing events, and eventually became business partners.

It was amazing to discover that four of the people  we were working with directly had been to the exact same event in Phoenix! We came full circle.

Have you attended a Millionaire Mind Intensive event? Share in the comments below! 

Meet the Naked Hippies

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Emotional honesty is the key to changing your beliefs.

The Freedom of Emotional Honesty

There is great freedom that comes with emotional honesty …

with allowing yourself to feel what you are feeling without trying to mask the negative feelings with a smiley face sticker.

Law of Attraction teaches the power of positive thought, but, too many people miss the real truth of this.  And so, they mask their negative feelings by pretending to be happy, carefree and joyful…

expecting life to deliver nothing but what is pleasing and desirable,

while deep inside the nagging pain and hurt, anger and frustration digs its roots deeper into your subconscious beliefs.

These negative feelings are information to guide you, to teach you, to help you recognize that what you desire in life is not YET aligned with the beliefs you have about that desire.

The Law of Attraction is true in that your reality mirrors back to you what you believe.  But it has been the mistaken idea of many students of the Law of Attraction that thinking and feeling positive at all times is the secret.

The secret that many have missed is emotional honesty at all times, in all situations, with everyone. 

It’s the life of the GREAT PRETENDER who wouldn’t dare allow himself and herself to feel what they are really feeling as they experience undesirable circumstances and events in their life.

(ALERT!  Life is not a smooth sailing vessel. You WILL face rough waters … you will ride the wild roller coaster of emotions.)

You are human, you feel pain, you feel sad, you feel anger, you feel worthless at times.  It’s not who you are, it’s just how you are feeling.

[Tweet “Emotional honesty is your ticket to freedom, the gateway to manifesting all that you desire in life.”]

It is what Greg Kuhn teaches in his book “Grow a Greater You.”

In this recent interview with Greg, he shares more of what he has learned about emotional honesty, about listening to learn, about pain and suffering.

The freedom you will gain by being brutally emotionally honest with what you are feeling is your key to manifesting all that you desire. To fully grasp what Greg shared in this video, read and study and learn from his book “Grow a Greater You.”

Discover how to use emotional honesty to grow into new beliefs – starting from where you are right now…

no matter how depressed or desperate or low you are feeling.


Your birthright is to be happy, joyful, confident, and abundant.

Start your journey to that ecstatic state of being by allowing emotional honesty to teach you and guide you.

You deserve it!






c:  573-881-6715
f:   Join our mindset victory group on Facebook where share, inspire and celebrate your Journey To Magnificence.  “Grow a Greater You” and other impactful personal development books.

P.S.  Dial in every Monday  – Friday for the Journey to Magnificence call.  We read and discuss and play “Grow a Greater You.”
10 am Eastern
712-775-7085 pin 150703#

Replays available here.