
Top 10 Takeaways from Kim Garst’s Boom Social 2015

These are the top 10 takeaways from Kim Garst’s Boom Social 2015 in Chicago 


The 2015 Boom Social event, held in Chicago, was one of the most informative, helpful and inspiring events I have ever attended.

I was delighted to meet Kim Garst in person and express my gratitude and excitement for all that she shares to help us in our social media marketing.

She’s just as fun and gracious in person as she is online! Loved meeting Kim Garst!

Every social media platform was included in the two full days of training … Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Periscope.

It would be an arduous task to elaborate on ALL the training and knowledge shared at the event in one blog post, so I’m sharing these top takeaways from the Boom Social 2015 event.

Best communication tool ever … EMAIL!

Email STILL rules!  It’s been said the money is in the list … that’s wrong.  The relationship AND the money is in the list.  – Kim Garst


Deciding to start is not the same as starting.

Hesitation is the enemy of hustle. –Nathan Latka


People come to Pinterest to be inspired!

Pinterest is not a social network, it’s a bookmark. –Peg Fitzpatrick Author of The Art of Social Media


Keywords DO matter!

Don’t write for SEO, but don’t write without SEO in mind. –Emeric Ernault 


Syed Balkhi
Every social media platform requires an email to sign up.

If you are not building your email list, then you are wasting over 90% of your marketing $$$ & efforts. -Syed Balkhi


300 million users on Instagram! Are you one of them?

Your Instagram hashtags fall into one of these areas. Use CLEEPS to help you remember!  Category,location,emotion, event, product, services. -Sue B. Zimmerman


Figure out what causes people to buy from you.

Correlation does not equal causation. –Joshua Parkinson, founder of Post Planner.


LinkedIn isn’t Facebook, it’s business!

Visibility creates opportunity and social media can be used as either a soapbox or a mountain top to stand on to get your message heard.-Viveka Von Rose ,author of LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day


Great way to get traffic to your blog!

Borrow  an audience from an influencer in your niche.  -Ian Cleary CEO & Founder,


Toot your horn! Make yourself known! Get OUT THERE!

You didn’t start a business to hide under a bushel,  you started your business to change your life and to impact other lives. -Kim Garst


These leaders taught, inspired and shared their experiences and tips to an audience of eager entrepreneurs from all over the world.

My recommendation to you is to get on their lists and begin receiving more of their valuable content and knowledge. (click on the name after each quote to subscribe to their list.)

Most of all, get connected to Kim Garst so that when Boom Social 2016 rolls around, you will grab a seat at one of the best events to help you focus and grow your business.

And finally, keep this first and foremost as you explore and consider all the social media platforms.


It’s definitely exciting and enticing to try to juggle ALL of the various social media sites, but you will end up overwhelmed, exhausted and more like a plate spinner in a circus act rather than a productive business owner.

In the coming days, week and yes, even months, I’ll be sharing more of what I learned at Boom Social 2015.

Which of these top ten takeaways from Kim Garst’s Boom Social 2015 event fires you up?

Stay tuned!

I wear this shirt proudly!






p:  573-881-6715
f:   Are we connected on Facebook?

P.S.  Don’t miss any of the upcoming posts about what I learned at Boom Social 2015. Subscribe to the Naked Hippies newsletter!

Why Facebook is THE Bomb for Social Media Marketing

Social Media has become the foundation of every successful business, whether offline or online.

Technology is developing at such a rapid pace and has evolved to make the web more interactive and user friendly.

Business owners have great tools at their disposal to assist with expanding, scaling, growth and making more money in your business.

However, in order to achieve this goal, one must search for the best features for expansion, and know how to use them in order to increase their bottom line.


Social media marketing on Facebook is the place to start.  Here’s why:

Worldwide, there are over 1.35 billion monthly active Facebook users.  (Source: Facebook as of 10/28/14)

One in five page views in the United States occurs on Facebook. (Source: Infodocket 2012)

Your potential audience is growing daily on Facebook..

The list below contains several inexpensive ways on how to market on Facebook to expand your business, and increase profits.

Videos & Facebook

Many online marketers use videos to promote businesses for their online presence. Videos are a valuable resource for marketers. They directly affect the ranking in which a page is listed on a major search engine queries.

In recent years, videos have become very popular on the Internet. For example, YouTube is considered the second largest search engine in the world.

Now, most developers agree creating and launching YouTube videos is the fastest way to have a website rank on Google, or any other search engine.

Also, it is relatively easy to produce online videos with the new smart phones. No need to invest in fancy
equipment – your phone will do it all – record the video and upload it to YouTube – all in the palm of your hand.

The content you can provide is wide open to your
creativity, goals and purpose, such as:

  • Instructional “how to” videos
  • Customer reviews
  • Lifestyle
  • Motivation
  • Commercials

Sharing your YouTube videos on Facebook is a
great way to expand your presence and elicit
engagement for your product or services.
Blogs and Facebook

If you are looking for a great inexpensive way to  promote products  or services for your business, blogs are the way to go.

Blogs with links to social media sites like Facebook go very far in increasing high end business visibility, and branding.

Many consumers look for credibility when searching for any product or service, especially if they are planning to spend money.

Developing a blog can provide instant credibility, and make you an authority on any given subject matter.

A link from your blog, shared on Facebook can definitely improve your page standing with the major search engines.

Here’s the power of posting your blog link on Facebook:  Facebook shows up in Google searches; however, Google does not show up on Facebook.

Content and Facebook

In the world of the Internet, the saying is, “content is King.” Major search engines take web content seriously.

Fresh and relevant content is a must in order for any website to be acknowledged by the search engines, and to receive a decent ranking.

Pushing that content through major social media outlets, such as Facebook is probably the most effective and fastest way to bring visibility to a very targeted demographic.

Facebook is one among a hand-full of advertising networks that can laser target a specific demographic, genre or concept on a global basis.

There are many social media tools to consider in expanding a website, or online promotion; however the above-mentioned resources on Facebook are some of the best to consider for increasing revenue for your brand.

See you on Facebook!


Trisha Barnes

P.S.   Get my “31 Days of Marketing Tips” to learn
some of the best ways to market your content on
Facebook, YouTube and in your emails.  Sign up here.

P.P.S.  If you are on Facebook and not generating  25-50
leads daily, this quick course will help you.  Get the course here.