Riding the Manic Roller Coaster of Internet Marketing

You’re either going to love riding the manic roller coaster of internet marketing, or you’re going to hate it.


You’ll either hold on screaming at the top of your lungs, or you’ll raise your arms in the air and enjoy the ride.

Does it have to be a roller coaster ride? Really?

Yes, it will definitely be just like riding the roller coaster … climbing to new heights, plummeting down at lightning speed, back up again … even experiencing loops that take you upside down are all part of the internet marketing journey.

There will be times you take this manic roller coaster ride in the span of a few hours.  There will also be times when this ride lasts for weeks or months.

So how do you enjoy the ride?

What should you do while you’re climbing up filled with excitement and hope?

What should you do when you’re heading downward and feel like you’re going to crash and burn?

1. Climb with Excitement

You are filled with high energy and excitement when you first get started in internet marketing. Optimism oozes out of you!

This is a great time to write about it, to create videos about what you are doing … why you made this decision, what your dreams and goals are, how you are going to do this. Your energy and enthusiasm will be contagious.

This is a time to be real, to tell your story.  People will identify with where you are right now and your vision for a better life, a better outcome.  Your pure intention to change your life will be a magnet for others who are seeking to do the same.

2.  Focus during the downward spiral

Your excitement will have its up and downs as you begin to build your business.  Some days, everything will go smoothly; other days, it will seem like nothing is working in your favor.

You’ll start to doubt, worry, be a little nervous about “is this really going to work for me?” Your optimism begins to fade.

This is a good time to focus on learning and/or mastering skills to build your confidence.

It’s also a good time to plan.  Plan your daily method of operation so that you are doing the essential income producing activities for your business every single day.  Focus on plans and goals — daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.

3.  Crisis management

What you do during crisis management time will be the most important part of this roller coaster ride.

This will determine whether you crash and burn and give up or whether you enjoy the ride waiting for the next thrill of the incline.

It happens to everyone – a moment of crisis when you feel like you’re going to fall off the cliff and everything you dreamed of doing will die.  You’re paralyzed with fear, you feel depressed and want to just crawl back to bed and hide under the covers, you would rather have a root canal than work on your business.

Realize that all leaders whom you admire will tell of these times in their career.  They made it through these tough times, and you will, too.

This is when you avoid others who are in the same emotional state. Negativity feeds negativity.

Surround yourself with those who are positive right now – avoid the complainers, the  blamers, the pessimistic thinkers.

Ask for help and encouragement or just a listening ear from friends and teammates and sponsors.

Do something totally different – like organizing your closet, cleaning out the junk drawer … something that you can accomplish to give yourself the feeling of confidence and satisfaction of completing a job successfully.

Make lists of your strengths, what you love to do, the people you’ve helped, the people who have helped you, what you’ve learned.  Reading these lists will build your confidence and also trigger gratitude which is such a key component to success.

Choose one thing to get done every day instead of trying to get ten things done.  Trying to get a list of ten done will cause you to feel overwhelmed and lead to procrastination where nothing gets done.

Focus on the most important task you want to accomplish and block off the time (2-3 hours) to get that one task done, without any distractions or interruptions.

Avoid reading more self-help or industry related books during this time.  It will only make you feel worse, “less than” and like you are the only one missing the “secret.”  The answer is not outside of you right now, it is within.

Take time for yourself by meditating, becoming still and shutting out the noise that is cluttering up your mind.  Take walks, get outdoors, allow nature to provide a healing salve to your wounded spirit.

4.  Climbing Again

The manic roller coaster cycle will repeat, over and over again.  It’s the ebb and flow, the yen and the yang.  But with each turn of the corner to your next upward climb, you’ll enjoy the ride more with your arms waving in the air instead of clutching at the rail, eyes closed and screaming “please please please let me off this thing.”

And remember this above all else … nothing that you desire to do is impossible.  Let this be your inspiration to keep going no matter what.

Here’s to your wild and wonderful manic roller coaster ride in internet marketing.

Have you experienced the ups and downs? What did you do to enjoy the ride instead of quitting?


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P.S.  We live the Freedom Lifestyle. We can work from anywhere we choose to be. We can be across the country visiting friends and family, walking on the beach, climbing the red rocks in Sedona, or parked in a campground. And we can still work ON our business. This business does not require me to punch a clock, sit in commuter traffic wasting hours we could be spending together, waking up at some crazy hour just to make it to work. We get to work with people we choose to work with, whose company we enjoy. We are the CEOs of us – the Naked Hippies!

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