
Facebook Algorithm Change Promotes Native Videos

Over the last few months, another Facebook algorithm change has brought substantial increases in the promotion of native videos.

Not long ago, it would have made sense to share a link to a YouTube video on Facebook. Today, that’s not true. It’s now significantly more effective to publish directly on the platform itself if you want to get massive engagement. That’s because Facebook videos are only 5% of all posted content, but get disproportionately high engagement. And more videos are being posted to Facebook all the time – global leaders in social video like GoPro and Red Bull started posting video content to Facebook more than to YouTube in 2014.  (source: Social Bakers)

For more on social video, check out this Slideshare.


While the average internet marketer is not competing with the industry giants like GoPro and Red Bull, it is still important to make use of the increased exposure your native videos will give you on Facebook.

Especially now since the buzz about native videos on social media platforms is gaining popularity.

Did you participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge this past summer?
That was one of the key events on Facebook that led to the Facebook algorithm change.

Remember the viral video craze a couple of years ago?  It ran its course and it’s done.  (over there on the sidebar, you can see the
one and only video I had go viral on Facebook)

Pictures are still the most common type of post on Facebook, but now that native videos are getting higher engagement, it’s time to pull out the camera and shoot some videos.

Native videos are ones that you create and upload directly to Facebook.  The day of sharing YouTube links is over.

Now, of course, I would recommend you do both.  Upload your video to Facebook AND YouTube.  Take advantage of any exposure you can get.  Win/win!

There are two kinds of videos to create.

1. Personal Videos

Personal videos show you having fun with your family, traveling or just in your own backyard. Birthday parties, new grandbabies, your teenager getting her driver’s license, etc.

These videos give people a glimpse into your personal life and show that you are a real person.  It’s true that people love to live vicariously through others … so record the fun times.

Post these to your personal profile on Facebook.

They are not marketing videos in the sense of promoting a business opportunity, but they do market the most important element of your business … YOU.

2. Marketing Videos

These videos are designed to deliver value to your followers.  You can teach a concept or a skill, share an inspirational message, give a review of great books, tell about someone or something that helped you in your life.

These marketing videos, when structured properly, will add credibility to you as a business owner and will attract people to you.

Post these marketing videos to your FanPage.

Both kinds of videos are important.  So do both.

INSIDE TIP:  Share your personal videos to your FanPage.
Share your marketing videos to your personal wall so that your Page gets even more exposure.


  1. Create short videos, two minutes max.This is especially important when you are just beginning.Face it, people have short attention spans. We skim over stuff faster than a speeding bullet these days.A video that is 5, 7 or 10 minutes long will not get the attention of most people, unless you are a guru who has been delivering valuable training for quite some time.You might have a lot to say, but no one will even click on the video if they see it’s several minutes long.  That’s the grim reality of the nature of this microwave society.
  2. Introduce yourself quickly and then hook them to keep watching.A hook can be a question or a bold statement that rocks them a little. A question asked holds them longer because they naturally want to hear the answer.
  3. Deliver your message in a clear and concise way. Stay on topic (which is necessary since you only have 2 minutes to do this.)
  4. Include a CTA (call to action) at the end of your video.This is where many fall short. They abruptly end the video without giving a CTA or else they stumble over the CTA as if it’s an afterthought.

Your CTA could be asking your viewer to:

  • Subscribe to your newsletter
  • Message you on FB
  • Leave a comment below
  • Go to your blog
  • Go to your Fan Page
  • Attend a training hangout or webinar or a conference call
    Go to a capture page

People want to be told what to do and you absolutely must give them directions in your CTA.

Practice this before you shoot your videos.  Make sure your CTA flows easily and naturally.

In the upcoming blog posts I will give you tons of ideas for your content, show you how to make videos if you are too shy to be in front of the camera and share examples.

But for today, shoot some videos just to get used to being in front of the camera.   Have fun with this.  You’re going to be a ROCKSTAR!

And for laughs … watch the very first video I ever made with Bruce. A long time ago, before the Naked Hippies Roadtrip was born …

Before I wrap this up, remember that you do not need fancy video equipment to start making videos.  In fact, your smart phone is one of the best video tools you have.

