Millionaire Mind Intensive – the beginning of the Naked Hippies dream come true

Millionaire Mind Intensive is a seminar, a workshop, an event that will transform your life.

Attending this event several years ago was the beginning, the catapult of the Naked Hippies dream come true.

It seemed impossible to get to the Millionaire Mind Intensive event in Phoenix.  We were living in Missouri, in an efficiency apartment with $13 in our checking account, no credit cards, a car with 150,000 miles and bald tires …


But, as we listened to T Harv Eker speak about the upcoming event, we knew we absolutely needed to get to Phoenix. So, we reserved our seats, and decided that even if we had to hitch hike, we would go.

His words were clear and direct, and as we sat there listening to him and looking at the dismal amount in our checking account, we knew something had to change.

Millionaire Mind Intensive changed everything in our lives.
At church the next day, Bruce got into a conversation with one of the members whom we had not had the pleasure of getting to know yet.  He shared about the message we heard from T Harv and that we were going to put our butts in those seats no matter what.

The following day, this member called us and offered to drive us to Phoenix in his reliable Toyota.  We were flabbergasted!

REALLY?  You would do that?

He insisted.  He and his partner planned to drive us to Phoenix and hang out at a motel while we attended the 3 day event.

Can you imagine how humble and grateful we felt?

Excitedly, we told them we had received two free tickets to share; they eagerly accepted the invitation to attend the event with us.

It was a honor to be present at the last live appearance of T Harv Eker at these events.  During those three days we listened, we learned and we experienced breakthroughs about our money blueprint that truly launched us on the Naked Hippies Roadtrip path to our dream.

The exercises we went through helped us understand and clear many of the limiting beliefs that were holding us back.

Now, we serve on the Karma Krew at these events. It is an opportunity for us to give back to Millionaire Mind Intensive.

If you are feeling stuck.

If you are wondering why you continue to struggle.

If you are seeking a way to break through to financial success.

Get to one of the Millionaire Mind Intensive events.

They are free to attend.

They are held all over the country.

Do whatever you have to do to get there … by car, train, bus, or plane … or even by hitchhiking!


Access the upcoming Millionaire Mind Intensive schedule here.

I have to share some of the sychronicities that we have discovered from attending our first Millionaire Mind Intensive.

As we began to build our online business and network with other online marketers, we met and become friends with them at various marketing events, and eventually became business partners.

It was amazing to discover that four of the people  we were working with directly had been to the exact same event in Phoenix! We came full circle.

Have you attended a Millionaire Mind Intensive event? Share in the comments below! 

Meet the Naked Hippies

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