How to Structure a Video – Tips from Top Income Earners

It doesn’t get any better than this – tips on how to structure videos from top income earners who have used video to engage, attract and build their incomes online.


Now, before I share the tips, let’s just go over some of the statistics about the value of using video in your online marketing:

The average internet user is exposed to an average
of 32.3 videos a month

The click thru rate is increased by 96% when a video
is included with an introductory email

1/3 of all online activity is watching videos

YouTube is the #2 search engine

Your website is 50 times more likely to appear on
the first page of search engine results if it includes

A video is shared 1200% more times than links and
text combined

80% of online visitors will watch a video while only
20% will read content in its entirety


If you’re not using videos in your marketing, you are leaving money on the table.

Last night’s team training brought three of the top income producers in Empower Network to the hangout to share their tips and strategies.



Here are the video tips Justin Verrengia, Jon Pemberthy and Rhonda Swan shared:

1. Set your intention first

Your intention should be to give value first and foremost.  Forget about trying to sell something. People will be repulsed by that and quickly click off the video.  It’s not that you can’t lead them to a product or service through your CTA (call to action), but it shouldn’t be the main message of your video.

2. Decide who you are talking to

Who is your target market? What is the solution they are seeking? What problem are you solving for them? You may think your video is for the whole world, but it’s not. It’s for your specific target market.  Who are they?

I especially liked Rhonda Swan’s suggestion of narrowing down your target market to a specific type of woman (or man.)  She explained that she pictures the corporate woman, going to work every day, dressed in heels and skirts,
missing her kids, wishing there was a way to get back home.

She knows this kind of woman because she used to be her.  She can relate to this market because she remembers the pain, the struggle.

She talks to these women, a very specific audience.

3. Decide what your CTA will be

So many leave out the CTA because they forget about it until they are done with the video and then stumble around with words trying to say something, anything. Your viewer will follow your directions, if you tell them specifically what you want them to do.

Do you want them to subscribe to your YouTube Channel?
Do you want them to opt in to your daily newsletter?
Do you want them to listen to another training?
Do you want them to go to a sales page?

Plan your CTA before you start recording your video.  If you need to, practice it until you can easily speak it with confidence, directly into the camera without stumbling around with a last minute, “oh yeah, if you want to know more …” kind of afterthought.

4. Make an outline of your message.

Plan what points you need to cover.
You don’t have to script it out word for word, and you shouldn’t do that because you’ll be tempted to read it instead of just speaking naturally.

5. Create a short signature greeting.
– something that you will say at the beginning of every video such as your name, your brand (if you have one) and a tag line that people will remember you for.

6. Vary your surroundings for your videos.

Don’t shoot every video at your desk.  Walk around, get outside.  People connect with you when they see your life – your environment – where you live.
Take them on an adventure with you, even if it’s just a walk around your back yard.

You have kids?  They are great to include in your videos. It makes you all the more real when people see that you are a mom, a dad … even a grandma!

7. Keep your videos short – 3 minutes max.

In this fast-paced time, people have short attention spans.  Your video needs to be short and get to the point very quickly, or you will lose your audience.

8. Start with a pattern interrupt

A pattern interrupt is something that causes your audience to pay attention.  You can do this by asking a question, switching the camera angle, saying something off the wall … anything other than what they would be expecting to hear.

You have about 3 seconds to grab their attention. Best way to do that is with a pattern interrupt.

9. Just be you … BeYOUtiful You! 

There’s no need to pretend to be something or someone you are not. People can smell phony. People love real. Bad hair day? Mess up on a word? Trip while you’re walking and talking?  Sneeze, cough, fart?  Well, maybe not fart.  But the main point is to stop stressing over trying to be perfect and just let the video record you, just as you are.


Utilize these tips and your videos will stand out among all the others who have not yet learned how to structure their videos to engage and attract more viewers (and leads.)

Be sure to subscribe to these leaders’ YouTube channels. Click on their names listed above.

Will these tips help you with structuring your videos?


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These leaders come from the business we are building to create the income for our never-ending roadtrip lifestyle – by blogging.  Getting started with this opportunity has actually changed me, changed us. And the change is inside, inside the mind and inside the heart. This business that we have chosen to work not only gives us all the tools that we need to succeed, but it is more concerned with helping us to change and better ourselves than any other opportunity that I have ever been involved in. There is a huge community of like minded people that just rally around each other, help one another. Click here to find out more.






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