Remember also, that with practice, making videos will become second nature to you.

Get out there and practice today.  More to come tomorrow!

trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
f:   Find me on Facebook
:  Subscribe to our YouTube channel

P.S.  Got questions about video marketing?
Send me a message on Facebook and I’ll get them answered.

More articles to enjoy:
Content Marketing-How to Multiply Your Content
Attraction Marketing on Facebook … how to build rapport with prospects
Visual Marketing Trends for 2015


Prodigal Son or Complaining Brother?

Do you remember the parable of the prodigal son?


The story recently came to mind as I studied The Master Key System by Charles Haanel.

Haanel writes in Chapter 20,  “Spiritual wealth: unless you recognize it and use it, it will have no value. The one and only condition of spiritual power is use or recognition.”

A parable is a short story intended to illustrate a spiritual lesson. In the story of the prodigal son is the same message that Charles Haanel teaches in The Master Key System.

We can fail to recognize this world within, and so exclude it from our consciousness, but it will still be the basic fact of all existence; and when we learn to recognize it, not only in ourselves, but in all persons, events, things and circumstances we shall have found the “Kingdom of heaven” which we are told is “within” us. -Haanel

As the story goes … a father gave his younger son his share of the family fortune and as you know, the son took off and squandered everything.  When he returned home, he was greeted with a party which totally pissed off his older brother.

The older brother complained how unfair it was because he had played by the rules and never messed up.

His father replied, “Son, you don’t understand. You’re with me all the time, and everything that is mine is yours.  All you have to do is understand that it belongs to you and you can ask for it any time! It doesn’t become useful until you acknowledge it and receive it.”

The lesson of the Prodigal Son lies in this question:

Which one are you?  The prodigal son or the jealous brother?

The older son recognized, asked and received the gifts that were available to him.

He took action. He dared to live life differently, to try something he had never done before.

He lost it all.

Did he give up, say this doesn’t work, throw in the towel and agree to struggle for the rest of his life?


He didn’t stay in the lowest, desperate, financially devasted state because … he remembered.

He remembered that spiritual wealth is always available to everyone. He reconnected to the Universal Source where all that he needed, desired, and imagined was waiting for him.

He returned home.

Home – the re-connection to Universal mind, to the ALL in ALL for he knew that He who made him was in him … was him.

The brother, on the other hand, complained and became bitter, jealous, envious crying out “it’s not fair.”

He did not recognize or make use of the spiritual wealth that was his to access at anytime.

His father reminded him, “Son, all you have to do is understand that it belongs to you and you can ask for it any time! It doesn’t become useful until you acknowledge it and receive it.”

We can take this a little deeper and see how it also applies to your experiences in building your  business.

As marketers, especially when you are not seeing the results that you desire, you have probably at one time or another experienced the feeling of jealousy and envy when you witness the success of others.

You become like the other brother.

You begin to think “they are better than me, more skillful, more knowledgeable … even lucky.”

You begin to feel resentment, jealousy, even anger.

When that happens, it’s time to recognize that the power to receive more blessings is already within you.  You just have to recognize it and use it, as Charles Haanel teaches.

When you begin to perceive that the essence of the Universal is within yourself—is you—you begin to do things; you begin to feel your power; it is the fuel which fires the imagination; which lights the torch of inspiration; which gives vitality to thought; which enables you to connect with all the invisible forces of the Universe. It is this power which will enable you to plan fearlessly, to execute masterfully. -Haanel

On the other hand, if you, like the prodigal son, have tried and failed, all is not lost.

It isn’t your last rodeo.

Just go back home … AGAIN.

Reconnect with He who made you and is in you … and is you.

There you will be greeted with embraces and celebrations, luscious robes, the fatted calf, the golden ring on your hand for it is all available and waiting for you.

“In him we live and move and have our being” is literally and scientifically exact! That you ARE because He IS, that if He is Omnipresent He must be in you. That if He is all in all you must be in Him! That He is Spirit and you are made in “His image and likeness” and that the only difference between His spirit and your spirit is one of degree, that a part must be the same in kind and quality as the whole. When you can realize this clearly you will have found the secret of the creative power of thought, you will have found the origin of both good and evil, you will have found the secret of the wonderful power of concentration, you will have found the key to the solution of every problem whether physical, financial, or environmental. -Haanel

The key to manifesting the desires for success and abundance is to connect with the power that is within you.


When you do, there will be no jealousy or blame.  There will be no fear or doubt.

You just have to recognize and access the power that is yours.

The secret of power is a perfect understanding of the principles, forces, methods and combinations of Mind, and a perfect understanding of our relationship to the Universal Mind. It is well to remember that this principle is unchangeable; if this were not so, it would not be reliable; all principles are changeless. This stability is your opportunity; you are its active attribute, the channel for its activity; the Universal can act only through the individual. -Haanel

This classic book, “The Master Key System” was written over one hundred years ago but the message is as prevalent today as it was back then.

If you would like to join the study and discussion of this powerful, life-changing book, we meet every Monday thru Friday morning on an open conference call.

Dial in here:
10 am Eastern
Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#
Replay 712-775-7089  Pin 150703#

Which one are you right now – the prodigal son or the complaining brother?


trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
f:   facebook.com/trishajbarnes
s:  Subscribe to the Naked Hippies Newsletter

P.S.  We live the Freedom Lifestyle. We can work from anywhere we choose to be. We can be across the country visiting friends and family, walking on the beach, climbing the red rocks in Sedona, or parked in a campground. And we can still work ON our business. This business does not require me to punch a clock, sit in commuter traffic wasting hours we could be spending together, waking up at some crazy hour just to make it to work. We get to work with people we choose to work with, whose company we enjoy. We are the CEOs of us – the Naked Hippies!

Subscribe to our Naked Hippies Newsletter. We’ll share stories of our travels, inspiration and motivation, tips and resources for creating your own freedom lifestyle AND you’ll get our free ebook that tells the story of how the Naked Hippies came to be.  Click here to subscribe.


Never Write Another Blog Post Again

Would it you save time is you would never write another blog post again?

This is a huge help for bloggers.  I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

What if you could turn all your amazing Facebook posts into blog posts automatically?

Would that save you time?

Would that ease some of the pressure you feel to create content for your blog every day?

Listen, I know how it is. Some days you are on fire and able to blast out a blog post in record time.

But, some days, it’s like you are walking through mud to create anything worth reading.

If you are already posting great content on Facebook, and I’m sure you are if you have any brains about the power of social media marketing …

then, you will absolutely love what I am sharing with you in this video:

With Blo.gl, all the public content you create on Facebook is automagically turned into blog posts on the WordPress platform and some non-WordPress platforms. Unless you want to, you’ll never have to write a single blog post again. Simply continue what you’re doing on Facebook, and Blo.gl will do the heavy lifting for you. It’s mind-bloggling, really. Enjoy!


trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us
Here to help you GROW your business!






p:  573-881-6715
f:   Message me on Facebook!

P.S.  If you don’t have a blog, it’s easy to get
started with the simple Kalatu blogging platform.

If you do have a blog, consider setting up the Kalatu
blog for this automated process.  You will have a constant
stream of content published from all your Facebook posts.
Get your message out there in as many ways possible!

Get your Kalatu blog here:

We also have a map that has been guiding us to this time and financial freedom – to live our dream as we are doing.

The Map is Not the Territory for the Naked Hippies Roadtrip

We’ve definitely learned “The Map is Not the Territory” since we travel full time in our pickup camper.


Last year, we celebrated one year on the Naked Hippies Roadtrip…

Celebrating a year of wondrous adventures!


Oh, we had the atlas handy at all times. We had Siri to guide us to the destinations. But, as the saying goes, the MAP is not the territory.

When we started this roadtrip adventure, we had a choice of heading to the Southwest or Southeast for the winter.  It didn’t really matter which way we headed, we just knew we wanted to be where it was warm and sunny. So, we flipped a coin – and

We headed to Arizona knowing full well the territory was not conducive to our desire to retire from snow and ice.  We had to detour further and further south to avoid Winter Storm Boreas.

Love the saguaros here!

Arizona was the perfect spot for the winter … sunshine and warmth compared to the frigid temps and snow that the rest of the country experienced.

We were grateful the flip of the coin brought us here.

Soon, our wheels were headed to the beaches of California.



We had the map to guide us on the trip to Carlsbad, but the territory we encountered was not what we expected.  The climb up the Cuyamaca Mountains proved to be too much for our Dodge Ram (we didn’t know it needed a new radiator) and we spent 8 hours on the side of the road in the middle of those mountains, waiting to be towed to the nearest town.

Beautiful mountains, a long ordeal awaits us


For the entire year, we had the map but it was the territory that gave us the best experiences and the most challenging ones.

We discovered red rock canyons in Oklahoma.  Who knew Oklahoma had anything this beautiful?

One of our favorite camping spots is here in Oklahoma!

We experienced the wondrous energy of Sedona, but didn’t expect that finding an overnight spot to camp would be almost impossible.

Read about our magical adventures in Sedona.

There is amazing energy in this sacred space


In Twin Falls, Idaho, we traveled across the Perrine Bridge where we had the delight of standing above the Snake Canyon to view its majestic glory AND then, had the surprising delight to watch base jumpers leap from the 486 foot bridge.

The view from the middle of this bridge is jaw dropping!


Our trip to Oregon took us to the Silver Falls State Park where we discovered a rain forest and 10 waterfalls.

Never knew there were rain forests in the US


As we traveled along the Pacific Coast Highway, we pulled over at one scenic overlook and spotted whales!

Mile after mile of this breathtaking beauty along the Pacific Coast


In California, at the last minute, we found a campground nestled in the sand dunes and explored the dunes, feeling as if we had been removed from the whole world.  And then – we were able to take a horseback ride along the beach and over the sand dunes.

I own this space right now!


In Utah, we drove up and up and up the mountain road to an altitude of over 12,000 feet in the Uinta National Forest to attend the Rainbow Festival without realizing this would be more harrowing than any other route we had taken.

Harrowing drive to the top,but oh, the view was amazing


I could go on and on about our travels and experiences that most certainly prove the map is not the territory and really, anyone who has traveled extensively like we have would have their own stories to share as confirmation.

But, there’s more to this message than just the adventures of the Naked Hippies on the open road.

We also have a map that has been guiding us to this time and financial freedom – to live our dream as we are doing.

And in this regard, the map is absolutely 100% NOT the territory.

When we first started out on the adventure of online marketing, we grabbed the map first, of course.  That’s what everyone does in the beginning.

The world of internet marketing has endless possibilities

 You are enticed by the potential of creating something that will give you and your family the freedom that you long for…

A way out of the 8-5 job …

An income that will pay all the bills and then some …

So, you pick up the “map” … you join an opportunity that someone shared with you as a way to begin making money from home.

You can see where you are going – the destination is clear.  But, you’ve got to navigate the territory, and that is where most people get stuck.

Here’s what usually happens in this industry.  Someone decides to join a business opportunity because they are excited about their dream of being financially free and they see all the ads and testimonies of

“make 30k in 30 days”
“push button business”
“we do all the work for you”

So they come into the industry thinking it’s the easy way out, when it’s nothing close to being easy.

When they don’t see the results they were expecting, they quit, they blame the company, they accuse their upline for not helping them, they walk away from the one industry that will protect their family from the dwindling economy.

From the start, you should know this about becoming an internet marketer:

No “easy” button to push in building a business

It’s a business.  It takes work.  It takes commitment.

There is no “easy” button to take you from zero to millions.

It isn’t a lottery ticket that delivers millions overnight.



But, you should also know this:

Internet marketing is the ONLY industry that is available to anyone, at any age, no matter where they start, no matter what their background is, or their skill level.
Here is what you need to be a successful internet marketer:

  • A strong desire
  • a dream
  • a willingness to learn
  • a commitment do what you are taught
  • a simple, uncomplicated system
  • a step by step training access
  • a community of support

Without all of those components, the territory will become a maze of confusion and frustration because …

You will encounter detours and roadblocks.
You will come to dead ends and have to turn around 
You will sometimes feel like nothing is working
You will feel lost, overwhelmed and stuck.

This is not meant to dissuade you from becoming an internet marketer.

It is meant to prepare you for the territory you will experience on the roadtrip to your freedom.

The map is not the territory… in internet marketing.


Hold on to the map, it will guide you to where you desire to be.

But prepare now for the territory you must travel to get to that destination.

Where is your map taking you?

trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us
Here to help you GROW your business!






p:  573-881-6715
f:   Connect with me on Facebook 

P.S.  Sometimes, you need to “recalculate” the
route to your destination.  If you’ve been traveling
on the internet marketing journey for a while and
don’t feel any closer to your dream, we can help.

There is a reason you have read all the way through
this lengthy blog post.  Let’s get you back on your
roadtrip to freedom.  Message me on Facebook,
call me … give me a shout and let’s talk.

Meanwhile, make sure you subscribe to our Naked Hippies Newsletter here:  http://youfoundus.nakedhippiesteam.com


Work from Home Challenges the Employee/Boss Relationship

Here’s the thing …
there are many work from home challenges,
especially in the new employee/boss relationship.


Hey, wait a minute … I decided to work from home for the freedom!

I’m ready to head to the beach.

Yeah, that’s the #1 reason you choose to quit your job and work from home.


No more alarm clock.

You decide when to clock in and work.

No one tells you what to do.

You can take a longer lunch break.

You can go on vacation whenever you choose.

No one is the boss of you ANY MORE!

Aaaaah, that’s more like it – right?
Yes, you are your own boss now and that is a huge reward to you. But, you are still an employee.  You’re both boss and employee now.

Creating the right employee/boss relationship is more crucial now than it ever was when you worked the 8-5.

Now, you as the boss must decide the tasks to be done in order to grow your business. What are the income producing activities to be completed each day?

As the employee, you must do these tasks … or else.

Remember when you were at the 8-5 and some days, you gave a half-hearted effort.  Remember those days when you slacked off and did just the minimal amount to stay under the radar and within the good graces of your boss?

You still got a paycheck, didn’t you?

Well, everything is different now that you work from home.

A day of slacking off because you just don’t feel like putting in the effort means this –

You won’t get paid.

This is the grim reality of working from home.

The freedom you desire still requires hard work. 

It requires you showing up every day, ready to give it your all.

It means that you cannot slack off and pretend you are busy.

The bad news is that this is the obstacle you will face every day when you work from home.  The good news is that it doesn’t have to be a complicated list of tasks to grow your business.  You just need to follow a simple daily method of operation that includes income producing activities.

And then DO IT … consistently every day like a good employee.  The following 3 tasks, if completed every day will increase your sales, your following and your presence on the internet.

It’s easy to get distracted, especially on Facebook.  If you structure your day to complete these daily tasks first, you’ll have plenty of time to play and engage on Facebook and/or other social media platforms later.


First,  before I share the three daily tasks, this one is the stand alone, don’t miss this, first-off thing to do before you start any other daily activities.

Take time to grow yourself. Personal development is the secret to your success.  Without it, you will hit a wall, crumble and crawl back to the 8-5.  With it, you will be unstoppable.

*Read at least 5 pages a day from a book that will help you grow yourself. 

My suggestions for starters:

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker
Grow a Greater You by Greg Kuhn
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

*Surround yourself with others who are immersed in personal development. 

Find a group of people who will support and encourage you daily.  We have that within the Freedom Uprising Mindset Victory group where we gather every morning, Monday through Friday, to read, study, discuss and share our thoughts and knowledge about this amazing journey of personal development.

Join us at 10 am Eastern Mon-Fri
Live 712-775-7085 Pin 150703#
Replay 712-775-7089  Pin 150703#

Here’s a recording of one of our powerful mastermind calls:

Now, here are the 3 Daily Income Producing Activities 

1.  Content Creation

PLAN:  Create one piece of content daily.  This could be a blog post, an article or a video.

MESSAGE:  Your content should deliver value.  Value as in training, inspiration, reviews of products, book reviews, interviews with leaders, helpful tips, etc.   Your focus is on serving others by providing content that will help them.

CTA:  Include a call to action in your content. This could be asking your readers to go to a capture page, to subscribe to your newsletter, to attend a training hangout, a conference call, to friend you on Facebook.    People need and like to be told what to do.  Give a clear call to action.

This training video will help you develop the habit of daily content creation:

2.  Content Syndication

Once you have your content published, it’s time to share it.   Share the link on:

  • Social Media … Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest,
  • Social Bookmarking Sites like DiggReddit and StumbleUpon.
  • Trade with another blogger – as guest bloggers for each other
  • Submit your articles to Medium.com
  • Email to your list – either full article or a snippet with a link to your blog

This recent team training call will definitely help you with developing consistency in your business.

3. Connections

Every day, make it a habit to connect with new people. Expand your horizons,  get out of your easy chair and make new friends.  It’s so easy to do this on Facebook:

Find people who have the same interests as you.  For instance, your hobbies, your favorite sports team, favorite authors or leaders or bands or actors, internet marketers, stay at home moms, bloggers, graphic designers, copywriters … whatever you love to do – there are tons of others who also enjoy the same thing.  Type the “interest” in the FB search bar.

Go to the profiles of the people who pop up in the search.  Check them out.  See if you resonate with their profile and activity on Facebook.  If you do – send them a friend request.

Go to the pages you have liked and interact with the posts and comments by everyone.  Also edify and respect those who have commented.

Join groups where you can comment and engage.

If you establish this habit of engaging and lifting up others, you will attract the right people, you will make new connections and start to build relationships.

As they begin to get to know you, they will see your posts and have the opportunity to take action on your CTA.  All without you pitching and prodding them.

If you are not generating leads on Facebook, you are missing out on one of the most valuable reasons to even be there.

This simple course will help you learn how to magnify your presence on Facebook and generate leads with ease.

Grab the Facebook Leads course here.

Simple steps to generating leads in this course!


You have made the brilliant decision to work from home.  It’s the better way to take control of your life, your finances and your future.

My hope is that this article will help you achieve all that you desire.  That you will develop a daily method of operation to overcome the work from home challenges.

What other suggestions would you contribute to this article?

trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
f:   Connect with me on Facebook
s:  Subscribe to the Naked Hippies Newsletter:

P.S.  Check out “Products We Use” to see the
variety of ways we build our business.


Visual Marketing Trends for 2015

A picture’s worth a thousand words so knowing the current visual marketing trends will help you choose the right images.

Visual marketing utilizes the power of images on blogs and social media posts to greatly increase engagement.

According to a study by HubSpot:

  • posts with photos received 53% more likes and attracted 104% more comments than those without (via HubSpot).
  • photo posts can generate over 80% higher link click through than simple text and link posts, HubSpot reports.

But, not all images are perceived alike.

A study by Tagg shows:

  • Images which show only certain parts of the body and not the face generated an overall engagement of 81%.
  • Images that show no person or body part at all had an overall engagement of 78%.

This goes along with the latest visual marketing trends presented in the infographic below.

Images with unique perspectives instead of faces are hot right now.

This  inforgraphic of the latest creative trends for 2015 was compiled by research of  Shutterstock’s customers.

Scroll through the infographic below to see which visual marketing trends are popular on every continent:

Infographic: Shutterstock’s 2015 Creative Visual Marketing Trends


The main thing is this … always use images in your blog posts and social media posts.

The studies prove images increase engagement.

Engagement increases trust.

Trust leads to sales.

Now you have some great ideas to help you choose and create the most impactful styles.

Will this information influence the kinds of images you choose for your marketing?

trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us
Here to help you GROW your business!






p:  573-881-6715
f:   Let’s connect on Facebook

P.S.   Likes and comments are great, but learning how to generate leads on Facebook will turn your posts into income.  The Facebook Leads Formula has helped us leverage the power of social media to grow our business.  Combine this training with these visual marketing trends and watch how your list grows.